Well this time, this case is really over, and over for good.

I expect she's going to do very well the next couple of years on this program.

It's a story that belongs in the movies or a novel.

What is outrageous about this case, if this man is telling the truth: This man is a getaway driver for murder. We execute people in this state for that. [But he] hasn't been charged with anything. It shows how desperate the government is in this case. ... This case has languished for 10 years. ... This is their best shot.

This was a complex tax shelter case, in which Mr. Stewart relied on the advice of his accountant and other tax experts. He is pleased that this five-year ordeal is finally over.

This story is a murder story. There's no doubt about it, no matter how we try to spin it.

We only hope, in the next few weeks, Debbie will fade to a footnote.

We're pleased that the court concluded that they had no jurisdiction to overturn the trial judge's ruling. We look forward to going to trial where the jury will have all of the evidence.

I felt the evidence was very compelling to not go forward with a trial.