A group called Toxic Audio would be the last place a person would expect to find the types of a cappella sounds that our group creates.

René Ruiz

It's very retro-looking. They used to have all types of paraphernalia on the walls but all that's changed, and it gives the place a more updated look. It's very fresh looking and seems to be brighter.

Kathy Anderson

Offensive linemen are the guys on the team who are the most selfless, ... Those are the types of guys who make great coaches. Miles came out of that environment -- extremely well coached, well disciplined. When you're coaching, you look for that kind of guy.

Bill Mccartney

We need to be working on this to identify what are good balances while at the same time, maintaining a reasonable standard of parking and other types of design that would support those businesses through the long haul.

Michael Chen

I think it was surprising to me that this type of incident happens in general, whether it's John or anyone else. When these types of issues happen, it surprises anyone.

Police Chief Richard Vidaurri

The types of contaminates that are coming out of this facility are associated with the wide range of health effects, including cancer, but also respiratory disease. Lead of course is associated with developmental problems for children.

Diane Hemmingway

Lifestyle types are driven, not by mega-growth, but by quality of service and by providing a meaningful service or product to a community.

David Weinstein

Some people feel that by conducting financial background checks, for example, the test could have a disparate impact on some minority groups. You have to be careful with those types of things. The best advice is if it has nothing to do with the job itself, then don't ask.

Michael Widomski

But Garrett was a rock 'n' roller. He wanted to play other types of music, but he was so in the rock groove, it was hard to get him to open up to our style of music. We made it work, but we became a harder type of band.

John Carlin

Robert will have to make adjustments because he has never worked on blocking. He was a quarterback and is quite familiar with pass routes. He has decent hands. Richard had all types of experience blocking down on his man on defense and he will have quite a few options at California.

Bob Jacoby

Standard & Poor's Custom Indices provide the flexibility needed to calculate customized indices employing a wide range of investment strategies in addition to traditional security-based index calculation. Financial firms are increasingly turning to Standard & Poor's for the independence and market coverage needed to construct and calculate new types of indices.

Tim Eisenhauer

Some only fly for very specific types of training. We need to talk about how we could provide some types of ratings without owning the equipment.

Marguerite Cotto

We're not saying one region is better than another, but each region produces very distinct wine. Some people like romances and some people like mysteries, and it can be frustrating if you don't get what you like, whether it be types of books or types of wines.

Shannon Hunt

There are two types of royal programs. One is ever-praising of the queen, and the other is of the tabloid-sort, having a go at the royal family. We were trying to be as neutral and as objective as possible. We hope people make up their own minds.

Matt Reid

Everyone I know in management agrees these types of behaviors are important and necessary. But just because people say it is important doesn't mean they are putting it into practice. The message I gave was not unique, but sometimes it takes something like a training session to really help supervisors do what they know is best.

Jerald Greenberg

These types of moves are never easy, ... We really appreciate what Clarence did for the organization the past two seasons. This decision was made in order to give us more financial flexibility under the terms of the new collective bargaining agreement.

Carroll Dawson

The generation before us didn't have these types of classes and maybe that's why a lot of them are in debt right now.

Morgan Smith

These servers continue to be the choice in increasing numbers to meet the needs of more Web users accessing more file types from more access points than ever.

Jeffrey Hewitt

The bottom line, the study shows, is that if you can eradicate or prevent these types of HPV associated with cancer, you could prevent getting cancer of the cervix and save lives.

Dr. David Fishman

I think he fits in very well with the types of kids at the I-AA level.

Dan Newell

I think we've made good strides the three weeks we've had so far. We've got to be able to manufacture runs in all types of ways, so it will be real interesting to see how we do.

Tim Funkhouser

We've never had a big guy who could pound it inside. But we've been blessed with players who can get up and down the court. Both Brandon and Kendrick have very different types of games. But they complement each other well.

Brad Dobbels

It's important that patients not assume that the hormones of pregnancy are going to protect them from the types of problems they've had with mood previously.

Lee Cohen

Some of the increases are due to gang activity, but some types of incidents involve a large congregation of kids.

Capt. Dave Sears

These instructions are making it very difficult if not impossible for defendants to prevail in these types of cases.

Joel Androphy

We want to target those kinds of closed-loop types of applications where the timing - in terms of implementation, decision-making - is a lot shorter, and make sure we go and get our fair share of the revenue that's available of those types of applications.

Norbert Dawalibi

Their body types are similar and they definitely have similar mechanics; I noticed that. Just the mannerisms, and just the little quirks that you don't even realize until you spend time with both of them. The way they talk, the way they tell stories, the way they talk about adjustments or whatever. It's just the same thing. I can't explain it.

Jim Finn

Hopefully these types of meetings in Rabat would be the beginning of more serious kinds of meetings between different Arab leaders and the new Israeli leadership.

Ghassan Khateeb

Small and medium-sized businesses want access to the same types of communications services that large enterprises enjoy today, but the investment and resources required to manage those services have traditionally been out of their reach.

Tom Richards

He's ready to run his own show. He's been exposed to all different types of coaches and nobody knows the game better than him. The thing that has made him a great recruiter all these years is that he's always true to his word. That's going to make him successful as a head coach, too.

Ollie Gelston

I think the outrage was against the fashion types, the glossy types who went back on their testimony. There's an extraordinary delight in setting them right.

Dipankar Gupta

If we could develop efficient methods that would allow amnion-derived cells to differentiate into specific cell types, then placentas would no longer be relegated to the trashcan. Instead, we'd have a useful source of cells for transplantation and regenerative medicine.

Stephen Strom

We need to not do those types of things. When you've got your best hitter at the plate, and you're struggling to score some runs, we need him swinging the bat.

Brad Wilkerson

I would encourage the people of Mongolia to clearly understand what type of company Ivanhoe Mines is. Skin, respiratory and other types of diseases and sicknesses are common among local people who live near the copper-site that Ivanhoe Mines owns. They operate a modern form of slavery.

Martin Klein

It's just a natural fit for consumers to be buying these types of toys for their children, both boys and girls. This holiday season is going to be a tough one, but I think there are certain types of things that are going to be popular, such as hero action figures.

Audrey Guskey

Cash bonus and compensation overall is down and is a reflection of earnings of the previous year. These types of compensations are tied to company performance.

Michael Trevino

It wasn't like it is now. But for the types of teams we had, the fans were very good here. On some Thursday afternoon games, we'd get 25,000 fans. That was remarkable. This has always been a great Red Sox city.

Curt Gowdy

J.C. Flowers has a reputation in this market for making these types of investments. It's someone known for restructurings and re-workings.

Denise Valentine

Sticking to a few fleet types also helps airlines lower operating costs in terms of maintenance, repairs and personnel training.

Liu Weimin

The ATM news scenario, ... could complement computerized radio stations. The government, corporations, and public relations types will be able to deposit or withdraw news anytime day or night in a slot at the front of the building. In the back, consumers could punch up whatever they fancied. There would be no need for human beings inside the building -- if you consider reporters human beings.

Richard Reeves

Many trade show organizers are not known for strong advance planning for these types of events.

Adam Schaffer

Sometimes it's as simple as asking other businesses who insures them. That way you know the broker is already familiar with what types of coverage you may need.

Julie Rochman

On behalf of the people of Canada , I sincerely thank the residents of Hartley Bay, who, without knowing what to expect, pulled together and did all they could have done to rescue and care for the people on board The Queen of the North. These types of actions have the power to change the course of a life.

Governor General

It makes me feel good, ... I'm grateful to the folks who went out and voted for me. It's nice to have these types of numbers.

Mike Edwards

The younger Hollywood types were wanting to get these jewelry pieces but alter the design and then keep them.

Tom Julian

This evening I heard double talk. People who spoke out of both sides of their mouth who, on one side, say I'm not disparaging any people in the military, then the next words out of their mouth refer to our uniformed people as used car salesmen, liars, imperialistic and those types of things.

Frank Brunner

This is something we're going to see more often than in the past because of the technology advances. As making these types of commercials becomes easier, I think we'll see the field of advertising in general pick up on the trend.

John Rubino

There is a lot of horsetrading that goes on and sometimes you have to do these types of things to get programs like Growing Greener approved.

Connie Williams

These types of cracks are all signs of deflection with the floor frame, ... It's all the result of the framing from above or the load from above.

Todd Duncan

These types of projects are the type that Students for Social Justice hopes to pursue.

Melissa Quan

To be healthy, wealthy, happy and successful in any and all areas of your life you need to be aware that you need to think healthy, wealthy, happy and successful thoughts twenty four hours a day and cancel all negative, destructive, fearful and unhappy thoughts. These two types of thought cannot coexist if you want to share in the abundance that surrounds us all.

Sidney Madwed

Usually these types of projects need to have some sort of statewide benefit.

Jeff Kottkamp

We're looking for more high-end rooms for more business types, where price isn't the issue. What they want is an amenities package.

David Rosenwasser

There are three types of travelers. One says after a tragedy like the Madrid bombings, 'I'm just going to carry on,' and continues with his or her planned trip. Another says, 'I'll go to Prague instead.' But the third says, 'Because of the bombings I'm going to get a great deal by going to Madrid,' and books a trip there.

Amy Ziff

Fines are preferable to imprisonment and other types of punishment because they are more efficient. With a fine, the punishment to offenders is also revenue to the State.

Gary Becker

The ultimate model that will emerge is going to be one that is a layered authentication approach. You will have risk-based authentication and forms of passive authentication, but, for certain segments of users and certain types of transactions that may be high-risk or high-value, there will be a need for strong credentials like one-time-password tokens.

Chris Young

Trafficking in counterfeit documents poses a serious security vulnerability and contributes to a host of other types of crimes, including identity theft and financial fraud. Our goal is to identify and ultimately dismantle the criminal organizations behind these highly lucrative schemes.

Leigh Winchell

[PBO is classified as a carcinogen,] but it's not truly one in its own right, ... It inhibits the metabolism of certain types of chemicals in insects. For human and mammalian species it can help promote cancer - but only in large doses over a long period of time.

Arthur Craigmill

I think sometimes it's difficult to run something by committee; the management of both companies are strong-willed types of individuals. They both have their own way of doing things. That makes it hard to have the flow you need and to create the sixth network.

James Goss

It's a very complicated story. It still is, even as the trial approaches. My job was to let everyone in on what was going on. With these types of stories, you can get lost in the details when there is a bigger tale to be told. I felt a film could really do that.

Alex Gibney

With those types of concert promoters, they offer dollars that make it difficult for smaller venues to compete. After six months, we took a different approach and decided to make this more of a community event.

Nancy Stewart

With an increase in human traffic comes an increase in the types of behaviors that humans exhibit.

Jill Haynes

Right now it's huge, it's overwhelming -- the current need and demand for these types of services and products.

Jeffrey Johnson

If you commit enough of certain types of crimes, you are deemed to be a racketeer. The county officials have even bragged about this fraud.

Bruce Baird

It definitely helped us to be in those types of games. We learned to execute and learned how to give ourselves a chance to win. Sometimes you can practice all that, but you need the experience of doing it. We have been in three overtime games this year and won them all, so that bodes well for us.

Dave Hancock

Knowing what is available out there to present to your employees and having access to various types of information about plans is vitally important. We have to encourage employees to participate and modernize their contributions to savings.

Aida Alvarez

They have a lot of authority to do that already, and the border security problems are exactly the types of crimes that they already have authority to do the wiretapping for.

Scott Henson

You probably want to avoid the water. When you've got those types of winds and tides and swells, I'd give caution a lot of thought.

John Lindsey

Organizations are interested in utilizing our Power Plastic materials to extend and enhance their packaging and display applications. Imagine a can or bottle with dynamic content, boxes that light up or containers that serve as power sources for their contents. These are the types of features that our partners will be able to provide as they integrate our material into their applications.

Daniel Mcgahn

[Wireless viruses] are not so prevalent now because there are so many types of devices.

Leo Chan

These types of crimes [sexual solicitation of young people by adults] is on the rise and can only get worse.

Michael Gehm

This is not about avoiding fish. It is about paying attention to the types and amount of fish you eat.

David Acheson

Those were the types of teams that historically lost players during the free-agent cycle.

Brian Burke

Custom work in general is always more (costly) than something produced in a factory. The difference in price depends on how elaborate the design is and the types of materials used.

Ben Svec

I was constantly being around artists and Bohemian types.

Spencer Dryden

People who don't know a whole lot about (madrigal dinners) shouldn't be turned away. It's a neat thing for everybody. There's so many types of performing, it's kind of one of those events where there's something for everybody - and food for that matter.

Theodore Brimeyer

In the past two years, we have processed more than $2 million in travel claims directly related to hurricanes. Comprehensive travel insurance policies can protect your vacation investment, but like all types of insurance, you must buy it before the event is foreseeable.

Beth Godlin

Fortunately, I have a lot of them in class, so I get to know a lot of their personality types. Golf is 90-percent mental, so I can tell what they are capable of doing. I try to get to know them and then work on the golf.

Jason Yusten

You can look at even the calendar of events of some of the despicable types of immoral things that were scheduled for that particular time when Katrina hit, and one would be hard-pressed not to realize that perhaps indeed God was trying to get people's attention.

David Harrell

The hospital likes to provide preventative and wellness information as part of our community outreach. Saturday is an opportunity to educate our consumers on all types of cardiovascular care. We'll even have heart healthy snacks on hand.

Michele Lerow

We believe these types of claims cannot be litigated on a class-wide basis. In deciding whether to reimburse, each third-party payer had different business objectives and, in meeting those objectives, considered and relied on different information, at different times, regarding different patients with different medical histories.

Ted Mayer

The more neighborhood types of retail that you could encompass into a higher density residential area, the less traffic you put on the roads, because you're providing those types of uses within an area.

Mark Priestner

There are different segmentations of men (buying jewelry). Some men are more of the Ralph Lauren set, penny loafers and blue blazers. Then you have the Wall Street business types. It has really taken hold in all segments of the market.

Brian Nohe

And the ratio of art galleries to other types of businesses in the downtown area is quite steep in favor of the galleries. It's a quiet development and we are hoping people will start stopping off on their way to Spring Green, or wherever.

Marcia Miquelon

It's good to come out on top of these types of games right now.

Todd Steverson

Even with improvements in the penalty calculation formula ... there's still a lot of subjectivity that can work against industry in certain types of penalties.

Don Allen

We know that travel is essential to a complete education. Traveling abroad teaches understanding of other people, cultures and communities, and these types of experiences offer young people a greater ability to be successful in today's global society.

Michael Palmer

There are many more community tools coming in titles later this year. Almost all of them have game lobby integration, so there is that posting of scores factor. There's sharing that can go on, refer a friend, all those types of things that are more characteristic of community. So it's less of the multiplayer head-to-head, which is especially difficult in mobile.

Kristin Mcdonnell

We thought it would be much more customer-friendly to send these types of letters. We were noticing that lots of people applied, but that many of them didn't enroll.

Dick Robertson

The reality is that there's risk everywhere, in every country. We're now in a world where you've got two types of countries: emerging markets, where political risk is priced in, and a whole bunch where it isn't priced in at all.

Jerome Booth

We got a couple big wins on the weekend but we've got to keep building. These are the types of games we need to find a way to win. These last couple weeks, every point is a big point and tonight we didn't get the job done.

Stephane Yelle

This study is the first to assess which types of behavior contribute most to crashes and near crashes.

Charlie Klauer

We continue to feel that overall buying patterns in the mid-market space are resulting in customers purchasing larger-scale ERP solutions, with multiple products and longer deployment cycles. In the future, this will likely extend revenue recognition for similar types of deals.

David Rudow

All of us who live along the river monitor the river levels. You can plan a lot of your operations around river projections, such as where to move equipment and make plans on pruning crews and those types of things, so it is a real handy tool.

Don Anderson

You can just get up there and play, and are accepted. It's exceptional. There is so much talent, and a great fan base that really knows and appreciates so many different types of music. And the bands and fans all support each other. It really is like a big family.

Bob Burger

America is the world's living myth. There's no sense of wrong when you kill an American or blame America for some local disaster. This is our function, to be character types, to embody recurring themes that people can use to comfort themselves, justify themselves and so on. We're here to accommodate. Whatever people need, we provide. A myth is a useful thing.

Don DeLillo

Multifamily is attractive because of its low volatility and higher risk-adjusted returns relative to other property types.

Dave Hardman

We know a lot of these pottery types, so they can help us date the floor.

Dan Elliott

In fact grants per home to private developers compare very equitably with grants per home to housing association developments for similar areas and types of schemes.

Peter Marsh

It is just more the types of companies. They don't capture the imagination of the public.

Monica Doss

We felt we had more of a window to make these types of changes.

Mike Hermann

They are still doing many of the same types of activities that they used to do, for example, passing a note in class. Now, they can text several people at the same time. The underlying urges are the same, what technology has done is allow them to be taken to a new level.

Chip Walker

Iran and North Korea are two countries that have been spending a great deal of time and money to develop several different types of advanced ballistic missiles, including a type that could possibly reach the U.S. homeland with a weapon of mass destruction in the near future.

Rick Lehner

The information we have from people who know the area is that similar types of events have occurred in that area before, however there are a lot of unknowns.

David Tucker

We will be exploring investment opportunities in other asset types throughout China, including retail, hotel, office and industrial properties.

Michael Pralle

We were able to rush for over 200 yards with those two kids. They're different types of runners from Scott, but they are hard-nosed kids.

Chris Coppa

Those are the ones that are very cyclical, and the economy has a big impact, but they become very cheap, ... Companies like some of the commodity semiconductors, the integrated device technology types.

Marc Klee

We are excited to present the talents of MCG on legendary Steinway instruments. From Chopin to Billy Joel, this concert has something for all types of music lovers.

Bill Andrews

After the first big hit, I felt really good after I made contact with the guy. I felt all types of energy through me.

Chris Harrell

The financial incentive makes it possible for physicians to invest in themselves and in their practices so that they can deliver even better care to their patients. We want to encourage these types of efforts by physicians to improve the care processes for patients with chronic diseases----leading to better clinical outcomes and, ultimately, lower costs.

John Little

Harriet Nowell created the illusion of a hoop skirt by the types and placement of the fabric in her design.

Mary Rosza

That is tough. They are both different types of guys. I think Chase is a better athlete than I was and Reed is also a great football player. To compare them to me is unfair.

Steve Manstedt

There's an idealism starting to bubble up again. Today's kids aren't the materialist, MBA, Bonfire-of-the-Vanities types that you saw in the late 1980s and early 1990s. They're also not the weary, cynical types who think they can't do anything.

Alexander Bloom

These are the types of communities where we come from, and this is one way we can help take care of our own.

Kenny Smith

I'm blessed to get paid well as it is. Usually, these types of things take time. Time is more precious to me than the money. I get more time to spend with the family.

Mark Richt

A lot of new technology is only available in high-end vehicles initially, and then it filters down to all types of vehicles. That will eventually happen with this technology.

David Ladd

Most big agencies use the same types of tests, so if a temp takes it enough times, they will eventually learn the test. Make sure the testing is comprehensive.

Peter Baga

We got into (this business) for the love of wine. We just really enjoy a wide, wide range of wines and have an appreciation of many types of wines.

Donna Mollet

There has been a lot of testing done on the racking strength provided by different types of spray foams, ... And the strength provided by closed-cell foams can be substantial.

Tom Kenny

I think there are going to be a lot of empty nester types who don't want their 5,000-square-foot house anymore, don't have their kids in the house and are ready to travel.

Jeff Dungan

They have a great race track here. I'm in love with concrete race tracks. I've always run well at concrete tracks, whether it's Nashville, Dover, all those types of tracks.

Johnny Sauter

Nothing that we are doing is at all focused on commerce or classifieds, ... We don't know what to expect. It may very well be data types that we didn't anticipate.

Salar Kamangar

Our kids practice very hard in all types of weather, so it was good to see them rewarded for their efforts.

Jim Dickerson

[Defense costs in the $5 million range] would not strike me as being outside the norm in these types of cases, ... The lawyers come from the best firms. This is not the public defender's office.

Peter Henning

I love skiing and playing in the snow, and I love everything about the winter environment. It gives you opportunity to get creative, be a kid again. You can build all types of snow shelters.

Matt Lloyd

They read their sports pages, know their statistics and either root like hell or boo our butts off. I love it. Give me vocal fans, pro or con, over the tourist types who show up in Houston or Montreal and just sit there.

Mike Schmidt

It is critical that future research test whether faulty measurement may have contributed to their findings. Also, it is well to remember that the types of research usually used to find links between lifestyle factors (e.g. diet, exercise, medication use, in addition to alcohol use) and disease later in life have a high potential for error and on their own cannot prove causation.

Tim Stockwell

They're working on the fly, and messing around with the [Perl] code to change the types of data it goes after. They're always looking for the latest vulnerability, which makes it difficult to tackle.

Chris Boyd

There are literally hundreds of viruses that can cause these types of outbreaks. It is still likely that we will not identify exactly which virus caused this outbreak.

Allison Mcgeer

I thrive off of these types of situations and I can't wait to get out there.

Kevin Criswell

Creative types seem to want to project their personality onto me, ... I've done a lot of biographical stuff and reminiscences of other people's youth, which is not entirely interesting to me. Because it's such a small country, you do a few roles like, say, Jack Thompson or Bryan Brown, and you get indelibly stamped as representing this aspect of either people or the nation's character.

Noah Taylor

High spending is not always bad and low spending is not always good. It depends on the make-up of the community . . . What are the goals of the district? What types of students does the district have? And what's going on in the community?

Richard Vespucci

Having been there already, I have a feel for the types of things (Hamilton) needs to know and some of the things I don't need to burden him with, especially when he's moving from game to game to game. You have to be sure he gets the meat and potatoes, and you don't bother him with the peas and carrots.

Mike Jaskulski

We are moving to a more proactive stance, ... providing periodic pieces of information to better secure systems and address known vulnerabilities before they fall victim to various types of cyber attack.

Amit Yoran

I think they're all very vibrant and interesting art in relationship to different types of art shown in our community. People who have come in the last few months all said they haven't seen anything like it.

Patricia Fay

We've spent a great deal of public and private energy demonizing these types of offenders.

William Buckman

We now realize that there are distinctly different types of galaxy disks.

Ken Freeman

Quitting is good. It's always good to quit, no matter how long you've smoked, ... You'll reduce your risk of lung cancer, reduce the degree to which you have chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, reduce your risk of other types of cancer and of heart disease. The data is very clear. Even if you're 75, you can benefit from stopping.

Dr. Norman Edelman

That doesn't leave a lot of extra money in the budget to support the types of things we're talking about. The things we're talking about would cost a lot of money sustained over time and that will be difficult for the city council. The city council is not going to be able to pull a rabbit out of their hat. It's going to take voter support.

Ron Fink

We see three types of hackers out there, ... There are voyeurs, like peeping toms; graffiti artists that trash the Web site and tell their friends; and criminals who steal things, such as customer lists.

Robert Graham

I listened to many different types of instruments and music, and have always tried to look at the bass as an instrument as opposed to only a bass.

Billy Sheehan

Offensively, he was so hard to read. We have such different body types. He was hard to move around and set up.

Nick Parisi

Alberta Environment is doing, and has been doing, everything possible to respond to protect the environment, ... We can always learn from these incidents how we can do better and that's why I've established this commission to review our capability to respond to these types of situations and recommend how we can improve.

Guy Boutilier

If the government wants to put an end to these types of transactions, the proper response is for Congress to change the law, not to scare professionals away with indictments. It is a misuse of prosecutorial discretion to use criminal prosecutions to change accepted and legitimate standards of conduct.

Robert Fink

The specific types of benefits differ in important ways & in women, by reducing the risk of ischemic stroke, and in men, by reducing the risk of heart attack.

Dr. David L. Brown

Hawthorne Heights write music and lyrics that intimately touch many different types of people. They perform with a down-home honesty that is so lacking in our cutthroat society. [They're] a band that you can call your own.

Tony Brummel

There's been a big boom here of Hispanic people opening up businesses. A lot of restaurants are opening up and insurance and real estate firms ? all different types of businesses.

Bobby Rodriguez

What I want to do is redevelop it as more of an oasis practice park, or practice oasis. You're going to have targeted areas that are going to be indicative of the types of clubs that you would need to play this golf course effectively.

Taber Anderson

As these types of cases go, this is not remarkable.

Stephan Seeger

The mixture of music we play, draws an eclectic crowd, all ages, all types. These are songs you aren't going to hear anywhere else in Albuquerque but here.

Josh Williams

Naturally, I would like to be a little more finely tuned. I'm definitely not where I want to be as a quarterback in terms of timing and those types of things, but it's coming back, and I think the extra work is paying off.

Ken Dorsey

If there's going to be regular land sales, they should be in respect of all types of properties, rather than one specific sector.

Keith Kerr

With those types of projects, what we typically like to do is jump around a lot. Overwhelmingly, we were asked to get in and get out. If we put these things back to back, we would have 15 years of construction.

Paul Degges

There is an awful lot of capital out there for financial buyers to acquire these types of companies.

Michael Appel

Those are my favorite types of game. When the pressure is on and the adrenaline gets going, that's when I enjoy it the most. That's why I play is for those types of situations.

Tamilyn Lee

There are two types of power. Organized money and organized people.

Linda Jeffers

Unlike a lot of teams, they bring a lot to the table. They run a lot of different types of offense. Some teams just run a spread offense, some just want to run the ball. They do a little bit of everything. It's going to be a big challenge for us.

Matthew Rice

We're thrilled. For us as an organization, it did exactly what we hoped it would do. It created awareness to the site and the types of programs we're going to have here.

Manuel Bornia

There are four ways you can help, ... First, you can bring food donations to any of my branch offices between now and the end of November. The specific types of food needed are listed on handouts and posters at my offices, but it's basically canned goods and boxed grains, the types that are non-perishable.

Diane Nelson

Part of being the smallest school in Section Four is that we suffer from a lack of depth. So we have to hit the boards, protect the ball and play hard defense. It's the traditional types of things we have to do well to give ourselves a chance to win.

John Bernhardt

Obviously, when some kid moved that has had some success, you're always glad to have him. He really did some good things, especially in the last couple of weeks. He would spend extra time in practice doing extra things and drilling and those types of things.

Travis Young

It isn't affecting wrestlers like Keith as much as it is the types of kids who could have gotten partial scholarships 20 years ago. With fewer schools and fewer scholarships you have kids who used to be able to get into college that just can't because of the numbers.

Nick Didomenico

This flight was an engineer's dream. We are collecting so much data. We are looking at several different types of sensors. We are doing things we never imagined we would be able to do.

Charles Camarda

There are hundreds of types of cancer, so there's a great deal of work to be done yet.

Betty Fox

Fires may behave differently because homes today typically contain larger quantities and different types of materials than before. This means you need as much early warning as possible to evacuate safely. Properly installed and maintained smoke alarms remain the most effective way to protect you and your family from the risk of fire.

John Drengenberg

Buying an SUV involves a tradeoff. While these vehicles may do well in certain types of crashes, they also are much more likely to roll over. People should be aware of that trait when they are choosing a family vehicle.

Ricardo Martinez

We've seen this with other types of fraud, where the banks clear the traveler's checks, but then determine three weeks later that they were counterfeit.

Barbara Petito

The restriction with a lot of the other companies (like AOL-Time Warner) might have involved cross ownership restrictions between a lot of the other types of media, but I don't think that's an issue here.

James Goss

When the IPO market tapers off, the more speculative types of issues tend to take a bigger beating than those more .

Joe Hammer

He came in prepared and in good shape. When you come in as good of shape as he was, you can take those types of punches.

Brian Viloria

[The woman — dubbed] Patient A ... You need to lose weight. Let's fact it if your husband were to die tomorrow who would want you. Well, men might want you but not the types that you want to want you. Might even be a black guy.

Terry Bennett

The biggest difference is that the Core version is directed to a different population of students. It measures the same types of skills as the advanced version, but the tasks are slightly less complex and there is less of a reading load.

Terry Egan

There is no authority, there is no certain agency that monitors these types of offenders.

Andy Kahan

The public has a vested interest in being sure that public employees are carrying out their duties in a professional way. In some of the cases, we received the entire file and then in others we didn't get anything. That has the appearance that there's a different standard for different types of employees.

Alan Johnson

Thorough customers are our best customers. Thorough customers have a true understanding of their pain and its source. They make me prove how our product can deliver measurable ROI. It takes a little longer to sell to those types of customers, but the result is a much more meaningful and powerful implementation.

Karl Pearson

We knew with New Trier and those types of teams we would have to beat them to do it. Sure enough, we got it done by one.

Andrew Miller

You can't go through these types of experiences in life and not be changed by it. If anything, it brought him closer to things he knows and loves.

Christine Corey

Major vendors are using different types and amounts of fuel to power batteries of different sizes, so it will not be easy for them to deliver the volumes and scale necessary to drive down pricing.

Sara Bradford

They've all brought a lot of leadership to the younger girls on the team. They're the types of players that you hate to see leave the team.

Antonio Encarnacion

The chemo came in all types of forms, by injection, fluid, pill.

Neil Barnes

All indications are that 2006 will be a big year for these types of devices because price points are becoming consumer-affordable.

Kanwar Chadha

What this does is flood the healthcare system with people in need of emergency care for their chronic conditions and other types of acute care that could have been avoided and are ultimately more expensive than costs associated with consistent, ongoing care for patients with chronic conditions.

Myrl Weinberg

As so often happens in these types of cases ... once they realize there is monetary gain, they extort money.

Michael Gavin

You're going to have all types of entrepreneurs enter into the marketplace because these two giants have fired the starting gun.

Steve Riggio

The nice thing about blazers is that they can accentuate all body types, whether you are a little portly, taller, or even if you are short. But it is really important to get a jacket that fits well.

Todd Snyder

We choose a canvas based on the specific work. There are split-hair types, but we have a sense of what will accentuate the artist?s vision.

Andy Wood

I think what was great with the Cult was that we were allowed to evolve. We made different types of records, which was interesting. You play 'Love' and 'Electric' back to back, and they're really not that similar.

Billy Duffy

We've always defeated those types of things in full committee. At least when his bills die, he doesn't rant and rave.

Phil Hamilton

The US is historically extremely litigious and highly opportunistic in these types of class action.

Paul Jackson

The problem with these types of witnesses is they can collapse like wet cardboard boxes. Inmate testimony doesn't have that great a ring of credibility.

Gerald Treece

Her various health issues severely limit what she could do even if she was seeking employment and again we still have ongoing medical issues of other types popping up.

Jason Weiner

We designed this car to run for a long time, at road courses, short tracks, intermediate-sized tracks all the way to Daytona. You would be able to run the same foundation car, the frame, the cage, the body, all of the components that today are being swapped around as the cars are purpose-built for certain types of tracks. We're eliminating that with this car.

Gary Nelson

These men have caused a lot of violence in the streets, ... But these are the types of efforts that will turn that around. This is a very significant blow to this organization.

William Lawler

If the government's survey on health insurance coverage is going to remain relevant, they must find a way to include questions about new types of health insurance and non-insurance products.

Peter Fisher

There will be some changes, but it depends on your point of view. Some of those plays we tried to work with Tyrone are not going to be available. There may be some other special types of plays we can do with other players, but as far as Tyrone being a triple threat -- because we even kicked around letting him throw a pass -- it's not there.

Dave Rader

All these types of things we're trying to examine.

Johan Hermans

Governments and corporations have yet to find a way to control this last free market of ideas. And why is the Internet the last free market of ideas? People better start addressing these types of questions, otherwise what has happened to the news media will happen to the computer as an information tool.

Russell Means

It is important to identify how they can alter these epigenetic processes and not just DNA. I actually think they do realize this and are going this way, so what I want to hopefully come out of this is better testing and better regulation of these types of compounds to which we are exposed.

Andrew Olaharski

More than ever before, people want higher performance from all types of products — from cell phones to TVs to automobiles. We developed this exclusive line of High Definition mice because higher-performance peripherals create a better PC experience. Featuring our proprietary tracking technology, our new High Definition products raise the bar for mouse performance.

Tom Gibbons

This work is a promising step, and supports the need to study multiple stem cell types for the possibility of treating human neurological injury and disease.

Aileen Anderson