To obtain as much evidence as possible.

Makhosini Nkosi

Any game is possible for us to win with Jill, but we need to find more people to put the ball in the hole.

Jim Yatzek

There is going to be TV, there's going to be a broadband component, video-on-demand and portable devices. There's are all of these technologies out there where fans will consistently grow and consume content, and we're going to provide Mountain West content in every way possible and connect with fans in a very different way.

Tim Pernetti

It's always possible that we could catch them, but that's not really our main goal now. We just need to worry about how we are playing.

Scott Jackson

There are two possible outcomes: If the result confirms the hypothesis, then you've made a measurement. If the result is contrary to the hypothesis, then you've made a discovery.

Enrico Fermi

[With school and a tight budget in mind, her approach to money] will be her biggest obstacle, ... She really needs to ignore to the extent possible the perceived money everyone around her is making.

Phil Cook

It is possible he was concerned police would find out about the shooting and that's what led to the homicides on Christmas morning. Why he committed the homicides, only he'll ever know. But we believe this may have been a contributing factor to why he did what he did.

Officer Rich Henry

We would like to have this done as soon as humanly possible because families are out there wondering.

Joseph Dominick

It's possible. You know, this is City Hall. You know this isn't Miss Nelly's playroom. So there could have been the possibility of trying to skirt the issue, no pun intended. Or it could have been happenstance.

Tom Ammiano

We have supplies already in the state and we have our logistics teams looking at what possible additional supplies may be needed to move into South Florida if necessary.

Mike Delorenzo

Lead wicks are unnecessary in candles, and the industry has acted recklessly by continuing to manufacture them, ... Now the agency should complete the notice and comment necessary to complete the rule making as rapidly as possible.

Peter Lurie

Many of you have e-mailed me or telephoned me. I've heard from you by just about all means possible except by hot air balloon.

Jerry Meek

Asbestos removal is possible in France, there are firms capable of doing it.

Michel Parigot

I think that's possible, but I don't think that's his main motive. His motive is profit. But we certainly could reap some benefit out of it.

Barry Cottrell

We hope to reopen as soon as possible.

Mustafa Abdullah

It looked like I was going to lose a stroke or two and then I ended up gaining them. Then it got to be, 'Just hit the ball onto the fairway and the green as much as possible.' Avoid the drastic trouble.

David Eger

We need to produce the perfect match in Russia. We have nothing to lose. It will be tough but there's 90 minutes left and in football everything is possible.

Jean Fernandez

I still think like a critic, and I still analyze films like a critic. However, it's not possible to write criticism if you're making films.

Paul Schrader

Of course, we're going to play if possible. I'm not sure what the WPIAL is going to do. They did ask us if we set our first game.

Ron Faust

You're going to have some traffic restrictions, but we're going to try to make those as minimal as possible.

Jim Struzzi

She is like my sister. I hope she gets back as soon as possible. I'm real worried about her, and I'm praying for her.

Katie Riddell

It is said that each of the chemicals in use need to be thought about very carefully in terms of their human health risks. Especially the risks to children, and the amounts left on food should be as little as possible.

Richard Jackson

A night like this wouldn't have been possible without the help of a lot of people. It takes a team to accomplish the banners that are up here in this building.

Paul Coffey

I don't think a visual identification will be possible. It's not about the numbers. It's about the body.

Louis Cataldie

We were trying to joke around as much as possible. Well, as much as you could in that . . . eventually it got really not funny.

Steve Jocz

Start as soon as possible, the more time you have for the plan to work, the greater advantage you'll have for growth.

Kyle Herrman

If you love your job, if you love the career, you have one mission - to do it perfect and well. Do the best, best possible you can. Then you might, after all your hard work, at the end of the concert, you might get applause, or standing ovation. That's what I'm looking for.

Man Wong

I am certain the entire crew felt this experience was more than anyone human had ever thought possible.

Robert Lewis

It may not be possible to conduct these kinds of highly charged cases in what is a very fragile and unstable environment where there is still armed conflict.

Richard Dicker

I think it's possible. I'd love to see everybody on my team qualify for state. We are really, really deep.

Bob Runyan

A golf course is the epitome of all that is purely transitory in the universe; a space not to dwell in, but to get over as quickly as possible.

Jean Giraudoux

A study was conducted last year to find possible fees that would assist with reaching our goal of making up deficits. The study dealt with comparisons of Big Ten schools.

Jan Mills

If you're ready, make your call as soon as possible.

Andrea Zahn

I've seen them enough through scouting, and I think we match up fairly well with them. They may be a little bit bigger than us, but we'll try to neutralize that as much as possible.

Jeff Hans

There are restrictions that are really welcome because we want to be an environmentally friendly event. We will keep as many cars off the road as possible. And due to the fact that this is a limited capacity, this is why we're calling it a celebration.

Aaron Gibson

It's all power points. We're just trying to get the highest seed possible.

Mark Macgowan

To make things even more challenging for ourselves, we decided to use only available light. As difficult as it was, we wanted to keep the look as real as possible.

Fernando Eimbcke

This research makes the same difference as a foreign language learned with or without the help of a dictionary. We can say we have opened the vine dictionary. From now on, everything will be easier. It will be possible to read and understand grapevines as never before.

Riccardo Velasco

A lot of kids know the question. The key is trying to get the answer on as few cues as possible.

Rick Klimchock

We forecast that bird flu mutation is possible in the countries where the number of different viruses is high. This group includes the United States.

Sergei Dankvert

I have no doubt that we can beat the upcoming teams. But everyone has to contribute and we have to win as a unit. We all have to be on the same page and be mentally and physically prepared as much as possible.

Amber Mcfeely

If you have a talent, use it in every which way possible. Don't hoard it. Don't dole it out like a miser. Spend it lavishly like a millionaire intent on going broke.

Brendan Francis

I am committing myself to doing everything possible to pull the resources together to aid the children of not only Cambodia, but the children of all the countries in the world.

Quincy Jones

It offers another way to learn as much as possible about poetry writing today.

Chris Murray

This isn't possible without you.

Lisa Kudrow

It's possible to do it in other ways. Japanese elementary schools are not exactly the same as the Singapore, and they're done carefully.

Richard Askey

How to save resources and achieve the best possible results for the least cost and least use of resources is the important task facing us.

Li Jinhua

Our insistence is that talks must be held as soon as possible. We also affirm that the violence must end, but that is not a precondition for the government to go for talks.

Palitha Kohona

We have the investigators on site as they are at the moment and they will give me their preliminary findings as soon as possible.

Stephen Byers

That advertisement is as flagrant violation of this agreement as it is possible to imagine.

Geoffrey Vos

That first half was a disaster for us. That was the worst we played all year. We had our worst shooting night of the year at the worst possible time. And it was frustrating, because we were getting good open looks, we just couldn't put them down.

Brian Ricker

It is now possible to distribute high quality programming that has been produced by much smaller entities.

Jeremy Allaire

It has been a long and meticulous process in which all members of the committee worked to achieve our goal, which is to assemble the best possible team to win the first Classic.

Israel Roldan

Berlusconi today is a problem, but he is also the only possible solution for his coalition.

Roberto D'alimonte

It is our job each day to give the students of Akron our assistance in obtaining the best education possible.

Karen Dinkins

We continue to work with leadership to draft a bill that will provide the necessary borrowing authority as expeditiously as possible.

Andrew Gray

The six of them start as soon after midnight as possible, when the last cars leave after the last flights of the day. They have to be through by 5 a.m., when cars start coming in for the early morning flights. Many nights, it takes all of five hours to get the job done.

Joe Hills

We appreciate the hard work of the Department of Justice staff in bringing this merger to resolution. The consent decree will result in no disruption to MCI customers. We are eager to begin offering the benefits of this new combination to customers as soon as possible.

John Thorne

We hope to have Jean back as soon as possible.

Pape Diouf

At this time the board and I have agreed that it is in the best interest of the company for new leadership to step forward so that our turnaround plan has the best possible chance to succeed, as I know it will.

David Edmondson

I have never written anything in one draft, not even a grocery list, although I have heard from friends that this is actually possible.

Connie Willis

If one commits the act of sodomy with a cow, an ewe, or a camel, their urine and their excrements become impure, and even their milk may no longer be consumed. The animal must then be killed and as quickly as possible and burned.

Ayatollah Khomeini

The thing I have to worry about the most is getting off the ball. It's important for me to get off the ball as fast as possible to make plays.

Mike Patterson

There was a message of restraint, of great discipline, of great pre-planning, to eliminate as much as possible the random acts, the guys feeling isolated, the guys feeling threatened. This was very different from what happened in a lot of other cities.

Jay Kriegel

We want to keep everything from within Jacksonville as much as possible. But are also going to be totally different.

Janine Dray

Ordinary people believe only in the possible. Extraordinary people visualize not what is possible or probable, but rather what is impossible. And by visualizing the impossible, they begin to see it as possible.

Cherie Carter Scott

My one aim was to do a thing well and to excel if possible.

Josephine demott Robinson

I'd like to double-bunk inmates, where it can be done safely, and take in as many (state Department of Correction) inmates as possible. I made a large sum of money (for the county) when I was sheriff.

Mike Herndon

What they are trying to do is make the indecency problem as big an issue as possible.

Marv Johnson

Firing squads are used in extremely serious cases ... Given the gravity of this case, it's possible that this is the mechanism that will be used.

Raul Reyes

We rested a few kids and bumped some others up tonight. We tried to get as many seniors in the lineup as possible. It was a good chance for some of the kids.

Greg Haga

They're trying to get the best possible price for shareholders. They probably approached it in the right manner by not getting too firm with any one bidder.

James Mcbride

Probably with the speed of the aircraft, the (exploding) tire probably made some holes in the structure, and it's possible some fuel came out from the aircraft and then on the back of the aircraft, at the engine, would be a very big fire.

Patrick Amar

I call this the race of the century because it is not easily that you can find the quality of the athletes like in this race. I doubt that it will be possible to match it again.

Paul Tergat

It's certainly fair to say that medicine is practiced differently around the world and we try to work as much as possible closely with the local hospitals and clinics. And in many places, we use the local health care facilities if we think they are adequate to use.

Laurence G. Brown

We've got quite a large segment of our customer base who wants the option of a streamlined airport experience, and know that's what airport automation makes possible.

Gus Whitcomb

It is possible to develop in that area and put a pleasing development that is harmonious with the landscape and view.

Steve Nichols

I still believe four wins is possible.

Dave Carroll

In the process of looking carefully, is it possible to make any conclusions? My gut is it's very difficult to make a good judgment about it.

John Witte

Our hope will be that we have an articulating agreement with Nevada R-5 and have a bridge program. Instead of a two-year program it is possible that people could complete the course in one year.

Roger Wagner

Peace is possible. It begins with a vision or dream and comes through persistence, hard work and belief in ourselves.

Pauline Flynn

It is important for directors to do a good job in communicating with staff members and empower them to make their own decisions. Good, instinctive services can only be possible when staff members have confidence.

Gerhard Schmidt

This is a very deep emotional aspect of our work down there, and we need to make sure we respect as best as possible those remains.

John Rickey

She instantly created within me a passion for music, and has taught me so much more than I ever thought possible.

Amber Cunningham

As a Fundamentalist I had discovered while I was in college that it is possible to dismiss the entire Church as having gone off the rails by about AD 95. That is, we, with our open Bibles, knew better than did old Ignatius or Clement, who had been taught by the very apostles themselves, just what the Church is and what it should look like.

Thomas Howard

We need to speak to the Greens and the F.D.P. in the next few days. What we need is the largest possible consensus. We have our own agenda. We need to conduct open talks.

Dieter Althaus

While it is certainly possible that some `bad actors' have sought to exploit this crisis for personal gain, I can assure you that their actions are not the actions of the vast majority of the industry.

Bill Douglass

We have a job. We have money like everyone else. As soon as possible, we get citizenship.

Alexander Bunegin

We need participation from the residents because this is their neighborhood and they know it better than anyone. We want them to share that knowledge with us so we can be as effective as possible.

Brenda Johnson

There will be a time when, technologically, fully automated cars will be possible.

Nick Barnes

BOJ is only possible because of the community. How in the world can you get 100 men to volunteer all their time and work nonstop?

Craig Herrick

Work is being done to increase (production) as much as possible, making a greater effort in order to minimize the impact (of the strike).

Juan Rebolledo

If invocations are done, they have to be, according to (a 1983) Supreme Court decision, such that they do not advance any particular faith or belief. The reason being, you try and make as many people included as possible so that nobody feels that they're being left out of any particular prayer.

Andrew Rosenkranz

We really don't care what form it's in, we just want high-speed access, ... PeopleSoft is a completely connected company. Our culture is to provide employees with as much technology as possible to do their jobs better.

Neil Hennessy

It's possible to protect New Orleans from a Category 5 hurricane. To do nothing is tantamount to negligence.

Al Naomi

The Department of Labor is committed to getting benefits to eligible workers and their families as quickly as possible.

David James

It is possible because the command on ousting the Turkish company has been given by the head of state.

Ilham Shaban

In that case, a strike is possible.

Walter Kaufmann

It is possible that exploring the characteristics of the words that are still available to them might be one of the ways one can begin to detect that something is going wrong.

Andy Ellis

Music lovers want access to the highest quality content they can get their hands on. Our service and Window Mobile help listeners enjoy their favorite music on the go with the best experience possible.

Daniel Harris

Finding the SCA5 mutation in Lincoln's family makes it possible to test Lincoln's DNA -- if it becomes available -- to unequivocally determine if he carried the mutation and had or would have developed the disease.

Laura Ranum

I didn't see Griese even get hit and then I saw him laying on the ground. I tried to warm up as quick as possible.

Chris Simms

Some day, it might be possible to prevent (ADHD), but that requires genetic research, which now is in its infancy. Now, we can prevent the worsening of conditions with effective intervention, but we cannot prevent the condition.

Donna Palumbo

Our school is very open to new students and we love having people come from other places. We feel it is important to open up our doors to them and help them in any way possible.

Bill Berry

We decided to leave as late as possible on Sunday to give everyone enough time to take care of their personal situations and to ensure that everyone's family was out of harm's way.

Greg Bensel

We've been trying to get as much information as possible, not just from the first person we talked to.

Andrew Romine

Users (should) apply the updates as quickly as possible.

Oliver Friedrichs

We take this failure very seriously, and we will do everything possible to support compliance with the requirements of the agreement.

Rosemary Mucklow

Since the information will be on file in the (Ashland County) historical society for future generations to view, we would like to be as accurate as possible.

Nancy Rowland

I have a slight problem in my foot so I wanted to use as little energy as possible to be fit for the final.

Tatyana Lebedeva

Parliament must not be told a direct untruth, but it's quite possible to allow them to mislead themselves.

Norman Tebbit

They won't come Monday. We're not really sure about the timeline at this point. We just want to get them back to school as soon as possible.

Ginger East

Condoms save lives. We think it's important to get these out, free of charge, to as many people as possible.

Sandra Mullin

I just kept the ball down on the ground and made good pitches. I was getting behind on counts, but I sat back and went to make the best pitch possible to get out of those jams.

Aaron Harang

I beseech you, in the bowels of Christ, think it possible you may be mistaken.

Oliver Cromwell

We need as many people as possible to help rebuild the New Orleans area and at the same time get them work.

Jim Henderson

Only by augmenting bilateral, multilateral as well as regional and international co-operation and setting up an anti-corruption mechanism can an effective fight against corruption be possible.

Li Yufu

We understand they would like to move as expeditiously as possible, but we are trying to do a thorough job.

Sam Thompson

It is certainly possible for management to enter into vote-buying arrangements with salutary purposes, ... However, I conclude that the plaintiffs have stated a cognizable vote-buying claim.

William Chandler

The Lord was pleased to strengthen us, and remove all fear from us, and disposed our hearts to be as useful as possible.

Richard Allen

We are still exploring the options and it is the government which will have a final say on this. I hope it can be put in place as soon as possible.

Guo Shuqing

I think everyone took deliberate steps to try to do what was necessary to make the buildings as safe as possible.

David Collins

We're trying to get as much experience as possible. A lot of teams have played 15 or 16 games already. We've played four. We're still moving people around and trying to find the right mix.

Denise Ainsworth

There are two main problems with the paper. It is not possible to build a European market while leaving competition control on the national level.

Claude Turmes

Findings strongly support the implementation of intensive therapy as early as is safely possible and the maintenance of such therapy for as long as possible.

David Nathan

Each time it's possible, and whenever there is an occasion, we will repeat that the government does not have confidence in Fazio.

Giulio Tremonti

It was good we could diagnose it as rapidly as possible. I know that even in advanced countries the diagnosis can be two weeks.

H.k. Pradhan

I wish we could replace a family pet. That can't be done, but, short of that, we want to do everything we can to make that as bearable as possible for the customer.

Mark Brinkmann

Organizations or individuals interested in raising money for the Red Cross should contact the local chapter. The chapter will give them guidance and whatever available assistance is possible whether its signage, officials banners or volunteers if available.

Travis Strack

Once you get to this point, you just want to see the local guys do well. Dustin is a good kid, and we love to help as much as possible.

Rob Hermann

Their hope, ... is to still be able to play the game in the dome, but it's too early to tell if that is going to be possible.

Bob Burda

All of us, whether guilty or not, whether old or young, must accept the past. It is not a case of coming to terms with the past. That is not possible. It cannot be subsequently modified or undone.

Richard Von Weizsaecker

We will do whatever is possible to assist you in this crisis.

Recep Tayyip Erdogan

Some people say you should pay down as much debt as possible. But you might make more by investing the money.

Steve O'connor

We've competed against a number of our possible opponents over the last few years and we believe we're now ready to do our very best in Melbourne.

Lisa Daniels

I honestly sent out letters to every possible college to get my name out. I thought maybe I would make it to a community college if I was lucky, but ASU got a hold of me and it was awesome. It's so crazy. I never would have thought it.

Dani Lougheed

It's possible because traffic is not dependent on airline service. We anticipate it getting busier.

Brian Sexton

We knew there was already a significant disease burden, ... We didn't expect and didn't find that it was possible to eradicate the H5N1 infection and we are living with the consequences of that.

William Aldis

They probably want to sell into strength. If there's enough demand to get it done, they'll want to get it done as fast as possible.

Tom Taulli

Dr. Hicks had a mission and her mission was to make sure all victims of sexual violence had the best medical care possible.

Karen Simmons

The attorney general received FBI briefings, and challenged the FBI to do everything possible to confront the threat, ... He repeatedly asked them, 'What are you doing? What more can we do?' .

Mark Corallo

Right now, we haven't been able to nail anything down, but it's possible that suspect was bringing more marijuana back to this area.

Mike Tubbs

Basically the stores make it possible for us to do what we do here. We couldn't do everything we do without the stores.

James Simmons

But when parents come up and ask us (about a helmet), we recommend it to the highest degree possible.

Brad Christensen

That's a major goal. We want to put as many kids in college as possible.

Joe Kanach

It is of course possible . . . for us to negotiate an alternative, which is for us to remain in SAD 75 but under more favorable conditions.

Gordon Weil

We believe that those roads will be able to carry some extra capacity. We're definitely urging people to use mass transit if at all possible.

Mike Claffey

Everything is possible for her.

Patrick Riml

We declared it an emergency situation here at Edward Bell so we can just work as quickly as possible. That's the biggest thing is getting (students) back to school.

Ginger East

Russia and Ukraine should as quickly as possible find a sustainable compromise which does not affect gas deliveries to Europe.

Thomas Steg

Any fact that needs to be disclosed should be put out now or as quickly as possible, because otherwise the bleeding will not end.

Henry Kissinger

This all came from the time in the '70s when it actually snowed in Los Angeles. I figured, you know what? If it can snow in Los Angeles, anything is possible. Maybe there's actually hope for us.

Paul Haggis

She campaigned to get as much money as possible for these ballplayers, and rightfully so.

Larry Lester

We will make all possible efforts to unify the format for consumers' sake.

Yoshihide Fujii

Being a star has made it possible for me to get insulted in places where the average Negro could never hope to go and get insulted.

Sammy Davis, Jr.

So that I can be released as quickly as possible from this definite death.

Roy Hallums

Elimination of the nuclear program is not possible, but with the right strikes you could decisively set them back.

Ashton Carter

I do believe it is possible to create, even without ever writing a word or painting a picture, by simply molding one's inner life. And that too is a deed.

Etty Hillesum

There are so many moving parts. It works best as the first game of the season and Mess told us he can't wait, so we'd like to get to it as soon as possible.

Allan Watt

We did everything possible to help people leave and if they made the decision to stay, it was theirs.

Bill Mauldin

And she loved to shop. She believed in dressing well as much as possible.

Dennis Kelly

We use military-grade encryption. This just speaks to the need to safeguard one's password with as much care as possible.

Vincent Sollitto

With higher inflation still a tangible threat, officials cannot rule out the possible need to move beyond neutral.

Robert Diclemente

That set it for me that it was possible to capture an audience.

Jim Messina

The three of us just want to be back and be a part of it and hopefully help in any way possible, ... I think that's our mentality.

Nomar Garciaparra

AOL would do everything in their power to get [the merger] through. It would sell as much as possible. But they might not have to sell anything.

Pat Comack

My preference would be to start as early as possible. I get extremely nervous. I can't eat all day long. I just want to get up there and get it over with.

Valerie Fleming

There is no concrete plan. I think development is certainly possible, but I don't think there is any guarantee.

Robert Boyle

There was a lot of panic yesterday as we all thought about the worst possible scenarios. The likelihood is that the worst won't occur.

Michael Fitzpatrick

We are not going to hold back, we want to win the title as quickly as possible.

Victor Valdes

Business confidence is very low, and thus they're maintaining as cautious an approach as possible to their activity, whether that's hiring, building inventory or anything else.

Brian Fabbri

Plays can create empathy. If you put a Muslim character on stage, and make him a full character, you're making it possible for the audience to feel empathy, and a little empathy on both sides would help.

Motti Lerner

Situation was fraught with possible violence.

Jill Dougherty

Part of Planet Digital's mission is to provide people with the highest standard of hands-on training possible.

Janice Miller

It's possible we're going to see shortages here and there.

Michael Butler

Without the dedication and commitment of our 4,560 employees to make this a great company, this recognition would not have been possible.

David Kyle

I eat as much organic and plant-based foods as possible.

Coryne Tasca

I think at the very least, the United States Department of Agriculture should impose a fine and take every measure possible that this kind of action will never happen again.

Lisa Wathne

If we want to make it look as good as possible, I would hope we have painted a better picture.

George Webb

We intend to make it as easy as possible and to give them something to come home to. There will have to be some creative legislation and ideas.

Rodney Braxton

It is only possible to live happily ever after on a day-to-day basis.

Margaret Bonnano

There's no solution that satisfies everybody. It's just not possible to do.

Richard Bates

We're using every measure we can to help folks coming to the flea market arrive as safely and smoothly as possible. We do ask for people to be patient and be prepared for some delays.

Bob Beasley

Noam's no fool. He is wonderfully creative and entrepreneurial for his theater... He has that wonderfully typical Israeli nature that anything is possible it just takes diligence and fortitude and brains and he's got it all.

Tovah Feldshuh

What we can do and what we have done, is improve the operations of our entire company so that we are in the best possible position to respond to the industry changes that we and our competitors will undoubtedly confront.

Glenn Tilton

By and large consumers are going to pay as little as possible unless their backs are against the wall and they're starting to buy late in this week or even next week.

Chris Kelley

The goal of this project is to capture as much of the original genetic diversity as possible by including many areas in the ongoing breeding program being conducted by the ACF.

Jack Johnston

If, as is certainly possible, the situation devolves down to civil war or separatism, then no amount of military action can really deal with the problem.

Anthony H. Cordesman

Ebay put out good numbers. Wall Street had already priced in a possible miss or even lower guidance going forward but that did not happen. Ebay in fact moderately raised expectations. So that's a good thing.

Scott Devitt

Cat-to-human transmission is theoretically possible and not to be excluded.

Albert Osterhaus

You have to be confident. I suggest not looking around at the other teams. It is possible for us to beat them. Concentrate on yourself and be confident.

Lindsay Ward

I've had more success in this sport than I ever dreamed possible. It's just been an amazing ride and I don't think a medal here would have affected that at all.

Jeremy Bloom

In principle, it may be possible to deliver a higher amount of fiscal aid to state and local governments at a lower cost to the federal government if such aid is delivered as an outlay instead of as a tax preference.

Donald Marron

While it is not possible to link individual events directly to climate change.

Stavros Dimas

There are other states that don't achieve that much per capita, and we're refining the estimates of what we think is possible with a lottery.

Bill Halter

Whenever it is possible, we will go in with the dogs and personnel to find those who are still in the wreckage.

Rudi Zeif

What is even more troubling (than the apparent resistance by the landowner to build the bridge) is the fact that I understand that there has been some possible negotiations from Doug Haigh.

Mel Rapozo

We don't know yet if the Mini Mart is the sole source of contamination. We will continue our investigation into other possible sources. However, the Mini Mart owners have been cooperative and are helping clean up the contamination.

Matt Rhodes

The important thing is that we have to give the BRR the opportunity to work as optimally as possible, in a transparent manner and with a mind open to criticism.

Teuku Riesky Harsya

We're all guessing at this point, basically throwing darts at a number of possible scenarios.

Gregory Miller