It doesn't take much to move Russia.

David Longmuir

I think the verdict as well as the quickness of the verdict sends a clear message that my client had absolutely no criminal intent. Now he can put this experience behind him and move on.

Jeff Collins

We have systems that are robust and strong enough to do important things like move money, but not apparently robust enough to allow privacy choice.

Peter Swire

I'm happy (the decision process is over). I don't have to move to another city or province so that's cool.

Bashir Levingston

It was really hard to sleep with it because you can't move at all.

Lamarcus Aldridge

I designed my run around that move.

Bob Burnquist

We have to get her to move and that's the way we have to beat her.

Cassie Campbell

It's important for everyone, no matter what age to learn how to move their body. Keeping active is a vital component to staying fit and healthy and to feeling good about you.

Sabrina Bryan

We weren't thinking, we were just kind of going, and that was nice to see. We looked like we could move.

Mike Babcock

It looks like he's trying to move a little away from the high-concept ideas toward things he might actually be able to deliver on.

Will Marshall

It's a move I practice a lot. I see good players do it. I just shot it.

Donald Brashear

I was just trying to get the first down. Make him miss and move the ball forward. I thought I was going to get nailed.

Will Blackmon

I don't think those deviations are material, and I recommend we move forward.

Andy Crawford

We told them at the half that we had to move the ball more. We were taking Marietta one-on-one and we needed to pass the ball more.

Richard Tischler

I was a bit nervous as it was the first move in my career but it was an ideal move for me - I'm already from the area. To be honest I'm really excited.

Michael Carrick

I think there was a misunderstanding about what yesterday's meeting was all about, and we had one idea of what we were coming for and they had another. And we got off on a bad foot, but we're gonna continue to meet tomorrow and move forward.

Jeff Friedman

It's a good move for Airbus because we don't have enough space in Beijing now and China Eastern is the first operator of many Airbus aircraft types and has the largest fleet of A300, A310 and A340 aircraft in China.

Laurence Barron

But if you move the money into offshore funds, this income will roll-up tax-free inside the fund.

Justin Modray

This is not an antagonistic move. We're more than happy to work in a collaborative manner with the administration.

Anne Connor

With all due respect, we do not believe a move to a location in Madisonville that is approximately three miles from our Grace campus would work for the Hyde Park church.

Larry Bates

None of them are as conservative as (Brown) is. Any of these people would move the court toward the center.

Stephen Barnett

As disappointed as I am in the record, I do want to emphasize that with the current crop of players we have I feel very confident that there's going to be some significant improvement as we move forward.

Dave Littlefield

I really think that my long-term future is to be a head coach in college football. This (move) is an avenue to get there.

Terry Malone

Franklin has to be No. 1. There is no issue that is greater. Something has to be done and I'd like to see this move forward.

Gene Stamm

The decision was a positive decision for everybody for the event to move. It's almost like watching one of your kids graduate and go on to college.

Desi Howe

Consumers are increasingly managing their accounts online and more and more move in the direction of managing all accounts online.

Al Diguido

I really haven't done anything since last Saturday, ... For two days it was my knee, and then I couldn't move at all for two days.

Mark Grudzielanek

If you move out, pick good roommates and know their habits!

Jennifer Cox

The organizers and sponsors of the Myanmar Open have graciously allowed us to move their event.

Louis Martin

This was the decisive move that business wanted to give our economy a much-needed shot in the arm.

Digby Jones

You had good news on Philip Morris. We had a great move, but the market sold off.

Todd Leone

The package available now isn't getting any better. We have moved as far as we can move.

David Cohen

I love them (the puppets). You can learn how to make them move in about two weeks. But it will take you a lifetime to perfect it.

James Racioppi

It is like having molasses move through the water. Something heavy sinks and moves along the bottom.

Neal Driscoll

There's plenty of interest in this area to move ahead and take matters into our own hands.

Scott Kidd

My only goal is to stall you so long you run out of money andhave to sell the place and move away.

Nadine Lemmon

It was interesting to see the different bands, fife and drum corps, and bagpipes. For a 16-block area, traffic doesn't move.

Mike Silk

We're just glad this is over. That's the biggest thing right now. We know what the punishment is and we're ready to move on.

Larry Andrews

You don't move on if you don't win at this time of year. I'm proud of our efforts but disappointed.

Pat Douglass

If your mind is clear as to what you are trying to do, if you can say what you want out of life and make your money move in that direction, you will be happy.

Mari Adam

If Rosa Parks had not refused to move to the back of the bus, you and I might never have heard of Dr. Martin Luther King.

Ramsey Clark

We understand that it's a small place and if someone doesn't teach these children, the town will never move up.

Wayne Elliott

In the short-term it's a bit bearish as it looks like the whole world is going to move cargoes to the U.S.,

Colin Tang

What looks on the surface like a genuine attempt to move the talks forward is in fact a very clever piece of maneuvering by the U.S.,

Celine Charveriat

There will come a time that he will move, that he will have to move and it is his movement that will be his undoing.

Glen Castlebury

Chairmen prioritize legislation as it is reported out of their committees. Congressman Blunt will work with all of the committee chairmen to move their priority bills across the House floor.

Burson Taylor

In the U.S. and Silicon Valley, we can continue to compete in analog for sure. We will continue to compete as long as immigrants can continue to come to this country. But if people chose not to be here, you could have these learning centers here move.

Jack Gifford

It just worked out. I fell in love with Napa and Brother Gary hired me. I think it's the best move I've ever made. I love Napa and probably will stay here.

Lynn Mccarroll

I think it's exclusively a move to boost the brand.

Matt Rosoff

We have been expecting this legal move but it?s an exercise in futility.

Raul Lambino

She blocked well. We'll keep tinkering with our lineup. We might even move up a few players.

David Crabbe

Their O-line is probably the biggest we'll see all year. Their skill guys can move, ... They're going to present a challenge but hopefully we can step up to it and answer the call.

Michael Johns

It would potentially cause a lot of problems if you move to a system that is [later] pulled apart.

Chris Walton

McLendon wanted to move into a leadership position. [The move was] totally fitting with his personality.

Michael Hecht

Whales have two things to do, eat and look for something to eat, ... So they cruise from kelp bed to kelp bed and then move on.

Morris Graves

There are a lot of young adults out there who have just lost their way. Some move home after a divorce, others just aren't making enough after college to afford a place of their own.

Dennis Means

The main thing is, we will move forward.

Brandon Gray

We move about 116,000 barrels a day of different products through the pipeline.

Jerry Milhorn

Anyone can be big guy. But it takes someone pretty special to be able to move as fast he does at that weight.

Mike Rucker

We must move away from our dependency on fossil fuels, and I am glad that GM has invested over $1 billion in hydrogen fuel cells cars to meet this goal.

Albert Wynn

He's very, very quick on his feet. Once he makes a move, he's gone. Slippery, I guess, would be a good way to describe him.

Matt Wiser

It is a good move for him. I hate to say that because I hate to lose him. But Clint has to do what is best for his family. There are positives here too; but I think this is a great opportunity for him.

Mike Pries

Our research has shown that keeping flowers cold as they move from the field to the florist is critical.

Terril Nell

I can't imagine he's going to move it. But that of course is up to him.

Peyton Hyslop

It wasn't a very good day for us. However, we are not out of it yet. The slalom is our strongest event and hopefully the Nordic group can ski well tomorrow. I look for Denver and Colorado to make a move and hopefully we can stay with them.

George Brooks

I'd say that there is certainly a move toward a form of filmmaking that is political with a small p -- has a degree of engagement with the world at large.

Sandra Hebron

They fought back right away. When you have a loss like that, you forget the inning and move on to the next game.

Bill Beasley

We get people from different disciplinary bases. It's not unusual to get people from performing arts as their disciplinary base who move on.

John Danley

Before you're going to do any remodeling, you should check out the existing market for another home. If you don't do it before you remodel, there's going to be at least one moment during the remodel when you do . . . and you're going to find that you can't afford to move anyway. So part of the process becomes coming clear about liking where you live.

Paul Winans

They've made good progress on that so now it's probably time for him to move on and look for the next opportunity.

Norm Shockley

I know you made the winning putt, ... but could you move?

Justin Leonard

It's probably one of the oldest log homes in the county. If people have the feeling that you should just move on and forget about these things, then you don't have any history.

Jane Johnson

I think it was a smart move, but not something we would do.

Tony Vanhorn

We saw in him an ally, there's no doubt about it. But this does not mean anyone will move to organize opposition at all.

Mustafa Hamarneh

I think it will be done, ... We are holding discussions to move scenarios closer.

Bijan Zanganeh

This is the best way to move forward.

Terry Kent

We would move immediately, as soon as our decision is made.

Larry Sassorossi

They're really great kids. They're normal, everyday kids, but they didn't have a chance because of the isolation. They're ready to move on.

Margaret Kern

I would not want to over-exaggerate (but) ... they represent a degree of momentum. Let's see whether there is the appetite there to really try and move it forward.

Crawford Falconer

He came with a crossover. He had gotten me a couple times in the first half, and I read his move and beat him to the spot and was fortunate enough to get a good piece of the ball.

Chip Sodemann

The tone in the market is a little better. We saw strong gains in Japan as they move toward an end to quantitative easing.

Michael Sheldon

We send a crew out to move them just as if they hired a moving company themselves.

Sterling Brown

There was a mishap in the call, and somebody didn't cover down. We don't really know who it is right now. We just have to figure it out and move on.

Renaldo Hill

We did not come out and match their intensity. We have to learn from this experience and move on.

Marcedes Walker

There's a lot going into gait. You have to move your legs, maintain your balance. And when you walk outside you have to be able to really see where you're walking so you don't bump into things. It can be a very complex task.

Roee Holtzer

It's scary. I just hope the guys are not looking by them. They move the ball well and shoot the ball well. We have to be ready.

Dan Starkey

We need to move beyond this. We've been pretty consistent in saying this shouldn't become an everyday program.

Jim Cain

He's realized he made mistakes. He's trying to move on and put these mistakes behind him so he can continue to serve with distinction in the Harrison Town Court.

Richard Grayson

We understand they would like to move as expeditiously as possible, but we are trying to do a thorough job.

Sam Thompson

John is held in high regard by the Chinese government and if anyone can convince them to move more rapidly on adjusting upwards the exchange rate it is John.

William Rhodes

It doesn't take a lot of money moving into these stocks to move them higher. But valuations will put a cap on how far things will go.

David Joy

The government strongly condemns this assassination and believes that the only people who benefit from this are those who want to block the course of justice and move the trial out of Iraq .

Leith Kubba

One of the reasons for the move is to be a bit closer to an area where more members of the mining industry live.

Vicki Veltkamp

One of the greatest challenges in collecting child support is that deadbeat dads move from job to job and state to state. it's hard to keep track of them.

Rod Blagojevich

Have you ever thought, when something dreadful happens, "a moment ago things were not like this, let it be then, not now...."? And then you try to remake then, but you know you can't. So you try to hold the moment quite still and not let it move on...

Mary Stewart

The cities will also benefit simply because we have explored places like Milan and Barcelona and Paris and so on, and it is time to move on to more exotic places like Budapest and Ljubljana.

Simon Calder

Whenever you have a big meet, balance really helps. If you have just a top individual, he can't bring the whole team up through the field. A balanced team will make everyone move up in the field.

Roger Mchone

What you find if you look at the raw data (is) you get a big spike in crashes as you move into twilight, and they stay high through the night.

Susan Ferguson

You move on. There's nothing we can do.

Brian Waldron

We set high goals at the beginning of the year. But we can't dwell too long on the victory. We celebrate and move on (to the next race).

Tim Mambort

Once that happened, the disputes were resolved and both parties are able to move on.

Bob Mccann

Chris (Ryan) is a key free agent signing for us. This move will help us get back to being a championship-caliber team.

Sparky Mcewen

NT has huge momentum [in enterprises]. How far will Linux move into that space? ... I don't know.

Sean Maloney

There are bunch of a different methods in which these predators will move a child away from a home or a safety net.

Janelle Feldmeyer

There was an accelerated move to the downside late last week -- traders were a little too aggressive in their short positions.

Dennis Smith

It's like a traveling circus. We load up the trucks and move them all over town.

Robb Cullen

This move to California will allow us to gain significant momentum by being able to take advantage of a favorable environment for funding.

William Caldwell

Everybody has to move; run and grab as many hilltops as they can to enlarge the settlements, because everything we take now will stay ours. Everything we don't grab will go to them.

Ariel Sharon

I had a great experience with the Steelers, and he has that chance now, ... For me, I just have to deal with this and move on.

Mike Schneck

Move out, take your position in the lane early on so motorists can see you.

Preston Tyree

By being able to move back and forth between different worlds, he could say more about the world in general.

Philip Brookman

People point out that Romeo's never been a head coach, and this is definitely a big move that he's making.

Joe Andruzzi

He's taking it for granted a little bit that he's going to win the primary. He has his eye on the general election when he will move more toward the center.

James Gimpel

If the yuan rises too rapidly, a lot of overseas investors might move their factories or companies out of China.

Tang Xu

He's a kid that's really going to surprise by April. He's really going to move up.

Frank Coyle

I have a G4 at home. They're great machines for individual users, and I even know a few core Linux hackers who are having a lot of fun with them. But if you want to move the needle on the non-Microsoft desktop, you've got to look elsewhere.

Nat Friedman

Obviously, there are more folks here than the room can hold. We have no place to move the meeting tonight. We cannot conduct the meeting with 300 people in here.

Tom Jarvis

The reception we've received here has really caught our attention and touched us deeply. It's really reassured us of our decision to move here.

George Rohrich

Nowadays we move to the end of the lifespan and [death] isn't part of who we are.

Janet Belsky

They just made one more play than us. Maynard made a great move to get to the bucket and then made the foul shot. From my angle, it looked like our shot was going to drop, but they just made the extra play.

Donnie Cash

We really did. We did what we had to do to win and move on.

Joel Allen

At this point we can't even move our stuff out.

Mark Brenner

You have to move very fast and apply just the right pressure. There's an art to it.

Julie Sahni

This move is to put the defense team on a proper legal foundation and when the family appoints lawyers it then knows who is whom.

Abdel Haq Alani

I don't want to move. I want to stay here until I die. My mom and dad did. And I want to do the same thing.

Sheila Cunningham's

It was a good move. If we win both of those matches, it's a tie and we win on criteria.

Chuck Tursky

We don't have to move it far into space – just far enough so it wouldn't hit Earth.

Neil Degrasse Tyson

A rate hike is not by any means off the table. The Fed may decide to make an insurance move of one-quarter point in June.

David Solin

What you are seeing is a move by TSA to collect it.

Andrea Mccauley

My military background was in leadership roles, so it was a natural progression for me to move into administration, ... I felt I could do many of the same things I was doing, but on a schoolwide level.

Jim Baldwin

He's good enough. And we haven't asked him to move the ball around. We've just asked him to knock it down there and done a pretty good job with what we've asked him to do. Right now, he's pressing a little bit. But everyone's seen him hit the ball a country mile, so that's not a concern of mine.

Ronnie Bradford

While some say neither move goes far enough, they have provided enough of a basis to unblock the discussion and move forward.

Jim Sutton

I think it is the right time for me to move on.

Bob Peck

The Beslan Mothers are becoming more and more empowered with time passing, ... The meeting is a very good move.

Lisa Aronson

If he can give me that same late move at the longer distance of the next race (the Rebel), we might make it real interesting.

Corey Lanerie

Many beggars always have puppies. They buy them on the illegal market for a few euros. The puppies are often sedated, so that they don't move around, and when they grow up, who knows what happens to them.

Francesca Cantalini

That means the king is safe, but he can't move anywhere.

Jim Dellaselva

In the time to come Japan and India are going to move closer to counter balance the rapidly increasing influence of China in global politics.

Rajeev Sharma

Within hours, we can move.

Paul Vogel

It's clearly a major strategic move for Sky, there's multi-benefits.

Ian Fogg

There's so much involved I don't think a lot of people understand. When you get an offensive line that believes it can move people it makes a difference.

Darren Jonutz

We have a quarterback who can move around.

Tom Clements

What this market is going to need is for the Fed's next (interest rate) move to be down rather than up.

John Forelli

This is a great chance for the state to move to a progressive tax system.

Rep. Wayne Harper

It's probably going to be June before we move in there.

Lisa Fedick

As investors begin to focus on fiscal year 2007 and estimates continue to move higher, the stock should continue to outperform.

Adam Holt

There's a lot of history I care about, but right now I just want to move forward.

Arkansas Times

Some snakes, as a defensive mechanism, will approach you as a bluff, but if you move away they'll lose interest – they won't chase you for any substantial distance.

Craig Rudolph

We're making a major move of the Internet, and is a natural extension of both and our collection business.

Ralph Lauren

There is way more pressure than other roles where I got to do jokes and leave, ... It's a lot harder. You have to move the story along.

Artie Lange

We have to get down to the brass tacks. If this is going to move, we, as tribal leaders, have got to put a (settlement) figure in this bill. Right now, it's blank. We can't leave it blank.

Tex Hall

They said we could move two monitors or move one and get one new monitor. A new monitor brings in new equipment to the community and gives up an opportunity to start fresh.

Michael Bahtiarian

Wal-Mart is very honored to be part of this historic move. We're just very grateful to be able to participate.

Ron Mosby

I think football is a positive aspect for Cam's life; I think it would be a positive move for him.

Jon Cox

Everybody already comes out to try and stop him. I think it will just turn up the heat a little more, but hopefully he will be able to handle that and move our team forward.

Bruce Slatten

If I have someone who believes in me, I can move mountains.

Diana Ross

It was nice to make a little run, but they knocked those free throws down to move on.

Jordan Roth

It's a good number, and shows the economy continues to move ahead. What's great is that it's broad-based growth. All the basic components are showing forward motion, which is bullish going forward.

John Silvia

Investing overseas is not for the faint of heart. You have to be willing to move with changes.

Delores Conway

Don't take anything for granted, because you never know when you'll move to Michigan.

Troy Peter

It was a great move. Jess and I both have more readily found opportunity and personal connections [here] than we did in Portland.

Noah Keteyian

We don't believe that we violated the law. However, it was, we feel, a prudent decision to resolve the matter and move on.

John Graves

This move doesn't mean fundamental change in the RMB exchange rate formation mechanism.

Hu Xiaolian

I just picked it up, didn't move my feet and forgot everything I ever learned in my life.

Brendan Donnelly

He's got belief in himself and we've got belief in him, so we move forward and he's playing and he's looking forward to the challenge of playing on Kingsley.

Alastair Clarkson

It's not my time anymore. You have to move on at some stage.

Peter Hughes

The core of this last move is entirely different than anything we've seen.

Peter Gignoux

Nothing is a career move. Everything I've done this year has so not been a career move.

Cilla Black

That was a tough one, no doubt about it. Afterwards, I told the kids to just keep their heads up. We have to move on.

Ryan Sanchez

There's a high chance of a rate hike in March and the probability of another move the following month is growing, because the euro-zone economy is getting better. The euro could be a choice buy in the medium-term.

Xinyi Lu

No, it was more like you're kind of sitting there surprised. When somebody makes that decision you've got to respect it. That's it. We have to move on.

Heather Cook

Reflecting on all of this, I've concluded that it's time to move on to a new challenge.

Neal Shapiro

I think they need to go outside the company and bring in some fresh blood. It's time to move to a new era.

Ted Parrish

He told me to move him down into the post and get him the ball. He made the call and he responded.

Kent Houser

We are confident in the administration we have. I understand the resources this administration has available. I would have like to move forward.

Ken Decerce

You can't look back. Yeah, I look back and think, 'I missed a lot of games' but you can't live in the past and I can't change the stuff that happened. So, I just have to look forward and move forward.

Matt Cooke

We're glad to get the district win and move forward.

Tony Terry

The drought is already here. This is our warning that without immediate help...there will be deaths. We are still assessing the situation rather than making emergency interventions. We have to move quickly.

Abdullahi Ali Haji

Whatever happens it will be good because we can move forward and have a more productive theater schedule.

Claire Kiley

They were going to build another strip mall and we were going to move there but they haven't even started building that yet.

Susan Klein

Then, when I went to the BRAC Commission, they wanted me to separate myself from the task force, so Pat had to move down to the Chamber of Commerce.

Al Cornella

Given both the real economy and people's sentiment, I would say the Japanese economy is now about to exit a dark tunnel and move in a bright direction.

Kaoru Yosano

My wife and I love to read. We're going to have to move out to make room for the books! And we have our dogs.

Gale Gordon

This is probably one of the most athletic teams I've had. I'm going to be able to move players around to keep opposing defenses on their toes.

Blake Budrow

We have a lot of logistical changes with the move to Round Lake. But for the anglers the contest should be very similar to past years.

Mary Devine

My prediction is that it will move quite rapidly.

Matt Eyring

It'll be fun. The ball will move fast. There won't be any puddles. I think it will be better.

Angie Kuhn

I think we're mature enough to move on.

Mike Scott

It's important to give the child time to move around their space. That's how they refine their motor skills.

Lizanne Mulligan

You must take action now that will move you towards your goals. Develop a sense of urgency in your life.

H. Jackson Brown, Jr.

This announcement by John illustrates the commitment he has to the program. It shows that he wants to see it move forward and to be able to serve the community better.

Andrew Camillo

They are poised to move and fight this fire wherever it moves.

Rachael Novier

Let's say someone is parking their car on a lawn, ... It's ridiculous to give them 10 days to move it. It could be there and back 10 different times before the 10 days were up.

Mark Wood

I remember telling him if you're going to move funds around you better see if it was done in the past to see if (former treasurer Ron Graves) had done it, ... But it's just not something I would do for Ron or Bill, to authorize the use of funds.

Christopher Sullivan

They go to the net, move the puck well and they're big and strong compared to us. They wore us down.

John Mcglynn

It's possible that we could work something out regarding 2007. But our assumption was that she would sell the conference and it would move.

Bob Shimp

They play good football, ... They play together and we've got to do some things to try to move the ball against a stingy defense. We've got our work cut out for us.

Donald Hill

This move makes HP look much more like IBM and, in our opinion, makes strategic sense.

Tom Kraemer

He's so quick that he can put a move on someone, and you can't even see what he did. I think he is the top defensive player in the state.

John Lawhon

I assume some of the other girls on the team will move closer to them. Or they will hopefully pull some of the others along.

Theresa Fuqua