The report card helps give us a focus, and it frames the dialogue for moving forward.

Adrian Smith

People move forward, people move on, it's what we do.

Chris Klein

Is about looking forward, rather than an assessment of their ability to understand history.

Tony Mcnulty

We have some people who look forward to this day. It's wonderful, for a good cause; and they're driving some of their favorite cars.

Tom Reed

The Department of Justice looks forward to presenting this important case before the court.

Brian Roehrkasse

It's been fantastic working with him in the BBC and we look forward to working with him in his new role at RDF.

Jana Bennett

This is a process of creeping implementation. It's moving forward slowly.

Michael Steiner

They've been the cause of many fashion-forward statements and many fashion faux pas.

Constance White

I think it's fun for the kids. We look forward to it every year.

Janice Johnson

I hope the contract is fair and equitable to everybody. Then, we can move forward and mend some of the fences that have been broken.

Suzanne Matarese

We're looking forward to another season of growth.

Bruce Bustamante

We were disappointed, but now, especially since we won today, we're looking forward and hoping to make a big run.

Dana Mitchell

I accepted it, because it was something I was really looking forward to doing.

Ben Maynard

We're looking forward to hearing what people have to say.

David Hull

You've got to be forward-thinking to stay ahead of the game.

Janna Sampson

It's exciting to me that we're moving forward. Will there be challenges? Absolutely. Will there be solutions to those challenges? Absolutely.

Mike Voisin

I was looking forward to him having a big year and he hasn't been a factor.

Dwan Hurt

This is important because it promotes cooperation among universities. That's how you can really move forward and move forward more rapidly.

Larry Lemanski

We don't want to go back to tomorrow, we want to go forward.

Dan Quayle

Right now we're still moving forward, That's all up in the air now.

Ralph Brennan

I'm looking forward to this phase in the case. I'm on the home stretch.

Cindi Measles

Old enemies of many years can move forward.

Adrien Wing

It is a special day for just the two of us, and we look forward to it all year.

Jim Willis

Moving forward with speed is of the essence right now.

Tom Noland

We're looking forward to having an exciting time.

Gwen Craig

I'm really looking forward to coming to Miami because I want to see if they're for real.

Bobby Cremins

We'll look forward to playing them again.

Dave Walla

We're looking forward to having them here and helping out New Orleans.

Karl Mayer

I felt the evidence was very compelling to not go forward with a trial.

John Fitzgibbons

We're looking forward to another shot at CSI.

Dexter Irvin

As we move forward with this technology, we should expect to see costs go down and roller capabilities go up.

Bob Barnes

Marion has been doing great. We all look forward to seeing her in action.

Bojana Bobusic

You can't look at these numbers and say things are going to be booming going forward.

Kevin Logan

Everything happened in a second, not even two. He entered the place, came two steps forward and exploded.

Arieh Sharon

It's the inflation story, it's there and it's got implications going forward.

Drew Matus

Your arms at this point should be facing forward.

Kehau Chrisman

I'm really ecstatic that I have this opportunity. I'm looking forward to working with and learning from Mr. Lee.

Mark Giles

We're excited to have them in Hilliard and we're looking forward to great things from them in the future.

David Meeks

It's a budget chip that's moving forward gradually.

Michael Slater

Certainly we know we've got a lot more to do, but this marks a significant advancement forward for preparedness in Arizona.

David Engelthaler

I'm looking forward to working with some of the best cast and crew there are.

Kelly Hu

We can only be better. We look forward to the future.

Dorrell Hilliman

Certainly the events moving forward this afternoon with very heavy hearts, and those heavy hearts will continue in the weeks to come.

Aaron Green

The timber people look forward to coming here.

Chris Wagner

As a kid, there are some things you looked forward to. You looked forward to Charlie Brown during Halloween and you looked forward to Monday Night Football .

Nick Ferguson

Absolutely everything that you've generated ... will be documented and used as we move forward.

Jennifer Lindbom

This service is vital to the community. They provide firsthand crisis response in a compassionate way. 211 is really a blessing for those who come forward.

Katherine Harris

If there is a doubt, I believe that I must put myself forward and undergo the people's judgment.

Moo hyum Roh

It's what she wanted and was looking forward to.

Barbara Medlicott

I'm more excited for Wednesday, I'm going to be honest. I'm not looking forward to two-a-days.

Desmond Mason

I'm certainly in support of any effort that moves us forward in the revitalization of that neighborhood.

Anthony Miccolis

He took a very big step forward.

Danny Peitz

The issue of whether the remedy was forward-looking was an old one for the Justice Department.

Michael Fiore

It's the effort you put forward and how creative you are. I've had several students with a 3.3 and a 21 ACT who didn't qualify for an academic scholarship but put forward the effort and got $5,000.

Jeff Buckman

Turkey cannot move forward with such bans.

Abdullah Gul

We are delighted with the FTC decision and look forward to bringing these two great companies together.

Harry Stonecipher

That's pretty neat, something to look forward to.

Jarrod Saltalamacchia

I am looking forward to continuing the work started by Augustine in Melbourne.

Isaac Songok

It's just a job you look forward to going to. It's not a drudgery job. You see your friends.

Harold Foster

It's a step forward for water management along the Columbia River.

Rob Masonis

We have to look forward for the next 100 years.

Sue Hall

We look forward to it. We hope they keep letting us come back.

Craig Reavis

I am thoroughly looking forward to the job but I know it will be a busy time.

Phil Dixon

The defense focuses on the actions of [the victim]. Don't you know that's why a lot of rape victims don't come forward?

David Hilburn

We look forward, ... to when Fidel Castro's birthday gives way to the possibility of celebrating democracy in Cuba.

Joe Garcia

It does bring us a lot of hope. Maybe a $100,000 reward will encourage someone to come forward.

Heather Tallet

It makes sense because more girls are coming forward now.

Susan Gallagher

I've always looked forward to coming up and wrestling for him. He's a legend.

Brian Watson

It's not a plus or a minus or a forward or backward.

Michael Stewart

It should be a lot of fun. There's a lot going on. It should be a fun weekend and I'm looking forward to it.

Matt Clement

Far from looking backward we're going to be looking forward.

Tom Shannon

The kids really look forward to it. It's a big incentive for them. It's a status thing.

Lisa Horton

I'm very pleased to have got my future sorted out and I'm looking forward to a new career with Castleford.

Danny Ward

They had agreed explicitly that they would not move forward with these condemnations, ... They don't have any new condemnations.

Scott Bullock

My only comment is that I'm shocked and that I'll be moving forward.

Pete Kendall

Law beat us earlier in the season. So we're looking forward to playing them.

Jim Holleran

We're going forward with these projects.

John Lovell

Reactions to my coming forward as a candidate have been positive and supportive.

Nadia Bakhurji

We look forward to working with our congressional delegation to address their concerns.

Frances Marine

You've got to bumble forward into the unknown.

Frank Gehry

We look forward to talking to them about it.

Paul Twomey

Since the ban, I have played in just a few charity games. I am looking forward to this contest.

Abdul Qadir

The department is moving forward with the proposed project.

Colleen Mckenna

If it's not on a forward contract, we got it on the Chicago Board of Trade.

Kelly Robertson

It takes time. But it's a straight-forward process.

John Chapman

We're hoping and praying that this will motivate someone to come forward.

Brenda Van Dam

I was looking forward to competing against her for years to come. She really was a rising star.

Bill Gibbons

The current earnings and the forward-looking guidance, in general, have not met expectations among a lot of companies.

Jim Awad

This is a company with a lot of operational issues going forward.

Brian Modoff

I think we're going to be ready. We've all been looking forward to it.

Luke Borello

Blackstone felt they weren't able to pay that fee, so we're going to go forward with tearing it down.

Dave Osborn

The guys are taking it positively. We're taking steps forward and it's bringing out the best in these guys.

Trestin George

We always look forward to this game. They always put on a good show.

Dave Pistone

We've got to be looking forward now or be looking at cuts as early as the fourth quarter of '07.

Mayor Gene Parkison

It's a new challenge to manage and I think everyone's looking forward to it because success brings more success.

Steve Noyce

I've thought about it. It's going to be a challenge coming from the flatlands to the city, but it's definitely something I can adjust to. I'm looking forward to it.

Mike Pelfrey

These issues are so important. I just felt the best thing to do right now is contribute and go forward.

Bill Luther

We are at 8 percent, we want to aim for 10 percent (growth). This budget takes us forward.

Tarun Das

There may have been a change in emphasis with regard to the competition this weekend, but we are taking it very seriously and looking forward to the challenge.

Dean Ryan

When Colin comes back we should get even better. We are looking forward to his return.

Ryan Hurley

I think after we collided with the wall Mr. Biko fell forward and hit his head against the table.

Jacobus Beneke

I'm looking forward to discussing many issues.

John Kadar

Women here feel comfortable coming forward.

Stephanie Young

I've driven by it a lot. I'm looking forward to being inside the stadium.

Eric Steinbach

We are appealing for the international community to come forward to help ... if an organization can help us exhume, examine and preserve the bodies.

Eric Naigambi

We moved the ball well, but we couldn't get the ball to pop through to a running forward.

Eric Louis

It's just like learning to drive. If you want to go forward, you put it in D. If you want to go backward, you put it in R.

Erin Sullivan

We're all looking forward to it.

Erik Rasmussen

That was a sad case. These cases are really made by people coming forward with information.

Enrique Garcia

We are excited and looking forward to it. It should be a good game.

Emily Hauptli

Very actively on the management dossier and putting forward proposals and driving it.

Emyr Jones Parry

I was really looking forward to it. But it's completely out of our control.

Emily Cook

If you are for this or against it- either way- come forward. Give your opinion. It's going to matter.

Emily Beebe

I'm looking forward to getting some reps and going out there and competing.

Eli Manning

We are eagerly looking forward to the moment we make a match.

Elaine Berg

Most people are ready to take the dialogue forward. The only place where that is not the case is the administration.

Eileen Claussen

It's been what we've been looking forward to.

Edwin Rodriguez

To look forward and not back, To look out and not in, and To lend a hand.

Edward Everett Hale

We will be evaluating that (a manufacturing base) as we move forward and our business grows.

Edward Zander

There is progress whether ye are going forward or backward! The thing is to move!

Edgar Cayce

It's done. He was dismissed from the team on Monday. We're going to move forward.

Eddie Fierek

Our concerns are the same as they were back in 1999 when the NEOS proposal first came forward.

Earle Mccurdy

It appears that he is determined to go forward and give the Bell [companies] the maximum relief.

Earl Comstock

I'm happy to see Baker's coming forward, ... A campaign should really be a test of who you are as a candidate. How is an ordinary citizen supposed to connect with him?

E. Helm

Here I would like to put forward two expectations for our compatriots.

Zeng Qinghong

In the current situation, we cannot move forward with the political process.

Zeev Boim

I'm definitely looking forward to these two guys coming back and hopefully leading us to a district championship.

Zane Guy