330 quotes about considering follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

Before you act consider; when you have considered, tis fully time to act.


When a man assumes a public trust, he should consider himself as public property.

Thomas Jefferson

Animals, whom we have made our slaves, we do not like to consider our equal.

Charles Darwin

I consider being ill as one of the great pleasures of life, provided one is not too ill.

Samuel Butler

It is a most mortifying reflection for a man to consider what he has done, compared to what he might have done.

Samuel Johnson

Hopefully, we will have more opportunities which will allow us to avert having to consider such action.

Kevin Burns

We're waiting to conclude our investigation and considering what legal recourse may be appropriate.

Justin Harmon

I consider your conduct unethical and lousy.

Peter Arno

It appears they don't want to consider this in this session.

Grant Lynch

We're analyzing the lawsuits and considering how to respond to them.

Michael Neese

He is much better than Rob and I would have expected considering how sick he was.

Laman Gray

We lost two very close matches. I thought we played well considering how much competition we've had.

Jason Olson

An IPO is one of the options we are considering and at the top of the list.

David Chamberlin

Companies and industries should consider lowering the threshold for ear protection.

Stefan Willich

As far as the team, we're doing fine. We're doing as well as we can considering the circumstances.

Jessica Hill

I probably will heat about the same way I always have, although I am considering possibly getting a new furnace.

Dan Seymour

I don't consider myself a farmer anymore. I have too much respect for farmers.

Patrick Brennan

Consider the rights of others before your own feelings, and the feelings of others before your own rights.

John Wooden

On a scale of diseases, mumps is not what we would consider one of the more serious.

Doug Schultz

Research about the prevention of obesity should consider infancy, as well as childhood.

Dr Janis Baird

For the moment, we see no consequences for our legislation which we consider to be toughest in the world.

Barbara Helfferich

Villa are a quality club, and I don't consider this a backward step at all. My situation will be better there.

Milan Baros

We have to be fiscally responsible. We can only add what we need to and we need to be very careful when considering additional expenses.

Wayne Fischer

Do you realize that God expects you to consider that you are actually working for Jesus Christ on your job?

Bill Gothard

I don't think we're paying too much at all, considering what I have here.

Carolyn Wickert

We did a very good job considering we hadn't played since the 16th of December.

Nagene Thomas

I think we need a more comprehensive and ... stronger agreement of what we consider to be a standard that we can all agree to.

Steve Watson

Willing to consider sacrifices close to home.

Aaron Lewis

She was in remarkably good condition, considering all she's been through.

Carol Wheeler

Let us consider the reason of the case. For nothing is law that is not reason.

Sir John Powell

We consider this a strong endorsement of the company and its leadership.

Gary Ginsberg

Certainly I'd consider that,'' Beane told The Chronicle.

Rickey Henderson

Nothing bothers him, and that's pretty amazing, considering what he went through. And we noticed that from Day 1.

Bryan Smolinski

An airport that has the traffic — we take that into account as we consider airports.

Marilee Mcinnis

She had 7 1/2 years to consider what she was doing and didn't stop. She only stopped because she was caught.

Andrew Macdonald

They have to consider everything at this point.

Marianne Pasha

We are both committed to advancing the culture of T&T. Consider us soldiers for the cause.

Geoffrey Dunn

He's not considering this at this time. Again, we have a battle-tested system.

Deena Reppen

The position on banks and insurance has not changed. We consider their opening as impossible.

Maxim Medvedkov

Considering we have 1.3 million poles, that would be 120,000 a year.

Bill Swank

I consider this as a victory for all, as a victory for the democratic transformation and the new system.

Yasir Arman

If the FCAT was to be administered in April or May, then I might seriously consider changing the calendar. But until then, I can't support it.

Paulette Burdick

If men would consider not so much wherein they differ, as wherein they agree, there would be far less of uncharitableness and angry feeling.

Joseph Addison

We consider Muslah a martyr.

Dr Kamal Hossain

We would consider that to be successful, so I have to be excited about that.

William Bell

We would have to consider that.

Don Smithburg

This game has been declared the national championship. If we win, I'll consider myself and my team the national champions.

Marcus Spears

I know we may consider it, but why should we consider it? What's the public interest?

John Ryan

People consider it a very inequitable way to run a pension system.

Richard Jackson

I would prefer they not know I'm considering selling.

Jeffrey Skilling

Who in this room is considering hydrogen fuel cell powered boats?

Jeremy Rifkin

We consider St. Louis in-state. You start at home and then you go as far as you have to go.

Ron Zook

I'm still considering Friday night.

John Mcardle

We consider ourselves more of a dispersal center.

David Nellis

It's not a shock. Not considering the way the car industry is going.

Gerald Goodman

Consider some action to stop the proliferation of businesses on Broad Street, which do not cater to shoppers.

Bill Ward

Considering the weather, I'm extremely happy with what we did.

Don Knapp

Considering that this lawsuit is 10 years old, I will believe it's over when it is actually over.

John Hoag

She will bite if you get too close because she won't consider you as part of her flock.

Cliff Warren

We will review the offer and then consider a range of alternatives.

Bruce Williamson

I consider myself a law officer first and a politician second.

Gary Hamblin

If there is an invitation and there's a purpose for doing something, then we might consider it.

Finley Peter Dunne

I just consider myself a working actor.

Richard Kline

Consider yourself lucky.

Robert Rauschenberg

We're disappointed that the game was canceled. We are considering the game to be a forfeit.

Curt Scheidel

I thought we competed well. Considering how bad the weather was, it wasn't too bad.

Robb Hammond

Let us overthrow the totems, break the taboos. Or better, let us consider them cancelled. Coldly, let us be intelligent.

Pierre Trudeau

I consider him one of the best coaches in the nation. Through competitions we also have become good friends.

James Wagoner

Honestly, we really don't even talk about it or consider that it's an interracial couple.

David Zabel

It's said that if you can't say something good about a dead person, don't say it. Well, I consider him dead.

Thurgood Marshall

I was very flattered ... but as long as the Trinity community will have me, I'll consider this my home.

Bob Beatty

He's been influenced to consider [transferring], and to see what his options are.

Pete Carroll

It was really probably much better than we deserved considering what was happening. We got really lucky.

Marsha Daughenbaugh

I am afraid we have employees out there who would consider suing us (if their benefits were taken away).

Paul Hatch

... In my eyes, I'm playing for somebody I consider a coaching legend.

Steve Wichman

Anything that's opened, we absolutely consider to be safe at this time.

Pam Murphy

We are considering a racketeering action.

Perry Sanders

At present consumers should be considering energy savings.

Amelia Torres

This can be really beneficial to us. Especially when you consider, the coach doesn't have a lot of time to do this (during the season).

David Franke

People without a lot of assets should consider not buying it.

Rick Schwarck

We're considering both of these controller errors.

Tony Molinaro

Based on the circumstances, we are certainly considering an appeal now, on the basis that we raised in the court in there.

Tom Ceraso

I don't consider it a long shot.

James Brosnahan

I've never solicited a tenant or a buyer. I'm happy with what I do. But as a businesswoman, I have to consider things that come my way.

Lisa Vitiello

When you've been here, and you consider it your house, you're at home.

Naylond Hayes

They do some things very well, which is why we consider them our chief competitor.

Clay Courville

Hey, I can't believe I got more than 1 percent considering I am not known and haven't campaigned.

Tom Rooney

I don't believe we can say we are considering it in the near term at all.

Susan Gallagher

Some people do consider it inhumane. As far as we can tell, it's not legal.

Jerome A. Jackson

They said there's no more space at the school, would you consider renting?

Colleen Kennedy

I consider myself a behavioral optometrist and there are about 2,000 of us in the country, where we address more than 20-20.

Dr. Edvin Manniko

I consider skateboarding an art form, a lifestyle and a sport.

Tony Hawk

I've definitely been thinking about it. After this season, I put myself in a position to consider it.

Morris Almond

They talked about where they were and what they should be prepared to consider.

Pj Crowley

We'll consider our options.

John Gibson

I don't know why they consider us a threat.

Li Hongzhi

There is no pre-contract in place yet with any club. Kenny is looking at things and we are considering his options.

David Baldwin

Do not lose courage in considering your own imperfections.

St. Francis De Sales

Obviously, we consider her an important witness.

Richard Scruggs

We have 53 stores in California and we consider it to be a major area of expansion.

Chris Ahearn

It was much better than I expected. We're just considering this as an extension for what he should have done before.

Marla Miller

We're going to open it up and consider candidates from inside the building and outside.

Gary Clausen

I'm not considered a groupie slut -- I'm considered a chronicler of a time, Well, some may consider me a groupie slut.

Michael Des Barres

We are seriously considering it, but we have not taken the idea to our board.

Vincent Lo

We may need to consider some radical changes.

Dan Washburn

We don't consider this self-service. We're doing this to increase accuracy.

Mary Johnston

I don't consider myself a celebrity, and I don't consider myself a star.

Laura Linney

She did extremely well considering it was the first time she had been in that situation.

Mike Gavin

He's sitting up in bed and in relatively good spirits considering.

Craig Christensen

The first time I see a jogger smiling, I'll consider it.

Joan Rivers

We celebrate that, considering the agitation from the population.

Brigalia Bam

And as far as that goes, when he first started with it he was considering Bob Dylan for Clyde before he did it himself.

Robert Towne

People should be considering a backup plan for watching the Super Bowl.

Lynn Carlson

This is a lot considering that [the March auction] was just on one section of Indian art.

Minal Vazirani

I consider us to be a little bit blue collar.

Scott Wolfe

Considering where we want to go, this is definitely a must-win game. We've got to win.

Anthony Harris

We're hopeful it will not pass. If it does pass, we will collect our breath and consider our options.

Jim Gordon

We consider ourselves to be one of the best in Florida.

Mark Howard

I still consider this matter to be an ongoing investigation.

Charles Branson

There is no exemption for Germany, and we will consider the case, as well as the French case, later.

Joaquin Almunia

Now with Rockies Express, they will probably consider switching Pony Express back to oil.

Bryan Hassler

We are considering harboring with a fugitive charges against these individuals.

Patrick Wilson

We are telling cops to consider him armed and dangerous.

Robert Taggart

The planning people are definitely considering that a priority.

Michael Choo

I begin by considering an effect.

Maurice Ravel

It is a substantially different approach than what we've looked at. This is one option we'll consider.

Julie Regan

We do consider them dangerous.

Mike Haley

Our concern is that the restriction doesn't consider the uniqueness of the situation in San Miguel.

Cliff Smith

I don't know how you can consider it uplands when the tide covers it almost every day.

Holly Hawkins

We consider it deplorable that this cartoon should appear in a magazine that has the name Catholic in its title.

Marc Carroggio

Now that everything is settled down, I'm really considering going out.

Josh Daniel

I consider this a celebration. He led a great life.

Joey Meyer

Small business owners go to the people they consider their trusted advisers.

Michael Butler

This is too much! If they are granted asylum, it means they consider the accusations are true.

Djoko Susilo

Almost every city has a sex offender law, or is considering one, ... If I was a sex offender and was looking for a place to live, I would be looking for a place that didn't have one.

Bill Carter

He who doesn't consider himself is seldom considerate of others.

David Seabury

We would consider publishing them.

Flemming Rose

Alabama is considering strengthening its standards, which would be a good thing.

Jackie Savitz

I'm not even considering moving that work from Pittsburgh.

Al Crellin

UP has some things to consider.

Michael Lloyd

I think I did a pretty good job considering the circumstances I was in.

Brandon Frye

He did very well considering he has only been here one day.

Alain Perrin

We need to consider our options.

Bob Fitzsimmons

We consider ourselves pro-legal immigration.

Colin Hanna

We consider him to be a trophy of our program. He's grown by leaps and bounds from where he was to where he is now.

Kirk Hanson

I consider myself their foster child. I consider them my parents.

Gabriel Polk

One doesn't consider style, because style is.

Robert Stone

It is not responsible at this stage to even consider the cloning of humans.

Rudolf Jaenisch

I wouldn't consider it a success because we didn't win the championship.

Ryan Costello

We would recommend that this is a route that Scotland should consider.

Alice Brown

But we are now considering developing our own products so as to maximize profits.

Wan Fuli

I think we'll be considering lawsuits.

Peter Aengst

When we get to the conference with the Senate, we'll consider it, but the Senate language, I think, is irresponsible.

John Boehner

Considering the company I keep in this place, that is hardly surprising.

Robert G. Menzies

We do encourage people to consider how much fish they consume.

Shannon Harps

I've said from Day One that we would consider everything up to and including dismissal.

Kathleen O'toole

If we do a new plant, we would consider Michigan, along with other states.

Dennis Cuneo

We consider this normal revenge against Israeli aggression.

Abu Abdullah

You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view.

Harper Lee

What my client would say is he's grateful to the jury for considering the circumstances he was in.

Seth Belson

We save lives on a daily basis. We consider this plane priceless.

Larry Wells

He's come a long way in what I consider to be a very short time.

James Davis

Lower than what we consider optimal.

Andy Bryant

This is a court of law, not TV. Consider the testimonial evidence.

Dan Cavanaugh

They did it in 16 hours, and I consider the effort unprecedented.

Jim Compton

With the newspaper strike on, I wouldn't consider dying.

Bette Davis

We do not consider that a windfall.

James Mulva

If the U.S. takes a cooperative approach we will consider arrangements for the next visit.

Sun Yuxi

There's no reason for these companies to even consider Sonoma County.

Lex Mccorvey

The whole process of appeal is something we are considering.

Jeff Lewis

For these reasons, the legislature should not consider the arms project until after April.

James Soong

Are you kidding? We consider alpaca one of the finest, finest fibers in the world.

Beatriz Canedo Patino

I think he would consider that there are very few issues that are so dangerous that they can't be discussed.

Bob Westbrook

That was simply magnificent. We consider you an explorer just as we are.

Bill Mcarthur

I've received an offer from a Russian club and now my agent is considering that. But I can't say anything definitely.

Alexei Smertin

Consider the key countries of the world.

Robert Blackwill

It might as well be a death sentence considering my age.

Tommy Allain

What mountaineers would consider climbing routes, they use all the time.

Rick Yates

We are still considering the option.

Rick Parsagian

I really don't consider this a defeat because I am skating better and better every race.

Shani Davis

If that is everybody's desire we will have to consider it.

Mahathir Mohamad

A prosperous state makes a secure Christian, but adversity makes him Consider.

Anne Bradstreet

Considering we haven't had anything here, we'll take what we can get.

Nick Petro

It will be very special considering that I played six years at PSV.

Johann Vogel

The girls competed well, considering the cold weather and the wind.

Ron Mascarenas

If we lost it, companies may consider not basing planes there.

Brad Lail

We have the right to build on that corner and are considering it.

James Holt

There will be enough political pressure to make Congress consider doing something.

Lowell Kalapa

Our aim in Europe is to grow organically. We're not considering any acquisitions.

Fred Goodwin

At the right price, we would always consider the disposition of a segment of our business.

Stephen Cooper

There's been a approach and we are considering it.

Gareth Davies

The fact that the NYPD would consider the Charger is an honor.

Kevin Mccormick

Austin's been wonderful to us. We'd consider moving here if my husband could get a job.

Phyllis Martin

I don't know why I'm being attracted to gambling, considering I don't do it myself very often.

Jesse Ventura

It's unbelievable that, in this country, the U.S., they would even consider a measure like this.

Freddy Peralta

I will consider what disciplinary actions are appropriate in this case pending the findings.

Arthur Levine

We take these things extremely seriously. We always have, we do now. That's all we can say considering that these things are under litigation.

Fran Maier

Given the circumstances of what he's charged with and where it seems he's fled, we certainly would consider him armed and dangerous.

Paul Moskal

OPG is not considering anything as a site. We have no mandate for that.

John Earl

There is a chance that the transmitter is malfunctioning ... but we consider that unlikely at this point.

Dave Sherman