222 quotes about american follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

The 100% American is 99% an idiot.

George Bernard Shaw

You don't like your job, you don't strike. You go in every day and do it really half-assed. That's the American way.

Matt Groening

The chief business of the American people is business.

Calvin Coolidge

I think the most un-American thing you can say is, 'You can't say that.'

Garrison Keillor

They have a very Canadian take on RPS. This is an American league for American sensibilities.

Matti Leshem

When we got to the hill at the (American) Legion, that got to me, ... That was emotional.

Alan Lowe

One of the best-selling brands in American today.

Terry Lundgren

In the American culture, most people live paycheck to paycheck.

Leslie Peterson

They're my American family.

Karrie Webb

I know I say 'retarded' a lot and it's not correct, ... It should be 'retarded American.'

Will Phillips

I am here as an American citizen because of my family who were immigrants.

Julio Perez

As one of our cousins said last night that Dan was just an all-American boy and that's what he was.

Bob Reynolds

You have to do that. If you level with the American people you'll get their support.

Melvin Laird

We think it's wonderful that he will get to live the American dream.

John Sullivan

It's incumbent on American to respond to this. It's possible that American will try to up the bidding for US Airways.

Henry Harteveldt

We are now the Rio Colorado Chapter of the American Red Cross.

Pat Curry

This era, as with any era, illustrates the struggle of the African-American to be recognized.

John Kisch

When you ask senior American officials where this is leading.

Yossi Alpher

It's really an American food.

Wendy Boersema

In American jurisprudence, the accused has a right to know who the accuser is.

Norman Siegel

American consumers were harmed by the conspiracy.

Thomas Barnett

Having American refugees on American soil is heartbreaking.

Matt Brown

If American or Northwest don't go along, fares will roll back.

Tom Parsons

This is going to be an American airplane built for the U.S. Air Force.

Randy Belote

Most American children suffer too much mother and too little father.

Gloria Steinem

A great American city is fighting for its life.

Marc Morial

It's no longer the third rail of American politics.

David Elliot

No one understands if things take on an anti-American tinge.

Condoleeza Rice

The thing is that sometimes we all do things where the ramifications of our actions are perhaps afterthoughts, ... American Morning.

Sarah Ferguson

When I see an American flag flying, it's a joke.

Robert Altman

His mentality is very strong. That will help him adjust to MLB and the American life.

Kaz Matsui

I think it's shameful that they didn't warn the American people.

Stephen Push

Am I Korean? Am I Korean-American? It took me a while to figure it out.

James Kim

One of the most un-American things that one can imagine.

Maxine Waters

Thirsty for the blood of another American.

Daniel Pearl

Equity and Excellence in American Higher Education.

William Bowen

I like American for Pinot Noir.

Owen Elias

Landscape is to American painting what sex and psychoanalysis are to the American novel.

Robert Hughes

African-American males are where we are shortest.

Kathleen Smith

I said I would bring American sprinting back to the top and this was the start of achieving that aim.

Maurice Greene

The more the American troops die, the more troops they send to die.

Joe Elder

The American boy starts swinging the bat about as soon as he can lift one.

Tris Speaker

The North American market is red hot and brutally competitive.

Richard Wagoner

Loneliness seems to have become the great American disease.

John Corry

The Jewish Identity Project: New American Photography.

Jewish Museum

What we're dealing with here is discrimination of an American citizen.

Ken Falk

February is American Heart month.

Michelle Lamb

High culture has never had much of a place on American television.

Tim Brooks

Whenever we'd run into another American, that was always cause for celebration.

John Moffitt

When American presidents prepare for foreign wars, they lie.

Robert Higgs

Like most American boys of my age I read a lot of Ian Fleming.

Scott Turow

African-American history is American history.

Joyce Williams

The theme of the symposium is the American Irish, and the Irish in American film.

Robert C. Savage

That's her choice. That's the American way.

Rene Corie

Godfrey is on his way to being an All-American.

Dominic Scicluna

I am a patriotic, loyal American, ... I am not a terrorist nor am I a spy.

James Yee

Today's laws are not only anti-immigrant, today's laws are anti-American.

John Destefano

Contempt: How the Right is Wronging American Justice.

Catherine Crier

American can do better, and help is on the way.

John Kerry

He was an African boy who was all-American.

Bruce Turner

The strikebreaker is the hero of American industry.

Charles W. Eliot

[She was] the Judy Garland of American poetry.

James Dickey

Our great American writers were all newspaper people.

John Gould

Probably we'll think of Bush in years to come as an American hero.

Tommy Franks

I think it is a disservice to the American people.

David Boren

Black history is American History.

Bryant Johnson

The Bush administration doesn't own the national forests, the American public does.

Lynn Young

Our understanding that this American citizen is no longer in Afghanistan.

Lou Fintor

Attacks against American puppets will continue.

Mullah Dadullah

This is an American phenomenon. It's not going to go away.

Quinn Spitzer

Not all African-American Catholic parishes are the same; they have their own histories and personalities.

Royce Winters

It's an American treasure, and we'll take good care of it.

Alec Stewart

The Growing Dangers of American Theocracy.

Phyllis Curott

He's one of those American success stories, and that's why I hope his career will end way at the top.

Greg Blache

Try to be American.

Connie Williams

He's one of the most important American playwrights ever.

Rocco Landesman

When she got the passion to become an American citizen there was no stopping her.

Paul Corbitt

It's so great to see, ... It makes you feel proud to be an American.

William Pickett

If we are going to create change, it has to be done through the American way.

Arthur Alvarez

We are as American as you are. We are Americans and we have the same rights that you have.

Maria Rosas

I'm living the American dream.

Dick Vitale

As far as African-American lieutenants, I believe I am the first.

Lt. Wayne Hudson

This is a little closer than the top row of Great American.

Brandon Hamilton

Miss All-American Beauty.

Diane Lane

The American people have seen so much damage they are saturated.

Charles Gibson

It's coming from the American taxpayer.

Al Hubbard

There was leadership in the African American community within the church.

Yvonne Johnson

North American natural gas is dependent on what happens in North America.

Bart Melek

There were no American Idols here tonight. That was ugly.

Larry Beets

There's not an American in this country free until every one of us is free.

Jackie Robinson

I can not emphasize enough it is an American buyer.

Michael Seymour

He was phenomenal all night for us. That's why he's an All-State goalkeeper and an All-American.

Mike Aronson

He is unquestionably one of the most important figures in the history of American law.

Cass R. Sunstein

All I saw were American flags and I thought, 'holy cow'.

Peter Lonard

I'm angry for all the hurt ... more for you, the viewers ... African-American, all Americans.

Chris Berman

The Swiss are much smarter than American pharmaceutical firms.

John Mccamant

There are no generalizations in American politics that vested selfishness cannot cut through.

John Gunther

This shows how important Venice now is for American cinema.

Marco Mueller

He was a good, all-around American boy. And he's a fallen hero.

Fred Byrd

It's unfortunate because it's one of the great American brands.

Jim Shepherd

Republicans owe the American people answers as to where they really stand.

Luis Miranda

Through that, the community assimilates into the American quilt.

Hani Khoury

Appeal tonight directly to every American.

Alan Keyes

They are not convinced I'm American; they think I'm Italian.

Julia Mancuso

The American people are tired of liars and people who pretend to be something they're not.

Hillary Clinton

I feel like I am helping brothers... my American brothers.

Alex Gonzalez

I'm in a weird band. We've done very well. The American Dream is alive and well.

Gene Simmons

It is failing the American people miserably.

Peter Defazio

It just seems to be that way, that Afro-American kids can run very, very well.

Fisher Deberry

The Anti-American Criminal Liberties Union.

Mark Hyman

It's the last bastion of American vehicles.

Ron Pinelli

The American emergency system is ill.

Dr. Frederick C. Blum

This is really a classic American musical.

Ted Moskonas

The capacity to be intrinsic and vulgar is American.

Stan Brakhage

He's an American, really. It's a good album, but it's daft he's got in on a technicality.

Kaiser Chiefs

As an American, that offends me.

Ron Heck

You see this? ... This is your story: American Red Cross disaster.

Ann Brown

Documents reflect American law and government.

Mathew Staver

American has a valid ratified agreement with the APFA.

Gus Whitcomb

The more American flags, the better this is going to be.

Ben Monterroso

It's exciting to see a lot of American guys run well.

Meb Keflezighi

In my eye, Lincolns are big, heavy, powerful, American V-8s.

Jim Hossack

An American Summer.

Frank Deford

Here we can wave any flag we want. It's American values.

Victor Delgado

They are young, they are affluent, and they want American products.

Bob Froehlich

If she were not an African American woman, she wouldn't be going through this.

Waukeen Mccoy

UN-AMERICAN, adj. Wicked, intolerable, heathenish.

Ambrose Bierce

'American Pie' opened a lot of doors for me.

John Candy

The American formula things are out there but they don't have any stories to tell - we have all the stories to tell - but they're all formula.

Yahoo Serious

These are Americans who are just as American as I am.

Karen Hughes

The most gifted of the new generation of American conductors.

David Robertson

This could be good news for North American universities.

Bakul Dholakia

Bailey could pitch here (Great American) right now.

Chris Sabo

We are here to support American values. America was built with immigrants.

Juan Gomez

They're American aircraft, built by Americans for Americans.

Randy Belote

The committee is the essence of American political action.

Tim Welch

All American cars are basically Chevrolets.

Herb Caen

The arch of his career was amazing. He was an icon, an American icon.

Sam Skemp

The American producers asked us about security.

Marco Muller

It is rarely that you see an American writer who is not hopelessly sane.

Margaret Anderson

I'm an American and it's the patriotic thing to do.

Kathy Cooper

He was a giant figure in American theater.

Tony Kushner

I get to go to the American Girl (Shop), which I've wanted to go there forever.

Melanie Weiskopf

If it's my money right now and they told me to buy something for April 18, I probably wouldn't buy it on American.

Tom Parsons

I was born an American; I will live an American; I shall die an American.

Daniel Webster

He really reveled in this kind of thing -- American history and the history of the court.

Ken Gormley

They are systematically excluding African-American jurors and they're not permitted to do that.

Robert Blasier

ALIEN, n. An American sovereign in his probationary state.

Ambrose Bierce

I walk through an American Girl store. And that's an experience.

Michael Gould

There are so many opportunities here that don't exist in Latin American.

Diana Holland

Well of course New Zealand isn't anti-American.

Helen Clark

San Francisco is perhaps the most European of all American cities.

Cecil Beaton

Libraries are the one American institution you shouldn't rip off.

Barbara Kingsolver

It's a small town remembering what it's like to be an American.

Sandy Wilson

The greatest American superstition is a belief in facts.

Hermann Keyserling

Even after the fact, she said it was deplorable that the American people knew.

Marcy Winograd

We found out he was African-American when he was coming home from the hospital.

Brenda Ball

Did you see American Idol last night? ... You've got to see this.

Ken Austin

When we got the lead, it was a surprise for the American team.

Arturs Irbe

I am famous because I am an African American jazz artist.

Nat King Cole

I have SEVEN American Girl dolls now.

Shelby Futrell

Her spirit and her optimism are organic to the American spirit, and that's what this show is about.

Martin Charnin

There's more to come. We've got to level with the American people.

Robert C. Byrd

[The bill] will affect every American in some way, ... The impact of this bill will be felt for decades to come.

James Jeffords

I was searching for a project that really captured the American spirit.

Bill Gerber

There was this whole separate league of African American players.

Paul Melvin

All we're saying is get all the information out there, let the American people make their decision, let us make our decision.

Gary Condit

The death warrant for treasured American wildlife.

Susan Holmes

The quote I have is that you said un-American.

Bill Hemmer

Part of the American dream is to own your own property - something no one can take from you.

Henry Bonilla

Members of the American Embassy family in Islamabad.

Barbara Green

We don't start a job that we can't finish... that's the American way.

Paul Wolfowitz

The ACLU is to Christians what the American Nazi party is to Jews.

Jerry Falwell

They have persuaded the American people we can't win, because they don't level. They've persuaded people we can't win.

Chris Wallace

When I see the American flag, I go, 'Oh my God, you're insulting me.'

Janeane Garofalo

What a privilege it is to be an American!

Thomas Starr King

The 9/11 commission would not put the war fighter in harm's way, ... American Morning.

Timothy J. Roemer

It has an uncanny ability to remind us of all things American.

Gina Stevens

Many African-American students are half American Indian as well.

Brent Cox

An insult to American working men and women.

Linda Chavez

The more ideas that pop, the more open to new ideas the American market is.

Ben Silverman

[The Muslim American Society] has an excellent reputation here.

Dan Parker

He was a man who actually could have changed the course of American history.

Tom Bradley

It is critical that we are embraced by the American public.

Angelica Salas

FIU is better known among the Latin American press than here in the U.S.,

Charles Green

Benjamin Franklin: An American Life.

Walter Isaacson

They came here for the American dream, for their children.

Karla Mundale

I'm not very happy. I'm thinking American may be next time.

Mike Harrington

Don't get the idea the I'm knocking the American system.

Al Capone

She (Wilson) does a great job for us and that is why she is an All-American.

Jonathan Meade

The average American adolescent is sleep-deprived.

David Walsh

If an American wins it would be a nice boost for Americans.

Greg Meyer

I can promise you as an American and a New Yorker that you were there for us, and we will be there for you.

Jonathan Tisch

Transparent tape is an American product that's fun.

Vicki Lansky

It will belong to the American people.

Norman Lear

He was a typical American kid.

Hugh Muscat

And we frankly think that's what the American people want us to do.

Gary Condit

And so, my truth is that I am a gay American.

Jim Mcgreevey

Most American chestnuts die before they get to that size.

Maureen Osolnik

This year we liked a lot of new American films, more than usual.

Tom Luddy