We have the money now, and there's no denying that the roads we're rebuilding need to be done.

Rob Morosi

The important thing at this point is to ensure the $62 billion already appropriated, and future funds that go toward the recovery, go to the people who need the money the most and to worthwhile rebuilding projects.

Ander Crenshaw

We have to have a jail or we can't ever restore order and rebuild the city.

Burl Cain

It's amazing. We had to rebuild this population from scratch. To see them reproduce on their own is a huge, huge victory.

Kelly Sorenson

Our initial direct cash contribution to the American Red Cross, The Salvation Army and other emergency management agencies was made to meet the immediate need of those affected communities. With Rebuilding Hope & Homes, we can channel the support of our large and loyal customer base to help fund the largest long-term rehabilitation and rebuilding project in our country's history.

Bob Nardelli

One year has passed, we continue the rebuilding process. Much progress has been made but we have more to do still. Our work is not over.

Somkid Jatusripitak

This is a rebuilding year. Next year is going to be the huge turning point. The one positive they'll have is NFL Sunday night football. That could be a game changer for NBC.

Bill Carroll

We rebuild every four years and this is the year. But I still feel good because of our base, which includes 17 sophomores.

Kevin Gieg

Our hearts and prayers go out to all of these people as they begin the hard work of rebuilding their lives.

Charles G. Koch

We graduated 12 skiers (from the boys and girls teams) and we have 12 freshmen. This is what we call a rebuilding year.

Brewster Mcvicker

Right now, there are folks in our area leaving to go to Louisiana who will be making $2,000 a week just to rebuild, ... Anytime you open the paper, there are people needing finishing carpenters. We want to give them good skills to help them find good employment.

Tim White

Our first request is that people send cash ... so we can buy materials closer to the (disaster) situation. It will also help the local economy rebuild.

David Harding

Our house had an extra bedroom or two after we had to rebuild because we were hit by a tornado in 1985, so it worked out well.

Marietta Bachman

There are a lot of new faces, but it is definitely not a rebuilding year. We are not going to be happy with mediocrity. We need to start winning championships.

Jon Busch

This is a rebuilding project almost. We have to get back to where people recognize us as a great place for entertainment for families. It's inexpensive. It's fun. It's clean. We're working hard on a lot of those things.

Charlie Dowd

This helps our residents to get back on their feet and puts them in the position where they can begin rebuilding.

Andy Kopplin

Are we going to rebuild the Ninth Ward? ... That's the question in the new battle for New Orleans, which is just beginning to take shape.

Cassandra Wilson

The country has to pick between the optional components of nuclear-weapons spending and funding flood control and harbor construction to rebuild the country.

Greg Mello

I'm pleased that USDA can offer assistance to farmers and ranchers who have sustained losses from Hurricane Katrina, ... This agriculture disaster designation will enable eligible producers to apply for low-interest emergency loans from USDA to help cover their losses. This announcement is a part of our commitment to help farmers and ranchers to rebuild their operations.

Mike Johanns

Garrard is in a rebuilding year, but their players really gave their best.

Michael Lauer

There was this great hope that they were going to rebuild and that they were going to be stronger.

Christopher Rich

One guy said, 'I lost my house and everything I owned, but I haven't been to a funeral,' ... Of course, there were a lot of deaths, but most of the people that we talked to were just very positive and ready to start rebuilding and helping their neighbors.

Tony Powell

We prayed for the poor, sick person who burned the place down. We're going to figure out how to rebuild.

Brian Flagg

Here among the constant ruins and rebuilding of civilizations lies the coexistence of diversity and intolerance.

David K Shipler

We were on the list to remodel or rebuild and it was decided it was better to rebuild because our facilities were so out of date.

Mary Cantrell

The data suggests the big momentum positions which had mirrored carry trades have now been cut back to much more neutral levels, which should provide a good backdrop for carry trade rebuilding in the new year.

Daniel Katzive

For example, in a community where the housing stock was devastated, the Red Cross will work with other organizations to jump-start the rebuilding process. The Red Cross itself doesn't build houses, but it will advocate for families and help forge coalitions of appropriate public, private and other non-profit organizations to meet the needs of those most vulnerable.

Russ Paulsen

We are going to do everything we can to make people comfortable, ... Places have to be found for these people. Many of these people may never be able to rebuild.

Margaret O'brien

I'd love to see it happen. What I'm afraid of, with the essentials that we're looking at, that there wouldn't be a lot of support for those kinds of things. We've got bridges to rebuild, and we've got to get the tax base back. I think it would be hard for any city council or board to get behind that kind of project.

Bobby Eleuterius

They're working hard. Defensively, we'll be ready to play. The tough part is trying to rebuild that offensive line. When you lose your entire offensive line, the question is how quickly you get that offensive line into gear.

Carl Relyea

This is a real start to rebuilding this city, this jail.

Burl Cain

It's not any more irrational to rebuild here than to rebuild after an earthquake in San Francisco or a wildfire in California.

John Mccusker

We wanted to do something to help rebuild the city, to contribute something that would help the residents directly. When you give monetary donations, you're not sure if the people who need the help actually get it. This opportunity to rebuild the community physically got us really excited.

Courtney Williams

We really had a lot of organizations that wanted to take part, ... restart, rebuild, re-inspire.

Katie Hall

I am perfectly happy where I am and look forward to rebuilding a championship with the Florida Marlins.

Michael Hill

It's not over for us. Rebuilding will go on for decades.

Kevin Martinez

This is where the challenge lies. If you don't do enough to trigger rebuilding, you're not helping the fishing industry either.

Priscilla Brooks

We really need to focus as much capital as feasible in rebuilding the roadway. We had a toll increase in 2004, and we had a commitment that every penny of that money would go into improvements in the road.

Carl Defebo

I'm real enthused about where we're at and where we're going. We want to get to the point where we reload instead of rebuild. I think we're going to be competitive and we'll find some wins out there. I know the kids believe they can (win).

Rusty Zysett

After everyone we lost from last year, I thought this would be a rebuilding year. But by the end of the year, I really believe we'll be competitive with just about anybody.

Doug Langhals

If they are going to rebuild, we want to do so in a wise and sustainable manner. Because of the poverty in the area, affordability is key.

Susan Henderson

We have religious holidays and we have secular holidays. I see Kwanzaa as an opportunity for African-Americans to reaffirm ourselves if we choose to, a chance to rebuild and renew our focus. I see Kwanzaa as a holiday of the spirit.

Jessica Harris

The kids are trying to adjust to him being gone. We hope we'll rebound. Last week wasn't much fun ... We had considerable breakdowns last week, and we have to try to rebuild a little of the momentum.

Ron Rood

This will keep the rebuilding issue very much on the forefront.

Blake Wilson

They have a new management team in place that I'm hoping is going to flesh out the value of the brand and rebuild their business lines.

Michael Cuggino

My fellow Katrina survivors and I have experienced more tragedy in the last six months than most people have in a lifetime. We have lost relatives, friends and our community. The federal government should live up to its responsibility to rebuild.

Dorothy Stukes

I'm pretty confident that he should resign. I don't know how Governor Taft is going to rebuild the confidence of the people after being hauled off to jail.

Neil Clark

Catholic Charities USA is firmly committed to helping people rebuild their lives.

Larry Snyder

We plan to develop a first-class resort at that site. This is not simply going to be a rebuild.

David Strow

Family violence has no home in Collin County. When you see someone in a crisis and then can help them rebuild their lives...it's a wonderful feeling to empower them again.

Tonia Cunningham

It was thought that a high death toll would hamper the rebuilding and re-population of the city.

Gladys Hansen

[It is yet to be determined, for instance, just how much of a role the federal government will play in picking up the tab.] It depends on a threshold question: What are you going to rebuild? What is the federal responsibility for rebuilding a city, a metropolitan area or a region? This is where it gets really confused, ... Federalism is a messy business.

Bruce Katz

Jazz at Lincoln Center is so grateful to the many friends from around the world who so generously contributed to this cause to help rebuild the Crescent City.

Derek E. Gordon

There's no reason why you couldn't have sandwich shops and bait shops all around that area. This is about rebuilding a tax base that is gone, and this is certainly a fast way to start bringing it back.

Chris Lagarde

We were suffering some of the highest power costs in the nation, and I was concerned with rebuilding our economy.

Pete Wilson

Mitch Landrieu has the experience to implement a plan, to manage a plan and to rebuild our city.

Ron Forman

Just overall I felt that of all the schools I had recruiting me, they were recruiting me the hardest, ... I want to help with the rebuilding process they have going on with the basketball program. It was a hard decision, but of the schools that were recruiting me hard, I felt like they wanted me the most.

Matthew Parker

The question isn't whether New Orleans is going to take a huge hit in terms of job loss. The real question is where we'll have to rebuild from once we know where we've bottomed out.

Jay Lapeyre

This is an important effort on our part to help rebuild the Palestinian economy and infrastructure.

David Welch

Not many people have the opportunity to come back into their hometown. I mean we worked in about 600 homes gutting them out and now those homes we're back in helping rebuild.

Travis Todd

We were literally rebuilding our electrical distribution system. This was definitely a severe storm and had significant damage to our system and the customers' property.

Allan Urlis

We're asking ourselves now how long should they go without paying. How long will it take to rebuild? How long they're staying is anybody's guess.

Brian Sullivan

I think the question on everybody's mind is: When will New Orleans get into a position to start the rebuilding effort?

Grayson Hall

I don't know necessarily if we're calling it a rebuilding season. Our expectations are always the same. I think a lot of people may have counted us out, but we'll gladly take that role.

Dan Alderson

It's hard to imagine why we're wanting to rebuild if we're going to allow global warming.

Jonathan Overpeck

It's heartbreaking to see the devastation on TV. People are missing family members, and they have absolutely nothing left, not even food or water. I want to do everything I can to help those who have survived to help rebuild their lives.

Hilary Duff

We are certainly going to have to rebuild the highway there.

Tom Gibbs

MADD is not the white-hot issue it was in the 1980s, ... But we need to rebuild our organization with even more volunteers and a stronger structure than we had in the past.

Chuck Hurley

There's such a quantity of dogs out there. But people there aren't interested in adopting a dog off the street. They're trying to rebuild their lives.

Garo Alexanian

We're in the process of rebuilding the garden and refurbishing everything in it.

Lurlis Simmons

The death of such a treasured colleague will be a matter of enormous sadness to those who knew him and to all who care about Afghanistan's rebuilding.

Tom Koenigs

Right now, many people are in limbo and don't know whether to rebuild or what to do next. There needs to be a plan, and there needs to be funding for that plan, but right now there is neither.

John Mcilwain

It's like Stephon said - you almost feel guilty. We're here, warm, and we've got water and food. Those people have nothing. We're in this thing all through the rebuilding.

Antonio Davis

It's definitely a rebuilding year. But next year we will have three seniors and two juniors.

Daniel Gonzalez

Sometimes you have to be empty. That is one thing I have truly learned in all the rebuilding projects. At some point, you have got to take a punch to the gut that just empties all the arrogance or pride or false hopes, and then you realize we better face up to who we are.

Dick Bennett

This telethon, the NFL, our people, our media assets across Disney -- are all coming together to rebuild for those who have lost so much. It's great football, and more important, it's helping people.

George Bodenheimer

Really, this is part of a bigger process. This is part of rebuilding these guys and gals lives.

Kirk Bauer

All these neighborhoods that are flooded -- you can't just drain it out and rebuild those houses. They're history. They've been soaking in hazardous materials for days. It's done. It's going to take a long time if ever to make those areas livable.

Bill Sharp

This program gives some hope to residents who want to come back to New Orleans to rebuild.

Brian Lewis

We're focusing on getting the community to help rebuild a hospital, basically. Being in an older facility, it's difficult to always have all the technology needed right at the bedside, and through renovations and additions, we're able to accommodate these types of things.

Michele Conley

Things were just obliterated, so the majority of the money is going to be used to rebuild.

Pete Smith

Increasing union demands on hotels across the country will harm the industry, erasing the progress the tourism industry has made to rebuild after Sept. 11.

Kathy Shepard

Michael has played a huge role in rebuilding this franchise and taking it to where it is today.

Donnie Nelson

Because the whole area around there has grown we need to increase the capacity so we are basically rebuilding the old pumping plant. The bottom line is this is to the benefit of everybody. When you're upgrading your infrastructure, you're making it more reliable and able to handle the demand.

Don Avila

We certainly look forward to putting this past us and moving forward concretely and in very positive steps towards rebuilding our credibility with the community.

Richard Henning

When I left, I got on the bus to go to Tokyo with Chris Chelios and Gary Suter and some of the guys, we were kind of sour because of what we heard had happened. I want to go and make it better and rebuild a great thing, which is USA hockey.

Brett Hull

I'm presuming he will be a safe pair of hands, and they can use him to rebuild the brand and deal with the technical issues on the investigation in America.

Howard Smith

This is just beginning. I could even see us at some point going out there and rebuilding.

Bill Johnson

We have focused only on the negatives, and not enough on incredible stories of the human spirit and of rebirth and rebuilding. That's equally important as the tragedy.

Steve Perry

Rebuilding occurred over years, just in the normal course of events -- I don't think we'll have a building surge here.

Michael Carliner

The tax code should not hinder our efforts to rebuild in the Gulf Coast and care for those hit by the hurricane.

Dave Camp

There's just a sense of rebuilding, not abandoning. That this is where we love. 'We love being on the river and we want to stay here'; 'We're not going to move out.

Peter Teahen

We must rebuild this country together for the good of our nation. We should not be divided into groups of farmers and groups of black. We are Zimbabwean -- that must go deeper into our minds.

Chenjerai Hunzvi

We're going to earmark part of our money to help in rebuilding the headquarters of the united Chinese society and possibly to donate funds to the hurricane relief fund.

Alvin Wong

This is an area of about 20 million people.... The sheer rebuilding effort is going to take billions of dollars.

Tarek Fatah

As we are rebuilding, it seems that the hurricane is so far behind us. But these animals still haven't found the stability they have been lacking for so long. Those animals lived through a horrific situation and were in very bad condition when we got them. Now they need to know that they are safe and cared for. This is why they need a permanent home.

Fmhs President Linda Norman

I felt there was a sense of hope about the new president, and her ability to rebuild for them things they haven't had in such a long time.

Judy Elkins

Some of the recent job gains in construction reflect rebuilding and clean-up efforts following hurricanes Katrina, Rita and Wilma.

Kathleen Utgoff

The effort to rebuild after Katrina will require labor, goods and services that Michigan companies can provide, ... Our network of assistant centers will help companies make connections they need to win a share of the business.

Jennifer M. Granholm

We're all young and inexperienced. We've always had a tough region. To be the best you have to beat the best, and we've always had to go through them. We're all young, and Huntington has a lot of sophomores. We're just rebuilding now, but we'll get there.

Jeanne Lunsford

We knew this was going to be a rebuilding year. But they have made more progress in a single year's time than could've ever been predicted or expected.

Wendy Levash

We need to rebuild and we'll do it around a local product who probably is the best college player in America (Walters) and last season's Rookie of the Year (Merrill).

Jody Gage

This relatively positive end to 2005, if sustained early in the new year, could help rebuild confidence in the sector.

Heather Ridout

My house is underwater. We understand that most of the water will be pumped out by the end of the month. I don't know if there's much left to see of my house. I don't know if they are going to rebuild in my area or if they're going to bulldoze it over.

Bettie Rhodes

That's OK. That will put us in a situation where maybe we're a little bit of a sleeper because we're in a rebuilding year. I'm going into a situation where every girl gets a fresh evaluation from someone whom they don't know and it will be a very pristine situation.

Bobby Guerrera

Well we are going to rebuild this location here. The front part of the building looks like it is going to be OK. We will go in there first, hopefully in the next three to four weeks. And then we will rebuild the back. And hopefully that will be done in 60 to 90 days. That's the goal.

Larry Kuhn

We bought this house in '73 and all their childhood memories are tied up with this house. They really wanted me to restore it and that's what I'm going to do. I'm hoping it doesn't happen again. If it does, I'll rebuild again, because this is my home.

Dona Stephens

They all have the same bottom line -- pumping federal dollars into the electricity and gas service restoration process, so that Entergy's dwindled New Orleans customer base doesn't get a huge, unaffordable rate increase, and the efforts to rebuild the local economy don't get derailed.

Yolanda Pollard

Any city that only tries to preserve itself is already dead. The great tragedy would be to embalm New Orleans by simply rebuilding it the way it was.

Mark Wigley

I feel like what's happening is we're talking out of both sides of the mouth. They want us to rebuild the city but do it their way.

Jim Monaghan

Close to 75 percent of the city lost homes, so a lot of our students and families left. We're doing all we can for those who stayed. We have to rebuild and keep games going. There's not much else to do on the coast. Restaurants aren't open. This is our outlet. Our gathering place.

Terry D'angelo

That game was crazy right from the start. We said we were going to put that behind us right away and focus. We realize we have a lot of big games before and right after Christmas. So we put that one behind us and started rebuilding.

Trent Hunter

I believe we will rebuild every bit of it. It will be a struggle and there will be sacrifices, but we will rebuild.

Richard Bennett

New Orleans has to rebuild not just its buildings and its political culture, but its image, ... The City: A Global History.

Joel Kotkin

A lot of the collections in the house were moved before the storm, but the actual house is gone. Even if you rebuild one just like it, it's not his house. It's not the one he built.

David Preziosi

Before, ranchers were taking more of their heifers to be slaughtered than they were keeping because the prices were so high that it was more beneficial to sell the animal. But, with the Japanese demand dropping off, ranchers have been able to keep those heifers for breeding, thus allowing them to rebuild their herds.

Jerry Elder

For people to feel confident about coming back again, they're going to have to rebuild the levee system.

Ivor Van Heerden

Some mid- to small-sized businesses will not bounce back quickly. Small manufacturers, with older equipment, may not necessarily choose to come up with the capital to rebuild. There will be strong construction but I don't think we will see the same thing as we do after other hurricanes.

Robert Dye

So tonight you better stop and rebuild all your ruins, because peace and trust can win the day despite all your losing.

Led Zeppelin

These students are pioneers in this effort to rebuild and should be commended for their dedication and hard work. They are an inspiration.

Melissa Cohen

You can look at parts of the city and say it shouldn't have been built that way in the first place, and we shouldn't rebuild it that way.

Kristina Ford

What happens when a world destroys itself and must rebuild.

Terry Brooks

There was no 'golden age' of rebuilding. They had the same controversies then that we have now.

Brent Glass

They're studying an emerging culture. A country that is rebuilding itself.

Silvia Hasak

If we're going to rebuild, ... let's rebuild smart.

Mark Davis

There's going to be a tremendous amount of rebuilding. There are going to be a lot of bonds out of those areas.

James Conn

It's kind of Mother's Nature's way of balancing things out. The exploitation rate will be very low this year, which is good for the population. It hastens the rebuilding process.

Ron Bruch

We're basically just working day to day, ... I have friends who have sent applications to different departments. A lot of the veterans say that, after the rebuilding, they're just going to leave.

Roger Jones

We're talking and planning for how to rebuild houses. The recovery plans of CWS are in place. We're talking to people about accompanying and supporting them through the rebuilding process.

Marvin Parvez

Right now, we're transitioning from immediate issues of saving lives to long-term issues of rebuilding, including rebuilding the job base.

David Vitter

The people responsible for this incident have caused thousands of pounds worth of damage and left a bridge dangerous and in need of rebuilding.

Keith James

You've got a push-pull between tragedy and the good that can come out of it for the markets. You've got to rebuild, and you're going to put money and resources into that and create jobs.

Jay Suskind

We played against a good team, we knew before the game that Ireland were one of the best teams in the world and we are very happy because we are young team, we are rebuilding.

Bernard Laporte

Together with friends she has raised monies, first to rebuild our beloved church so tragically burned and then to support all other services provided through the church.

Wayne Jamieson

The president has made a commitment to rebuild and we need to fulfill that commitment, ... We cannot be an absent partner, or one who reneges, especially since the federal government failed miserably in taking action when the hurricane first hit.

Sander Levin

How do we rebuild a city that is so complicated, and interestingly so? ... There will be an impulse to do this completely rationally, then we'll end up with something that has none of New Orleans' quality. One of the charms of New Orleans was the irrationality.

Kristina Ford

The task of the state and the Louisiana Recovery Authority is to really gather everything together and try to help rebuild the state.

Walter Leger

When a catastrophic event happens, such as the Hurricane Katrina, there is always rebuilding demand after the disaster and that tends to be reflected in stock prices.

Hitoshi Yamamoto

I am looking at this as a rebuilding year, or better yet, a foundation year. I am looking to lay a foundation that can be brought into the small schools change over.

Desiree Kiesel

They need to figure out where the people who work in the restaurants and the kitchens and cleaning restrooms are going to live. People who have low-paying jobs are absolutely essential to the economy of New Orleans, and they won't be able to chase them away and rebuild the economy.

Christopher Morris

Garland's citizens are to be commended for their outpouring of generosity, ... I encourage everyone to continue volunteering, giving donations and praying for our Gulf Coast neighbors who must now rebuild their lives.

Bob Day

A lot of the terraces were in pretty bad shape, so we've been rebuilding those as well.

David Tidd

I don't know how many African Americans are left in the city, but it's not that many. There is not enough labor to rebuild the city, and filling the vacuum are the Hispanics.

Lawrence Powell

Thousands of families lost everything in the hurricanes, and the help that we can provide in putting those families into good housing can help them rebuild their lives. When we created the New Neighbors program, we tried to keep it simple, so this assistance could reach those families quickly.

David Hehman

We want to make sure they have IDs to help them rebuild their identities and have access to all the services Illinois offers.

Charley Jones

Any time an individual is indicted, in the minds of the public, he is viewed as tarnished, if not already convicted. Now it's time to rebuild.

Bruce Herman

When their welfare check doesn't arrive by the first of the month and they run out of baby formula, they borrow from a neighbor, ... If you say they have to move, they not only have to rebuild the physical structure of their lives, but they have to put together something much more complicated, which are these networks.

Ari Kelman

People are so poor there that their huts may collapse. The biggest burden from this quake is going to be the rebuilding of homes rather than the injuries.

Michel Bonnardeaux

It is clear that rebuilding Honduras and ... these countries of Central America is going to require a sustained effort.

Louis Caldera

We're in a rebuilding process, we're doing fine for where we're at. We're just trying to improve on their race techniques and have them do their best.

Janis Serrano

I'm very excited about going to a program that is building. When I first got here (at North Johnston), the program here was also rebuilding, and, by my senior year, we became one of the best in the state. I hope I can help to do the same thing at ECU.

Willie Smith

When we got our students back, the population of New Orleans increased by 10 to 20 percent. A lot of businesses pegged their openings to the return of our students. We expect the students to be a big part of rebuilding.

Mike Strecker

We are rebuilding prime programming and we feel good about the progress we've made.

Keith Sherin

Everybody wants to help rebuild New Orleans, which is a great thing.

Felix Wai

It serves quite a big need to put people in the right location, people needed to rebuild.

Natalie Rule

I want to get permission to move the trailer to this property, so we can live here while we're rebuilding our home. That's the plan anyway, well, as planned as someone can be five hours after a fire.

Ginger Mullins

When we have an opportunity to rebuild a neighborhood, it has to be diverse. You can't have concentrated areas of one kind of housing.

Dr. O'dell Owens

All these neighborhoods that are flooded - you can't just drain it out and rebuild those houses. They're history. They've been soaking in hazardous materials for days. It's done.

Bill Sharp

We have a huge opportunity to rebuild this group. There is a lot to do and it will take time.

Matthew Ingle

We are going to rebuild New Orleans more or less where it is, so we start out with a lot of constraints on the process, ... It is time to put a lot of interesting ideas in the hopper, but it is certainly clear that pre-conceived ideological notions ... are going to prove lacking.

Donald Kettl

I don't see what they gain by burning down a log building. They've got to cut down more logs to rebuild it.

Ben Nighthorse Campbell

In New Orleans, where a quarter of the city was poor, the prevailing wage for construction labor is about $9 per hour, according to the Department of Labor. In effect, President Bush is saying that people should be paid less than $9 an hour to rebuild their communities.

George Miller

After the storms, we kept asking ourselves, 'Why are we rebuilding these homes the same way?' .

Leslie Chapman

But we can't do it if the jobs aren't here. As our new Governor, I'll return cooperation and common sense to state government, and work hard to rebuild our economy.

Oscar Lovelace

It will take time to rebuild, but we will do it.

Sally Ford

Companies that have a presence in multiple markets are very likely to rebuild.

John Knott

These people said they will be rebuilding for 10 years.

Steve Huff

I had good credit, and the course depends on your credit. If it's bad, it could take up to 10 weeks and (they can) help you rebuild your credit.

Melinda Venett

The way to rebuild the communities devastated by the hurricanes is to provide jobs for residents. The only way to provide jobs is to provide extra assistance to existing businesses to make a fresh start.

Bill Hammond

Lives are changed so dramatically and so swiftly by violent death. It's a slow process to rebuild, and it's better when families feel that justice is done.

June Renfrow

We are hopeful that the company will lay out more conservative guidance for 2002 as a means to rebuild credibility with investors.

Holly Becker

We had a telephone conversation, and we were talking about the various pieces of what we'd done. There was nothing calculated. We had a couple of conversations, and because we could rebuild our friendship, it became a logical conclusion that we should do some concerts.

Lisa Gerrard

The decision isn't one looking back at past performance or judgment. It was one looking forward. Josh is re-energizing and rebuilding his staff for the next thousand days.

Dan Bartlett

During this period in rebuild mode, we've seen our growth rate on the base business decline to the 15 to 20 percent range, ... It's not where we want to be, and in 2006, we expect to return to historical levels of growth.

Gerald Massey

It was acknowledging that we lacked upper-level prospects. That was a middle-of-the-road move, trying to contend and rebuild. But it was the last middle-of-the-road move that we made.

Mark Shapiro

We're creating a community plan for each community and we're working with the county to revise some of its regulations to make rebuilding easier and more planned.

Jennifer Cowley

[Cox, for its part, plans to restore its local network] bigger and better than before, ... Our commitment is to rebuild.

Steve Sawyer

You can stay for a week or month until you guys rebuild -- you can always come back (and) we will help you.

David Perez

When the relief work is over, there is going to remain a huge job of rebuilding, I hope that the Fuller Center can be a significant part of that rebuilding effort.

Millard Fuller

If our city officials would pull together, it would create excitement. Excitement is magnetic. People need to feel that they are part of a program to rebuild our community.

James Powers

The federal government doesn't have the money. The rebuilding money should come from state and local budgets. States should issue bonds for long-term investments for freeways and the like. ... They should look at innovative private financing mechanisms.

Chris Edwards

It's a loss. There's no question about it, but we will rebuild. I'm not sure how and when.

Harold Christ

I think it's great that we can do a small part to aid the people and aid the effort to rebuild down there, especially if it can get the refineries back on to lower the gas prices in the U.S. and especially Maine with winter coming on.

Larry Wade

The Party and the government are affectionate to the people though typhoon and other calamities are merciless, ... We hope you will resume your work and rebuild your homes in a high morale as soon as possible.

Hui Liangyu

With only two seniors, I continue to look at this team as one that is rebuilding and still working to improve their games.

Paul Testa

We are looking for anything that will help in the rebuilding process.

Gayle Korczyk

FEMA has a responsibility to ensure that disaster rebuilding efforts use the best data available... It makes no sense to rebuild using outdated data.

David Maurstad

The concern is the elevation and wind velocity at Point Cadet and the cost to rebuild a structure 25 to 30 feet off the ground.

Sharon Walker

The governor needs to stay on message, and that is getting people out of New Orleans, provide stability for them and rebuild. The governor must look like the leader at all times.

Johnny Anderson

I'd just as soon run it as rebuild it.

Dave Sattler

Coming in, I knew this was a rebuilding season when I saw how young we were going to be.

Tom Brown

I think this signifies that a plan and a process to notify homeowners is finally in place that everyone is satisfied with. We can now begin the rebuilding process.

Greg Meffert

The idea of rebuilding an entire city is certainly worth the kind of coverage a book can provide, ... You also have the stories of heroism. And I could imagine an illustrated book of the city. There are a lot of possibilities.

Jonathan Karp

I think it could be a symbol perhaps of the rebuilding of New Orleans. There are a lot of good memories in the dome too.

Doug Thornton

Together, we are making a positive difference in the lives of those most in need. The industry's support allows us to increase the number of homes we rebuild and provide a better quality of life for our most vulnerable residents.

Fred Silva

The trucking industry and our professional drivers were first on the scene when Louisiana needed emergency help. We're still there helping with recovery and rebuilding.

Bill Graves

We are rebuilding this year. We lost our Nos. 2, 3,4 ,5 and 6 players from last year?s top six to graduation. As you can tell, this was quite a loss.

Paul Whitmore

With Al Golden, we now have the final piece in place for the rebuilding of the Temple football program. We are looking forward to providing our alums and Philadelphia college football fans a bright and promising future _ the Golden Era of Temple Football.

Bill Bradshaw

I don't know if we will rebuild in the same spot, but we'll definitely be staying.

Art Jones

This is a rebuilding season. There's been a lot of turnover, so there are several new players. We're coming along though.

Kelly Leary