It was scary. If it wasn't for the seat belt, (the collision) would have killed us.

Richard Gray

The loud noise is very scary, and if you have a dog that's very scared of a gun shot, thunder sounds very similar.

Jennifer Clarke

It was an incredibly physical game - almost scary at times. But the girls hung in there and kept them (Granite Bay) to two points in the third quarter. Overall, defense was what won this game.

Kate Dudley

The scary part is long term, 20 or 30 years out.

Michael Mcguire

It's a scary country.

Shoichi Nakagawa

It is a scary time.

Joan Claybrook

If he gets out of the pocket, he is scary. The bottom line is getting to their quarterback. He can beat you with his feet, he is very accurate and he has some talented receivers (Brian Gambuzza, Greg Gillespie) who he works well with. We have to get to him, beat them up on the front lines, play aggressively and take it to them.

Brian Bowers

It was wonderful and scary at the same time.

Rob Marshall

What is very scary is that you start to feel too confident and you start to feel indispensable.

Naomi Campbell

It was really, really scary. I can't put it in words -- the floor started to go. I can't describe the feeling, going into basement where fire had been. It was just very, very scary.

Kyle Stevens

I kind of laid myself out there. It was scary.

Marge Whaley

It's scary when one day the city is there and the next day it's gone. To see the water actual kill people, I couldn't believe it. I never fathomed it could bury a city.

Kevin Garnett

The Home Tour is an agenda to show contemporary buildings to the public so that they can see they're nice, not scary.

Ross Levy

It's a scary thought. People aren't going to be willing to let government on their property if there is a risk the government is going to come back and take it.

Tovey Giezentanner

It's all so scary, because you think about your kids. You don't think about all the things you didn't do yet. I'm very lucky. They caught it very early.

Andrew Magee

The journey is a very hard and scary thing, but you get more than you have to give.

Barbara Ferguson

It's scary she has two more years to develop. She could become an overwhelming player.

Susan Kubala

I'm really concerned that our county won't be represented. Small districts have different needs. It's not going to be true representation of the region, and that's kind of scary.

Michael Carter

It's scary when you first put them up because you don't know where you're going to get hit. You might do a great job and put up solid lines on 98 games, but get pounded on two games.

Bob Scucci

The first fire was a scary situation. But I remember just about every fire.

Dan Nee

It was a very scary moment. I'd had some previous neck problems, so when I hit the goalpost, I felt a lot of pain and my (left) hand was partly numb.

Jamie Allison

It's a scary time to be a parent and I think we really need to look at what's really going on and pay attention to the kids.

Dan Franz

It was very scary to take on a novel that was so loved by so many.

Rob Marshall

I don't think anybody can predict at this time what the future holds for the H5 outbreaks. It's pretty scary.

Clayton Naeve

[James Packer said this week that new technology had made the newspaper game] very scary ... Newspapers have never operated in a more dynamic and challenging, fragmented environment [but they're a] fantastic vehicle for news, entertainment and for advertising, and they will remain so.

David Kirk

Somewhat afraid to do their jobs -- afraid to touch people and by the nature of our job we have to touch people. It's scary.

Tony Harris

Satan is a slick character. To me, he's actually very appealing. He's not scary. That's kind of how sin is because it looks appealing and it looks harmless, but the consequences are there. It's a very powerful scene. There are even some demons and sufferers.

Scarlett Knight

It was flat-out scary, baby.

Dick Vitale

That's discouraging. That's very scary.

Todd Baxter

That's the scary part. I didn't know if I should smile, crack up, scream or run.

The Wizard Of Oz

I went MS, this can't possibly be happening and it was very scary I had visions of me in a wheelchair in five years and I had no idea what would happen to me.

Cindy Miller

This is a very scary trend. In the past, people could say, 'It's not in my neighborhood and I don't have to worry about it.' That's no longer the case.

Aaron Graham

It's certainly going to be scary as the fire works its way up (the mountains).

John Winter

I'd be wary of writing this country off. There are some scary and ugly things about it, but it remains a turbulently, explosively innovative place.

Michael Ignatieff

The water was pouring in at that point, and I can't say it was fun anymore. It was scary. It was really, really windy and you could hear trees falling.

Jordan Davis

I have no idea. That's real scary ... you know ... you just can't leave your family behind and plus ... it's so scary.

Asmeret Yosef

The prime minister found something hopeful in the man's eyes and manner. The 30 or so people who run this world analyze one another that way and then make decisions of life and death for us. Scary, but true.

Hugh Sidey

They are a very scary team.

Guy Van Arsdale

It's just scary that we the voters are at the mercy of the politicians and the businesses that make the machines.

Bryce King

We couldn't have asked for a more impressive opening for 'Scary Movie 4' and are so proud to have accomplished this only six months after our company launched. This exceptional opening proves that this franchise has tremendous staying power.

Bob Weinstein

Women face fear differently. And there is fear in kayaking - like drowning and some very scary rivers. I think that women have to express their fear, and sometimes, that means to cry. Just being able to express yourself without putting a game face on, that makes it very comforting to be with women.

Michelle Tennant

When it (the crane) moves, the whole platform moves. It's kind of scary.

Michael Morse

These things are scary. But we're not making anything up, and if people know, they have a better chance to be prepared. Hurricane Katrina was a real wakeup call.

Kathy Lane

The three of them brought me back from the precipice. It was scary.

Jim Corsi

They're passing legislation against something they don't even understand, which is kind of scary. There were lots of rules and regulations I built into it personally to make it safe and ethical.

John Lockwood

It's kind of scary, because, I mean, I don't have any idea how to protect myself.

Tim Powell

ActiveX is fairly scary, because it pretty much runs or it doesn't run, ... ActiveX has a far less granular security architecture than Java, but neither are secure.

Ted Julian

I played here at the Telergy. It's scary what they've done. It's in the upper third.

Joey Sindelar

When I see accidents it's really scary. I'm wondering if they're okay and hoping it doesn't happen to me.

Melissa Hoyt

If you noticed our bench, we coaches weren't panicking. You're talking about a player who's the equivalent to Shaquille O'Neal as far as giving so much ... and their bodies sometimes break down. It was a scary situation, but I had a feeling she would be OK.

Andy Fishman

The group has a dual purpose to be supportive of those who are far away from home and in a scary and dangerous place, and to pray and spread the message of peace in our community.

Janne Darata

It was scary as hell (being on CNBC), but the cool thing about it is, as a researcher, you publish a lot, but it's very rare that you do research that makes the headlines.

Russell Sobel

On the whole, it's a scary time in medical ethics because of consumer advertising. Leaving it up to the marketplace is not the optimal way to do medicine.

David Magnus

The stock market declines are a little bit scary. People want to take the dollar weaker.

Firas Askari

You kind of have to make him look scary. ... If you just had a nice guy smiling with a bomb on him, it wouldn't have the same effect.

Rob Rogers

If she does, I won't be there in time to see it and I'm pleased about that. It's very scary. It's so fast and dangerous. Really, I prefer to hear the results of her races first and then watch them on TV, but it's the Olympics. I can't miss going to the Olympics.

Marian Forsyth

We're obviously doing our very best to pre-plan and anticipate as much as we can so that all will go as smoothly as possible. It's somewhere between exciting and scary.

Paul Flanagan

It's scary knowing that something like this could happen to anybody in the neighborhood here. We just hope and pray nothing falls in around here.

Clifton Lawrence

It's scary, but we're holding our own right now.

Gary Arant

That's very scary because I considered myself very safe [out in the country].

Lynn Bailey

I tell families frankly that I don't see [chelation] as benign and it's really very scary to me.

Cynthia Johnson

It's a little scary. I haven't heard from him since 5 o'clock (Monday). I hope he's all right.

Lamarcus Hicks

He hits so hard, it's scary. I'm glad he's on our team.

Dio Dante

It was a very scary moment, ... To get back with the crowd I scanned every file of my mind for the funniest joke I could think of. I can't think of what that joke is, but it won the crowd back. But I must say that, after the 'death to America' joke, my set got so confused.

Omid Djalili

Once we knew what we were going to do, we were committed to doing it. It wasn't scary.

Adam Castle

Offensively, we are a scary football team. We're going to be able to score a lot of points.

Dana Battista

All these games he's trying to play with Antonio's mind, to me are not going to work. Antonio has been more dedicated this camp than I've ever seen him. The scary part is Antonio is really starting to find himself as a fighter. You might say: 'He can't get any more confident than he already is.' But in the gym, I see a lot of differences.

Buddy Mcgirt

It's definitely scary. Every now and then it kind of brings you to reality. I mean, obviously offensive linemen are a lot bigger than they were required to be back in the day.

Justin Smiley

It was scary -- with the water temps being so low, and the currents so strong ... we were in panic mode. I kept calling her name, but she couldn't hear me.

Lindsay Bunting

The most scary position to be in is the No. 1 network. It can breed a specific amount of safety. I think everyone is feeling like there's a target on our back. ... The only way to stay No. 1 is to be aggressive, know there's a target on your back and go for it.

Peter Liguori

She is so smart, it's scary. She's very much a theoretician, but it's always directed toward what's practical and possible.

James Chessen

Scary in the idea it could be a little overwhelming to have 70 or 100 clowns in a public space. Intriguing in that it could be something interesting. I'm up for any kind of public art.

Carol King

Any incident of racial discrimination that occurs, whether you're a child or an adult, is always hurtful and scary.

Maryanne Lee

It is scary to most people. But I'm sure we'll be well protected. We got approval from our parents and our pastors, so I'm sure everything will be fine.

Duane Smith

Twenty-four turnovers, especially at this time of year, is kind of scary. I really can't explain it.

Christine Labombard

It's hard and sometimes it's scary. It still amazes my mother. I went home for Christmas one year and there were fans all over the front lawn, hoping to see me.

Luke Perry

We have our guidelines for conduct, and it's in the standard players' contract. That covers pretty much all of the guidelines. I don't know what to say. It's scary, but right now they're just allegations.

Ron Ryan

It's a lot like sports. This is a very competitive business. It's not the type of profession that's long-lasting, that one can depend on for a long period of time. That's the scary part of it.

Andy Hirsch

When you hear the stats that the average age of widowhood is 58, it's scary.

Dee Lee

The manufacturing side of the economy has been contracting for a couple of months in a row, and the rate of decline has accelerated. That's pretty scary. The odds of a cut are 90 percent, and I'm not ruling out the chance there will be a cut between [policy] meetings.

Robert Macintosh

We don't feel that it's a serious injury at this point, ... but it was scary for a little while.

Rich Brooks

He's scary because of what he's doing to California. You can't fake it to the public. We're not star-struck.

Jennifer Lee

It was really scary. I hope they're both OK.

Kathleen Mccarthy

It is scary, scary and rare. Because what we know is most sexual assaults, the victim and the perpetrator know each other to some degree. So stranger assaults only make up about 20 percent of the sexual assaults we see and for them to come within days of each other is very rare and very frightening.

Janine D'anniballe

The stories are very scary and very unsettling.

Dr. Ken Gershman

It was, like, really scary.

Gary Huggins

It's a very scary thing to happen, but the staff was great -- we got customers out of the way.

Ryan Hall

The first day is always scary. But I felt like we played well.

Andy Jackson

It was drinking and doing stupid things, or drinking and having scary things happen, but then drinking again to ... mask the memories of it.

Koren Zailckas

This year there has been a bit of a slowdown, ... In 2004, 19 so-called scary movies generated just over a billion dollars. This year, we've had 20 of these movies generate $580 million.

Paul Degarabedian

We knew Delaware would be desperate. They were struggling, and when you're struggling, teams are scary like that.

Pat Kennedy

That means any Monday night our retirees or our members could have their pension arbitrarily reduced any Monday night, that's a very scary thought.

Bob Davidson

It felt like I was being punched in the stomach. We were so excited to have the heart. We all could not talk about that [organ rejection] as a possibility, and it was very scary.

Nicole Draper

It was very scary, tough to see.

Mike Commodore

It's always scary playing Murray at this park. I knew that any one of them could have hit it out for the winning run.

Willy Child

After the game, I told our kids, 'We escaped with the win and our lives. . . . It was scary.

Tod Martin

We'll have to play one of the best games we've played all year. It (Butler's first half against Bullitt Central) was scary.

Mike Boemker

It is a bit scary. It's like wondering who is going to come to the party.

Gerald Doyle

What's really scary is if we start implementing this before we know how accurate it really is. People could be sent to jail, people could be sent to the death penalty, people could lose their jobs.

Hank Greely

It's scary. It's deadly scary.

Justin Smiley

It was pretty scary in the beginning. We were given gas masks and goggles and I remember thinking, what have we gotten ourselves into?

Judy Renacia

I didn't know what was going on. That's when I realized that everything had gone through the roof. I can't tell you how scary that was.

Adam Duritz

Right now, consumers have to hunt for privacy documents, and that can sometimes be scary when they see all they will have to read and sort through. Hopefully this will be a way they can see easily how a site matches their personal preferences.

Lorrie Cranor

The worst-case scenario was my son was going to die. It's a scary feeling.

Jennie Kelm

He said he saw a lot of flames, and he got some good pictures of it, but he said it was scary.

Joe Evans

They put a gun to the back of my head and said: 'Put your hands on the seat'. That was more scary than anything else.

John Mcalhany

When I was diagnosed with breast cancer I wasn't sick. I felt fine and that's the scary part. When I started the treatments I felt sick.

Yuman Donna Phipps

The vortex tunnel isn't really scary but I can't go through it. It makes you feel like you're drunk.

Holly Barron

I broke into tears. I didn't know what to do or what was going on. It was scary. There hasn't been one day that I haven't thought about it.

Megan Wozniak

[He continued by saying,] the (Bloomfield) coaches are working hard, but things are just not clicking right now. ... when we do start will be scary.

Roy Roberts

She's just five. I mean it's just really scary to wake up like that you know?

Fabiola Rio

This is a scary path for all Americans.

Pamelyn Ferdin

It's scary. This whole process has been difficult.

Felicia Martinez

Everything feels good, we are driving carefully with the aim to finish. It was definitely scary driving on that flat, but we certainly lost less time than if we had stopped on the stage to change the tyre!

Ken Block

It could be literally thousands. It could be a number I don't want to know. It could be scary.

Skip Snow

Oh my gosh, that's scary, ... Just lock up all the time and keep the door locked.

Pattie Boyd

He had just gotten off the plane the night before, and he had one of those deer in the headlights looks. He looked both tired and scared. Coming to a new school can be a scary experience for any kid, let alone someone who doesn't speak the language. That initial greeting in the school is critical.

Don Strange

Brian does an unbelievable job. They weren't going to quit. It got a little scary there at the end.

Dieter Horton

Whenever I hear that I'm on the brink of stardom, I feel like I want to run into a cave. It's a scary place to be, the pinnacle.

Kate Bosworth

Often the violence goes to children as well, ... That's pretty scary.

Pete Stark

This is a scary path for all Americans. Here is a government, a feckless federal government, who spent millions of taxpayer dollars to wage an assault on all our constitutional rights.

Pamelyn Ferdin

It's really scary. A lot of the guys in this film say that everyone should know about [wrongful conviction], because really it could happen to anyone, and also everyone is a potential juror?There [are] a lot of flaws in our criminal justice system that we've learned from these wrongful convictions that need to be changed.

Jessica Sanders

The first 15 laps were pretty scary today.

David Allen

It was scary. A lot of us had sleepless nights that did stick with it, probably got ulcers.

Kathy Mitchell

It's a wonderful idea. We would have control over what is happening here right now and not be at the mercy of the Snohomish County Council. We need to control growth or we will look exactly like Lynnwood — no trees, no wildlife. Soon we'll reach a breaking point, and there's no going back. That's incredibly scary.

Joyce Hoikka

When kids are going to gyms and working with personal trainers, you just don't know what they are feeding the kids. It's a scary thing because no one is real sure about what the effects of all these supplements are.

Frank Lenti

I know it can be scary dealing with people outside of your age group. I really wanted them to feel comfortable socially because they were going to be comfortable on the field.

Holly Long

It might be a little scary meeting up with the older kids in the halls.

Jessie Ling

Naked man running through the neighborhood leaving blood and shirts -- it's just scary.

Meredith Walker

This was so scary and upsetting for the both of us. That night, he was cursing with each piece of glass he picked out of my hair.

Diane Blanchard

I hope I don't cry. I keep losing it. It was scary. It tore some of the roof off. I couldn't get gas to keep the generator going. We lost everything in our refrigerator.

Claude Foret

It turned out to be a happy ending, but it was scary at the time.

Matt Lake

We know large earthquakes can happen in the East. The scary thing is that there's not enough of a record to know if there's a pattern to them.

Tim Long

If we wouldn't have left yesterday, we probably wouldn't have made it out, I mean that's the way it is. It was very scary.

Kevin Bedwell

It's only when we have nothing else to hold onto that we're willing to try something very audacious and scary . . .

Sonia Johnson

We knew if the weather turned, it was going to be dangerous. Definitely going through the jaws (jetties) in Newport was scary.

Jeremy Welsh

It was extremely scary, ... It gets to the point where you have nowhere to go.

John Glass

The kitchen is not a scary place to be, but it’s more than a storage place of your refrigerator.

Kevin Roberts

There's a true, true problem with affordable housing in this city. I'm one of the only guys around that's creating any supply of affordable new condos, and that's pretty scary.

Robert Hardy

Some men have volunteered to dress up as women. It could get scary.

Robert James

It's not unusual for people to put weird things in the alley, ... We never know what we're going to find, but this looked scary.

Luis Escobar

We're feeling really good about ourselves, defensively, offensively and on the mound. We just need four quality starts from our pitchers. If we play defense behind them, our hitting will take care of itself. It'll be really scary how confident we will be if we win three or four games this weekend.

Hector Rodriguez

One of the jokes is there's nothing quite as scary as a nasty beaver. Maybe it'll intimidate the other team. If nothing else, it's good for a laugh.

Jeff Pain

That [daily loss figure] is down a bit from where it has been, ... During the shutdown it was a scary number. It's down to about $15 million a day.

Tom Horton

I'm an uncle 16 times over. If anything, I know how to play scary monster.

Ron Stratton

It's scary, it really is. Even the teams that you didn't split with during the conference season are solid teams.

Kent Morgan

People always say to me that fame must be hard. Well, try losing it. It's a scary thing, my friend.

Mark Scott

It was scary, very scary, loud.

Lisa Davis

Science and math are scary to a lot of lawyers.

Gary Clements

By and large, encryption can be broken. That's pretty scary.

Frank Biondi

In Berkeley, the crowd was really encroaching on the place where the skiers were supposed to land. So if you're one of those skiers, it looks like you're landing in a mass of people. It had to be really scary.

Mark Mclaughlin

Good news is scary. It's a tough job to motivate people in successful times. It's difficult to motivate people who know they are doing well.

Arif Shakeel

This thing that Colin Powell's son is expected to do is kind of scary when you think that television and radio and newspapers are what make people think what they think.

Jim Mckay

The correction looks scary, scarier than anything we've ever seen. But it is in direct proportion to the move up. There will continue to be momentum-oriented moves, but for the most part, I think that Nasdaq is in the process of digesting incredible gains and hammering out a consolidation range.

Scott Bleier

It's scary. It would've been terrible if they go down the road and get stuck.

Richard Pearson

He'd lift it up to look at you and talk to you, ... He was like a scary horse.

Lena Headey

Con's climactic metamorphosis into the man behind the aristocrat's pose is embodied with shattering, scary violence and precision.

Ben Brantley

It's pretty out of control, ... It's so big it's scary. The atmosphere is great: You get a glass liter mug and when you get food, you get actual silverware. They even have an area for vomiting.

Mike Baker

It was a little scary towards the end. We got a couple of stops finally, but there was a point where we didn't stop them.

Dean O'connor

You pray for a lot of things when it begins to happen you don't notice it, but it's even more scary when you do notice. I noticed that not necessarily my prayers were answered, maybe not the way I wanted it to happen, but the way God wanted it to happen.

Ronald Allen

I have a job to do, I'm an officer in the Army, and I've got my duty to do. We're truck drivers, we're targets -- big moving targets -- and it's scary.

Richard Petersen

[The quarterbacks and receivers are so complimentary of each other nowadays, it's pretty scary.] If I get open, he'll make the right read and if he throws it to another guy, then he's open, ... He goes through his progressions nicely. He's definitely a different guy.

Anthony Russo

We still don't know how they picked our house, but it was very scary.

Joan Rodgers

The scary part is that you can use your computer to go to any private investigation service and find anyone and get their personal information. This is a huge issue for law enforcement.

Cliff Herberg

We do sting operations on companies or individuals we have received complaints about. It's kind of scary some of the things we find. On one instance, we discovered the individual not only did not have a valid contractor's license, he was a registered sex offender.

Pamela Mares

It's scary when they don't have something that's important to them.

Darren Hanna

Rope baskets are a little bit scary. It's a safe operation as long as everything goes right. If you have bad weather, you have to depend on the crane operator and boat skipper - a lot of people are responsible for your safety.

David Mercer

When you're young, your whole life is about the pursuit of fun. Then, you grow up and learn to be cautious. You could break a bone or a heart. You look before you leap and sometimes you don't leap at all because there's not always someone there to catch you. And in life, there's no safety net. When did it stop being fun and start being scary?

Sex And The City

It looked real scary there at first.

Kevin Curtis

At the end, it was worse because you didn't know if it was going to work, if we'd catch fire. It was scary. Grown men were crying.

Diane Hamilton

He said it has been just become so scary _ you can go out and listen and you can hear gunfire going off in every direction.

John Matessino

No doubt there will be plenty of falls, bruises and scary moments.

Mike Darnell

She loved going to the movies. She talked a mile a minute. She was telling me she liked scary movies.

Kathy Richman

It's become a circus. It's become entertainment. It's no longer a judicial procedure, and that's scary … . You wonder, where is this society going?

Sheriff Barry Stankus

It looked a little scary there for a while. But Josie came through with that fifth place. She kind of saved the day for us.

Jim Duarte

Rudy has always been a scary character, so there's a place for him on Halloween.

Ron Kuby

The things we read in scary stories are just using our imaginations to evoke a feeling. And sometimes that feeling is happiness or sometimes that feeling is surprise and sometimes that feeling is the spooky scary feelings of Halloween.

Stephen Sisson

That's what's totally scary for broadcasters. We don't know what the rules are. They are penalizing people after the fact.

Chris Sehring

That's sad and it's scary.

Charles Plancon

I think it's scary, ... Doctors and patients have come to believe that prescription drugs are more effective and safer than they probably are.

Marcia Angell

It's scary, but it's not a tactic.

Jim Mcsweeney

Most Iraqis are really cool people. I picked up some of their language. There are good and bad people everywhere. So many people there lived under fear. They distrust the military because it's scary for them.

Matthew Zedwick

They pick up this little reptile that looks really cute when it's little. But when it gets big and starts looking and acting scary, they don't want it any more.

Jarron Lucas

I think I did the right thing. It was pretty scary, but the real important message was [that] there was a potential or serious problem coming in the future. It wasn't too late to fix it, but you had to take it seriously.

Michael Lynn

You should ask other teams how scary that is. For us it's just fun, a great feeling to have.

Ales Kotalik

That was very scary. [Issaquah] played us tough. They were hitting all their threes. I jus think we were out of sync, but in the fourth quarter we picked it up.

Christina Nzekwe

I remember nothing of my childhood. I remember absolutely nothing, it's kinda scary.

Tony Torrez

It was pretty scary.

John Harrison

That's what's so scary, ... We haven't even seen the brunt of it yet.

Chad Miller

I had no idea what was going on. Yeah, it was scary. My friend was freaking out.

Kevin Donahue

The specific facts and circumstances are scary.

Steve Parker

Minorities are often underserved and are not comfortable reporting crime to police. Reporting a crime can be a scary procedure.

Courtney Langner

You know you've made it when you've been moulded in miniature plastic. But you know what children do with Barbie dolls - it's a bit scary, actually.

Cate Blanchett

Scary is a good word for it. There are a lot of chip companies trying to find their identity and hoping to bubble to the surface and be the leader in something.

David Carey

It feels a little scary for most writers because when you're writing, you're completely in charge – you can say this book is all mine, it's my world. Whether giving over some of that has any monetary value or not, we'll see.

Michael Chabon

It's a little bit scary putting a uniform back on him after all he's gone through. He's a good guy and he's been through a lot. I had heard from some people going into last fall that it was questionable whether he'd come back, so you really have to tip your hat to him to come back as strong as he has.

Kent Baer

In retrospect, it was a scary thing. My wife said the doctors were kind of sugar-coating it at first but later admitted that they were concerned about paralysis.

Bob Rogers

Now think about crawling into a burning house not knowing where you're going, you don't know how long it's been burning or if the floor is about to collapse under you. There's a lot of scary things that go through our minds.

Rick Butler

It was a scary moment. I'd gotten used to living in Arizona; it was home.

Daniel Anaya

I left Sunday morning. I grabbed our photos and family videos, our important papers, our three kids and our two whiny cats, and I got out of there. I didn't know where I was going at first, just north. It was scary.

Toni Denham