With core CPI (at or) above zero for three months, we have entered a critical period for policy decision-making. I have no doubt about that.

Kiyohiko Nishimura

That hasn't always gone well. We've lost some girls in the past. But I want girls who are going to be dedicated, even if it's just for three months.

Sandy Lazzaroni

Within a few months, the deficit will be widening to new records.

Nigel Gault

We won't see 90 percent of production hitting market for another three months or maybe year's end.

Johnnie Burton

Although everyone keeps talking about holiday depression, hospital admissions for depression actually go down in December. February and March are high-risk months, probably for biological reasons.

Georgia Witkin

We left a buffer. Everyone in our group knows they haven't been practicing for the last two months to go out there and not have a good performance and entertain the audience.

Alex Mcelroy

It is on a fast-track basis, which should mean it should be registered in six to nine months, but there's no guarantee.

Stavros Nicolaou

This is the same stuff we've been asking for two months.

Mike Plant

I can't feel comfortable trying to (pitch) it in two months.

Chris Hoffman

This is just the beginning. This isn't going to take days or hours to complete, this is going to take weeks and maybe even months to complete. And I think you can be absolutely certain more charges are going to be laid.

Bob Mckenzie

Probably in the last six months I've seen more 100% financing deals than I've seen in the last two to three years.

Brett Ellis

It takes about six months to really learn how to row. It's really a balancing act; it's hard to do that with eight guys. You have to be coordinated.

Dane Behrens

Eleven months of stats aren't enough to gauge anything.

Bill Veteran

What's so bizarre about this, ... is for the past three months the Colorado legislature has been trying to abolish all legislation dealing with guns.

Wellington Webb

The mission has been extended by another three months, although the official announcement will be made in Brussels.

Faye Belnis

In six months, we put in a whole new WMS.

Bruce Mantz

So far, in the two months I've been down there, the response has been overwhelming. Things couldn't be better than they are, as far as I'm concerned.

Dean Barkley

It could be late in the fourth quarter before we see any signs of recovery in the U.S. Europe lags the U.S. by about six months, so the fear is Europe will take a lot longer to come out of any downturn.

Michael Hughes

He's had such a turnaround year. He's completely changed his shot in a matter of months.

Mike Rennells

Ten months of frustration was put behind that shot.

Alecko Eskandarian

Twelve months ago I could not have imagined sitting here and and being in the top 30.

Guillermo Canas

Estate agents have consistently reported increased buyer interest over the last few months, which should help to support the market going forward.

Fionnuala Earley

Most surgeons will see and do more here in four months than they will in the rest of their career. A lot of advances in medicine can come out of wars.

Col. Elisha Powell

To get this chance now is one that I'll try to take with both hands if it's only for this tour or the next six months or two years.

Shaun Udal

To my knowledge, I'm the only candidate who lives on the neighbor islands. The competition is probably going to be shaping up over the coming few months. It's hard to say exactly who is running.

Sen Gary Hooser

She was always writing, tending to business, up until the last few months.

Carol Adams

We've had some months that we experienced a loss, but never had a loss on any year.

Norman Knapp

It's a tsunami every six months.

Ross Mountain

If they (the prospect) are not buying for many months, they still want to hear from you.

Matt Heinz

Malaysia's exports have so far benefited from the recovery in global electronics demand, which has helped to boost economic growth in the third quarter. We expect exports to continue to accelerate in the last two months of the year.

Leslie Tang

In the next few months, you'll see a major announcement from Glassboro showing the actual plans for Rowan Boulevard.

Joe Cardona

I can't see it being made as Danny's next fight. No way. If Anthony had any brains, he would do it, because by February 2006 it would be over six months since Danny had a fight. But he's not that smart.

Justin Manolikos

We welcome the prompt action taken by the Burnley magistrates to jail Michael Lewis for five months today.

Brian Barwick

Earth Day activities take place not just on April 22 but sometimes days, even weeks, before and after that. So the calendar covers the entire months of April and May.

Hope Simon

I couldn't even imagine a time frame. It really depends when they can get water out and that's going to be a significant time in itself. It's not going to be days — more like weeks and months.

Leslie Brunell

The estimate is that within around 15 months, about a year and a half, we'll be able to say if we reached a breakthrough or not. I hope we'll reach a breakthrough.

Danny Yatom

I could maintain this level for at least a couple of months.

James Whitmore

I think a response will take a few months, if we get that.

Madis Senner

This says if someone does have assets, they could lose more than just their license for six months. The significance of this is that I hope it will act as a deterrent against drunk driving in the city of Peoria.

Jeffrey Green

The commission takes seriously any alleged violations. Chairman Martin directed the enforcement bureau to conduct an active and ongoing investigation a number of months ago.

David Fiske

For the past six months, Rand has been claiming that the sexual acts were consensual. He has now finally admitted that he threatened her and forced her to do these things.

Rosemarie Arnold

I really love pouring myself into a character for several months and leaving her, ... Pouring myself into someone for a long time is very intimidating to me.

Carla Gugino

Two months exactly after the Holy Father's death, following prayers raised by her whole community, these symptoms disappeared instantly and completely.

Monsignor Slawomir Oder

The money raised will cover the food for more than 500 animals for almost two months. We average about 1,100 pets a year including those that are adopted out.

Betty Hughes

We've got two more months and we've got to keep winning.

Chris Reitsma

It looks like we will be out of the house for two months.

Diane White

I think this is behind me now. Something I learned the last six months and this last week especially is that I have to be my biggest fan.

Nate Kaeding

I tried crack two months ago. I asked a friend what it was like and I couldn't stop.

Amy Jimenez

We're staying 18 months to two years ahead of ourselves.

Peter Schoomaker

If you have to wait six months, it's not like interest rates will be 8%.

Bob Walters

One year and five months later she'd be dead.

Andrea Cooper

Clarksville has hedged small amounts in recent months. They do know about hedging, they just haven't done much lately.

Mark Mccutchen

I don't think there is any way of stopping it. The way it has spread from Asia to Europe in less than 18 months is amazing.

Joe Johnson

Then six weeks of radiation after six months of chemotherapy and I didn't feel like I had the strength to work all that much.

Debbie Sauer

I've beaten her 43 to 44 because she hasn't played in eight months and I've been playing every day. I have to pick my spots and try to get in her head.

Muffet Mcgraw

He never sold anything for us. He was a distributor for us for six months.

Jeff Wagner

The economy continues to grow. We've seen a steady increase in the index for several months.

Janet Harrah

They have been in this square for months, drinking alcohol and conducting their marital relations for all to see.

Ahmed Hassan

As far as the dollar is concerned, I don't think this month's number will have much effect.

David Roberts

Now that we're headquartered here, you may see some announcements in the months to come.

Granger Whitelaw

To write it, it took three months; to conceive it – three minutes; to collect the data in it – all my life.

F. Scott Fitzgerald

We really need to be as aggressive as we can for the next couple of months. Our goal is to accomplish as much as we can while the services are free.

Sean Mullin

We hope that within 10 months we will be able to get this project going.

Mayor Richard Mavis

The consumer's been out in force for several months, ... all of these factors have contributed to very robust sales at retail.

Richard Church

I think our workload has increased 100 percent in the last two months.

Rebecca Caldwell

About 14 months ago, we decided the condo route was the way to go.

Bruce Rifkin

The jobs numbers are going to be meaningless for the next few months. You'll have Katrina as a big asterisk, ... So the Fed will be flying blind a little bit.

Brian Stine

Harry has done enough. He has spent much of the last two months going back and forth between Florence and Savannah. He is handling this exceptionally well.

John Wooten

That's probably a problem for the next six months to a year.

Catherine Elder

He is saying 'I am the only choice, follow me or else, ... He knows that if he goes it's over. There would be some stop-gap candidate and the government would fall within six months.

Mahesh Rangarajan

We're going to be with them a lot for at least the first six months, then slowly wean them. We're not just going to throw them into an apartment.

Linda Price

We've really got to put a push on this over the next two or three months.

Paul Stamm

It's a big couple of months for me.

Mariska Hargitay

The damage is done, ... So you want go buy for the rebound, which could be six to eight months away down the road.

Peter Cardillo

This is the sixth month of decline following 22 consecutive months of growth, ... The overall picture in November is one of faster decline in manufacturing activity.

Norbert J. Ore

It took me four months just to learn this one.

Tim Reilly

Something in the last few months has got them filming the most intimate, graphic attacks -- like up-close and personal.

Michael Ware

Trading for the first four months of the new year has continued to be good and well ahead of the same period last year.

John Barnes

In January we exceeded the first three months' performance.

Gwen Mackenzie

Michael had initially been very keen on Real Madrid. But the leadership changes there in the last few months mean we don't know what's happening.

Michael Becker

I have no treatment. Three months has gone by and I haven't had any treatment.

Tracy Pierce

Several months ago, he went through some real hard times, ... He was depressed, angry, he wouldn't get out of bed.

Wayne Newton

The war crimes hurdle could be overcome in two months at the most.

Vuk Draskovic

We fully expect to be that in the months and years ahead.

John Denison

When you do a movie, you have to wait months for it to come out and market it and everything else. But with TV, the thing I was really so excited about was you could shoot on Friday, have it done by Monday and on the air someplace.

Christina Norman

There is probably no subject that I've gotten more communication about since my election nine months ago than the voting machine issue.

Jerry Meek

I'm a calm person. I'm so laid-back, it's ridiculous. But, you know, it's been 10 months. It's been a long 10 months. So it's going to be exciting to be back out there on the field. It's going to be very exciting to be on the field with the guys and playing again.

Stephen Davis

We're going to move lower from here. It's not going to take months and months to get all these refineries back.

Mark Waggoner

They can't give (Phillips) a variance now. Maybe six months from now (they could), if they adopt a new ordinance.

David Goode

It's not going to be years, it's going to be months. Once that is done, the building will be vacated and put up for sale.

Larry Spell

Over the last six to nine months the economy has performed again much better.

Marc Faber

Don't expect too much of Christmas Day. You can't crowd into it any arrears of unselfishness and kindliness that may have accrued during the past twelve months.

Oren Arnold

Since it will take 9 to 12 months for the improvements to be made, we felt it would be unfair to make seniors and graduate students pay (since they) won't be here.

Geary Robinson

Despite the fact there are many months until release, we're already implementing exciting features and innovations. This fall we're going to rock everyone's world all over again.

Kelly Sumner

We saw six months ago that his medical condition is very good and today there was no change in that.

Alfonso Del Corral

The next few months will be critical in determining whether we can put it on. It will depend on how operable New Orleans is, and how much the city's image changes.

George Wein

It's fair to say, at current prices, that running a gold company is a lot more fun than it was even six months ago.

Ian Cockerill

It has been nearly two months since the last video of my sister was broadcast. We have had no contact with her nor received any information about her condition.

Katie Carroll

Historically, the winter months are the highest-volume months for hospitals, and this year is no exception.

Phyllis Peoples

We will see stronger consumption. It needs a brighter outlook, and that has clearly materialized in recent months.

Klaus Liebscher

I've always said that I agreed to stay for six months, to help launch the initiative, help mobilize people who would not be traditional friends and allies.

John Diiulio

It took some adjustments. These first two months we had to get used to playing with each other every day.

John Kierstead

It's a challenging environment, very competitive low barriers to entry. For them to get the first one successful or profitable in six months is certainly a commendable feat.

Patrick Schumann

The deal is done ... If this had happened a few months ago with an undone deal, it would have been a potentially much riskier circumstance.

Roger Winter

The deal was agreed 13 months ago, and huge arrangements have been made to put it in place.

Allan Ramsay

We are going to see more small falls for two to three months and then some summer optimism.

Sharda Persaud

Months rather than days.

Richard Notebaert

Every month we're basically setting an all-time record for the previous 12 months.

Andy Vobora

Most wine importers hedge about 12 months; in other words, to the end of the current price list.

Robert Gruber

The last two months have let us know we belong. We are a team with confidence that we can go out and compete with anyone. We know we not only have a chance to win, but we have a good chance to win every game we play.

Brad Hawpe

Even if growth slows, we're not going to have significant additions to capacity in the next 12 months.

John Segner

The back months in live cattle and all the feeder contracts are showing some strength. Short-term fund buying and lower grain futures boosted the feeders.

James Brooks

Our own belief remains that while core inflation could well inch up in the coming months, it is unlikely to accelerate significantly.

Joshua Shapiro

If I had the answer, I would have done it two months ago. You've got to go out there and keep pitching and be aggressive and try not to lose confidence and believe in yourself.

Jason Marquis

There's no way that I could do a 9 to 5 job. There's no way. I was not cut out for that. You come in and you work for three months on the one job. They say, 'Great,' you know, and you're on to the next one - and you never even got fired. It's wonderful.

Dennis Quaid

We suggested months ago alternative ways to respond. We think these issues were expected.

Vicki Gottlich

The tourism landscape is looking bright for the next 18 to 24 months.

Bob Carter

Any transfer to the UN could take months.

Peter Takirambudde

There can be as much value in the blink of an eye as in months of rational analysis.

Malcolm Gladwell

But certainly if prices come back they're still very well supported and that's a significant change to what we saw 12 months ago.

Charlie Sartain

When we were first driving through the town, I was at a loss for words. It looked like the hurricane had just come through the day before we got there. I can not even imagine what it looked like six months ago.

Ryanne Floyd

There are certain jobs that go on all year round. We'll have about 100 volunteers active a couple of months ahead of the fair, and then double that number during the fair; and we can always use more.

Barbara Puffer

She is very devoted to her mother's care. She coordinates the caregivers and visits every three months.

Susan Horton

I was the first woman doctor in Silverton. We were turning a profit in six months; it couldn't have gone better.

Sarah Peters

We hope that in coming weeks and months, relations cool off so that we can re-establish them to their highest level.

Ruben Aguilar

It was frustrating for me personally to get something done in two to three months through the organization that would take me two or three days if it were in my hotel.

Dennis Parker

Twenty-one years, two months and seven days.

Danny Thomas

We were in there for seven months. We wanted to see it through to the end.

Richelle Nice

If it hasn't passed crack as the No. 1 abused substance in Etowah County, it will in the coming months.

Rob Savage

Strong leadership and better communication would likely turn it around within 18 to 24 months.

Dhulsini De Zoysa

[People] are more price sensitive than they were two months ago because of the cost of gas, ... For me, that's a huge advantage.

Charlie Ergen

Nothing happened. I was tired. They asked me to rest, something I haven't done in months.

Alexander Milinkevich

I'm at a more competitive level than I was a few months ago, driving the ball better, hitting my irons better, hitting more greens and making a couple more putts.

Stuart Appleby

We have worked hard over the last six months, so we had to put it on the line. We went out there and finished it.

Krissy Wendell

I was even left in charge of the center for eight months until they brought Susan on board. I'd say that was a matter of trust for them to allow me to be in that position. I just don't understand this.

Carla Kelly

It wasn't easy for Doug tonight because he had been off for two months, he didn't have his edge. I felt for him, because it wasn't easy, but he did a good job for having two months off. Getting a lot of scoring chances, he must be doing something right.

Raymond Martin

I certainly hope this is as bad as it gets. I hope this is the nadir of the last three months.

Rich Galen

He is very involved in the community and the hospital. He is so committed, when he moved to Lexington (Ky.) from here, he asked to remain on the (Our Lady of Bellefonte Hospital) board. He still attends the meetings. We meet every two months.

John Mcginnis

Six months ago, I was just a writer for Esquire, typing up in my little garret on the far north side of Chicago, and no one had any idea who I was.

Ted Allen

We don't want to spend months de-watering grease until it is solid enough to haul to a landfill.

Mike Frazier

Last fall, I gave the company 18 months. They were about to become the next DEC.

Daryl Plummer

We never had this kind of problem until the last six months.

Tom Burns

We probably have another 18 months or so until we get it done.

Rich Marcello

We've evacuated most of a Deep South city, and we haven't the foggiest idea of what's going to happen six months from now.

Steve Suitts

You worry about the six years, not so much about the first month or the two months of the season right in front of you.

Bryan Colangelo

They filed for bankruptcy some months ago, so this is something that is not completely unexpected, though we had hoped they would be able to work through their business issues and keep going.

Wanda Yuhas

The factors that fed the upside momentum over the last few months are unchanged and should continue to be supportive for gold.

Frederic Panizzutti

Two months ago, a hike in May seemed not so likely; now it seems like a certainty.

Neil Massa

I like it best two months. For me that's enough [because] I have children and grandchildren. Some people stay six months.

Monique Caron

We're relaxed and confident. From here on out it's up to us to win and put the last few months behind us.

Cristian Gonzalez

I was very disappointed with the board's performance during the election months, ... I felt that they let me down. I felt they let the rate payers down.

Alan Turner

If you're in a nursing home and a patient dies, and two days later their medication arrived, that's a month's worth of medication that can't be used.

Sen Gary Nodler

Sometimes it takes up to about six months.

Jim Kelly

We're into a period of several months, if not years, of political delay yet.

Paul Bew

We have workouts for babies aged 3 months to 5 years.

Sally Crescioli

It's a tight schedule to get two units ready in six months.

Scott Andrews

I'm told I'll have to keep it in water at least two months a year, but it will last forever.

Bill Dwolinsky

I'm very concerned and frankly bothered by the flow of information or lack thereof that has occurred in the past months. I don't enjoy the assertion that this council as a body, or individual members, are not being cooperative and causing delay.

Steve Wolfson

A couple of months ago, they might not have been able to pull it together after something like that. They showed a lot of resolve. Eventually, they will be able to control this city.

Hr Mcmaster

I am very happy and very satisfied. We just had two months to prepare for the Olympics due to injury. We did everything we could.

Shen Xue

Peoples' lives are changed forever by these accidents. Three fatalities in the last two months qualify that road as extremely dangerous.

Bruce Jones

I was told the work would take six months but I always expected it would drag on longer than that.

Peter Carroll

We are taking this matter seriously, and I would hope that something had happened within six months.

Helen Weir

Months may go by when we don't have much contact, and it seems we aren't as intensely involved with the district. Just because it's quiet doesn't mean we're not doing anything.

David M. Maroney

He had been on duty for approximately six months and was in his probationary post-academy period at the time of his death.

Doug Mosier

We expect export growth to moderate in coming months but not too much as trade flows from China will remain healthy and the U.S. economy is performing quite well.

Daniel Chan

It is important that we develop a plan of action for the upcoming spring and summer months.

David Desantis

The two had entered India from Bangladesh six months ago and disguised themselves as scrap dealers.

Karnail Singh

It was valuable to me that I was home with my children during breaks and the summer months.

Donna Reaves

In the meantime, the data on the US economy (especially employment and industrial production) will look very weak in the next few months.

Lincoln Anderson

If you open them up for deer hunting, you're basically closing them for two months.

Tom Shepard

We're expecting even more weak data to come out of the U.S.. We're not excited about stocks that are linked to the U.S. demand cycle for at least the next three to six months.

Atul Lele

This suggests that approvals are bouncing along the bottom, with virtually no change over the last five months.

Andrew Hanlan

This normally takes several months but we will try to complete it in one month.

Kardaya Warnika

What we've proposed is the result of many months of work and feedback from hundreds of people in San Diego County.

Jim Avery

We expected to do better here. But everyone was surprised by the weather. We haven't seen rain in Kenya in two months.

Catherine Ndereba

What we have seen in the last six months points to the desperate need for a Green alternative to be heard.

Caroline Lucas

The government's success in preventing another catastrophic attack on the American homeland in the 20 months since September 11, 2001 would have been much more difficult, if not impossibly so, without the USA Patriot Act.

Jamie Brown

When I left, the understudy took over, and he's been working really hard these last two months.

David Radford

Frankenstein's monster is so iconographic, so my creature designers spent many, many months designing him. I said, 'OK, he has to have a flat head, blots on his neck and Doc Martens on his feet, but other that - we can play with him'.

Stephen Sommers

In five months we've had 5 million downloads, which is huge for a development tool.

Dan Fernandez

The revelations surrounding the firings this past six months were much more than just breaking a rule.

Jim Haney

A coupla months in the laboratory can save a coupla hours in the library.

Westheimer's Discovery

If I had my druthers, we would have been finished with this months ago.

Allen Walker

Our financing needs have come down. We have more options for cheap capital than we did six to nine months ago.

Peter O'brien

It's clearly a buyer's market. What's happened is that the investor buyer is no longer really active in San Diego County. The opportunity to buy a conversion and hold on to it for six months to a year and flip it and make $50,000 to $100,000 – those days are over.

Paul Kerr

We are acting as facilitators, as mediators, as brokers if you will. We are helping them bring this list down to the 28 that they feel would be perfect to serve their country in the next six months, and we are also going to assist them in their selection of a leader.

Ahmad Fawzi

The thing that would be bad is if we as a community said: 'Nothing's happened over the last six months, so I give up.'

Tom Richards

Sales have been soft for the last few months.

Ted Smith

The first few months were hard. I told my mom I don't want to go to school because I don't know anybody and I don't know what they are saying.

Victor Espiritu

It's not a good time for [Mercury]. Mercury's core business is a great business but this will clearly outweigh the story for the next 18 months.

Robert Stimson

We did have a first co-op class 18 months ago. This time, the interest has been magnified exponentially.

Brian Ditto

Even one year is still excessive. In most employment contracts, trial periods are from one to six months.

Gerard Aschieri

I'm very disappointed that he had to spend eight months in jail when there was absolutely no reason for him to do so.

Lanny Breuer

It's a brainstorming session to try to decide what we can come up with - fast - in a matter of weeks, not months. I'm just afraid it may be too late.

Bill Turner

That argues for sustained yuan appreciation in the coming months, irrespective of dollar moves.

Royal Bank

Lending to businesses became the flavor of the month about 18 months ago. It's a direct consequence of heightened competition in the industry after mortgage lending slowed.

Paul Dowling

We had known each other for only two or three months and they opened up their homes.

Drew Zurek

It feels great. We've been going at this hard for the last four months, trying to get to this point, and we did it. The feeling is as good as I thought it would be.

Andrew Hoffman

If I were driving a car that killed two people, I wouldn't be getting any six months in jail, ... vile.

Charles Hynes