People are so happy to have a hot meal, ... Some of the folks haven't had a hot meal in days.

It's just unbelievable, ... There is so much need out there, and getting the volume of people -- the number of staff -- up to what we need . . . is difficult.

We are looking at it, but we are still in the emergency phase.

We are going to do everything we can to make people comfortable, ... Places have to be found for these people. Many of these people may never be able to rebuild.

It's a very rare Oscar because only a few were ever bestowed to child stars like me, Judy Garland and Shirley Temple. It means all the more to me because it was lost for 45 years and now I have it today.

The biggest issue we're faced with is handling the volume of people, ... Just identifying their needs is so complex.

Please stay put where they're at, as long as they have a roof over their head and food.