It's probably beneficial to eat the morning after, and I'm not convinced that it matters much what you eat. The biggest thing is to drink plenty of water. That's going to be the best thing the next morning.

By comparing the two pieces of information, the manufacturer says a woman can learn how many eggs she has left, and how many years she'll remain fertile.

You could have it [sexual dysfunction] because of sleep deprivation, stress. Alcohol can cause it. Very often it has to do with a relationship that is psychological.

People who say obesity has been hyped are wrong.

It is a scientifically proven fact that eating a variety of flavors over-stimulates the appetite. Why do you think food companies put so many ingredients in their products? The Flavor Point is the point when the flavors in your food fill up the appetite center in your brain and you no longer feel hungry.

The miner that survived thus far is younger than everyone else, and his body might be more resistant to that oxygen deprivation if it did occur.

There's a lot more involved in a pregnancy than the number of eggs that are available in a woman's ovaries. For instance, the test doesn't predict the quality of the eggs, only their number.

Alcohol also causes dehydration, and dehydration can cause headaches and nausea. Alcohol also disturbs sleep. So even though it feels like you slept 12 hours, you probably didn't get REM sleep, so you won't feel rested the next day.