We created a new mission for the plant, and one of those legs was to be more involved in the community.

Phil Gordon

You feel great by helping others, not to mention the free food that will be available for those involved and the fact that the Red Cross almost always has giveaways or raffles for prizes for donors.

Gregory Champion

It's a little bigger this year. I think the teachers are getting more involved and are encouraging their artistic students. So that's why they're here.

Melissa Allen

It's too soon to say whether we are going to get involved. We're just going to check it out.

Judy Orihuela

We know the risks involved. It's very much a part of our training.

Doug Pritchard

The company is bleeding into so many new sectors and businesses that there are any number of government policies the company should be involved in.

Blair Levin

Efforts at keeping students involved and in school are an ongoing endeavor.

Mary Harris

The fact that he was involved in a collision and his first thought was to get out and see if the other parties were OK was so typically Don. It was exactly what you would have imagined he would do.

George Heidekat

It's a beloved show for so many people. It's the broadest show I've been involved with. It appeals to everyone from kids to grandparents.

Mike Darnell

States have been taking their ability to get involved and running with it too far.

Jeffrey Fisher

It's the oldest sport there is. It's one-on-one. There's a lot of emotion involved. It all climaxes at the end of the year. That's what it's all about and that's why it will never die.

Gene Barber

There's no potential scam involved.

Josh Kaplan

We believe he was involved in the shooting inside the bar.

Sgt. Sean Hart

So I rely on those assurances, ... That's her expertise and responsibility, and that of her agency. But I will continue to provide to her and to the inspector general the information and allegations brought to my attention by anyone involved in that inspection.

Mark Dayton

From that we may be able to start to get a picture of who was involved.

David Wimhurst

It encourages the whole family get involved with the program.

Katie Kabage

I decided he would be on DCAC. One of things we heard a lot was that there weren't enough men involved.

Barb Quinn

I can tell you which customer is involved with in gangs.

Andres Avila

It was probably one of the best rides I was involved in. They really achieved more than I expected. They did everything I asked them to. I'm so happy for my seniors to get this far. I can't thank them for all they've done.

Terry Mancini

These kids never knew what hit them. Everyone involved in this, ... their lives are changed forever.

Ann Murphy

He's one of the toughest I've ever been involved with - I know that much.

Wayne Bennett

Timmy will definitely be involved at some stage. It's great to see him back and I've been impressed with what I've seen of him so far.

John Hulse

There is now almost complete agreement for the United Nations to continue to be involved.

Samir Sumaidaie

We're really pushing this year to get the youth involved.

Rudy Murillo

Unfortunately on casualties, you try and separate yourself from that and do what needs to be done to help everyone involved.

Bill Johnson

He is involved in public education. He's one of those people with a great personality, especially with kids.

Bill Holmstrom

These are not passive investors. These companies are actively involved in [Internet startups'] management portfolio.

Jesse Reyes

There have been a lot of attorneys that like to get involved in this stuff and make it into something it's not. We're just trying to make it so a lot of the frivolous stuff we have to defend doesn't come up.

Craig Hughes

We can be involved in the Citizens' Fire Academy or go into schools to teach children. Anything that has to do with life safety.

Dawn Smith

We must say in own handwriting from or own minds and hearts that this war is not a war we should be involved in and we must bring our children home.

Lottie Gibson

I like to make everything my friends are involved in a little better. I should have just become a manager.

Drea De Matteo

Any time you hand a team (Hardee) that is 4-0 (6-1 overall) a loss at their place, it's very emotional for everyone involved.

Whit Cornell

The response from the committee was outstanding. Everyone wanted to be involved.

Lynn Pascazio

We do have a struggle when historic preservation is involved.

Alan Etter

I believe strongly in it, because it keeps the individual involved in the political process.

Bob Martinez

This was simply for the amusement of Pfc. England and the other soldiers. Pfc. England is actively involved in what is going on that night.

Chuck Neill

We understand it's extremely important to be thorough in the analysis. The department is still carefully analyzing all the factors involved.

Joanna Gonzalez

The governor feels very strongly about getting involved personally to promote New Mexico's film industry.

Pahl Shipley

The very people who would have to deal with these issues were not involved in solutions.

John Bremen

The children are definitely getting a benefit from this because it?s impossible to learn with problems in your mouth and the pain in your mouth. So we consider it a win for everybody involved.

Claudia Smith

The way anyone gets involved is you know one person and then they want to introduce you to their awesome group of friends.

Susie Hibbeler

People can get involved if they want to. Or they can sit on their hands.

Pete Hill

With the company's radical position, we couldn't agree on a new contract, so hopefully with a third party involved it will help.

Idelfonso Ciprian

We're back in the heavyweight business, and we're thrilled to be involved. There's already a big global buzz about this title fight.

Bob Arum

We need more skaters. We need more people involved.

Derrick Campbell

The training is very expensive, and there's a lot of work involved. The idea is to be prepared.

Jerome A. Jackson

I'm extremely honored to be recognized for what has become an event that so many groups have become involved with.

David Lowell

She's one of the ones who is so dedicated and involved in her music from the mixing to the writing.

David Hauser

With all of these agencies involved in different aspects of the approval process, it's easy for problems to slip through the cracks.

Stacy Butler

We believe an arsonist is involved. We're meticulously working the evidence found at the scene.

Ted Denny

Once I show that I can go five innings, I'd be comfortable to get back with the team and get back in the swing of things, be involved.

Brandon Backe

He believes that teachers have to be involved. He sets high goals. He believes teachers can make a difference.

Kathy Rivera

Between the bands and people volunteering, about 60 people will be involved in the benefit.

Roxy Harshbarger

That's the key. It's getting the players involved in club soccer, for us and for them. And the more of their players and our players that play club soccer, it's only going to make both programs better.

Gary Larkins

He tailors it to the squeamishness of the group, so it can get quite involved, if he feels they can handle seeing some fake blood.

Tim Stuart

Without question, it was the concerted effort of everyone involved. I can?t stress enough that by working together you achieve your goals, and that?s what happened here.

David Gallitto

They're involved in that a lot; it'll be a class project.

Jeannette Manchester

Since I was very little I knew I wanted to be involved in history.

Sarah Vanlanduyt

We helped build houses 10 and 11 from the ground up. And we have been involved in every aspect of our house's construction.

Jaimee Hilgendorf

She managed a lot of the properties and built a lot of buildings and houses after he died. She really got involved in the early building up of Nampa.

Wendy Miller

A lot has to do with the fact we've been so involved. These past years, we've really become leaders in the greek community and put our face out there as leaders.

Joe Butler

There's going to be massive reconstruction in the Gulf region in a couple of months. And that is going to generate a lot of business and gains for the companies involved in the effort.

Joe Liro

It's not too late if they act soon . . . They still have an opportunity to get involved.

Melanie Hinxman

If my sons knew what drugs would do to them, they would not have gotten involved.

George Chuvalo

There's a lot of emotion involved in this game.

Tim Mitchell

He denied fighting birds here or being involved in fighting birds, ... but he basically stopped talking about it once we showed him what we had found.

Richard Hart

She can't be involved in regular sports, because she couldn't keep up.

Joan Garry

There was some struggle, but it's really hard to characterize, ... significant blood, significant violence involved.

James Lewis

A settlement indicates that the government is taking these allegations seriously and that is a good sign for all individuals involved.

Rachel Meeropol

It's a chance for people to get more information. They can find out what Relay is and how to get involved.

Theresa Hamilton

There is definitely a difference between (large businesses) and a mom-and-pop business that lives, sleeps, eats the community where it is involved.

Julie Powers

The biggest thing is the cost involved. Not only buying the clocks and getting them installed, but you also would have to pay someone to run those.

Deb Hauser

I know that if I hadn't been involved in selling marijuana, I wouldn't be here.

Michael Wolfe

I am not familiar with any locations like that here. The individuals involved all have a strong business background, and that's very important.

Bill French

If you're involved in an accident and you're at fault $500,000 may not be enough. Do you really want to lose your house because you failed to spend an extra couple of hundred bucks?

Don Griffin

We want people of all ages from every section of the community to be involved.

John Hutton

We've committed all along that we accept responsibility for the impacts, and we have been very involved in assisting with the data-gathering process.

David Townsend

He's very much involved in the philosophy states should be able to determine states' business. And in the same vein, territories should be able to determine the tax benefits that bolster business and the economy.

Susan Wheeler

It was one of the best around. He wasn't involved but, because of the E. coli outbreaks, he can't get insurance.

David Viers

He was standing around on the perimeter a little bit too much in the first half so we talked to him about getting him involved in the paint. That's where he's most comfortable.

George Robinson

It's a difficult case because there's two brothers involved. Nobody likes to see this type of thing happen.

Stephan Seeger

Even some of the dinosaurs may have gotten involved in some of this. I think it would be quite rare and a very small and insignificant contribution.

William Thomas

He said he was involved with the Lions. I said 'What's a Lion?'

Maureen Murphy

My job is to talk with people and find out what programs they should be involved with.

Gary Wagner

Every time I look up, John is involved in some way.

Sue Johnston

I'm on the board of directors. We go over things once a month and get involved in a lot of things.

Clete Oaks

We're really hoping to get a large group of people from the community. We want everyone to be involved.

Greg Pettis

They've certainly been able to be involved in a number of underwritings.

Linda Killian

Whatever he felt strongly about, he would get involved in.

Barbara Brown

There's some skepticism still. Hopefully by Homecoming the students will be more involved.

Joel Miller

It appears to be that way. There should be a contingency plan, especially for events (that involved) a big number of people.

Frank Castillo

We couldn't ask for much more than that from our starters. Now we just need to get our bench more involved and we'll be in good shape.

Katie Dailey

I have seen and been involved in acquisitions where that big question is left unanswered.

Darin Brumby

Having children competitively involved in gymnastics is a huge commitment.

Paula Sloan

In Steve's former position, he was involved more in the business aspect of our Minor Leagues. Now, he will assume the day-to-day duties.

Mike Arbuckle

When you have a great building, you are inspired to do something great. For us, the building had the immediate impact of raising the aspirations of everyone involved in the arts.

Leon Botstein

There is no connection whatsoever between us and this attack. The Liberation Tigers were not involved in any activity that breaches the cease-fire agreement.

Daya Master

You don't have to have computer skills. You just have to be an involved parent.

Carmen Maines

The ministers of Richland County Ministerial Association encourage the entire community to get involved in the effort.

Larry Weber

We're heavily involved in the aviation industry. Seventy-five percent of our volume is aviation-related accounts.

Tom Chappell

It's mandatory that artists are involved in this process.

Marc Geiger

Once something like that happens, the entire department gets involved.

Trish Hoffman

Denny's point is that as a tight ends coach, you've been involved in the passing and the blocking.

Keith Rowen

Investigators have no evidence suggesting that special services were in any way involved in the seizure.

Nikolai Shepel

What this does is allow nonprofit arts centers to become involved in creating shows that are so important.

David Fay

If Andy is feeling okay then he will be involved in the squad.

Peter Jackson

Being involved is the first good step toward running for the city council.

Barbara Hoppe

Guys were falling out all over the place. It was really hot, really humid. It was one of the more unique games I've been involved in.

Bo Pelini

None of us were directly involved in telling them to do this. At this point in time, somebody has to pay for it, and we're going to pay for the effort.

Wayne Ecton

They never have been particularly interested in our input, and I don't know how we would have been able to give input had they asked, ... There's no way we should have gotten involved.

Mike Hatch

What I was looking for was information that possibly could indicate another person that may be involved in this incident.

Mark White

Today was a busy day inside Discovery and the station. Everyone was involved in one form of transfer or another.

Paul Hill

He helped me out a lot, especially with the record book and preparing for interviews. He really encouraged me to get involved in activities.

Adam Bormann

You have a lot of free spirits involved.

Steve Schwartz

The testimony we've heard in this case is tragic. This is a tragic situation for everyone involved.

Bart Adams

The forecast has changed dramatically during the past 3 years. I get involved in new ideas, production and graphic design. It's scientific, challenging and most importantly, great fun!

Heather Reid

There's a massive logistical challenge involved.

Jim Owen

A lot of them (youngsters) are involved with their tribes.

Dayrah Yellowfish

If you were one of the 1,000 people involved in this process, you wouldn't be happy.

Albert Gidari

Artists are strongly encouraged to be actively involved in the show, so they can represent themselves.

Tom Baker

There are numerous cities throughout the country involved in disagreements with Sprint [Wireless].

Scott Grossberg

She was the driver of a vehicle involved in an accident and she fled the scene.

Lindy Tober

It involved basically a street fair event with a tent on a closed-off street.

Phil Reeker

He did not indicate that anyone else was involved and my distinct impression was that he had done this on his own.

Peter Kelley

She was the only one involved, and that her 36-year-old husband did not know anything about the fact that (her claims of illness) were false.

Robert Stott

I am hopeful someone will come forward with information, which will lead to the eventual apprehension of the murderers involved in this case.

Councilman Dennis Zine

There's a lot of money to put to work. Buyers are just looking for an excuse to get involved.

Michael Lyons

The market is telling us that's not feasible. The cost involved is prohibitive.

Gene Bleymaier

I've been involved with college baseball for 30 years, and this is something that's always come up, but nobody's ever acted on it.

John Askins

If you're involved with a lot of people, you put a human face on leadership.

Keith Dixon

There was not enough training by all of the people involved so that everybody had the same knowledge.

Michael Ryschkewitsch

What we need is three people who would be involved in looking into complaints.

Jan Occhi

Everybody got involved in the fourth quarter. That's what we need to win games.

Tyronn Lue

Certainly when you have an investigation going on like that, for the governor to have to be involved in any way is awkward. It can't be fun for Gov. Fletcher to have to be doing this and it's a difficult situation for him.

Joe Gershtenson

I am sure he is here watching us and I couldn't be happier for him and for everyone involved in Australian soccer.

John Aloisi

I don't know if I've ever been involved in a football game where we gave away so much so many times.

Joe Kinnan

I decided to be involved because I think it's important for Americans to have a chance to think about this in a calm, organized way.

Christine Robinson

A lot of the parents get curious to see if they can do the things that the kids are doing. Once they get involved, they get hooked.

Kacey Wells

Most important is that the community be involved in this process. We have to make sure that solving one issue for one business doesn't create a new issue for another.

Jim Cloar

We were brainstorming ideas about the downtown and asking them how we could get our youth involved. That's kind of how it came to be.

Carolyn Dellutri

First of all, the project couldn't go on without it. This is the best agreement for all the railroads involved.

James Dermody

We are not aware if any weapons are involved. We are looking into that.

Larry Long

Santa Fe students are actively involved in this. They want bus service.

Bob Woods

We think it's a good way to get people involved in the game. Golf is a hard game and anything that makes it more enjoyable brings more people into the game.

Larry Dorman

A lot of organizations go in and leave. We wanted to get the locals involved so they can carry on after we leave.

Paul Ratanasiripong

The company clearly has staying power to enable itself to continue the efforts involved in merging the two airlines.

Bob Mcadoo

Probably Chevron taught the Chinese a lesson, ... And they will feel that they need to be more involved in the future.

James Moran

It was not an overly serious violation. There was just one pup involved and there was no serious disruption of the herd.

Phil Jenkins

I'll always been involved in the city of Atwater. Whatever they need, I'll do.

Joan Faul

I call on the international community to be strongly involved in the recovery of Sudan.

Antonio Guterres

The train did not tip over, and there were no injuries involved.

Ibis Antongiorgi

The 'office spouses' can be more open with each other than they can with their own spouses, and there's no guilt involved.

Mark Oldman

It's significantly more complex because of the number of partners involved. We have a lot of work to do.

Shannon Larocque

She has always been involved in the community.

Betty Jackson

There's no politics involved. It's about as fair a way you can have to determine a champion.

Jake Shields

It was such a fun team to be involved with.

Jared Rohatinsky

I thought their kid should have gotten the T, or at least both of them should have gotten one. We (he and the official involved) agreed to disagree.

Cal Saunders

We're not interested in selling, ... but we are going to try and get in touch with him to see if he wants to get involved.

Lonie Glieberman

The release of sensitive information denigrates the process. It denigrates the people involved in the process.

Steve Hansen

In any other context, the prosecution would trumpet that kind of evidence that those implicated were actually involved.

Bruce Barket

There's the feeling that there's a lot of hands-off approach from the government's side, and that they should be actively involved.

Ronnie Mamba

This is something we're always conscious of -- any effects in the economy that might change the factors involved in the costs of projects.

Joe Shipman

She was the first person who got me involved and kind of inspired me.

Joseph Cook

It is not a name we are familiar with. There is no player by that name currently involved with the squad.

Shaun Harvey

I would say that the majority of people who express an interest don't get very far at all. They lose interest when they see what's involved.

Parke Burgess

She and her mom were so involved with kids, she decided the bulk of it would go to the children's hospital. She wanted to make sure it helped children.

Gerald Batto

This really isn't my event, it for everybody that's involved. It's for the kids, adults and the volunteers. They're the ones who make it happen and make it so special.

Tim Horton

We will look if there are more people involved in stealing medicines from hospitals.

Mpho Gabashane

Everyone involved sees this as a good idea. With the glut of college football on TV, there's no reason that those leagues aren't represented. It's challenging at first, but anything good is challenging.

Mike Roth

That is one of those most disappointing games that I've been involved in. And for a game with this much significance.

Jerry Sloan

We certainly think foul play (was involved).

Wanda Elliott

But it is too soon to say from which group they came from, or who inspired them. It's likely they were involved in the earlier conflict and still possess the skills to make bombs.

Firman Gani

I am a product of the public school system ... and I had a lot of friends involved in gang activity.

Ruben Studdard

It is important to build a relationship not only with the director or the manager or the head of the team but all those involved.

Neil Payne

There's a lot more to follow. Everyone in the storage industry is involved in this.

Michael Willett

This was someone who was not involved in anything risky; he was walking down a sidewalk to his apartment. It doesn't get much more mundane than that.

Karthi Vadivelu

We now know there's more than enough profit involved in downtown development to sustain more resources for affordable housing.

Tim Harris

Those guys are very formidable retailers. Being that we're involved more in perishables than anything else and on the health side, we can definitely co-exist.

Seth Brown

Is actively involved in helping disengagement with people on the ground and a lot of money.

Marc Otte

There was no fraud involved.

James Fischer

If you are fortunate to win the coin toss you go on defense and find out what you have to do. This was a great emotional win for us. I've been involved in a lot of great games, but this will rank right up there.

Rocky Nelson

The victims and their families deserve the right to move forward. We appreciate the city's commitment in reaching an agreement that is best for all those involved.

Sean Gallagher

The amps are turned up until the sound breaks. There's nothing fake involved.

Gabe Borquez

The Chinese seem to be quite interested in getting involved in Falconbridge.

John Meyer

Alcohol is involved in a majority of all crimes committed.

Ed Paulk

The interest from the artistic community to be involved this year really demonstrates the excitement about the CMA Awards and overall appeal and universal quality of the format.

Ed Benson

There is certainly enough money involved in this racing industry that jockeys and backside people should not have to be going through the hoops that they are going through to have adequate coverage.

Ed Whitfield

We don't believe he was involved in the murder at this point, but he was involved in helping cover it up and disposing of the body.

Ed Troyer

Regardless of what is found in the investigations, we will take the appropriate measures for those who were involved.

Zygi Wilf

I will hold everyone who is involved responsible for their own actions.

Zygi Wilf

Surely we ought to respect the rights of all involved in the case.

Zwelinzima Vavi

These were not handled as IPR infringement cases because they involved other crimes that resulted in more severe penalties.

Zhang Zhipei

Music is one of my passions. If I'm not making music, I want to be involved in it in some way.

Zach Pollakoff

I'm not really involved with politics... I'm living in my cocoon with my classical music around.

Eva Green

The guy is nuts. I am not involved with him.

Evel Knievel

I don't think the government should be involved, trying to change the supply-and-demand equation here. I really don't think anything they might do will have much of a difference anyway.

Evan Smith

I'm still involved with the Vassar community and it's important to me to stay involved.

Ethan Zohn

You have to get the kids intimately involved. They can't just sit and watch or sit and listen.

Eric Spina

We were not involved in tracking down Saddam Hussein.

Ernst Uhrlau

Everybody in Hartley Bay was involved in this one, literally everybody from small children to the elders, including some elders that couldn't even walk.

Ernie Westgarth