To my mind, it does look significant, and women need to know that, ... That needs to be clearly part of the information that woman and health providers have in making these important decisions.

Richard Klausner

I always admired Wonder Woman and the Incredible Hulk - but I don't know if I'd be a very convincing hulk.

Lucy Liu

For the atom's soul is nothing but energy. Spirit blazes in the dullest of clay. The life of every woman or man - the heart of it - is pure and holy joy.

George B. Leonard

Behind every successful man you'll find a woman who has nothing to wear.

Harold Coffin

Making love? It's a communion with a woman. The bed is the holy table. There I find passion -- and purification.

Omar Sharif

They gave me away as a prize once - a Win Tony Curtis For A Weekend competition. The woman who won was disappointed. She'd hoped for second prize - a new stove.

Tony Curtis

All that I was and the woman I was becoming was savagely thrown away by three men. Three men that brutally assaulted me, not only with their bodies, but with foreign objects also.

Jane Doe

The first symptom of love in a young man is shyness; the first symptom in a woman, it's boldness.

Victor Hugo

I made one for a woman, and she was hugging it, wrapping herself in it and saying how good it felt. I think if I gave her a million dollars, she wouldn't be as happy as she was with that blanket.

Catherine Girgenti

Can any man or woman choose duties? No more that they can choose their birthplace, or their father or mother.

George Eliot

As the cat lapses into savagery by night, and barbarously explores the dark, so primal and titanic is a woman with the love madness.

Frank Gelett Burgess

The cello is like a beautiful woman who has not grown older, but younger with time, more slender, more supple, more graceful.

Pablo Casals

I could sell just about anything. At the same time in the theater, it was challenging to get people to realize I could be somebody other than that Midwestern young woman.

Judith Ivey

If a woman is going to use the knowledge to help better prepare herself for how she's going to take care of her baby, the test could be helpful.

Ann Scheidler

She is really a full-blown, beautiful young woman and a nice person. She's very busy on the big screen now.

Stephen Collins

The modern woman is the curse of the universe. A disaster, that's what. She thinks that before her arrival on the scene no woman ever did anything worthwhile before, no woman was ever liberated until her time, no woman really ever amounted to anything.

Adela Rogers St. Johns

It was always surprising how many women would come in and ask 'What can I make for today?,' because they had husbands that wouldn't eat things a second time and that's hard on a woman. When you got a guy who refuses to eat something warmed up then he's living too high on the hog. They're just spoiled.

Walter Bruchholz

All I'm going to say is that I had a beautiful wife. She was a lovely woman. Think of the worst horror movie you can think of and then put that on your wife for Halloween. That's what I had to look at.

Frank Lambert

When I started, the press credentials said 'No women or children in the press box,' ... There are a lot of things in the workplace that you can attempt to hide, and I could not hide the fact that I was a woman. I was always the only woman in the press box, and they didn't even have ladies rooms.

Lesley Visser

[Also uncertain are the chances of adding a woman to the panel. Though Wong said some were nominated, none made the initial random cut of 114.] If there's a female who's randomly selected and agrees to participate, yes, it would be a welcome addition, ... But we haven't set any requirements in terms of the composition of the panel.

Bob Burda

The New Single Woman.

Beacon Press

Every man who is not a monster, mathematician or a mad philosopher, is the slave of some woman or other.

George Eliot

Today's woman likes to have a hint of lace showing under a white blouse or have the top of a lacy camisole show. It's modern, sexy and accepted.

Barbara Lipton

[And what does this tell us about the woman whom President Bush has nominated for the Supreme Court?] I don't mean to sound flip, but I'm a very handicapped person, ... I am not able to read people's hearts and souls and brains . . . the way he can.

Pat Schroeder

No woman wants a dress that another has tossed off, but in men they aren't so choosy.

Francoise Sagan

I love the sound of a woman in the throes of rapture - but not screamers.

Kevin Kline

Even if it were a little in favor of the man, I?d hire the woman. It?s just much simpler. There?s so many factors where it?s easier for a woman, from locker rooms, to harassment issues.

Judy Samaha

Us being men, feminine hygiene products were something we would never consider. Once a local woman brought that up, we called up the radio station and asked them to mention it.

Kevin Harvey

The major trend is a cleaning-up. It's not quite the minimalism of the '90s. It's more refined. We've had season after season of all this embellishment, the ruffled gypsy skirts, the colors. It's nice to see a woman in a white shirt. I think it's as sexy as anything.

George Sharp

An elderly person/couple or woman with young children.

Cherry Hill

Beauty is as relative as light and dark. Thus, there exists no beautiful woman, none at all, because you are never certain that a still far more beautiful woman will not appear and completely shame the supposed beauty of the first.

Paul Klee

There's an old Chinese proverb that says the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. If a woman can make simple pledges to change the small things, she's well on her way to leading a fuller, healthier life.

Florence Henderson

An old woman ... went up to Saddam and said 'What have you done to us?'

Matthew Mcallester

One hair of a woman can draw more than a hundred pair of oxen.

James Howell

I feel how little she can like being told of her owing me anything. No woman ever enjoys such an obligation to another woman.

Henry James

By comparing the two pieces of information, the manufacturer says a woman can learn how many eggs she has left, and how many years she'll remain fertile.

Dr. David Katz

She was a lovely woman. She was smart, bright and honest. She was a decent, good woman all of her life, all of her life.

Minnie Kennedy

This woman looks like a very individual kind of person ... which I like as a person, but as a prosecutor you don't want people to stand out.

Jim Hammer

You can't turn schools into prisons. The woman has a child who goes to that school, so there was no reason to question why she would be on campus.

Joe Donzelli

WOMAN, n. An animal usually living in the vicinity of Man, and having a rudimentary susceptibility to domestication. It is credited by many of the elder zoologists with a certain vestigial docility acquired in a former state of seclusion, but naturalists of the postsusananthony period, having no knowledge of the seclusion, deny the virtue and declare that such as creation's dawn be.

Ambrose Bierce

We started working on a roof that needed to be repaired for this really great 90-year-old woman who had a tree fall on her roof.

Robin Huntley

It was not an issue. The woman has every qualification to do the job and demonstrated it by doing a lot of hard work.

Jeff Schwartz

We believe our son intended to help this poor woman, got her a hotel room for a night's rest and never anticipated the violence she was capable of.

Carmen Proviano

Being a woman is a terribly difficult task since it consists principally in dealing with men.

Joseph Conrad

A man has to be Joe McCarthy to be called ruthless. All a woman has to do is put you on hold.

Marlo Thomas

This movie is a tribute to the scores of health care workers who stood fast and weathered one of the most compelling events in recent Canadian medical history. These men and woman are heroes for sacrificing so much in the face of a potential medical catastrophe.

Susanne Boyce

They still are skeptical. Across the board, whether she's a rookie or the most experienced fire service woman, when a woman walks through a door she has to prove she can do that job. When a man walks through the door, it's assumed he can do that job and has to prove that he can't.

Colleen Walz

Any intelligent woman who reads the marriage contract, and then goes into it, deserves all the consequences.

Isadora Duncan

I have to be careful to get out before I become the grotesque caricature of a hatchet-faced woman with big knockers..

Jamie Lee Curtis

Ballet is just a vocabulary like English. Most classical ballets emphasize how high a woman can hold her leg, how skinny she is and all the tricks she can do. She may not ever have to express anything but extreme happiness or sadness. These ballets rarely interpret life. They are fables with princesses and fairies.

James Buckley

Being a celebrity is probably the closest to being a beautiful woman as you can get.

Kevin Costner

Women in politics, academia and the business world (in Germany) are a decade behind women in America and some other European countries. The fact in itself that we have a woman candidate for chancellor is revolutionary.

Constanze Stelzenmueller

It is a common enough case, that of a man being suddenly captivated by a woman nearly the opposite of his ideal.

George Eliot

My grandmother was quite an intrepid woman, ... She was somebody I admired a great deal, who took an interest in me and encouraged me to be all I could be and get out in the world.

Sophia Collier

The world has never yet seen a truly great and virtuous nation because in the degradation of woman the very fountains of life are poisoned at their source.

Lucretia Mott

I had never had a pound dog before so I was a little nervous, but I figured, let me take a ride and see what they have. Originally I was going down there to see the beagle [Cooper] but he was already gone by the time I got there. A woman there [Amanda Paterson, one of the animal control officers at the West Warwick Animal Shelter] introduced me to Snowball instead.

Jackie Cavaco

When I was young, I kissed my first woman and smoked my first cigarette on the same day. Believe me, never since have I wasted any more time on tobacco.

Arturo Toscanini

I wouldn't be caught dead marrying a woman old enough to be my wife.

Tony Curtis

Seems to me this guy's got to be sick to attack an elderly woman like that.

Charles Coleman

My character is one of the few people in the town besides Lazarus [played by Samuel L. Jackson] that really understands this woman, ... He's a hustler but No one else believes in her and they all kind of get down on her. It's a real cool movie.

David Banner

All this was prompted in the last nine months by a decision in July. We believe a marriage is between one man and one woman.

Keith Leonard

People will be harder on her, precisely because she is a woman. She herself has recognized that she will have to work double to demonstrate that she is capable of ruling the country.

Patricio Navia

It is difficult for a woman to define her feelings in a language which is chiefly made by men to express theirs.

Thomas Hardy

You get crushes on people. You have to see them every day in that week. They're a fantastic person, and it could be a man or a woman.

Jennifer Saunders

When I go back home and go to church, I still see the woman who helped me learn to sing and play the piano, ... She still treats me the same way she always has. I'll go to the piano and play some classical music piece, dressed in my white dress, just as I always did on Sundays.

Roberta Flack

Time and trouble will tame an advanced young woman, but an advanced old woman is uncontrollable by any earthly force.

Dorothy L. Sayers

. . . woman is a being dominated by the creative urge and . . . no understanding of her as an individual can be gained unless the significance and effects of that great fact can be grasped.

Beatrice Hinkle

A woman without a man is like a fish without a bicycle.

Gloria Steinem

I think there's something incredibly sexy about a woman wearing her boyfriend's T-shirt and underwear.

Calvin Klein

'There are things in that paper that nobody knows but me, or ever will.Behind that outside pattern the dim shapes get clearer every day.It is always the same shape, only very numerous.And it is like a woman stooping down and creeping about behind that pattern.'

Charlotte Perkins Gilman

I come from a long line (of strong black women) and have been involved with strong black women, so I have to (make) Original Woman a strong character. She could never be the back half of Omega Man. It just couldn't happen.

Alonzo Washington

In that time, at least one woman has lost her husband, or one parent has lost a child. It's not 400,000 dead. It's 400,000 people that all had families, all had lives.

Scott Warren

Nothing is clear, but I would think it would be unlikely that the child would be thrown in the Dumpster alive. ... But they're probably not going to know that until they find the woman.

John Henderson

Being a star means nothing if you don't have someone to share it with, someone who's going to be excited with you. I met my partner, Lamont Reese, six months before "Gypsy Woman" became a hit. This is a person I trust. He loved me before all this happened.

Crystal Waters

Rose has had adventures and she's a lot more confident as a companion. She's on a par with the Doctor, more so than last year. She's seen some incredible things, terrifying things. This time she's more experienced as a woman, as a companion; she does everything with more conviction. There's stuff that she understands a bit more, so it's a natural progression.

Billie Piper

Easy is an adjective used to describe a woman who has the sexual morals of a man.

Nancy Linn Desmond

The great and almost only comfort about being a woman is that one can always pretend to be more stupid than one is and no one is surprised.

Freya Stark

A Pennsylvania woman convicted for shoplifting was sentenced to wear a badge that reads "Convicted Shoplifter." However, her lawyers hope to plea bargain down to a bumper sticker reading "I'd Rather Be Stealing!"

Jimmy Fallon

In the theory of gender I began from zero. There is no masculine power or privilege I did not covet. But slowly, step by step, decade by decade, I was forced to acknowledge that even a woman of abnormal will cannot escape her hormonal identity.

Camille Paglia

In my ballets, woman is first. Men are consorts. God made men to sing the praises of women. They are not equal to men: They are better.

George Balanchine

A woman came out of a house and was asked to go back into her own house and announce, to ask the people to come out. That is the only instance of what we know of as a human shield.

Miri Eisen

A young ballplayer looks on his first spring training trip as a stage struck young woman regards the theater.

Christy Mathewson

I look at it this way. He (Payton) is going to have to sit there for however long he lives, and think about what he did every day. To me, that's a good punishment. Three life sentences. He's never going to get a chance to hurt or kill an old woman, a little girl, a young woman again.

Lucy Stewart

To the United States the Third World often takes the form of a black woman who has been made pregnant in a moment of passion and who shows up one day in the reception room on the forty-ninth floor threatening to make a scene. The lawyers pay the woman off; sometimes uniformed guards accompany her to the elevators.

Lewis H. Lapham

We had the feathers flown in, specially done by a woman in Paris. We love Heidi, she's been with us since the beginning. Heidi gets the biggest wings.

Monica Mitro

You sort of fell in love with Jane when you met her. She was exuberant, original, strong-minded and a very kind woman.

Jacob Epstein

The show is a celebration of the African-American woman and how her headpieces have developed and the way she presents them at church.

Susan Tsu

Men have laid down the rules and definitions by which the world is run, and one of the objects of their definitions is woman.

Sally Kempton

Some people had doubts about an African-American woman leading the congregation, but it just took one Sunday and everybody just loved her immediately.

Kevin Lyman

He's had a passionless life. He meets a woman and she's from Humboldt and she sort of sweeps him away and he ends up in Humboldt and meeting her family.

Jason Weiss

There are people who were inspired by Clara. She's an amazing woman. It's absolutely fantastic what's happened to her.

Johann Olav Koss

She raised the kids and took care of things while Dewey was gone. She had to be a wonderful woman to put up with her husband; he was gone constantly. She was independent and intelligent.

Wendy Miller

Silence is one of the great arts of conversation, as allowed by Cicero himself, who says, 'there is not only an art, but an eloquence in it.' A well bred woman may easily and effectually promote the most useful and elegant conversation without speaking a word. The modes of speech are scarcely more variable than the modes of silence.

Tom Blair

If all feeling for grace and beauty were not extinguished in the mass of mankind at the actual moment, such a method of locomotion as cycling could never have found acceptance; no man or woman with the slightest aesthetic sense could assume the ludic.

Marie Louise De La Ramee

He's a writer that I like very much. He's a very funny writer with a great, offbeat sense of character. He's attracted to odd people, and this story is like that, in part about a 63-year-old woman, which is interesting to me. It's a character study, really. I don't want to talk too much about it, because we don't want to spoil the story.

Kathleen Chalfant

Today Sheri Paige stands before the legal community as a convicted thief and a liar. While the depraved and savage financial assault that she inflicted on an 84-year-old woman in her dying days diminishes us all as human beings, the world is a better place because of the justice done by the jury today.

Neal Rogan

If there's a sexy young blonde, a lot of middle-aged farmers who don't think the same kind of woman in South Africa would look at them, think they have a chance.

Duncan Forrest

When you face the perils of weariness, carelessness, and confusion, don't pray for an easier life. Pray instead to be a stronger man or woman of God.

Luis Palau

When virtue and modesty enlighten her charms, the lustre of a beautiful woman is brighter than the stars of heaven, and the influence of her power it is in vain to resist.


If God had to give a woman wrinkles, He might at least have put them on the soles of her feet.

Ninon de Lenclos

Today's woman doesn't have emotional or financial security. She has to go out and compete within a highly materialistic machine-and because of that she has guilt about both her family and her job-how do you do both? With the opportunity goes a sense of loss.

Barbara Feldon

One is not born a woman, one becomes one.

Simone de Beauvoir

It's very clear in here that it's a woman forcibly assaulted by a man.

Jan Caldwell

You never so much want to be happy with a woman as when you know that you're ceasing to care for her.

Arthur Schnitzler

She was a gutsy woman who came to work even at the age of 84.

Howard Kurtz

She was a feisty woman. She was a clown. She made everyone laugh. Everyone loved to be around her.

Carol Ann Marsh

There have been so many people who come in and want to see her and the puppies. One woman wanted to adopt one of these puppies because she had four cats at home and thought that a puppy raised by a cat would be perfect to get along with. Everyone who comes in is just amazed by the whole story.

Dr. Kimberlee Young

Sixty years after Hitler and 87 years after gaining the right for women to vote, the people may have elected her (Merkel), but the majority of the powerful are still far removed from conceding the highest office to a woman.

Alice Schwarzer

I am in love - and, my God, it is the greatest thing that can happen to a man. I tell you, find a woman you can fall in love with. Do it. Let yourself fall in love. If you have not done so already, you are wasting your life.

David Herbert Lawrence

I don't think it's a big deal to show opera glasses to someone searching for binoculars that you somehow infer is a woman. But you don't want to pop up ads for H.I.V. drugs on someone's page, because you inferred they have H.I.V., when their boss is standing there looking at their computer.

Sergey Brin

A poet looks at the world as a man looks at a woman.

Wallace Stevens

These Web sites allege that the woman in the video is Miss West Virginia, but it's not. Some sites even had her pageant picture next to the video.

Lavinia Mann Cummings

Pipe bands greeted the Queen and the Queen mother when they visited us and a few people turned out. But everybody appeared to see this woman Madonna. She had them all in the palm of her hand.

Jim Matheson

They are clothes for the American woman, for every aspect of her life, and every part of the country, ... There's no shock, very little to dazzle, just beautifully made clothes, beautiful fabrics in simple designs. Increasingly, I hear people say they can't find anything to wear, so that's what this is about.

Bill Blass

There's a bit of a strange twist to my ending – I won't say what. I was anxious not to abandon the romance, the fairy tale, the magic in this ballet but at the same time I wanted to reach that from an everyday world, for him to create that romantic notion of an ideal woman for himself – not to go skipping through some fairy-tale woods and stumble across an enchanted swan-woman.

Christopher Wheeldon

To be a real man or woman, you've got to know what you believe in. You've got to understand that your actions have consequences and that they are connected to everything that you are.

Sister Souljah

I had a woman call me this morning in tears because her daughter was named Katrina, ... and she was traumatized practically to the point where she wouldn't go out of the house.

Frank Lepore

She was so completely herself. That was the woman Green knew and the woman the family knew. I wish I knew that woman. She seems glowing and humorous and down to earth.

Kevin Brownlow

To my delight, instead of the usual unkempt, gum-chewing, tobacco-scented, tired and bored woman in a bad part of town, I was greeted by a lovely, clean, organized and educated lady with a deep and true love of children.

Margaret Johnston

What we're seeing is the trashing of her nationwide. She was a good woman and ... my information is that Mr. Blake shouldn't be the first one to cast stones.

Cary Goldstein

One particular image of an Edwardian woman captured my imagination, ... The movement of the dress as she promenaded along the seafront provided the inspiration for the historical references and sculptured forms in the design.

Frank Gehry

It was an excellent job, ... I like the idea of playing a 42-year-old woman -- actually, 41, I was 41 last year -- who was pregnant and has to face it.

Frances Mcdormand

That's when the seed was planted. I didn't know a lot about the politics of putting a woman on the air. I just saw one.

Phyllis George

Count no woman wise, until thou hast received a letter from her hand; but love none thou hast not seen face to face, for she who is not foolish on paper is worth knowing.

Frank Gelett Burgess

Nothing makes a woman more beautiful than the belief that she is beautiful.

Sophia Loren

My vigor, vitality, and cheek repel me. I am the kind of woman I would run from.

Nancy Astor

It's important to know that a well-meaning person stepping in to tell a woman to go before she's ready can actually endanger the woman and her children. Support them. Give them whatever they need until they're ready. They'll know when it's the right time to leave.

Kathy Moretti

I want three words: Woman, Atheist, Anarchist. That's me.

Madalyn Murray O'hair

A man can sleep around, no questions asked, but if a woman makes nineteen or twenty mistakes she's a tramp.

Joan Rivers

I'm a big woman. I need big hair.

Aretha Franklin

They made their drawings, cut out the various pieces of fabric and create what we would think of as a typical farm scene. The farmer tilling the land and the woman working the home.

Mary Rosza

No one ever kills himself for the love of a woman, but because love - any love - reveals us in our nakedness, our misery, our vulnerability, our nothingness.

Cesare Pavese

I look at the woman and she looks back at me and if she's interested she'll give a nod.

Brandon Shaw

I've been a woman for a little over 50 years and have gotten over my initial astonishment. As for conducting an orchestra, that's a job where I don't think sex plays much part.

Nadia Boulanger

I really think we haven't found a way to allow women to have grace while finding power, particularly in the military. I'm going to get to discover on my feet with Ron and the others what is the truth here, what is the truth of the woman in power, and why do we vilify them, demonize them?

Mary Mcdonnell

She was my right hand woman and always encouraged me. She kept me on track.

Dan Province

A married woman has the same right to control her own body as does an unmarried woman.

Sol Wachtler

I think it's unfair that men put laws on a woman's body, ... I think a woman has a right to choose with her own body. I mean, I don't think prostitution is a career ... but maybe [it is] a little steppingstone?

Heidi Fleiss

[photographers shouted,] It's nobody, ... Paris Hilton and Lindsay Lohan could learn a lesson or two on how to be a lady and a woman from Sara.

Sara Evans

Oh, I wouldn't want to go on a date with a female celebrity. I'd rather go on a date with a real woman.

Casper Van Dien

Being a woman is of special interest to aspiring male transexuals. To actual women it is simply a good excuse not to play football.

Fran Lebowitz

Confidence is the sexiest thing a woman can have. It's much sexier than any body part.

Aimee Mullins

Without Police Woman I wouldn't have had a career. The show started about the same time the women's movement was taking off. Ours was the first prime-time one-hour show featuring a strong, professional woman. It paved the way for other series to follow.

Angie Dickinson

What woman doesn't believe that her husband had better taste in choosing a partner than she did?

Victor De Kowa

An adventure may be worn as a muddy spot or it may be worn as a proud insignia. It is the woman wearing it who makes it the one thing or the other.

Norma Shearer

Any woman who has a career and a family automatically develops something in the way of two personalities, like two sides of a dollar bill, each different in design. ... Her problem is to keep one from draining the life from the other.

Ivy Baker Priest

Since most women are kind of different from the top-model image, there is a constant losing battle of self-image, ... It's damaging when every woman that's portrayed in the media or who are on the covers of magazines are part of a stereotypical form of beauty, whereas the average woman is not.

Douglas Hofstadter

A woman can forgive a man for the harm he does her...but she can never forgive him for the sacrifices he makes on her account.

W. Somerset Maugham

Greatness is not measured by what a man or woman accomplishes, but by the opposition he or she has overcome to reach his goals.

Dorothy Height

This young woman was the rock in her family.

Alicia Keys

At 34 she is an extremely beautiful woman, lavishly endowed by nature with a few flaws in the masterpiece: She has an insipid double chin, her legs are too short and she has a slight potbelly. She has a wonderful bosom, though.

Richard Burton

Oh, moment of sweet peril, perilous sweet! When woman joins herself to man.

Owen Meredith

In this day and age, some turn 18 and think they're a man or a woman and that's it, but that's just not true. You have to establish your manhood or your womanhood with actions.

Orlando Mcguire

His idea was simply what a man's idea always is--to put every effort off on the woman.

Henry James

Let [woman] receive encouragement for the proper cultivation of all her powers, so that she may enter profitably into the active business of life.

Lucretia Mott

I was condemned by the President, the majority leaders of the House and Senate, the governor of Florida, the Pope, and the right-wing media, all because I was doing what Terri - the woman I loved - wanted.

Michael Schiavo

No woman has less temptation to seek matrimony from sordid motives of selfishness or convenience. The actress is an absolutely independent wage-earner, and better compensated than the great majority of women who make their own livelihoods. She need not marry for money, or social position, for these are her natural possessions.

Billie Burke

After we'd been here for a while they told us that there was another woman in labor. It was kind of like a race to see who would have the New Year's baby.

Heather Lardie

It took a degree of courage for Harriet to be involved in that. The ABA is a place where there was an awful lot of liberal activism, so it took some courage for a woman to take the position she did.

Leonard Leo

She was a frail, beautiful, unassuming woman ... She always had a quiet insistence on the rightness of what she was doing.

Roger Baldwin

Pornography is pornography, what is there to see? Movies are attempting to destroy something that's supposed to be the most beautiful thing a man and a woman can have by making it cheap and common. It's what you don't see that's attractive.

Nancy Reagan

One of the most emotional moments for me was when I was talking to a woman in a town that practically did not exist anymore.

Beth Payne

Men are the ones responsible for changing the environment. They're the ones who have to say, OK, I'm not going to force a woman to have sex. I'm not going to engage in this behavior. We need to change men's attitudes about how they treat women - even more than we need to teach women how to protect themselves.

Danielle Currier

I absolutely believe that a marriage is strictly between a man and a woman. I still believe that completely.

Sen. Joy Padgett

Lots of suits, lots of trousers, which I'm in heaven (about) because I love them. (They're) all made in men's materials like glen plaids and gray flannel and all in houndstooth. All those men's materials translated for a very feminine, wonderful woman.

Carolina Herrera

I need two things in my life - football and a good woman, and I have a good woman.

Ken Bates

Many birth defects form during the embryonic period, before a woman even realizes she's missed her first period.

Amy Case

Sex is two plus two making five, rather than four. Sex is the X ingredient that you can't define, and it's that X ingredient between two people that make both a man and a woman good in bed. It's all relative. There are no rules.

Marty Feldman

I think every woman originally moves like that. The sensuality of the dance was why I really wanted to learn how to do [it].

Iris Parker

They just apparently didn't believe that she was not in control of the situation. Here was an older woman who, had my client been just six months younger at the time of the incident, could have been charged with rape herself. I guess the jury just believed my client over her.

James D. Watson

Cosmetics is a boon to every woman, but a girl's best beauty aid is still a near-sighted man.

Yoko Ono

Instead, this amendment simply defines what marriage is, the union of one man and one woman.

Todd Akin

When a woman tells the truth she is creating the possibility for more truth around her.

Adrienne Rich

During the early hours of this morning, six armed men went into the house of a Democratic Republic of Congo national. They demanded diamonds, ransacked the house and, after finding nothing, poured boiling water over the 47-year-old woman and assaulted her 26-year-old son.

Inspector Paul Ramaloko

She's a woman of character and morals and discipline. You don't find a lot of that in people in modern times.

Brenda Strong

No woman has an abortion for fun.

Joan Smith

Never ask a woman her age or her weight and never ask a snake handler if he's ever been bitten. It's not polite.

Ken Darnell

A man gains no possession better than a good woman, nothing more horrible than a bad one.


In many of the domestic violence cases, the victim wants the case dismissed. Being a woman in this field helps me understand where victims are coming from. You have small children; you're dependent. You need someone to help you.

Lisa Eliason

The American people are fed up with women-killers, and American juries will bring you to justice. If you kill a woman in cold blood, you may end up in Boyd's place on that gurney.

Michael Paranzino

The whole younger man-older woman relationship does have an expiration period. When [men are] in their 20s, they're pretty focused on their careers and society tells them they can get married later. They find these women who are their intellectual peers but not looking for commitment.

Mark Lobosco

She was a good woman that made bad choices.

Paul Gawron

[She] is an extremely bright and articulate young woman, and she's also brave, ... She was able to give us enough detail. She was giving us enough detail to locate a location where we thought we might encounter a suspect.

Rob Davis

The deadliest feeling that can be offered to a woman is pity.

Vicki Baum

He absolutely is not guilty and did not strike that woman.

Orlando Gonzalez

Fortunately, a passer-by helped a woman escape.

Jessica D'onofrio

Wit is more necessary than beauty; and I think no young woman ugly that has it, and no handsome woman agreeable without it.

William Wycherley

A woman says to a man, "I haven't seen you around here." "Yes, I just got out of jail for killing my wife." "So you're single…."

Henny Youngman

As if a woman ever loved a man for his virtue.

W. Somerset Maugham

There never was a woman who did not prefer an oblique compliment to a straight truth - if the latter were unflattering.

Minna Antrim

Everybody just thought the world of her. She was the nicest, most unassuming, wonderful woman.

Kathy Steele

The masculine man says 'No' to a woman calmly. The Asshole says 'No' to a woman in an angry tone.

David Deangelo

No matter what a woman looks like, if she's confident, she's sexy.

Paris Hilton

He said he's got something really heavy for me to do. He said he would give me a blank, signed check, ... He was screaming about a woman. He said, 'She's got me by the balls.'

Frank Minucci

She has been a strong mentor for women, ... When they see a woman leading in an organization like this it will open up information and lines of communication that women can be active in franchising.

Terry Hill

Give me a hug, old woman.

Bob Greene

What I love about my wife is that she's a really strong-minded, stubborn, fiery woman. I find that sexier than anything else.

Christian Bale

This is an era of woman's work in many spheres of activity -- of independent thought and individual achievement in the arts and sciences and learned professions, as well as the humbler, but not more self-sacrificing fields of usefulness. But every woman pursues the eternal quest for love, for sympathy, for understanding, for happiness, and in her heart is the great, holy yearning for motherhood.

Billie Burke

Loving is misery for women always. I shall never forgive God for making me a woman and dearly am I beginning to pay for the honour of owning a pretty face.

Thomas Hardy

Anal sex is anal sex. It doesn't make any difference whether you're a woman or a man. It is the act itself and not the fact of who's engaging in it.

Larry Parham