[Friday] night we had 63,000 people staying in shelters and we expect three to four times that many tonight.

The mental fatigue is a factor.

We are looking now at a disaster above any magnitude that we've seen in the United States. We've been saying that the response is going to be the largest Red Cross response in the history of the organization.

There's just a sense of rebuilding, not abandoning. That this is where we love. 'We love being on the river and we want to stay here'; 'We're not going to move out.

We can't tell you when food is going to be served. We don't know. We hope it will be in a couple of days.

The mental fatigue is a factor. These floods are insipid ... it takes its toll.

The nightmare we thought might happen before the hurricane hit appears to be developing.

As the water recedes there will be damage assessment. Family services go out to see what people have lost, helping to replace furniture, beds, etc.

When I think of sleeping in the car ... I remember I'm in the presence of people who have no home.