By lack of understanding they remained insane.

George Orwell

Overall depth and a lack of field events performers hurts the girls team.

Mark Wheeler

Lack of rains is the trigger but the underlying causes are complex and include Aids.

Clare Rudebeck

Evil is the moment when I lack the strength to be true to the Good that compels me.

Alain Badiou

The market has taken a cue from the New York market and advanced. But a lack of fresh factors is already sapping (investors') appetite.

Hiroaki Kuramochi

If we want to have the support of European citizens we have to engage with them, but we also need leadership and that's something we're lacking.

Margot Wallstrom

I really thought our lack of defense in the first half hurt us. We dug a hole. We came out of it. But we never really recovered from it.

Jamie Rains

Silence reigns. We do not have information. We lack information, especially from the presiding country.

Mikulas Dzurinda

I think there's a real lack of commitment in the market right now from both institutional and individual investors.

Joseph Battipaglia

It's a function of the lack of investment in infrastructure.

Mark Keenan

Lack of access to energy resources and the hurricanes are the roots of the angst American consumers are experiencing.

John Hofmeister

It seems we can't play 60 minutes. We have good periods, but we lack the effort.

Tomi Pettinen

MTV is chock full of ads for spirits. Spirits are more of a hip, for lack of a better term, product than beer or wine.

Timothy Ramey

We are going to run the ball. We can't throw it a lot because of our lack of speed. We have to do what we can do best.

Jud Gartman

There has been a significant financial impact to the ski area here. We have a huge amount of disappointed club members. And the lack of moisture for the forest and runoff is equally as concerning.

Tom Long

Just seeing the things on TV and the things in front of you, the amount of information coming in, and the lack of information not coming in, how could you not help but write songs about it.

Billie Joe Armstrong

There is a growing body of concern about the lack of any coherent strategy for arranging roadside furniture.

Mark Young

There was certainly no lack of opportunity for me at Oracle, ... At the same time, I have a career desire to be chief executive, and in [the] case of Oracle, Larry is CEO well into foreseeable future.

Gary Bloom

When I find a combination that works, I keep them together. You reward effort, and one thing this group has never had is a lack of effort.

Tim O'neal

There is a lack of confidence but there were not any fundamental developments at all.

Russell Jones

It's not a lack of intensity, it's just execution.

Heidi Deery

The falling poll numbers, on the deficit and the lack of jobs that have been produced.

Candace Gingrich

(The volunteers) don't want the lack of tools or lack of transportation to hold them back -- or we hear (about) it.

Kevin King

It's so much better than when I was coaching in it. You have really, really good coaches and good players, and you have a lot of junior and senior players, which is what a lot of the other teams are lacking.

Charlie Spoonhour

He's a big, athletic player. In the first half we did alright against him. In the third quarter, we just didn't answer the call. But we are lacking in size.

Chris Kestner

There's not really much problem about crude oil supply. It's all about the lack of products.

Christopher Bellew

This last inning will benefit us going forward. Hitting and lack of hitting is contagious. I couldn't be happier. Now we have to continue it.

Tracy Nichols

He is a pragmatist in the extreme. There is nobody better I can go to for (answers to) the hard questions. He brings integrity and consistent ethics that are sadly lacking elsewhere.

Steve Weil

The current lack of progress and any visible sign of improvement are unacceptable.

Daniel Levy

All of us get the blues now and then. It's just more frequent when these factors ? bad weather, lack of exercise ? combine.

Thomas Cummings

I tell them it wasn't for a lack of effort. They tried, every second. It's just tough to have your final game be one where things just aren't going well for you.

Sue Murphy

A lack of mergers has allowed them to stay focused on strategy, Their alliances have been a success.

Chris Schott

There are times you're not going to have aircraft available because of limited funding or lack of crews.

Steve Williams

The exemplary focus, discipline and execution that was so prevalent during (Bush's) first term is sorely lacking.

Charlie Cook

All of the indications that I've seen so far indicate a total lack of planning and a total lack of concealment. So, the examinations have already begun on Neil.

Terry Ekl

If you break up a marriage you have to suffer the repercussions of the lack of trust that is then brought into it when we get back to Canberra in February.

Senator Barnaby Joyce

That was Mr. Holbrook's suggestion. With the lack of hotels in the area, you have to have a place where a featured performer, or artist-in-residence, can stay.

Lee Warren

We've seen a lack of cold weather during the winters.

Larry Mckinney

The lack of development was because heavy industry occupied most of the available flat areas along the riverfront.

Dennis Davin

I thought Central Florida just played a lot harder than we did. They got most of the loose balls and shot the ball well. We could have played a lot harder on defense, it was a lack of effort.

Chris Mowry

There is a lack of quality around and we were not going to make signings for the sake of it. It was not just about cash availability.

Phil Gartside

It is with great regret that we were unable to find a solution to our facility issues in San Jose. It was not for lack of effort.

Tim Leiweke

Total freedom of expression does not compensate for lack of talent.

Nicolas Gomez Davila

I think our inexperience showed and maybe our lack of depth at the moment.

Graeme Smith

A finding of lack of mens rea (guilty mind) is the obvious finding.

Kemp J. Kemp

Unfortunately, many First Nations communities still lack the basic infrastructure to connect to the Internet.

Phil Fontaine

Across the board, writing skills are lacking. They aren't what they should be by the time they get to college.

Judy Baker

We are suffering because of a lack of young players coming through. And that is the responsibility of the SFA.

David Johnston

I don't agree that there's an over-abundance of a lack of quality.

Brad Friedel

It is just a lack of concentration. It has to do with playing with confidence under and around the basket. We just came out flat.

Lewis Jackson

I don't think it's an issue, and I don't lack any confidence in doing so.

Steve Loney

I think we must be getting to a point now where price is going to have an effect on demand and that will alleviate the lack of a supply cushion.

Andrew Gould

Some of the things that concerned legislators is the lack of regulations.

Dennis Cohoon

It just didn't make sense. The lodge is 42,000 square feet — they're not lacking for space.

Laurel Scherer

It was a combination of lack of knowledge and ... people who were from the outside who did not have experience. All they were doing is signing contracts, buying turbines and not bringing electricity to people.

Muhsin Shalash

It's a new experiment. In the 1980s, initial attempts did not give the expected results because of a lack of expertise.

Makhtar Diouf

It's not going to fix the broken federal system. They are frustrated by the lack of action by Congress, but the immigration system is not going to be fixed in Richmond.

Tim Freilich

He (Bargh) has done everything expected of him and he certainly hasn't been dropped though any lack of form. But there are advantages in having two halfbacks with different styles of play and he (McKenzie) will give us that..

Peter Russell

The problem with Niger has been the lack of response. The response came very late, too late.

Christiane Berthiaume

We came out and we weren't very intense. Our lack of intense defense which usually gets us going offensively just wasn't there.

Jill Phillips

I don't accept there has been a lack of action.

Tom Mason

We just stopped running any offense at all. It was just a lack of execution. We stood flat-footed instead of being on the attack. And our defense just wasn't doing the job.

Jerry Daugherty

It's horrifying when you see the lack of design sense or connection to the community. At the end of the day, we're left with oversized buildings that are insensitive to our funkiness.

Ron Ranson

We just have a lack of focus sometimes. We don't even know which way to turn on a play sometimes. It's awful frustrating. I've never been 0-4 before. We're not this bad. We're better than what we're playing.

Paul Johnston

It's a gross mismanagement and a gross lack of priorities.

Patrick Brown

It's something those guys are going to have to do. Because of our lack of depth, we do a lot of individual work on coming out of a left-hand stance, coming out of a right-hand stance. They're going to have to continue to work on the things they've got to do to keep the best five guys on the football field.

Bob Connelly

The mind revels in conjecture. Where information is lacking, it will gladly fill in the gaps.

James Geary

It gives you an edge over the competition already out there. I think Hispanics tend to lack in pursuing their education, and it's important to continue.

Alma Gonzalez

In the first half, we came out with a lack of focus, lack of intensity and the wrong attitude. That's what the halftime talk was about. It was getting them focused.

Scott Reynolds

If this team were a college program, this would smack of ... lack of institutional control.

Phil Miller

There's an advantage to belonging to an international. One obvious thing (affecting union members) is the lack of a strike and defense fund.

David Mccall

Information is the most important tool in fighting crime. Unfortunately, up to now, it's been seriously lacking.

Steve Kolodney

The lack of follow-through by the ECB after the Fed rate cut was a real blow. It seems we must continue to lean on the U.S. consumer, who may well be flagging.

Richard Champion

It's been a combination of (lack of run support), bad luck, not pitching his best.

Dave Lawn

(Westbrook) is a much-improved team from the first time we played them (a 57-26 T-Birds' win). I'm happy with the win but I'm not happy with the way we played, with a lack of aggressiveness getting the ball to the hoop. We couldn't finish them off.

Frank Rossi

The biggest reason for business failure is lack of planning. We recommend that people do their planning first.

John Miller

Every year is a new year, and last year we had success in some areas against them. But we had some lack of success in some areas too.

Larry Kerr

Anytime you are losing, you naturally lack a little bit of confidence. But, getting a win (on Monday) should get us back on track and gives us some confidence.

Kevin O'connor

It intimidates us, and it forces us to act regressively, because we are aware of the complete lack of guarantees (of safety) that exist in this city.

Carlos Dominguez

My gut is that there's a lack of fan interest around the league right now.

Matt Powell

There is a lack of evidence in this case.

William Brennan

With the lack of institutional knowledge, you could end up with more injuries and catastrophic accidents to some of the employees.

Gary Gilbert

Given the lack of trading volume, it's going to be hard to gauge any moves we make. We have a lot of data to get through.

Sarat Sethi

The intervention addresses the issue of a lack of global leadership. It shows that somebody is in charge.

Bob Sinche

I just hope it's not an ugly game because of all the lack of practice.

Al Lang

I saw a total lack of concentration. I'm at a loss as to why we didn't make the adjustments that we talked about.

Sandy Simpson

Envy comes from people's ignorance of, or lack of belief in, their own gifts.

Jean Vanier

These data are joining an increasing body of evidence that Neanderthal extinction was not due to any lack of ability to hunt.

John Shea

Not really knowing what the details are, it would probably be immense, ... and we would try to get the state to do it because of lack of resources.

Bob Blankenship

It could be fear of men, lack of trust for adults or inability to enjoy normal sexual relationships.

William Plantier

There is a need in the community to become united. There is a lack of knowledge of other cultures that we need to work on.

Javier Ramirez

I put a little more emphasis (than the other commissioners did) on the lack of savings when it seemed obvious that we had way too much infrastructure.

James Hansen

We don't see any UK business that cannot be served by 3G, and that's what we are deploying. EDGE has additional costs associated with it, and is going to be held back by other factors such as the lack of handsets and roaming agreements.

Mike Short

Delta is lacking a West Coast presence which America West would give them.

Sal Colak

China's intensified interest in the Western Hemisphere does not imply a lack of focus by the United States.

Roger Noriega

I'm just frustrated by teachers and their lack of patience for children like him.

Jennifer Khonsari

Against Portsmouth we played well enough to win. In the Wayne game, what bothered me most was our lack of execution. I take a lot of the blame for that.

Phil Davis

I always think errors are a lack of concentration. I think our concentration has been really poor.

Darin Hendrickson

We went into a war with absolute lack of foresight. I could have told them there would be an insurgency. It's the Middle East -- what were they thinking?

Class Richard Galli

There seems to be a lack of common sense perspective in some media people.


It's on target. There's a lack of clarity about why we're doing things. And we can't measure how useful labs are unless we have that clarity.

Gerry Wheeler

I think it's lack of education - that's usually the problem with urban communities.

Randy Fisher

The result has been a lack of trust and the situation has deteriorated instead of improving.

Ayaz Amir

The lack of an heir apparent meant that nobody was interested in the stock. At least now there is a catalyst for more upside than before.

Arnold Berman

Danny is not going to be denied for lack of work or effort. He is real intense. And he's your typical A's guy. He grinds out his at-bats, he doesn't give up, with that aggressive but disciplined approach at the plate. You always have a feeling about Danny that he's going to find a way to get it done.

Keith Lieppman

The reality is that even together, they lack the clout of Nike.

Stephen Greyser

Communications and coordination was lacking, preplanning was lacking. We were not prepared for this.

William Lokey

A lot of that is because of lack of money and structure. In today's elections, it takes money to run.

Bob Storman

The need for environmental sanctions stems from the growth in building and development and the consequent lack of land.

Isaac Herzog

It is unfortunate that [Harris] has chosen to attack me for her lack of success at Penn State. However, her lack of success had everything to do with her lack of commitment to basketball.

Rene Portland

Cable cannot dispute the fact that they've incessantly raised rates. Cable rates continue to rise because they lack meaningful competition.

Claudia Jones

We had a mid-afternoon drift upwards, but I would call it more a lack of selling than buying momentum.

Jennifer Williams

Lack of trust between board and superintendent continues to stymie progress.

Stephanie Cravens

We just had a couple of things that didn't go our way. It certainly wasn't for a lack of effort.

Scott Dejong

I use the lack of a shot clock to my advantage for my team. If there was a shot clock, I'd change my philosophy on how to approach the game.

Rick Risinger

But there is no doubt that the Palestinian Authority is going through a suffocating financial crisis. There is a lack of foreign aid, and it will be difficult to continue in this way, so we need to reorganize.

Salam Fayyad

Even getting divers out there to assess pipelines is a big issue due to a lack of helicopters, boats and power. It's in quite a disarray.

Eugene Kim

There has been such a lack of black genealogy.

Estelle Perrault

These companies suffer from a lack of distribution. The challenge is who is going to introduce these companies to users.

Eric Schmitt

I'm not doing this for money. I'm doing it because it needs to be done. There's a lack of information in Stony Point.

Eric Knight

We have a culture of bad driving here because no one gets caught for breaking the law. Once you run a red light and get away with it, you are more inclined to do it the next time. I don't blame law enforcement for it - I blame a lack of law enforcement for it.

Erin Breen

Unfortunately, because of the lack of remains we are not going to be able to ever determine the exact manner or cause of death. The coroner will classify both as undetermined.

Erik Raney

The achievement gap is not caused by a lack of intelligence. It begins with low expectations and teachers. We need to change the attitudes.

Eric Cooper

There is no such thing as a lack of faith. We all have plenty of faith, it's just that we have faith in the wrong things. We have faith in what can't be done rather than what can be done. We have faith in lack rather than abundance but there is no lack of faith. Faith is a law.

Eric Butterworth

Concerns, however, remain on the level of the national debt, inflation and lack of investment.

Eric Bloch

The kids lack for nothing. I've gone without food to make sure they have enough to eat.

Eric Belko

For Betty, feminism was an aspect of humanism. And one of her sons said this morning that she demonstrated that sheer intelligence could trump lack of intelligence.

Emily Bazelon

Some of the other candidates (have) foreign experience, (but) may lack the ability to be a healer.

Ellen Johnson

The lack of our participation in the economic system is our greatest demonstration of why we are here.

Elias Bermudez

It's like anything else. If you don't use it, you're going to lose it. Excessive throwing never hurts a pitcher's arm; it's the lack of throwing that hurts the arm.

Elden Auker

The really surprising thing is the lack of inflation given this kind of growth.

Edward Mckelvey

I have no interest in sailing around the world. Not that there is any lack of requests for me to do so.

Edward Heath

What is lacking at present is a powerful force from outside to break the stalemate.

Zhao Yumin