Dan Bartlett
FameRank: 5

"Daniel Joseph Bartlett" was a Counselor to the President in the Presidency of George W. Bush/Bush administration. The position was previously held by Karen Hughes, who vacated the post in 2002. On June 1, 2007, he announced his resignation and that he would be leaving the White House on July 5, 2007. He was replaced by Ed Gillespie.

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President Bush and Mrs. Bush are deeply saddened by the news. It's a tremendous loss for our nation.

It's a matter of national security. Not only do we have to contemplate other natural events that could be of a similar scale of Katrina, but we also have to think of other manmade events.

It is the president's decision to make and he will decide when it is appropriate to let the American people know he has made it.

The decision isn't one looking back at past performance or judgment. It was one looking forward. Josh is re-energizing and rebuilding his staff for the next thousand days.

As the birthplace of Gen. George Armstrong Custer, we are curious if this will be Al Gore's last stand as well.

We want fresh thinking, to charge the batteries, and passionate participation. There is a lot of value added in Tony coming on board and helping us internally with his own views and ideas. It fits into the mold.

We're a nation at war, but we do believe it's important, through privately raised money, [that] we ought to go forward with the inaugural festivities.

We are disappointed with the judge's ruling and believe it does not represent a fair or accurate portrayal of Texas' efforts to provide health care to children on Medicaid.