Today wasn't fitting for him, I don't think, so everyone's pretty disappointed.

Now that hurt us. We'd been hitting each other and we were ready to go after somebody else. We also lost a chance to get in some actual game situations.

He got around to everyone during the week and that's when he told me anyway and he went around to everyone individually and spoke to everyone.

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It was very emotional after the game. Dean spoke to us and really choked up, because he's (Colbert) put so much into the club and just the way he goes about his footy and just in life, he's a great fella and we wish him all of the best.

We're pretty much shattered, but come the end of this week we're into another opportunity and hopefully we can bounce back well.

It's an all-volunteer force. There is no draft. We aren't forcing anyone into the military. We are giving options.

We grew up with them. Two summers ago it was like the most wretched thing you could smell on a hot summer's day.

If they come up with something to make more babies survive, then I am willing to give my baby whatever she needs.