Are there different calls that stick with you? ... Hard to shake them off?

I could sell just about anything. At the same time in the theater, it was challenging to get people to realize I could be somebody other than that Midwestern young woman.

I informed Irene that she had a piece (that) audiences love. I've got to say it has been a glorious process in terms of finding something that I love to do. And I am constantly pleasantly surprised that it doesn't matter where you are in the United States, it's a piece that everyone loves to watch. It has great universal appeal. I'm just having a ball.

She encounters all these different men, ... in the Adirondacks to help her out (or) not to help her, and so on -- and they're all suspicious.

It's a wonderful exploration of women.

[Mystery-thrillers are] difficult to write, number one, ... Getting all the details worked out brings the detective out in everyone.

That did great things for me. In terms of my career, I grew leaps and bounds as an actress.

I always try to not repeat myself when I had a success.

Voices in the Dark.