He can probably go big-time in either sport.

I've made a conscious effort to try and downplay him. But he does have the potential to be a great two-sport star.

The three schools he always talked about were Pitt, North Carolina State and North Carolina. North Carolina was just starting to get interested. One of their assistants called this week. But he's always really liked Pitt.

A lot of kids know the question. The key is trying to get the answer on as few cues as possible.

He's the most unselfish guy on this team. His unselfishness, I think, is something that the rest of the team picks up on.

It will affect them and help them more than it will hurt us. It may hurt us a spot or two, but it will affect them more positively than it will us negatively.

We definitely had their attention in practice (yesterday). The last part of the year we've been ending practice at 4:30 p.m. and I left (yesterday) at quarter to six.

I've seen about 8,000 defenses this year so that didn't surprise me. It was pretty effective.

[Pitt coach] Jamie Dixon has been up here a number of times.