The German government expects from Russia and Ukraine that the bilateral negotiations between the two countries about gas deliveries to Ukraine should not lead to the curtailing of gas provisions in Europe.

Russia and Ukraine should as quickly as possible find a sustainable compromise which does not affect gas deliveries to Europe.

We will have to pay less than we had expected, but we will pay more than in the past.

We remain highly concerned about those still in the hands of the hostage-takers.

The summit succeeded last week in demonstrating that the EU is capable of action. Germany played a crucial mediating role without sacrificing national interests. We have made clear we see this as a huge success.

That is a very good outcome to the negotiations.

There's no question that everyone is extremely worried over the success of the far-right parties.

We are concentrating our efforts on them.

The scope of the media report is about right. The net contributor position will actually change.