Speaking of tax fairness, it was Senator Kerry who voted to increase the income tax on senior citizens on Social Security, earning as little as $32,000 a year.

Sen. Kerry is the man who has voted against mandatory sentences for gang activity and for people who sell drugs to children.

Well, the real John Kerry, in my book, is the man who voted for $1/2 trillion in tax increases in Washington, D.C., and I think that's relevant in the context of the Senate elections.

Senator, if your name was John 6-Pack instead of John Forbes Kerry, and you had to gas up your racing motorcycle and your speedboat and your airplane every weekend, as well as your cars, you would have thought twice before you would have proposed raising the gas tax by 50 cents a gallon.

Along with others, I've spent the last several weeks tussling with the powers that be so that the pro-choice point of view, ironically the point of view shared by the majority of all Republicans, can be heard in San Diego.

I close my eyes and it's 1968. He's frozen in time.

We have cut taxes 15 times the last six years, an aggregate of a billion dollars.

People aren't stupid. I mean, people remember in 1990, the unemployment rate was 10 percent. Now it's 4 _ percent. We've got 1/4 million jobs that we've created.

The problem is, who is going to want to invest in that? You look at those faces, it's hopeless.