Those numbers are incredible. They thought a half a million dollars wrong.

The best scenario is the truth about what happens comes out, ... There is a problem in the way officers responded to this incident and their use of deadly force. It's not only what the standard is, its how you train your officers to apply that standard and minimize the use of deadly force.

Move over Bridget Jones.

Peoples' lives are changed forever by these accidents. Three fatalities in the last two months qualify that road as extremely dangerous.

Many of our people have lost their homes.

And we got calls today, 'We need you ... to go to a place in St. Bernard Parish. It's a hospice, ... and there are 10 dead and there are 10 dying.' But those people were probably alive yesterday or the day before.

If there was a barrier in the center, people wouldn't even think about passing.

I thoroughly enjoyed my time as chair. Some good things have been accomplished the last couple of years.

When I met with police, we told them the only thing we wanted out of this was integrity of the investigation, so that this doesn't ever happen to another family.