876 quotes about founding follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

I never resist temptation because I have found that things that are bad for me do not tempt me.

George Bernard Shaw

Since when was genius found respectable?

Elizabeth Barrett Browning

Would it upset men if they found out we weren't different? Are we? Aren't we? Damned if I know.

Rita Mae Brown

I have found the paradox that if I love until it hurts, then there is no hurt, but only more love.

Mother Teresa

I wanted to change the world. But I have found that the only thing one can be sure of changing is oneself.

Aldous Huxley

I didn't fail the test, I just found 100 ways to do it wrong.

Benjamin Franklin

Lost time is never found again.

Benjamin Franklin

You can only find truth with logic if you have already found truth without it.

G. K. Chesterton

Christianity has not been tried and found wanting; it has been found difficult, and not tried.

G. K. Chesterton

The present contains nothing more than the past, and what is found in the effect was already in the cause.

Henri Bergson

I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work.

Thomas A. Edison

I have found the best way to give advice to your children is to find out what they want and then advise them to do it.

Harry S Truman

Science may have found a cure for most evils; but it has found no remedy for the worst of them all - the apathy of human beings.

Helen Keller

America will never run... And we will always be grateful that liberty has found such brave defenders.

George W. Bush

When an idea is wanting, a word can always be found to take its place.

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

I have found little that is good about human beings. In my experience most of them are trash.

Sigmund Freud

This is the first time we've actually found significant numbers in one compact location.

Christy Williams

Cash has found stuff that other deputies and myself would not have found without really tearing the vehicle apart.

Chris Scanlen

A great chessplayer is not a great man, for he leaves the world as he found it.

William Hazlitt

I had never heard of Columbus Grove. After I got directions, I found out it was west. I had figured it was down by Columbus.

Troy Schwemley

At the elementary level, we found that teachers with two years of experience, but no CLAD credential, were just as effective as those with that credential.

Julian Betts

I have found you an argument: but I am not obliged to find you an understanding.

Samuel Johnson

The missing person case has never been closed, ... She has never been found, alive or dead.

Anthony Murphy

When someone allows you to bear his burdens, you have found deep friendship.

Real Live Preacher

In my nearly 18 months here what I have found is that instead of getting better it may in fact be worse.

Gary Adams

I found a can of Chinese Rocket Fuel.

Jack Burke

I have found little that is good about human beings. In my experience most of them, on the whole, are trash.

Sigmund Freud

They just told me that they've found a lot of people that she chatted with and that they were checking into all of them. I'm not sure who they were.

Michelle Duffey

We have found a very common determinant of obesity that's present in populations of different ethnicity ? affects men and women equally and also children.

Alan Herbert

All religions die of one disease - that of being found out.

John Morley

I have found my life purpose. In a very tragic situation, I have found my life purpose.

Gail Powers

A licensed plumber would have found that, and my children would not have been endangered.

John Miller

I'm satisfied that they've found out, but it's sad to discover things like this.

Martina Glagow

Up to now, the worst fears have not been realized. He has found another style.

Hans Kung

She found herself in a desperate situation, ... She's going to rise or fall on the timeline of her decisions.

Susan Howell

As evidence is uncovered, there are dealings with the U.S. attorney's office, and oftentimes the U.S. attorney may have us do additional work or not depending on what is found.

Denise Smith

I attempted to commit suicide after I found out I was pregnant.

Mindy Mccready

We are certainly looking; the thing is that we have not found anybody.

David Parrish

If this job has any pressures I haven't found them yet.

Amanda Lamb

I was hoping he wasn't in there, but he was they found him on the couch.

Cliff Landry

We always assumed he was coming here. When we found out, it was like, 'Wow!' But nothing surprises me anymore. It's a business.

Hugh Douglas

I went to Ithaca, found the Grateful Dead and my life was changed.

David Boreanaz

When I found out I was pregnant, we refinanced everything.

Nancy Jack

We're saying he probably found a woman in one of those trailers. That's the kind of guy he was.

Antoinette Path

Anyone who is found with a firearm on campus would be terminated immediately.

Lori Doyle

For some days we have been expecting animals carrying the virus to be found.

Didier Houssin

I always thought we were all godly people, ... I've found out it's very split. I really thought it was better than this.

Matt Myers

We looked extensively at clustering solutions for our Microsoft Exchange 2000 environment, but we found that traditional clustering was both too complex and too costly.

Rob Harper

We actually found out about it through a reporter. We didn't have any problem with it.

April Young

A lot of it is gone and now all of my household items are nowhere to be found.

Laura Epley

He was like a kid in a candy store. When he found out you could test drive a car, he drove every car he could find.

Melissa Gregory

We knew it was 2-1 to Denmark when we scored. After the goal we found out that it was 2-2 and you could see the reaction.

Stefano Fiore

Now, because of the growth in the practice and new clients that have dealings with the city, we found ourselves on a collision course.

Hamilton Osborne

It's a fabulous appointment. Bob will be great. Stanford couldn't have found a better guy.

Ted Leland

We think we found some players.

Bill Laslett

We have done an examination and have found them to be safe - otherwise, they wouldn't be allowed.

Frank Derosa

I think he?s found his niche and is carrying the field.

Leah Pyter

I said no. I told him I found the ruling incomprehensible. He said the censor would do the edit.

Tom Fontana

When I first found out, I was a little upset. But we knew it was business and we knew we had to get ready. Our legs are a little beat up now.

Derek Puerta

I found a socket -- knee cap -- gave it to the officer.

Terry Ludwick

Our assessment found no changes warranted to our major modeling assumptions.

Catherine Elder

We have all known the long loneliness, and we have found that the answer is community.

Dorothy Day

It's a beautiful spot and it's a shame people can't get to it. If we wouldn't have been persistent, we wouldn't have found it.

Cynthia Wilson

He always found something positive and always reached out of the box. He's not a follower and is clearly a leader.

Lisa Hart

She collapsed at school and was taken to the hospital, ... That's how we found out she had asthma. It hit us by surprise.

Derek Johnson

I've found constancy and balance between creativity and normality.

Julian Lennon

I slept with faith and found a corpse in my arms on awakening; I drank and danced all night with doubt and found her a virgin in the morning.

Aleister Crowley

We've found that we can reach those people. We have to let them know that we have something for them to read.

Paul Levitz

If officers are found to have overstepped their bounds, they will be dealt with.

John Timoney

I was giddy when I found out how well she had done. They are really amazing to see.

Gary Dunn

When I first started at KJHK it was this exalted entity to me. It was like I had finally found something that was on the same level as I was.

Kyle Garrison

We found unequivocally that it does not take more energy than you get out of the amount of ethanol. So it's a net good if you grow ethanol and use it.

Dan Kammen

This is a view found to be widely held by the athletics community.

Danny Corcoran

I wasn't home at the time. I'm glad I wasn't home. We were in Anna. And when we got home this is what we found.

Chris Elder

We found that customer relationships are too valuable. ... If we outsource that, we lose that feedback.

Aurelian Lis

My mom had said if I was going to do this and if I found somebody, to tell them she was dead because she couldn't face them after all these years.

Dolores Johnson

History is all around us. It's still being found today.

Susan Gray

They said they had found a little piece of paradise on earth.

Pauline Welch

I found more joy in sorrow than you could find in joy.

Sara Teasdale

We're pretty confident gas can be found.

Mark Turner

Beware those who are impatient, (for) those who want to try their hands at corruption will be immediately found out.

Irianti Erningpraja

The child was in a separate part of the house and the two adults were found in the same room.

Mark King

I was shocked when I found that out.

Janet Wright

We found a way to lose it at the end. We had played well for 3 1/2 quarters.

Brian Urlacher

I found a lump in my right testicle and thought that, at 44, I'd better get to the doctor.

Andy Kelly

It's quite remarkable. We haven't found any footprints from the Pleistocene in Australia before.

Matthew Cupper

Leung did talk to the FBI as a complainant. The FBI found no evidence to corroborate the allegations made by Leung.

Larae Quy

I have found power in the mysteries of thought.


We could then compare what we made with what we found in the syringe. And it was a perfect match, all the way around.

Don Catlin

The county obviously has found merit to what we were saying.

Scott Kouchi

We found no smoke alarms on the second level. We found a smoke alarms on the first-floor level that was unplugged.

Lloyd Ayers

That's when I found out it was a tumor, and that he had fluid on the brain, which was building up and that's why he couldn't walk. You never think your child has a brain tumor. That's not something you entertain.

Bunnie Gleason

The people who are most vulnerable found it more difficult.

Rae Rosen

They attempted entry by shooting the lock. We got an audible alarm call, and then they found one slug in the door and one on the ground.

Shelly Williams

Our conductors found it much easier to move a dog or a pet when they're not in a crate.

Dan Brucker

I found one had to do some work every day, even at midnight, because either you're professional or you're not.

Barbara Hepworth

We found ourselves in the city on a basketball court.

Ron Kelder

It's good that we found way to win and cut down our errors on a night when we didn't hit as well as we usually do.

Kyle Mcduffee

We have found ... that they tend to wait until they have sought legal counsel or financial counsel.

Jim Haynes

Most people say the easy oil has been found. So these techniques are not only attractive, they're absolutely mandatory to keep the oil flowing.

Richard Ward

We are doing the same thing now, but he's found a different avenue to do it.

Robert Daskas

We didn't play well at all in this game early ... but they came out and found a way to win, and that's what good teams do.

Paul Morse

Conveniently, that video is nowhere to be found.

Joel Perez

No evidence of poisoning has been found.

Fausto Pocar

I found a delivery in my flaw.

Dan Quisenberry

We found protective effects with at least weekly consumption of cruciferous vegetables.

Paul Brennan

At first the connection between the two subjects was not clear, Everywhere I looked I found a connection.

Terry Morris

We found out that tobacco was the only thing that could carry us.

Hayes Harbour

It was just forgotten, really. It was probably a miracle that anyone found it.

Kevin Cox

We think a lot of secrets about the formation and evolution of the solar system will be found there.

Hal Weaver

Ryan had a lot of touches, because kids found him. He found a way to finish those shots.

John Schwan

I couldn't sleep until I found them. I went everywhere looking.

Curtis Bolden

[Then Willis called] Green Mile ... I found John Coffey.

Frank Darabont

Say not, 'I have found the truth,' but rather, 'I have found a truth.'

Kahlil Gibran

My answer to the racial problem in America is to not deal with it at all. The founding fathers dealt with it when they made the Constitution.

James Meredith

A sure way to lose happiness, I found, is to want it at the expense of everything else.

Bette Davis

It's really competitive, and sometimes people will get mad when they found out you won.

Lorraine Tamsky

The results were confirmed today. The swan was found on Saturday.

Josef Duben

I think they're cowards, animals, and disgusting. It would be better if police found them before me or somebody else did.

Joe Riley

They may have found a way to afford a university [education] ... but they didn't know all the associated costs.

Rep. Timm Ormsby

It was a poor match and a lot of the anglers who took part found it difficult to catch.

Alan Wright

If he's found guilty, it's unfair and penalties will have to be enforced.

Taylor Dent

Our hats are off to (them). They found a real source of error.

John Christy

Found her right there. Against the float.

Jesse Stone

They said they thought there might be a mold issue. But we have not found mold.

Dennis Kuhlman

Focus on the journey, not the destination. Joy is found not in finishing an activity but in doing it.

Greg Anderson

We have found that there are a great number of women in technology.

Tom Costello

I was like Nemo, Ryan. I found my way HOME.

Adam Brody

Through the years of experience I have found that air offers less resistance than dirt.

Jack Nicklaus

I found there was only one way to look thin, hang out with fat people.

Rodney Dangerfield

More than 12,000 Floridians have successfully found better and more permanent housing solutions for themselves and their families.

Dasha Castillo

It's all about the story. The quality is higher, and the films we are choosing are ones that really found their audience in a massive way through DVD.

Craig Kornblau

It was found dead Oct. 7 in Dryden, Ontario. It shows that the birds were moving north.

Dave Grosshuesch

I have found out one thing and that is, if you have an idea, and it is a good idea, if you only stick to it you will come out all right.

Cecil Rhodes

He has found his style, when he cannot do otherwise.

Paul Klee

When the security manager found out, he went through the roof.

Ira Winkler

There were a couple of good pitches and the ball found the hole.

Danys Baez

It is not possible to define. Nothing has ever been finally found out. Because there is nothing final to find out.

Charles Fort

What I have found working with entrepreneurs and executives is what they really want is their life back.

Sue Shipman

We found some residents that thought they should qualify for 'American Idol,' ... We had a lot of fun.

John Marks

When he found out, he had a broken heart. He gave up.

Cassandra Wright

We've found that people who are concerned about organics care about issues beyond their own health.

Rod Moyer

He has disregarded those principles and shown newly found dictatorial tendencies.

Paul Themba Nyathi

If our members are found to be implicated then we will assist police, as we always have, whichever way we can.

Ronnie Mamba

We really found a way to win, but we certainly didn't look well doing it.

Bob Lindsay

We've found that it's very effective for most of the birds.

Carol West

By the time they found out there was a fire, it had already grown in size.

Mario Hernandez

To have the truth in your possession you can be found guilty, sentenced to death.

Peter Tosh

Revelations are found in clouds.

Serge Kahili King

What we've found is there is a continuing disruption for women.

John Curtis

James is a good actor, but he found the mask very constraining and claustrophobic.

James Mcteigue

There are no jobs. Jobs need to be found for the young people. The cops are also too aggressive.

Francis Hurier

I got disappointed in human nature as well and gave it up because I found it too much like my own.

J. P. Donleavy

I found out I was selected about two weeks ago. There's a lot of stuff to do to prepare.

Mark Waller

They were both located close together when we found them.

Jesse Cole

Courage is found in unlikely places.

J. R. R. Tolkien

I've loved The Nest ever since I found out about it.

Angela Johnson

I never found a restaurant he hadn't been to.

Dick Emberley

We found two limes and split them between the six of us. Yum.

Bill Saturno

I never believed I wouldn't make it - and perhaps that's why I've always found work. I've always stuck at everything I've ever done. I absolutely won't give up.

Amanda Holden

They've essentially been found guilty before even going to court.

Jocelyn Mccalla

They've got their scheme down and the minute someone else comes in and sees it, they'll be found out.

Michael Kessler

We weren't necessarily looking for a female singer, but we found her.

John Ernst

I would always slip away to the cinema. I always found something absolutely extraordinary about the fact that these actors were always kind of kicking hard at some new dimension they were doing on film.

Geoffrey Rush

They (Boxing Australia) said they will go with what the court originally found when we appealed his suspension, but they didn't.

Geoff Peterson

I'm happy for him. I'm happy he found the place that's best for him. That's all you can ask for.

Jodie Meeks

I was the first one to the ball, then he made that cut at the last minute, and after that, we couldn't get him down. He found holes.

Lemar Marshall

The day I found out, the day I got my mammogram and the doctor told me I had breast cancer, it was mid-November.

Victoria Gotti

You can have sound on one or the other and he found that technically imperfect.

Mary Matalin

Without a doubt, without that inserted in her chest I would have come back from the grocery store and found my wife dead.

Chris Higgins

If there wasn't one available, they were going to cancel the field trip. Luckily, we found one, and the students got to go.

Maria Reyna

They found all of that.

Dave Olsen

A complex system that works is invariably found to have evolved from a simple system that works.

John Gaule

We found him and took him out of transition.

Kevin Everly

We have sent teams of microbiologists to the places, where flocks of birds were found dead.

H.k. Pradhan

What we found was rather astonishing.

Peter Webster

We have not found, at this point in time, a candidate that the commission has all agreed on. And we continue to look.

Brian Gibson

We kind of found out what kind of team we are. I'm just kind of discouraged.

Na'shan Goddard

We found out because it was reported by a witness.

Stephanie Hall

Everyone had a different opinion. I found the whole thing very confusing.

Michele Morson

This is as astonishing as if we'd flown past Earth and found that Antarctica was warmer than the Sahara.

John Spencer

I just found out that I'm one inch taller than I thought.

Christie Brinkley

We drove to several banks and someone said they found her behind New River Shopping Center.

Cheryl Potter

The common expectation was that water would be all over the surface. But what we found was that it was in small, discrete areas.

Jessica Sunshine

We have resolved all differences. We found a way to go forward. This is a significant agreement.

Myles Brand

But when I saw the helicopter and they found us, it was relief.

Mary Schettler

I found 14 trailers in Cedar Falls, Iowa.

Merrill Oster

Litigation, we have found, is very expensive.

Oscar Goodman

People give up if the item is not found where it's expected to be.

Jakob Nielsen

I felt such relief when I knew that he had been found. It was a big burden that had been lifted.

Mary Hill

It shows that except for Qwest everyone else has found a dance partner.

Tom Friedberg

It wasn't what I would've hoped, but we did make progress. I wouldn't say we're any closer to a deal, but we found new areas to explore.

Connie Slayback

We found it when we got up Saturday morning. We've never had anything like this happen.

Mary Ruiz

We feel confident that we found all of them.

Jim Amormino

When I was a kid my parents moved a lot, but I always found them.

Rodney Dangerfield

He always found an open spot. We rely on Greg and we have so much confidence in him.

Kyle Coston

I've done nothing wrong so I'm happy. There's nothing there that I'll be found to have done anything wrong with.

Jim Banaghan

We found that one over on (Highway) 90, but it's going to take a crane to get it out.

Jason Green

Starting yesterday, we activated our volunteers and found how many and which ones would be available.

David Pollock

What I have found, the sense of it is that this kid really was a hero.

Bill Newman