Hinging a regulatory policy on the idea that there's going to be numerous competitors in a marketplace with their own facilities ... it's a great vision to have but I think the emperor's wearing no clothes in this case.

Hinging a regulatory policy on the idea that there's going to be numerous competitors in a marketplace with their own facilities ... it's a great vision to have, but I think the emperor's wearing no clothes in this case.

These mergers are a big step toward recreating the old AT&T monopoly that the Reagan administration courageously dismantled.

It's been just wonderful. I think you all have done a good job here.

The scope of this almost whimsical action by the commission is unbelievable.

This really is a gigantic step backwards and, if enacted, would lead to the death of the Internet.

There are no benefits in this merger for consumers or the U.S. economy. This merger continues the anticompetitive resurrection of the old Bell monopoly.

It appears that he is determined to go forward and give the Bell [companies] the maximum relief.