People are out in the open. You and I know, we're standing here, it's getting cold, we're getting wet, we can go to a tent in a moment. The people out in these villages cannot.

Rob Holden

Employers have become very savvy. They're in a very competitive job market and it's hard to recruit and retain people, so they might be open to making some changes.

Ron Krannich

It's hard to double-team any one of us because someone is always going to be open and they're going to step up.

Danielle Gargano

We're used to local control where local boards of education write curriculum, they determine opening and closing dates, they determine the holidays and so on.

Phil Fox

I have filed a complaint with the Moscow City Court chairwoman, particularly about the refusal to open a review of proceedings.

Genrikh Padva

The draw is very open, but I'd really enjoy the challenge of playing Ronnie if I can beat Barry.

Michael Holt

It's a wide open race. Our goal is to make it to state.

Steve Woll

We are looking at opening that project for competitive bid sometime in early fall.

Rob Morosi

I had a lot of open shots. Basically, I was just knocking them down. There's a lot of guys that probably would hit shots wide open like that.

Kyle Shiloh

We will definitely be open.

Willie Wilson

It was a clean look. It was an open look. It wasn't my favorite spot to shoot a three, but I was open. Luckily, it went in.

Bailey Hansen

In America, we have an open election process. The candidates must do their part.

Ben Beakes

Any time you have a Fortune 500 company opening, it sends a message that New Orleans is open for business.

Don Hutchinson

Their doors were always open to us, for whatever we needed.

Nicole Mayo

It does appear to be an interesting case, and we want to know what new evidence the government has been able to come upon in the last nine years that brings this matter to a grand jury now, and eventually to open court.

William Massey

They (Spectrum) were in a 2-3 zone and we couldn't make an open jumper. We just couldn't make shots.

Tom Elwood

That should be open, public record.

Charles Morrison

Strangers open up to you just as much as your friends, sometimes even more for whatever reason.

Jamie Allen

These opening acts went on and on.

Gary Schultz

We got some open looks, but we just couldn't knock them down.

Patrick Springer

It's always something I feel very free and open to share with other people.

Michaelle Jean

Prior to [Wednesday's] flight, the nose landing-gear taxi light was replaced and it appears the [nose landing-gear] door was inadvertently left open.

Amanda Tobin

I had missed a few, but when I had an open shot, I was ready. You have to be ready. When you're in position to make a play, you have to do what needs to be done.

Haley Mcintyre

We don't open that thing very often. It's the only manually operated gate in the system. Sometimes it's hard to get it closed again.

Don Strickland

We have time for discussion, and I'm open to anything, one year, five years, eight years, ... I'd just like to see what they're thinking.

Brenden Morrow

We do have harder challenges here, but it is very rewarding when you see them open the door and walk in there.

Barbara Cacchione

Since we don't have football, parents and kids that's all they do is play basketball. We'll have open gym and there's 40 or 50 kids out there every time the gym opens up.

Trae Moore

These donations appear to be intended to influence a process that should not be open to influence.

Hank Morris

We're going to open it up.

Pat Barnes

The open day is partly to promote the red light district but also to help change the image of the area because we think it is too negative.

Mariska Majoor

It's the booking department, which is all a corporate level thing. We have no say in what we get. We just get told what we're opening on Friday and what we're dropping.

Jay Justus

To any artist, worthy of the name, all in nature is beautiful, because his eyes, fearlessly accepting all exterior truth, read there, as in an open book, all the inner truth.

Auguste Rodin

There was only one other tanning salon. If I didn't open one, somebody else would have.

Ann Long

I would love to see more students coming to Senate. It's an open meeting.

Jessica Sanders

It's incrementally positive. ... It's not a negative but does it open up a new opportunity? I'm not sure it does that.

Andrea Williams

(The time in France) should open my eyes. I don't want to have an isolated view of things.

Maggie Goldberg

She was so nervous that she couldn't open it, so they asked her for the combination.

Kevin Bourque

This shows that our law enforcers have yet to become serious about fighting corruption. In contrast, the people seem to have more enthusiasm to bring graft cases out into the open.

Jaya Arjuna

Cannon Ridge is a little more open, ... So a wayward shot won't kill you like it will out here.

James Monroe

It is often said that my heart is too open for my own good.

Henri Rousseau

I felt really sorry for him, but after that I knew the gap was open.

Hennie Otto

My mouth is open. I just can't believe that stocks have managed to rebound so quickly. Cash flow is certainly a positive story.

Melissa Brown

They weren't playing help defense on me, so when we rotated, I was getting open. We usually jump on an opponent fast and we were able to do that.

Oliver Lafayette

Pennsylvania has one of the worst Open Records Law in the country. Legislative reform is really necessary in this area.

Teri Henning

The departure of Mr. Miller will open the door for creating shareholder value through further changes and operating improvements at the company.

Matt Miksic

The only thing we don't have open right now is the Outback and we are focusing all our attention on that right now.

Brent Curtain

They want me to keep my options open. They said a lot of major-college coaches are calling them asking about me. I may want to look elsewhere.

Terrelle Pryor

They can do badminton, they can do volleyball. It will open doors for them dramatically.

Sam Lucido

Although humankind inherently "desires to know", if open access to, and unlimited development of, knowledge henceforth puts us all in clear danger of extinction, then common sense demands that we re-examine our reverence for knowledge.

Bill Joy

It's a threat because we're usually matched up on a linebacker, so it's always a mismatch. We can get open every time against a linebacker.

Tre Smith

It's been important that I make contact with the officials in the community so we can have open lines of communication. They have all been very receptive and that has made my job a lot easier. I know we all want the same thing for this community - to grow and prosper.

Jerry Nolder

We had stopped communicating as openly and as freely as we should have.... We want to open that up.

Jim Weddle

This is a fun way to make it open to the community, by having outer island student representatives on the commission.

Lois Hamaguchi

It was poor execution by us in the ball game. When we did find open looks, we just didn't finish them.

Dave Milausnic

Our imaginations seem to have been torn open . . . as by a charge of dynamite.

Dorothy Canfield Fisher

I thought we made him earn every one of them. And he earned that (last) one. It wasn't like he got a wide-open look. He had to extend his body up over the top of a defender right on him and fade backwards.

George Nessman

Lying on my back (in a hospital bed) seven years ago, I wouldn't have thought about playing the Open or doing this for a living.

Jarrod Lyle

We don't always know what they're going through, and they don't always open up. I'm here to listen, but I don't sugarcoat it. If they are messing up, I tell them.

David Lawhon

We have the same mentality. We just have to get the job done. It's one thing to say and another to do it. [But] that's our job. If we're running the ball, we've got to open up holes. If we're passing the ball, we've got to make sure Bones doesn't get touched.

Matt Applebaum

We have the commodity prices up, so there will be strength in those sectors this morning, ... As long as gold and oil are up, we will have a little bit of strength at the opening.

Peter Byrne

Until it does, we won't open it.

Rick Terres

We are open to whatever the options are, one of which is to host the game.

Lisa Love

Both mind and heart when given up to reveries and dreaminess, have a thousand avenues open for the entrance of evil.

Charles Simmons

Some of the internal nasal anatomy is still there, ... The maxillary sinuses -- which is the hollow part of your facial bone -- are open; and the right eye appears to be gone.

John Padilla

As the market for location-based applications continues to expand, we believe open interfaces such as Aruba's location API can accelerate growth by enabling new applications and providing customers with a choice.

Tuomo Rutanen

Hopefully, maybe this will open the eyes of some people that the penal system does have some problems.

Patrick Murphy

There's not many spots (open). You find room for guys who perform.

Jim Rutherford

Our answer is open war on all Zionists, soldiers and civilians.

Abu Qusai

I just saw a little opening, and I was on the ground and hoping it went in.

Nicholas Love

There wasn't anyone near the shooters. They're too good of a shooting team to give open shots to. We just laid down. That erased everything we'd done in the first half.

Kevin Furtado

But once it's open and services are being conducted, we ask that proper respect be given.

Becky Richardson

Reggie was so open that all you could say was get the ball to him.

Mike Sewak

He's going to be there, and he's going to be open.

Steve Young

He wanted to keep that option open.

Lawrence Walters

The hearings are designed to be open to those who are not attorneys. I've assured him he will be forwarded all the courtesies and that he won't be held to the same standards as an attorney would.

Joseph Failla

My offensive line and fullback (Josh Lynn) made me look good by opening space for me.

Robert Dutton

Within a few seconds, he started opening his eyes and he was able to move his hands and feet. I was there, and I helped when I was needed [but] I wasn't the only one.

Melissa O'brien

I think kids that age are so much fun. They can be very open with the right person. They're hilarious, they're just -- I had a blast with them.

Linda Perlstein

That's the vibe I'm getting from everybody -- this thing is wide open. There are some good guys competing for this job.

Chad Harville

I admire what she's done in the sport. She came out and had to fight her way in. She kicked the door open - 'Not only are we going to be here, we're going to win, so get used to it.' Now it's normal. This is not an issue in drag racing.

Melanie Troxel

We did everything we could to score but didn't, ... The St. Bernard's goaltender played a good game, and Amanda played well for us. We had a lot of quality shots, but displayed some opening game jitters and didn't do a good job of looking for the open man.

Jim Goodwin

I would love to be open this weekend.

Christy Martin

The Air Force appears to be keeping its options open, which should appeal to 'good government' advocates, and at the same time trying to appease those who don't want a French airplane.

Christopher Bolkcom

We would like to open even more stores (in the county), but that really depends on available real estate.

Sonja Tuitele

It hurt during the doubles match [Wednesday] night, ... The best thing I can do now is to get treatment and hopefully be ready for the U.S. Open.

Ana Ivanovic

We've invited people to the opening who donated to our appeal but everyone is invited along to the day.

David Evans

I wish I could run an open with a baton in my hand. I've grown up with a baton in my hand. It's kind of natural for me.

Kyla Schmidt

We've actually been able to keep this place fairly warm by just keeping the door open to the front offices. This is a very energy-efficient building.

Pat Syrcle

I've been bitten, scratched, had [my] head cracked open.

Jane Garrison

I like playing the wide open game we have here. That wasn't the case on Long Island. It was all about trapping and getting back. There is a more open environment here.

Brent Sopel

Somehow, she was able to open the door.

Michael Wenger

This casino was originally the first casino to open in the market back in 1992, and we are the first land-based Gulf Coast casino to open today following the devastation of Hurricane Katrina.

Tim Hinkley

In the third quarter we came out and played well. We played solid defense and didn't give up any open looks.

Jon Clark

I?m really happy that everything?s coming together so we can open it and use it. There could be 600 to 800 kids using this each year.

Ron Sherva

If we get out in the open court, there's some unbelievable things the girls have done this year.

Mark Amdahl

We're really tough to guard because we can spread you out. We drop it on the floor a couple times, you get into gaps, dice people up and just find the open guy. It's tough to guard.

Colin Falls

The current technology means that people can open and close an appendage, a hook, that has a cosmetic cover but nothing more. Everybody in the field knows we have to improve upon this.

William Craelius

It looks like a mid-July opening. Even if the construction gets done early, we won't start setting up until June 12.

Tim Rombach

We certainly have the door open to new ideas, and these are the first two serious ones we've seen.

Rose Davis

That game was just out of control from the opening whistle. But whatever... I'm going to get myself in trouble.

Taylor Twellman

We took better angles and we weren't fouling so much in the open court. We read and reacted very well tonight.

Jim Jeske

The market was already bad with the persistent fear of the New York open on Monday. Then the S&P statement came out, and that made things even worse.

Felipe Laier

We were scrambling and scrambling and confused on who to [guard]. That left somebody open.

Derek Coleman

I've seen open fields turn into massive housing tracts, ... And when I was in school, there were only two gangs.

John Mott

As developers, we like open source because we feel as if it's the little guy sticking it to the big guy. And it is true to some extent.

Ted Farrell

We don't have our sign up yet because it is currently being designed, but will be in place before our grand opening.

Katie King

Teachers said they were able to open up whole new discussions just by doing this project.

Kari Lyles

[Forget about opening the front door in your pajamas to get the paper.] O-o-oh, never, ... I send my husband.

Mary Evans

They didn't miss any open shots. That was the difference. They made open shots; we didn't.

Cheryl Cole

I'm feeling good, looking forward (the opening match). Definitely, I can get through it.

Mark Philippoussis

What is great about these scholarships is that the education assistance scholarship is open to graduates and undergraduates.

Alyssa Mcclure

To be intelligent is to be open-minded, active, memoried, and persistently experimental.

Leopold Stein

They really shut him down and didn't let him have an open shot.

Vic Kintz

I think . . . we started from way behind. Slowly, gradually, it is starting to get there. With the job that (Mets GM) Omar Minaya's doing, and other guys that are coming up, I think it's going to open up more doors for Latin guys and African-Americans in the front office.

Rod Barajas

I think Lobby Day is just a day when they ... leave their schedules open to talk to people.

Jackie Kruszewski

I don?t know if the best location will be in parks or planning or open-space preservation. There will need to be more detailed discussions.

John Mikowychok

Coach gave me an assignment, I just tried to be there when he catches the ball to make it a little harder for him so he doesn't have wide open shots.

Bryant Dillon

It's open to people in the community. There are a lot of potential leaders out there.

Jack Walsh

I write to discover what I think. After all, the bars aren't open that early.

Daniel J. Boorstin

Effective 4:30 p.m., the BQE is open in both directions.

Jarrod Bernstein

The bridge probably will not be opening before the overall project is completed.

Pat Buckley

I think the day will come when, for example, you will be able to watch Phil Mickelson from the first tee to the 18th green, ... If you want to watch Andre Agassi at the U.S. Open, you can do it.

David Hill

There were a lot of games that I could have taken but I had fun out there. In my first U.S. Open I couldn't have asked for any more.

Sania Mirza

We don't expect to put him in the chamber and have him open his eyes and start talking to us.

Dr. Lawrence Roberts

He had almost a wide-open net.

Hannu Toivonen

In honor of this film, our opening night feed features Cuban food and Andy, who plays bongos, is scheduled to be part of a band.

Stella Pence

We really are hoping to stay on schedule and be open in 2009. It will take a tremendous effort, and some luck, to get it done.

Tim Yantos

That was just our kids making a play. The first receiver (on the pattern) was open, but he (Johnson) held the ball too long, but he did make a play.

Brent Stroh

I think everybody that came here can appreciate the high level of baseball played by both sides. It was a great way to open a new ballpark.

Steve Antich

They're throwing a lot of guys into the attack, and that leaves a lot of space open for us to attack.

Brian Mullan

We believe that a significant majority of them will stay open as Boston Markets. But some will close and some will be converted to McDonald's and to a couple of other brands.

Jack Greenberg

I've had to deal with cultural isolation. I can't just go to a museum or gallery opening.

Scott Bailey

We are seeing a huge increase in a more ethnic element to design, especially Asian. Young people, exposed to other cultures, are very open to adding another element to their homes.

Meg Thomas

It's a big adversary when we don't perceive open government.

George Ruhe

I just got great open looks. It just worked out well.

Brenna Mcguire

The size and grandeur of islands are expanding to accommodate multiuse functions. In new home construction, we are opening the kitchens to keeping rooms or family rooms so that the family is where people always gravitate anyway -- the kitchen.

Rogan Allen

It is a chance to be still, be open, be quiet, to share in the light.

Paul Shaffer

If people are going to leave me wide open, then it's my job to knock them down. We're taking what the defense gives us.

Allyson Fasnacht

I have to pour it on the opening weekend, then go back into battle.

Peter Hall

If today's an indication if we're ready for opening night, I'd say we're far from it.

New York Knicks

Risk aversion is rising in the market and investors are nervous about what will happen when U.S. equities open.

Niels Christensen

If you ripped open her chest you'd see an awfully big heart. She's got an amazing engine and is one of the hardest workers already.

Steve Swanson

We need a President who is not afraid of complexity, who believes in an open and tolerant society, and who knows that the world can be made new again - and that President is Al Gore.

Caroline Kennedy Schlossberg

They were boxing in Andy all night with a defender in front of him and behind him so we moved him out behind the three-point line. We set up a couple of plays for Andy to get open looks and luckily for us he hit them.

Jeff Parsons

That's open to those who donate to the theater, $50,000 or more.

Lorraine Berg

Modern diplomats approach every problem with an open mouth.

Arthur J. Goldberg

A childish soul not inoculated with compulsory prayer is a soul open to any religious infection.

Alexander Cockburn

We need to further cultivate our competitiveness in scientific research and build an open platform for the country's overall innovation.

Bai Chunli

Pam's comment to me was that she was sleeping with one eye open because she feared him. ... This was not the first time in the history of Jeff's mental illness that Pam feared him.

Renee Deberg

He was just real angry, telling me I've got to take more shots when I'm open because I might not get them later in the game.

Allan Ray

I think all things are open.

William Marshall

Dying of tuberculosis: The earth is suffocating.... Swear to make them cut me open, so that I won't be buried alive.

Frederic Chopin

I'm very excited to be back in Colville and working with this staff, ... I look forward to doing my job. Peo-ple should feel comfortable enough to come in and talk to me. My door is open.

Kevin Knight

The 3-ball's not my game. But I was open, so I said why not take it. Coach (Mike Ortiz) gave me the green light, and it happened.

Pat Shankland

We thought it would be slow to start, but it's been busy. Everybody's glad to see the café back open. Everyone's have been extremely gracious and welcoming.

David Palakanis

He feels awful about what happened. The great lesson is, always assume your mike is open, even when you're not on camera.

Ray Carter

The position on banks and insurance has not changed. We consider their opening as impossible.

Maxim Medvedkov

Woodland High has always been an open campus, but next fall it will begin to close. Ninth-graders and 10th-graders will not have that freedom (to leave at lunch).

Rob Ball

We are applying the hard-learned lessons of the California crisis, by assuring that clear and complete market rules are established before markets open. It is better to get it done right than to get it done fast.

Joseph Kelliher

It's extremely important to retain a world-class production base in the U.K, ... We are looking for Hollywood-based films to be attracted here, that serves to open production business for domestic films.

Martin Brown

We came to the Indianapolis area with the intent of eventually opening three or four locations.

Jeff Chandler

It was an inclusive, open process.

Jim Kennedy

Saying that Silas Willard should be open doesn't help what we're dealing with. It isn't the building that gives the good education, it's the people in it.

Bob Lindstrom

Our priority is to open the roads and remove the dead and the injured.

Aftab Sherpao

Truth in science can be defined as the working hypothesis best suited to open the way to the next better one.

Konrad Lorenz

I surely don't want my children to see them out there slitting throats in broad-open daylight.

Laura Eckleberry

Before a group can enter the open society, it must first close ranks.

Stokely Carmichael

What will the county allow us to do in terms of simultaneous functions? The answer might be, you can't have 150 people in the building when the pool's open.

Patrick Gloyd

This is done. There is no chance to reschedule it because we have no more dates open. There is no better answer. We tried our best today.

Guenter Hujara

In practice, they seem to be more open to abuse.

Ted Fitzgerald

I guess you have to be really open to your acting partners and believe in the story.

Rachel Mcadams

Banking companies have their own feasibility studies to decide where to put branches. When bankers decide where they are going to open a new location, there are ratios and certain kinds of demographics that filter through -- and we rise to the top of those.

Jim Devine

They're hard to prepare for because they are potent inside and out. They are pressure oriented defensively. So we've got to do a good job of getting open and handling the ball.

Steve Alford

The car has run more than 15 000km since the beginning of the year and is fully tested. That fact makes me confident for Dakar 2006 but the overall win is still open to everyone.

Stephane Peterhansel

I don't think they're going to have any choice but to open it up with the way the rules are.

Kris Draper

I knew the guy had an open net and if I could cover some net, maybe it would hit me, and it did.

Kyle Calder

You have to figure out how you're going to keep a hospital open, delivering babies, and advocate for the patients and advocate for the health care worker and not have it all fall apart. It's very challenging.

Dr. Trish Perl

I don't blame him. I mean he got to play in the U.S. Open.

Sam Pratt

Because of that, he developed this love for teaching, pitching and hitting lessons, and decided he wanted to open his own instructional business.

Sherri Lecompte

Kyle just kept getting open. He kept getting looks and you can't give Kyle that many looks.

Todd Martin

The open forum agreement means that students make all the content in the newspaper and the administration does not censor it. That had always been the policy, but we got it in writing.

Patricia Ferrier

Seeing increasing evidence that open-source software, with its advantages ... will (eventually) dominate core IT infrastructure in the way it dominates Web server software now.

Matthew Szulik

It just looked to me that it was fun to be out there. We're pushing the ball around and making the extra pass and that's leading to open shots. We're going in the right direction.

Shawn Nelson

For the support given to Croatia to open EU membership negotiations.

Ivo Sanader

We have made it very clear that the door is still open.

Robert Wallis

You've got to be able to make open shots against zones because you're going to get them.

Steve Hodson

If I can get you to laugh with me, you like me better, which makes you more open to my ideas. And if I can persuade you to laugh at the particular point I make, by laughing at it you acknowledge its truth.

John Cleese

In this workshop we hope to open discussion on the parallels between disability, oppression and racism.

John Morman

She had that confidence that when she caught it, she was going to knock it in. I think our ball movement in the second half got her a lot of open looks. And tonight she had the hot hand, which pretty much carried us through the second half.

Barbara Turner

The job is always open in the net, but if you have to put a number on it. Bryce is our No. 1 guy. I thought he did a good job tonight.

Rob Proffitt

I was open inside and my teammates did a great job of getting me the ball.

Spencer Haywood

My team was boxing out, and I was the open guy.

Joseph Harris

We didn't care, we took in everybody. Our home was always open.

Chuck Sapp

I think it is fitting that we have a big fixture to celebrate the opening of the stand. I hope we can reach an agreement with the clubs.

Martyn Thomas

I liked the way we executed there at the end. It wasn't anything fancy, just attacking the basket and finding people open at the right times.

Pat Derksen

We made two acquisitions in 2005 and they were enabled in no small part by open source.

Robert Simmons

You may not be well read, you may not know how to count, you may write poorly, but as soon as you open your mouth people get an impression of you based both on the content of your message and on the way you deliver it.

Natasha Josefowitz

We're not seeing tanks floating down the rivers. We're not seeing tanks cracked open.

Allard Beutel

Basically our organization has 16 members, but it's open to anyone who wants to get involved. Our objective is to get out in front of anyone or group to provide them with information.

Dennis Kemmesat

Mr. Grunfeld and Jordan have accepted us with open arms, ... I've had phone calls, and I've felt like was a lottery pick all over again so I feel great. We're very happy, and I appreciate this.

Caron Butler