378 quotes about senate follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

When they call the roll in the Senate, the Senators do not know whether to answer 'Present' or 'Not guilty.'

Theodore Roosevelt

The senate and congressional campaign committees keep getting more and more narrow in their targeting - there is little work done on national message.

Wes Boyd

I am very proud of the legislation we were able to pass this year, ... Many of the bills we worked on were district bills that will have a direct and positive impact on the people who live in the 15th Senate district.

Abel Maldonado

The premier didn't mean to say that there would be national elections for senators this fall. He clarified (to me) that there would be discussions this fall on Senate elections.

Marisa Etmanski

The Bush administration is in significant difficulty, and the leading figures in both the House and the Senate are in significant difficulty. All of these difficulties are going to go on.

Cal Jillson

I'm very impressed. I think it will be a breath of fresh air to get someone like that into our Senate.

Karen Peterson

Sen. Burns feels that a minority of U.S. senators used a parliamentary trick to keep a bill from going to the Senate floor. This vote does not affect the federal budget.

Matt Mackowiak

I shall always be consistent and never change my ways so long as I am in my senses; but for the sake of precedent the Senate should beware of binding itself to support the acts of any man, since he might through some mischance suffer a change.

Tiberius Caesar

Office hours can be completed from the time the senate meeting ends on Wednesday nights until 2 p.m. of that next Wednesday.

Heather Janik

In the meantime, we should demand that no B.C. elections take place for the Senate until we are properly recognized as a full-fledged region of this country.

Mark Marissen

I would invite members of the community to go to Columbus and talk to the legislators about funding the schools. When I was a private citizen, I went there and spoke to the Ohio Senate Finance Committee.

Shelia Smith

Chairman [Judd] Gregg [R-N.H.] is concerned about the delay in the issuance of housing assistance guidance and is requesting we get an update on this issue as soon as possible. The Senate would like a meeting tomorrow on the housing assistance guidance. This meeting will cover what has been completed so far and what are the obstacles FEMA is facing with this guidance.

Shannon O'keefe

We are concerned that the department's view of the law may now change because there is a new administration, and it is expedient to investigate an outspoken Democratic senator in a climate of political uncertainty in the Senate.

Ted Wells

Mount a national crusade against the senate elections.

Morgan Tsvangirai

In my lifetime, I have never felt more ashamed of, or more frightened by my leadership in Washington, including the presidency, or the Senate.

Harry Taylor

If the Senate believes that the American public supports any of the proposals for drastic increases in legal immigration and amnesty, no matter how they want to label it, they need to use to the Easter break to go home and listen to what their constituents really want.

Roy Beck

He's on other important committees. It takes a tremendous amount of time to run for the U.S. Senate.

Jill Hazelbaker

We found information in support of a small break and encourage the senate to vote in approval of it.

Spencer Watts

It's the United States Senate. I'm sure some will try to use it as a platform.

Jack Quinn

His lack of leadership and his lack of popularity is going to basically play a role in Democrats winning again in the Senate and the House.

Jerry Lundergan

The national sentiment is against the Senate structure.

William Bango

If the Senate fails to act and move forward on those nominees.

Scott Mcclellan

The House managers submit witnesses are essential to give heightened credence to whatever judgment the Senate chooses to make on each of the articles of impeachment against President Clinton.

James Sensenbrenner

Though my plans at the moment are vague, I can assure you that I'll never run for the Senate in New York.

Laura Bush

The failure of the White House to produce relevant documents is reason enough for any senator to oppose this nomination. The administration cannot treat the Senate with such disrespect without some consequences.

Harry Reid

This is really an issue of compassion for people in need. If that wasn't the cause, I don't think the Senate would have overridden the governor's veto. This is a situation of tremendous political will and that comes from a place of compassion.

Nathaniel Lepp

When it was tied up in the Senate I asked the Town Council to make some calls. Did I get any help from them? No. They laid down their guns and walked away.

Mayor David Iwuc

They're moving targets. I don't think anybody in the Senate really has a good sense going into the fight ... [of] what we're going to be voting on.

Bryan Gulley

As she gears up to run for President, it's a broader stage, and these issues matter in a way that perhaps they don't when she's in the Senate. That's bad strategic analysis that is being passed around as common knowledge, and I think it's false thinking.

Jeff Soref

Right now, if I had to bet would the Democrats take the House and Senate back, I'd say no. But are the odds a heck of a lot better than they were three months ago or six months ago? Heck, yes.

Charles Cook

Senate Republicans strongly believe that we should have an understanding on when President Bush's circuit court nominees, many of whom have been languishing in this committee for almost a year, will get hearings and be treated fairly.

Ron Bonjean

I would love to see more students coming to Senate. It's an open meeting.

Jessica Sanders

The leadership of the North Carolina Senate feels very strongly that they both go, or no go.

Sen Clark Jenkins

This was my position during the E-VAT debates in the Senate. Because of the stratospheric price of global oil, I believe that to implement the law at this time will be disastrous to the poor.

Miriam Defensor Santiago

That's not what this process is designed to do. If the SUNY senate opens their ears and minds, then yes, it could work.

David Broad

A lot of different things go into the mix when determining whether or not Roberts is confirmed. The Senate exerts a little more authority when dealing with judges, and the stakes will be higher.

James Mccann

I feel the public should be informed continuously of what's going on in Harrisburg, what issues are going on in the House and the Senate, and I feel that people should know what issues are coming before the Legislature. With the pay raise, I feel that everyone's eyes will be on Harrisburg, on the House of Representatives, to make the right decisions at the proper time.

Gerald Lucia

The bill that the president had introduced to the House and Senate just recently is much better than a lot of people are giving it credit for being, ... and I think if it were applied nationally, we would see most of the country with much, much cleaner air right away.

John Sheehan

This is Georgia's loss, but it is really a loss for the entire country. Paul Coverdell was a good friend, a fine leader and a great senator for the people of Georgia. He dedicated his work in the Senate and his entire life to making the world a better place for other people.

Don Nickles

There are very few times you can go to the Senate floor and save lives, ... We have it within our power to spare the loss of a child. It is something we ought to do.

Mike Dewine

Senate leaders warned President George W. Bush on Wednesday that his next nominee to the Supreme Court will likely face a far more contentious confirmation battle than John Roberts, who is poised to become U.S. chief justice.

Steve Holland

This has been simmering for a long time. It is now at the boiling point. It appears that there are people in the California Senate who plan to mount an effort to push it through.

Rita Marker

Beating any incumbent is a difficult thing. Any number of things including name recognition and campaign funding are hard to overcome but I'm very confident that the voters in the 12th district will find me a better choice to represent them in the state senate. It's difficult but winnable.

Gregg Hannan

I hope that very soon the Senate and the House will come together for a bill that reflects the values of this country, but if not, that's something I want to work hard on.

Bob Corker

You may very well possess the most powerful intellect of any person to come before the Senate for this position, ... tour de force.

Chuck Schumer

And is the senate finance committee not an authoritative body of the U.S. Congress?

Anne Foley

Montana is a cheap seat in terms of U.S. Senate races. So there is going to be a tremendous amount of third-party money in this race and it is going to make this race competitive, there is no doubt about that.

Mark Baker

You need the House, you need the Senate and you need the administration. And absent one of them, you're not going to get a heck of a lot done.

John Chafee

We keep trying to get our message to go through to the state Senate, and hopefully our message will be heard.

Steve Timko

I do not intend to allow the Senate to rubber-stamp the president's plan to reward the Chinese Communists.

Jesse Helms

I have said to the Senate that you're acting in such a way that it is going to be viewed as precedent in other legal situations.

David Cocke

I left Penney's in 1969 to join the Nixon administration and I didn't come to the Senate until 1992, but I brought with me a residual understanding of retailing and retailing issues. That expertise was helpful and I did some things, frankly, that were helpful to the J.C. Penney Co. If it's good public policy, the fact that I brought that experience and expertise with me probably contributed to it.

Robert F. Bennett

I think it is unfortunate that some of the proposals being discussed single out the Appropriations Committee in regard to earmark reform. Chairman Cochran hopes any reform measures that the Senate adopts will provide parity across committees and reflect Congress's constitutional responsibility to direct the appropriation of funds.

Jenny Manley

Nobody from Arkansas or Hollywood or Washington, D.C., is going to tell us who's going to represent us in the U.S. Senate.

Rick Lazio

If Republicans have control of the governorship, if they have control of both the House and the Senate, they will be able to redraw every single legislative district line after the 2000 census. Obviously they'll be able to draw them to their liking.

Paul Bradley

Opposition to this nomination will be based on nothing but partisan politics, and would be an unfortunate strategy at a time when the Senate ought to be coming together to get things done for the American people.

Brian Mccabe

What conservatives have realized during the last five years is that we have not elected a conservative president. Nor do we have a conservative majority in either the House or Senate.

Bill Lauderback

If the House can get it done, I think the Senate could, but I'm not optimistic.

Jo White

Today's vote in the House and Senate demonstrates once again Mississippi's strong commitment to its longtime industrial partners.

Phil Teel

We take our directives from OSFR and oftentimes are required to interact with Democratic Senate offices. We have done so in the past, and expect to do so throughout the life of the existing contract.

Aimee N. Steel

We believe that we're really in danger of losing at least two or three teams. And this is the whole purpose of this bill being started in the House and Senate.

Larry Pendleton

Yesterday Jerry Springer bowed out of the Ohio Senate race. He said, 'If I can't run the most embarrassing campaign in America, then I'm out of here.'

Craig Kilborn

Clearly Republicans have an advantage on military issues, and I can point to the voting record of every Democratic leader in the House and Senate to prove that, but if Ms. Harman wants to raise money to promote that horrible voting record then all the more power to her.

Carl Forti

Over the next month, all bets are off. I don't know who's going to win. All I know is whatever comes out of Senate has to be perfect.

Ali Noorani

It could almost be a relief to (Senate Majority leader) Trent Lott (R-Miss.). The rules really favor the minority if they've got their act together.

Charles Gabriel

I hope the Supreme Court renders this moot, ... I hope the Florida Senate does not, but I would hope that the Supreme Court would.

Tom Feeney

We're taking the position that the County Commission doesn't have the right or the power to vote on this, not because of any inherent power that they may or may not have, but because the Senate acted illegally to void the election.

David Cocke

It would really wake up the Congress and Senate. You can't just make laws against people and not expect repercussions.

Charles Merrill

We should have the hearings wrapped up in time to get a vote out of the full Senate in time for the (court's) October term.

Don Stewart

We hope that this is finally the year that the House will stand up and join the Senate to give Missouri consumers and small businesses protections for not only cell phones, but for fax machines, too.

Scott Holste

This may be the most important [Senate] election in the last half-century.

Lloyd Smith

In fact, after the Senate passed it, I went straight to the committee chairman and said we need to see if we can at least have a hearing and move forward on it, ... He gave me some sense of assurance he'd go back and look at it again.

Jim Ryun

The majority party is going to take the position that the Governor can't put her ideas in the hands of the clerk of the House and Senate and the hands of each one of us. That's wrong.

Bob Ward

The administration relies on Senate to convey the students' wishes.

Robert Thomas

All day we have seen that the (center-left) does not have the majority they have claimed to have. At this point, after this Senate vote, they should not receive a mandate to govern.

Roberto Calderoli

Well, the real John Kerry, in my book, is the man who voted for $1/2 trillion in tax increases in Washington, D.C., and I think that's relevant in the context of the Senate elections.

Bill Weld

He's been very pleased with the success of the Medicare prescription drug law which he helped pass in the Senate.

Rich Chrismer

The Senate passed a pretty good bill and we don't want to see it put in the dumpster.

James Brady

The real problem he faces is that 2006 is an election year, and he will be a lame-duck majority leader. His capacity to put together deals in the Senate will be limited by the fact that he has nothing to bargain with.

Bruce Oppenheimer

I was condemned by the President, the majority leaders of the House and Senate, the governor of Florida, the Pope, and the right-wing media, all because I was doing what Terri - the woman I loved - wanted.

Michael Schiavo

The federal pay act doesn't have good remedies and, as long as more women aren't in the House and Senate, that's not going to change. The good news is that more companies are doing more internal compensation studies, and that should help.

Betty Spence

The Senate needs to take action on it, and it could change while in committee.

Brad Hahn

I feel that I am very qualified based on my experience in the senate and what I have been exposed to as a senator. I never wanted to be involved with politics, but student government, I believe, is a whole different level.

Christine Bergeski

I think at some point the leadership of the House and Senate are going to focus on the issue and decide what they want to do.

Andy Sauer

He's worked very hard to try to overcome that ... (but) as a minority member of the Senate, of course, accomplishments are thin. There's not a policy record there. There's not successes to point to.

David Rebovich

More importantly, Arroyo and her defenders must stop attacking the Senate for its probes and allow the truth to come out.

Carol Araullo

The fact that he is a leader in the Senate and is going to have to be the spokesman for these things, it does make it a little harder and he may have to back off.

John Fortier

What happened to our Senate Central Coast district was a massive injustice for the region and for Fred.

John Laird

There was definitely broad Senate opposition to the concept of a national 1.5-mile prohibition.

Andy Davis

As she gears up to run for president, it?s a broader stage, and these issues matter in a way that perhaps they don?t when she?s in the Senate.

Jeff Soref

You cannot declare martial law without the support of Congress. It will be crazy for the President to declare martial law when we know that Congress does not approve of it, what with the present climate in the Senate.

Raul Gonzalez

I'd start by cutting Congressional salaries in half and limiting House and Senate sessions to 60 days a year. Congressional service should be just that - service, not a career.

George Harleigh

I don't want to try to make any kind of a forecast, ... I don't think I have any information to base that on right now. Our focus is on what we in the Senate are doing.

Brendan Kelly

As was widely reported, an amendment was attached to the Senate version of an appropriations bill which would have categorically banned our transaction, ... It is our understanding that that language has been removed, but the final budget has not been approved.

John Stanton

We haven't been able to impress the urgency of the need for this on the Senate leadership. I think that's the key. I think in hindsight we should've redoubled our efforts working all the legislators, not just the leadership.

Amy Lemisch

He sees the finances once a year when he gets the disclosure forms or tax returns, ... It is just not where his focus is in life right now and hasn't been since he started running for the Senate [five years ago].

Tom Shea

The first round of Senate Finance Committee hearing produced positive results for taxpayers as I hope these will.

Charles Rossotti

I was helping to resolve the problems of everyday Minnesotans. I feel it (politics) is something I could do. Maybe he (Dayton) can help me on my campaign when I run for the Senate in Minnesota.

Dominique Byrd

In many ways, this could be a replay of 1996 - a businessman with substantial party support going up against a popular incumbent, who does well enough in losing that he will be able to run for the Senate in 2008 or the governor's mansion in 2009.

Stephen Farnsworth

His interests are to maintain the Senate, and he's concerned about the statewide ticket.

John Mcardle

Before this committee starts making the phrase, 'I don't recall, I don't remember, I'd have to think about it,' something that you would bring to the floor of the Senate, see what an unfair tactic that really is.

Abbe Lowell

This shows that Ms. McFarland is not a serious candidate. It doesn't look good for someone who's running for U.S. Senate. In fact, it's downright embarrassing.

Christian Winthrop

Are we going to demand that they come before the Senate Judiciary Committee and renounce their faith before they become a federal judge?

Jeff Sessions

This issue could take over the Senate of the state of Florida for the entire session.

Skip Campbell

He'd sooner rather have his nails pulled out than sit in the United States Senate with 99 others guys who think they should be president.

Geoffrey Becker

If the Democrats take over the state Senate, the Republican Party in this state would no longer be just comatose - it would be dead.

Doug Muzzio

One of the most critical issues facing agriculture right now is the immigration reform that was just taken up by the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee. The House passed an immigration bill at the end of 2005 that could be very harmful to agriculture.

Karen Ross

Byrne formula grants have long proven to be invaluable to law enforcement agencies in Nebraska in their efforts to fight against the influx of methamphetamine in our communities. Given the critical role Byrne grants play, I joined Rep. Terry and a number of my colleagues in sending a letter to the House and Senate appropriators urging them to fund Byrne formula grants at $900 million.

Lee Terry

When he was in the United States Senate, he was noted as an intellectual powerhouse.

Alan Cropsey

We believe the senate can be more involved in everyday life.

Robert Batey

The question must be asked, can we afford to raise the rate? [For] a lot of federal workers, especially those who do delivery and just going to meetings, it can be very costly ... It'll be interesting to see if the rest of the Senate embraces this.

John Townsend

We realize that the legislative process is a compromise. We won't get everything that we want, and he (Fletcher) won't get everything he wants and the Senate won't get everything they want.

Harry Moberly

He then went on and fueled the issue in the House of Representatives based on information Heffernan had written to the prime minister about but which he hadn't even alleged in the Senate.

Simon Crean

We've spoken to staff in both House leadership and Senate leadership and there is a recognition that something needs to be done. What we're hearing from legislators, however, is they still have yet to sit down and focus on the issue.

Andy Sauer

This is Constitutional Law 101. The same bill must pass the House and the Senate and then be signed by the president. Case over.

Jim Zeigler

We feel like the elected officials in the House and the Senate should be the ones looking at this legislation and making a decision. Just like we would not put to a vote for the public anything such as health codes, speed limits or things of that nature.

Heather Williams

Our focus has been on having a hearing and putting the Senate in a position to move on the nomination prior to the expiration of Chairman Greenspan's term.

Andrew Gray

He has worked tirelessly to get that bill through. He has been the champion of small business in the Senate this year.

Tom Underwood

It's moving in the Senate and the president is leading the charge.

Lezlee Westine

McCoy went back before the Senate in Washington, D.C., and testified in front of the Senate subcommittee and pushed for a federal anti-freeze law.

Lisa Jennings

Last year was the last best chance for quite a while. If the Republicans lose any Senate seats this fall, as they well might, they will need to wait until they have a Senate majority willing to move this again.

James Lucier

The Unsolved Civil Rights Crime Act that is before the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives has been doubled from $5 million to $10 million, $5 million for the FBI and $5 million for the Justice Department.

Alvin Sykes

I wish I could answer that. That thing is in the House and the Senate. In the House, it's dead. In the Senate, they worry me. There are some weird people over there.

Robert Helm

[Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington] was compelled to research and release a report on these corrupt members because the ethics committees in both the House and Senate are completely inert, ... The report calls for the House and Senate to act to investigate and take appropriate action against them for these violations of the rules.

Melanie Sloan

It is perhaps accurate ... to describe the Daschle proposals as being 'Sex, Lies and No Videotape,' ... We insisted on a complete search for the truth, on the ability for the Senate to decide whether or not video presentations of these witnesses will be permitted on the floor of the Senate.

Slade Gorton

Senate members have not seen this bill. There has been no public hearing on it. The public has no idea what's in it. The entire deal is being written behind closed doors. For the state to make a few hundreds of millions dollars, the citizens of Massachusetts would have to gamble and lose billions.

Susan Tucker

Senator Reid said on the Senate floor that it would take a miracle for Democrats to take back the Senate in 2006, and I think he's correct about that.

Brian Nick

At the first hint of a stalemate in the Senate and the House, Congress may try to pass the elections first and delay this to 2007.

John Keeley

Families of vaccine-injured children have witnessed the emotional, physical, and financial devastation caused by the pharmaceutical industry?s reckless disregard for safety standards. Now, the misplaced priorities of Senate leadership have sacrificed public health and basic civil rights to the greed of an industry willing to overlook safety concerns for the sake of profit.

Wendy Fournier

If I were (U.S. Senate Democratic leader Sen.) Tom Daschle and that crowd, I wouldn't assume anything. Gov. Hodges will do what's best for South Carolina, not for Tom Daschle.

Dick Harpootlian

He took pride in belonging to the world's most exclusive club: the United States Senate.

Margaret Truman

It's good to have a new face [in the Senate] as opposed to someone who's already been around.

Don Stapley

Democracy seems to be, maybe, gaining a little bit of a foothold within Republican circles. You actually may have contested primaries on both the gubernatorial and Senate side for the first time that I can remember.

Howard Wolfson

In the United States Senate, we cannot do great things without reaching across the aisle and working together - and I look forward to the challenges ahead.

Richard Burr

This forecast unrealistically assumes that discretionary spending will grow only with inflation, that all expiring tax breaks will expire on schedule -- they almost never do -- and that Congress will not enact the prescription drug benefit for Medicare that a House-Senate conference is now debating.

Susan Hering

We are not afraid and there is no cause for concerns. We enjoy the support of the European Union, the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe and the United State's Senate and administration.

Mikheil Saakashvili

We think the Senate has failed to meet its constitutional obligation to give notice and due process and equal protection to the voters of district 29.

David Cocke

We met with Senate and House leaders, and they felt they could cure it during the session. I'm very confident [schools] will be able to use co-teaching.

Wayne Blanton

I suspect the Senate will have the same or even stronger reaction than the Assembly. It's a failed issue.

Tim Rosales

I hope the Senate defeats the House bill and substantially alters it.

Rep. Rob Andrews

A nominee more extreme than Judge Roberts would be unacceptable to the Democratic caucus, ... You could expect a major fight on the Senate floor.

Jim Manley

The average House loss in the mid-term for the president's party is 30 seats, and the president's party on average has lost Senate seats in the last two-thirds of 22 elections.

Mary Matalin

The creation of a senate is in no way a move to improve legislative oversight. It has simply been created as an extension of presidential patronage, aimed at soothing bruised egos in the ruling party.

Paul Themba Nyathi

It's unfortunate that the state thinks that they need to weigh in on immigration, particularly when it's a federal issue and the U.S. Senate is poised to act on this issue.

Jerry Gonzalez

It's a very pointed message in a very public forum to someone about to assume the most important seat on the court, ... Whether he heeds it or not, Roberts can't be indifferent that the Senate is upset about the Supreme Court usurping the functions of Congress, second guessing them, and belittling their reasoning.

Ross Baker

The Senate took the fine work Rep. May did in the House of Representatives and destroyed it.

Dan Grossman

Even though we're at war abroad, we have to remember that democracy continues here at home. That means that the basic mechanics of the campaign and the important work of the Senate must continue.

Jano Cabrera

Apparently, the hard facts of war need not inconvenience the Senate at this time. And the solemn duties that war imposes on us can be postponed indefinitely.

Arizona Republican

By then, we will be able to see whether the Senate has reached a compromise on immigration reform.

Marissa Graciosa

This is very, very disappointing. What's distressing about this, and what the Senate clearly understood, is there is a real global competition for this work and for these employees, and the question is not whether the work is going to get done, it's where is the work going to get done. We've missed a real opportunity by not ensuring the work would be done here.

Sandy Boyd

I am running for the U.S. Senate because I believe in the promise of America. God has blessed our nation with freedom and economic opportunity unparalleled in the history of the world. We have a responsibility to future generations to preserve and improve that which has been entrusted to us.

Don Stenberg

She has figured out what she needs to say and to whom she needs to say it. If at the end of her rainbow, she saw a Senate seat in New York and nothing other than that, you would see a radically different Hillary Clinton.

William Blackstone

The whole reason (Senate President Tom) Lee and Constantine are proposing it is because energy is complicated and the technology is changing rapidly.

Susan Glickman

My preference is that we eliminate the Senate.

Dalton Mcguinty

In the Senate, 60 percent of campaign expenditure is spent on television broadcasting. I've been told by both Republicans and Democrats that they are outraged the broadcasters get a publicly granted license without having to make time available for candidates.

Matt Keller

We're pleased that Sen. Fitz-Gerald has recognized that her bill has some serious effects and probably wouldn't pass the state Senate.

Chris Rose

We really pushed pretty hard all session and feel like we just couldn't get the Senate to move enough in the direction of small businesses.

John Mcgary

We are disappointed with those Democrats and moderate Republicans who chose to support Judge Roberts despite his long record of working to undermine rights and legal protections, his evasive answers to the Senate, and the Bush administration's continued refusal to release key documents that would have illuminated his record and approach to the Constitution.

Ralph Neas

We always assumed someone would raise a successful point of order blocking this, but at least it brings the issue to the attention of the full Senate.

Josh Kardon

I've wanted to do this job for a long time. I've thought about it since I was in college and served as an intern for Graham Richard in the Senate.

Geoff Paddock

If Daniels numbers don't improve, you might see a lot of Senate Republicans oppose major legislation.

Ray Scheele

We are particularly pleased that many of them have already warned leadership against trying to put Arctic drilling back into the legislation in conference with the Senate.

David Jenkins

Sen. Allard testified in front of the Senate Indian Affairs Committee last year that a number of hurdles have to be cleared before he could support this legislation, including putting it to a statewide referendum. The issue is larger than just Pueblo County.

Sean Conway

Today's lawsuit simply requests the court to uphold the Constitution. The entire law is invalid because the law the House passed is different from the law the Senate passed and the president signed.

Adina Rosenbaum

This guy's the all-American boy. It's all part of the package and what makes people take a second look. No matter where he goes -- Princeton, Oxford, the NBA, the Senate -- he's a winner. ... And there's a certain naturalness to it for Bradley.

Jim Duffy

Watch Freddy Ferrer and remember this election; it's not only going to be an election for our city, it's going to be a signal for what happens in the Senate, in the House of Representatives, and it's going to be a signal for change in the country.

Charles Rangel

I really have never heard an acceptance speech where 20 years of a guy's life in the U.S. Senate is kissed off in three sentences.

Jeff Greenfield

I'm as frustrated as citizens are that the Legislature didn't get more done, ... Senate Democrats passed a number of good bills on issues that Oregonians support, but the House Republicans chose to kill them.

Kate Brown

If ordinary citizens could use their Senate seats to receive $80 million in state contracts, we could all afford to put $2 million into our campaigns.

Trav Robertson

My dad is just as comfortable there with a wood chipper in his hand as he is with a bill in his hands in the Senate.

Tom Harrison

By the stroke of a pen, President Clinton is rejecting the clear advice of the U.S. Senate and research by his own Energy Department showing conclusively that the treaty would cost American families billions of dollars and millions of jobs.

Connie Holmes

We look forward to Senate confirmation.

Bob Sommer

As a majority member in the senate I can do a lot more for our district back here. We've seen the difference between Senator Meier and what he can do for the district and what I'm able to do just because of the make-up of both houses and it's an exciting opportunity and a challenge to know that.

David Townsend

Yes, two of our (business development) bills didn't make it ? not part of the (tax cut) compromises between House and Senate leaders.

Rep. Wayne Harper

I remember friends of mine like Wyche Fowler, Alan Dixon who lost Senate seats, ... They were Democrats who voted for Clarence Thomas.

Ralph Neas

The senator has spent some of his campaign funds to raise awareness about an important Senate initiative to provide real and genuine property tax relief for the people of his district. At times, it is appropriate to use paid advertising to do that so you can provide a more focused awareness effort.

Duncan Davie

The math is tough in the Senate, but they (Republicans) should pick up House seats. I don't see how they can help but pick up.

Brett Bader

We're in some trouble in the Senate.

Paul Egan

Bush reversed his decision after a public outcry and bipartisan opposition to his worker pay cut in the House and Senate.

John J. Sweeney

When we get to the conference with the Senate, we'll consider it, but the Senate language, I think, is irresponsible.

John Boehner

[In addition to the Senate's administration, Sen. Oliver took aim at the recent rounds of Senate appointments Prime Minister Paul Martin has made.] Not one was a visible minority, ... How can that be?

Donald Oliver

When a guy gets elected to the Senate or the governor's mansion, he wakes up the next morning and says to himself, 'You're presidential material,'.

Geraldine A. Ferraro

That's probably why they (the Senate) passed it the way they did, in the closing hours of the final session.

Oscar Aguilar

The Senate elected officials have to be more sensitive to constituency issues than does the president. We're beginning to see the beginning of the lame duck factor.

Stephen Wayne

It's an exceedingly extreme bill. It's probably dead on arrival in the Senate. They've seen it for what it is.

Michael Senatore

I was incredibly saddened and disappointed that this person who had devoted her life to the legal profession never had a chance to go before the Senate Judiciary Committee and get a hearing.

Jerry Clements

I think there'll be a little more pressure on the governor's folks and Senate Republicans to move in our direction.

John Mcgary

I think the Senate is somewhat in shambles. I don't think there are enough votes to pass an education plan that will pass the court's scrutiny.

Sen. Jean Schodorf

The idea that House and Senate GOP leaders would write two tax reconciliation numbers in the budget -- $550 billion for the House and $350 billion for the Senate -- is not only a cry of desperation by our Republican friends, but also an outrage and a farce!

Steny Hoyer

It's still early in the process. Both the House and Senate are actively engaged in the process.

Alia Faraj

As long as there are only 3 to 4 people on the floor, the country is in good hands. It's only when you have 50 to 60 in the Senate that you want to be concerned.

Bob Dole

As many members of the Senate as there are, there's that many different views of how you do offsets, ... That's why it will be hard to do.

Judd Gregg

[Since his initial nomination in July, Roberts was considered likely to win confirmation for the O'Connor seat and is still expected to be confirmed as chief justice.] Democrats are in open disarray in the Senate, ... This is not the type of fight you win by coming late to it.

Jonathan Turley

My decision not to run for the U.S. Senate is based on my commitment to achieve a Democratic majority in the U.S. House of Representatives, and my desire to become the next chairman of the House Democratic Caucus.

Robert Menendez

Many members of the House and Senate are unable to provide much-needed aid to their affected constituents because of the loss of personal and office resources, ... The catastrophic events resulting from Hurricane Katrina require that we do all we can to assist our colleagues and their constituents.

John Kline

I say now and have often said before, Fathers of the Senate, that a well-disposed and helpful prince, to whom you have given such great and unrestrained power, ought to be the servant of the Senate, often of the citizens as a whole, and sometimes even of individuals.

Tiberius Caesar

We've got the House and Senate leadership talking in a way that's different than they did before.

Jaimie Ross

We've accomplished, as a team, more than many other members -- probably most other members of the Congress and Senate -- accomplish in an entire lifetime, and I appreciate that very much.

Bob Barr

He's in good position to backchannel with the Senate, being vice-chairman of the Commission on Appointments and head of the house CA panel.

Gabriel Claudio

As a Democrat in this Senate, I felt aggrieved by some things the other side has done. I have no doubt they feel aggrieved about some of the things we have done.

Mark Pryor