We have a group as eclectic as any coalition anyone has ever seen. The top half of the first inning has just ended. This is where the game starts.

In the Senate, 60 percent of campaign expenditure is spent on television broadcasting. I've been told by both Republicans and Democrats that they are outraged the broadcasters get a publicly granted license without having to make time available for candidates.

It's enjoyable after all the work the kids put in. (In the 200) we didn't think they'd place that well. We're spread a little thin, but we have to do that early on to get them in shape.

I don't see how Congress at this point can stop everything that was set in motion seven years ago. Legislation is a long process.

I think if they did this a few months ago ... it would be historic. But I think with six weeks left in the race or seven weeks left in the race, I think it's too little too late.