We don't want them (youths) to stay on probation a long time. We want them to move on with their lives.

Melanie Hinxman

A lot of people are the invisible people, moving from couch to couch or converted garages. Some are staying in their cars but they're too proud to come in for services.

Candy Capogrossi

We asked her not to stay.

Brother Emile

It's always in the best interest of the company and the customer for the customer to stay in the home.

Rahsaan Johnson

I'm expecting to stay on schedule, ... The mayor and I are going to meet Thursday to get this wrapped up so we can get back on schedule. We might end up being possibly two weeks off. Compared to the way it was last year, I'm ecstatic.

Billy Jackson

You could just stay in the system and get reprimanded a million times. Now [lawyers] have to be concerned when they get more than one. It was really meant to just put an end to never-ending reprimands.

Patricia King

We really think, if we can stay healthy, it can be a special season.

Derek Moyers

You have to try to block his cuts. Stay in his face the entire game wherever he is. He likes to come off screens a lot. He's more of a deadly shooter, I think, than a dribble drive player.

Jason Fisher

It was just a battle all day [to stay awake].

Vinny Lecavalier

It's one thing to thank your mother, or someone who helped get your first job so you didn't have to sleep in your car. Hilary Swank gave one of the best speeches (for 1999's Boys Don't Cry) by staying personal. But who wants to hear a list of attorneys?

Tom O'neil

This recent increase in plan features proves that we will keep up with our commitment, and always do what is necessary to stay ahead of our competitors. Thus making ONET Hosting Solutions the obvious number one choice for all kind of website owners.

Sindre P. Moe

Candace plays softball right down the street from where we live, so I anticipate us staying in touch.

Bert Weiss

Hotels tend to look for lengthier stays as well. So it is cheaper to book and negotiate against a four-night stay than it is for a one-night stay.

Richard Eades

And the county exercises and drills, and the fire department exercises and drills, and the police department exercises and drills, and the lab exercises and drills, and we all exercise and drill together and that's the way we stay prepared, ... The best thing people can do is get informed, make a plan, be prepared.

Phil Taylor

You have to do a lot of running just to stay in place in this business.

Gordon Haff

As a businessman, if we are to stay in business around the world, we have to seek to make products as inexpensively as possible. What that means is that American workers will shift from doing jobs that other people can do more cheaply to jobs that other countries can't do more cheaply.

Robert Shillman

I would love to stay at SNL forever. But you can't stay in the same place. People think you're a loser.

Norm Macdonald

Being blamed of using steroids? My numbers were the same before and after. It didn't stay in my mind, because I had nothing to hide or anything like that. I was mad because of the things that I was going through, but it didn't affect me. I was able to put it aside and keep going.

Juan Rincon

We don't know exactly what they're going to do. If they stay with what they've been doing, Bernie will be fine. If they don't, then we felt that Jimmy would be our guy to start with so that we'd have some recall. Once the game starts, we'll see what they do and kind of adjust from there.

Mark Snyder

At a certain point, the ones that are left are going to stay.

Jonathan Gaw

All preventive measures stay in force.

Jozo Bagaric

Our goal is to eventually have no women staying at Oxford Street.

Jon Bradley

I just looked for openings. Pretty much, I just had to stay calm and not rush it too much.

Katie Wilton

Those who say that life is worth living at any cost have already written an epitaph of infamy, for there is no cause and no person that they will not betray to stay alive.

Sidney Hook

This is a trend that employers are very interested in because they want to stay away from negligent hiring suits, ... There are legal ramifications [to bringing on employees with red flags], but the prime motivator for most employers is to make an informed hiring decision.

Bill Hart

Basically, it's a huge message to send out to women who are worried about hormone balances to make sure they stay fit. It's going to give women pause to reflect.

Carl Cotman

We've done so much this year already that why stop now? We actually got a gift from our administration and on the back of our shirt it says,'We're not finished yet.' (Even though) we are so excited to be here and at the NCAA tournament, you're not just satisfied with making the trip and staying at a nice hotel. You're down here for one reason and that's to win basketball games.

Megan Vrabel

If you are not a psychiatrist, stay away from idiots. They are too stupid to pay a layman for his company.

Stanislaw J. Lec

What happens in Jamaica today is that the elites stay because they have the power. It's the upwardly mobile and aspiring professional classes that leave.

Douglas Massey

We want to make the firemen stay longer next time.

Connie Schlittenhardt

(T)here's a growing sense in financial circles that the company will stay together.

Jack Myers

We want everyone to have the opportunity to go. That means pets, too. We don't want anyone staying because of pets.

Steve Mccraw

Coach Judson always tells us to stay in the moment. Ball State played us tough here so we know they are a real good team.

Anthony Maestranzi

It's always a fine line, but what we try to do is evaluate what other courses within a general 30-mile radius of Ames are charging, on a comparable type of course. Then it's just a sensitivity, where we try to stay really competitive.

Nancy Carroll

This horse is good right now, and hopefully he'll stay good for the Sunshine Millions. I don't think he needs the lead, and today would indicate that. He probably won't get the lead in the Sunshine Millions, but today would indicate that he could punch it in from anywhere.

Jerry Hollendorfer

We're asking the public to stay indoors, even during the day until we can get the hazards removed because the danger is real and present, ... mostly caused from fallen tree limbs.

Margaret Murphy

We were only down about three and we started taking some hurried shots. I was disappointed we didn't stay solid.

Dave Bliss

Just kept my hands in his face. Just staying on his hip, not letting him get any open looks.

Marcus Williams

We've been staying up-tempo, pushing the ball up the floor. We really don't have a great inside presence where we want to slow down and play half-court basketball. We want to play an 84-foot ball game and stretch it out. I really feel that was a big part of the game. (Enterprise) got tired.

Peter Arnold

People come to us looking for tickets, ... It just so happens, they also need a place to stay.

David Lord

That's when I stay home and annoy Debby.

Tom Kimbrough's

It was nice for a change not having to worry about how cold it got at night. The dogs had plenty of nice comfy blankets and pillows to stay warm in.

Joanne Schoch

Hopefully, it's a long-term situation, where we stay united and control our own destiny.

Allen Floyd

I think we can win the whole thing. If we stay focused, we can win state.

Bob Burton

I think of recent years, we definitely have one of the stronger groups of guys. If we can stay healthy, which is a big key in rugby, we should look to go pretty deep into the playoffs.

Colter Negranti

The Wood Brothers' car and ours are the only one-car teams in the top 25 (in points), and I'm very confident that we'll be able to stay there. It's not about how many cars you field that determines where you'll finish, it's how well prepared each of those cars are, and I believe we're as well prepared as most.

Robby Gordon

That really was a surprise and the guys really came through. They were just trying to stay warm and they pulled off a nice win. The kids said whatever they needed to do they would do and they did.

Doug Flower

If you're living well below the poverty line, do you have a credit card to pay to stay in a motel or hotel for a few days? They were between a rock and a hard place.

Robert Harris

Akin has opened up a lot of stuff for us. We've been getting a lot of open shots and we've been knocking them down. The main thing about that zone is hitting shots. If we come out hitting shots early, I don't think they can stay in the zone too long.

Cliff Hammonds

Joe Maddock did a good job in the centre last week and he deserves to stay in the side.

Brian Ashton

We still watch every cricket game that goes on back home. We stay up at night and watch it online.

Rishi Kishoreshah

We're going to stay with the same thing and try to improve what we have.

Jim Loughran

Some of the bravest guys in combat situations, are also the most fragile when they get back out, ... Many of them get trapped in drugs or alcohol ... they end up homeless, on the street, losing jobs. They just need a wide range of help, a place to stay clean and dry sometimes, and they deserve it. They've done a lot for this country.

John Black

Unfortunately, in the music business everything changes. You'd like to stay at the same label, with the same manager, the same crew and have everything stay the same like Elvis did.

Ira Dean

People stay married because they want to, not because the doors are locked.

Paul Newman

It's also open to customers who aren't staying at Outrigger properties, or also for residents who want to use this convenient location for baggage check in.

Blaine Miyasato

Defensively, we did what we needed to do to stay in the game. We held a very potent offense to 46 points and really neutralized their ability to knock down 3s.

Bob Curtis

It's definitely different. But, if we stay with our approach and concentrate on what we can control and get ourselves ready to play, we'll be ready to go.

Sean Doolittle

I committed to the University of Cincinnati. I don't plan on leaving. I'm not going to drop out of school. As of right now, I plan to stay here. I like the school. I like the city. I like the fans and they like me. ... I just hope whoever gets the job gets some people to play around me because I'm going to need some help next year.

Devon Downey

I know Hideki wanted to stay and we wanted to keep him, and that created a great environment for us to get it done. Thankfully, we got it done with a few hours to spare.

Brian Cashman

It's almost like golf — a guy can be one tournament on top of the world and the next one not make the cut. As long as they're in a groove, you've got to stay with them and ride them. If they start to trip up, boy, that's why you've got to have more than one ready to go.

Jeff Choate

That seems to be the Kingsport way anymore. We stay at home and make our own fun –– Kingsport's good for that.

Charlie Large

It's not inconceivable to remove GM. But I'm not sure if there is another automobile company that better represents the industry and the auto industry is here to stay.

Jeffrey Hirsch

At that moment, I saw it in the skating lounge. I just heard the audience scream and I saw the people laying on the ice. I just tried to stay far away from that emotionally and not get involved inside.

Maxim Marinin

They brought in the big guns to stay on the train to see what's going wrong. On those days, the trains, miraculously, run better.

Orrin Getz

Everyone seems to support the maintaining of a fee, ... We would like it to stay that way.

John Donahue

I have no plans other than to finally be there to greet my daughter when she gets off the school bus. I'm looking into all options, both inside and outside the business. I'd like to stay in Pittsburgh, but I'm open to all possibilities.

Sheila Hyland

I have to believe that it works...that when two people come together they stay together. I have to take that to bed with me at night even if I'm going to bed alone. That's a McBealism.

Ally Mcbeal

Most of the cold systems are staying across the northern U.S..

Cody Lindsey

It was like, 'OK, I can't do it pitching, so here I am with the bat.' I was trying to stay loose and I was seeing the ball well, so that helped a lot. That helped keep my confidence up too, so there wasn't a total damper on everything.

Randi Rainwater

We moved in the winter, so it was really bad. It was really depressing for me. It was really cold, and every day it was snowing. Joe went to school, and I had to stay in the house all the time, watching the snow.

Junko Abe

We wish Darren well. Gus and Christian have given the fans much to cheer about during their stay, too.

Daniel Levy

Why can't we get all the people together in the world that we really like and then just stay together? I guess that wouldn't work. Someone would leave. Someone always leaves. Then we would have to say good-bye. I hate good-byes. I know what I need. I need more hellos.


Stay away from drugs. They're not worth it. I've tried, but there's none of them that's worth it.

Randy Newman

We know what happens to people who stay in the middle of the road. They get run over.

Aneurin Bevan

We're committed to staying in the seamless business for the foreseeable future.

Ray Adams

If I set my mind to something I do it. My biggest wish for all of us is that we are happy, successful, and that we stay true to ourselves.

Victoria Beckham

I hope these prices are here to stay. If the discount fares are on average 50 percent cheaper than the legacy carriers, we'll have achieved our goal.

Gilberto Lopez Meyer

We might have started a little slow, but our defense played really well. We weren't hitting our shots right away, but when you have good defense you stay in the game.

Samantha Hubbard

I might just stay here with Tracy forever.

Ann Williams

They are our inspiration ? to stay healthy, keep active, have a good outlook on life and just enjoy everything instead of sitting around waiting to die.

Carolyn Freeman

I had always thought that once you grew up you could do anything you wanted -- stay up all night or eat ice-cream straight out of the container.

Bill Bryson

It doesn't make good business sense to stay the same. Girls today have so many different role models they wouldn't stand for it if they only saw the same thing every time they looked at Seventeen .

Atoosa Rubenstein

Go in with an offer that includes self-induced handcuffs. Generally, there is a commitment to stay two to five years afterward.

John Bremen

Everybody feels like they're a part of it. They know, 'I'm supposed to wear white to games, to arrive early and stay late.' It makes them an active participant. It gives us an incredible home-court advantage.

Michael Mccullough

We may try to meet and have the whole family stay together and hang out.

David Costa

Good metrical rhymed verse, if it's to grip the imagination and stay readable, has to have, as well as those external formal features, the same dynamo of hidden musical dramatic laws as the apparently free verse.

Ted Hughes

There is a great opportunity here for people to stay out of nursing homes and get the care they want in the place they want, which is normally at home.

Scott Parkin

We don't have a big profit margin. We're sitting at around 3 or 4 percent, maybe, and it's going to cut that down to where we're losing money and then how can we stay in business.

Cody Knotts

That would be nice. That's a big milestone. You never know. You have to stay healthy and play well enough.

Pavel Kubina

It's hard to pay attention and stay focused, especially when there is a lot going on around you.

James Farmer

All I knew is that I had to stay with her (Hall). She's taller than me but I felt I kept up with her.

Annesia Faulkner

Open the gym up, roll the ball out, put the kids out there and have all the adults stay home, and you'll have a great game.

Willie Worsley

We've been waiting for John to flip the switch on for a while. Hopefully, the light will stay on.

Clad Sloniker

It feels like whatever we do, nothing's gone right. We've just got to stay positive and keep working hard.

Stephen Barton

The reason the 55-Plus Club is successful is that I stay out of the way. They have committed individuals who plan all of the activities and prepare the calendars. Those volunteers make the difference.

Don Decker

It felt like the whole season came down to that last 30 seconds. We needed to stay aggressive and not foul. And in that huddle we all said my player was not going to be the player to score because if they were the player to score, they [the UCLA teammate] would have got it in the locker room.

Nikki Blue

Young people need real sex education that provides them with all the information they need to stay safe and make healthy choices.

Angus Mcquilken

I won't say we are completely comfortable with it. We (the board) are mostly stay-at-home moms running this program off the kitchen table.

Brenda Fritz

I'm appreciative to the university for their support of me and the football program. I continue to enjoy my stay here, and look forward to leading this football program for years to come. We have an exciting schedule, our recruiting has been very positive and we are excited about the upcoming season.

Jeff Bower

We've been trying to stay out of bankruptcy for three years now.

Mark Mcclain

It was one of those things where we were going to stay even though last year was difficult, and we anticipated a much better 2006, but we had an offer on our space, and so we decided to vacate.

Bernie Zipp

I don't ever talk about it, ... There are some Christians (co-workers) who argue I'm doing something bad, but this (lawsuit) is pro-liberty, pro-equality. The government is required to stay out of the religion business.

Michael Newdow

Don't let the wish stay in our hearts! Come on, come on! I have a fear of not seeing You! Everybody wants to see the Lord and Master of the Age! Mourn, raise your hands.

Mahdi Salashur

I always wanted to play in the NHL, but last year when I was with the Dynamo, we won the championship. I wanted to stay so bad back there. I got some thoughts [about staying], but the NHL is here. I changed my mind.

Maxim Afinogenov

I respect Terry because he was my manager and I enjoyed working with him. I know that the comments were made with my best interests at heart. Nothing can happen now anyway and my priority is to stay in the Everton side.

James Mcfadden

I'm in a good spot. I just have stay calm, confident and relaxed and everything will take care of itself.

Kurt Backes

Just stay in his face, ... Stay close enough to him so you can get in there and try to knock the ball down.

Derrick Blaylock

I just wanted to stay home this year and focus on getting back to the basics in practice and being what we always were.

Bill Palermo

I think we just had to be patient and not panic, there was plenty of time. We just had to stay in our offense and make shots out of our offense. We also made some great defensive stops.

Todd Lee

I took a lot of risks and made a few mistakes today but I'm really pleased with the result. I'm going to stay neutral about it because I know it's only training.

Allison Forsyth

There are many senior union members who will stay with grocery, but the younger ones (employees) are looking at different careers.

Jim Manly

I need to develop some consistency. I want to develop my game and have a chance to stay the next time that I'm called up.

Jeff Fiorentino

People are taking notice. At the start of the season, before I was here, the lads said that the main objective was to stay up. But now people are talking about getting promoted. We're not going to blow our own trumpet, we will let other people do the talking. There's no pressure on us but we are going about things the right way.

Michael Bridges

It doesn't bother me. I know I have to stay in good shape. If I weren't an athlete, if I were this big and just some guy working at Target or McDonald's, that would be more of a factor.

Qasim Mitchell

I'm sure they were disappointed. As you can imagine, the players listened intently. But they all wished him the best, told him they loved him. He told them he loved them, to stay on the books and play hard and do their best.

James Dickey

I'm gonna stay in Culpeper and wash this pig the rest of my life.

Liza Tichenor

In the end, the vast majority of people in my own district told me - either by letters, e-mails or personal contact - that they really wanted me to stay where I am, ... I had very few people in my own district say they wanted me to run for governor.

Ray Lahood

We like people to stay and try our beds as long as they can. How are you going to find a comfortable mattress without lying down?

Janet Moran

You face a top prospect every day. You just can't be overwhelmed. You have to stay within yourself and within your game.

Kurt Suzuki

The land is going to stay in its natural state in perpetuity.

Bill Sheehan

I can't go to Auburn to stay with you with that snake there.

Judy Webster

She was the best teacher I ever had. She helped me get into nursing school and she was always there to stay after class and help us study.

Sarah Jones

This is a rebuilding year for us, but we have some very good wrestlers in our lineup and some who have struggled, but for us to win we have to wrestle well, like we have all year. Anything can happen in a dual, but we will have to win the matches where we are favored and stay close in the others.

Russ Cozart

It just happened., ... People were everywhere looking for a place to stay and somehow, they found us. We were here playing bingo one minute, and the next we were taking in all these people. It's been wonderful helping them all.

Lisa Wilson

I tried to stay in front of the ball, square up on her. I made her do something she didn't want to do.

Kristen Piscadlo

No doubt George Carlin has been able to stay on top all these years because of his edge. He's always been able to take it one step further than everyone else.

Dana House

I said I didn't want to spend most of my life in Holidays Inns, but I've checked and they've all been redecorated. They're marvelous places to stay and I've thought it over and that's where I'd like to be.

Walter F. Mondale

The more time customers stay on the premises, the more likely they are to buy. From a business perspective, it's a solid idea.

Keith Morgan

They don't let everyone stay there. But we're a church group.

Steve Huff

Would vigorously oppose their seeking to stay our settlement.

Melvyn Weiss

We've got to stay out of the box. We have to keep our sticks down, keep our feet moving. Those are the little things that make a difference.

Francois Beauchemin

If you can stay in love for more than two years, you're on something.

Fran Lebowitz

At one point Thursday, we were lined up at the door with people wanting to donate money. We've called in extra volunteers to help answer our phones because they are ringing constantly. It all goes to disaster relief and the need right now is shelter and food. Our shelters will stay open until there is no one there, until their needs are met.

Jenny Lehman

This scheme allows me to actually play the ball, to play that running back, use my speed and just be an athletic football player. That's pretty much what it is for me. Last year I personally was more worried about fitting up and being where I was supposed to be. This year I'm going to stay alive and try to make plays.

Nick Barnett

Often, it boomerangs. If they get the stars saying they need to leave, (the companies) have to give them bonuses to make them stay.

Wayne Cascio

These aren't groomed snowmobile trails. You've got to stay focused.

Steve Madsen

It is great to see familiar faces and I hope the race will continue to stay casual. This race is the most laid back of all of the Sea to Sky Series events.

James Retty

I'll stay with the old irons.

Mark Lye

I would stay home and spend that money on your programs.

Jim Delany

Coach asked me if I wanted to stay out, and obviously I?m going to say yes. There?s only one day a week when you?re going to pitch.

Dan Delucia

We recognized from the beginning that stay requests are seldom granted. We pursued it given the concerns for consumers and competition in New York.

Gary Morgenstern

Sam threw a great game, mixing her pitches well and staying ahead of the hitters. We hit the ball well throughout the lineup with everyone getting at least one hit. We got the early lead and never let up, which was good to see.

Randy Barton

Once they started to make shots, we started pressing and we weren't staying with our concepts offensively, we got away from that. We called a couple timeouts and tried to tell them to stay with what got them here. It didn't matter, Twin Falls was amazing.

Ted Hettinga

When you go through something that traumatic . . . I was the first family member to go to the hospital and just to see her lying there, they were saying she wasn't going to make it. It's been tough just dealing with all that the past couple of weeks and all the stages you go through, the ups and downs, staying all night at the hospital . . .

Mark Boswell

We really want to stay true to the 1940s movie house.

Brian Sofsky

It was clear for me. Lille was meant to be my last match and despite the fact that we won it, I don't want to stay.

Jean Petit

We're remaining optimistic on the market as we see it staying pretty much where it has been, with possibly some stabilization of some prices.

Scott Morris

I still have a grandfather and a cousin that decided to stay back. I don't know where they are, can't get in touch with them.

Tony Judice

Make sure you know what's open, get a map and double check where you're riding to stay out of trouble and to get out of trouble.

Ned Miller

We've got to play better and stay out of the penalty box.

Richard Matvichuk

Japanese company production cannot stay as it is. This agreement is a restart for us.

Takenori Ugari

It also gives me the opportunity to stay in touch with basketball and it won't interfere with my school work at Mason City.

Bob Horner

In my mind, its about 25 percent physical fitness, 25 percent mental grit and 50 percent just staying healthy in the altitude. The altitude is the biggest concern.

Troy Mcmahan

I think he should stay here. It's too bad, it's one of the best gas stations in Napa.

Miguel Lopez

Mandeville is a good club and we didn't do what we needed to win the ball game. When you make errors and walk people, you aren't going to be successful. We let Mandeville stay around.

Mick Nunez

I try and stay up with the group. I tried to stay loose and not tighten up. I tried to stay behind the leader.

Rodney Oyler

(Ron) called us into his office, I'll never forget it. He said if you all ever do that again I'll fire every one of you. There is nothing worth staying here all night, being away from your family and all that.

Fred Sanderson

Marketers hoping to maintain customer relationships should consider implementing a similar re-engagement component to their opt-out process. If you ask appropriately and remind recipients of the value of being on your list, you may find that enough customers will stay to make it well worth asking.

Bill Nussey

I know we have some fast receivers coming in. Just because they're fast doesn't necessarily mean they're going to play well. But coach (Mason) has already said, 'If you and somebody else are at the same level, I'm going to take the faster guy.' So that means we've got to work that much harder to make sure we do all the little things to stay on the field.

Paul Hubbard

The real question becomes: How long do we stay at $70 oil?

Robert Young

I really wasn't looking to leave the chamber; I've really loved the work. But this was a very good opportunity, and it will let me stay in Palm Springs and keep working with local businesses.

Janet Cook

He agreed to stay out of the adult Web site business for the term of his probation.

Larry Walters

A rejection would prolong things and that means that the U.S. and the U.K. would have to stay in Iraq for quite some time. As long as the political process continues, there is light at the end of the tunnel.

Nadim Shehadi

We're seeing evidence of Utah households responding to higher fuel costs by driving less, heating less, and being more efficient. And if oil prices stay high, we should also see more enduring efforts to explore alternatives, like tar sands and oil shale.

Gary Schlossberg

This is one way that helps make sure that technology keeps up with the needs of parents who need to stay in contact with their children.

Rep. Robin Vos

We believe there's evidence that a few unionized inspectors are expressing support for the UFCW local 401 by staying away from the plant to keep it from operating.

Gary Mickelson

I think it is a whitewash group and nothing will come of it, except that they may concoct some reason for the US to stay the course in Iraq, with perhaps a little more international support, like Germany and Canada.

Wayne Madsen

We're good for the first six months of the year, looking at what the economy is doing, at earnings and at inflation, which should pretty well stay at the level it's at right now. We should continue to see stock market gains.

Charles Rotblut

If you do fall through the ice, a PFD will help you stay buoyant while grabbing the ice picks to get a grip to pull yourself up on the ice.

Jake Hohl

The competition is not over. Lord knows what can happen. It's short track, so I just try to stay positive and I just keep on trying to push and exert all that energy out of my body. The rest is history.

Shani Davis

Where we are going is very neat. Stay tuned, there is going to be a lot of neat stuff happening.

Scott Mitchen

I'd definitely like to be part of that offense. That's one of the main reasons I'd like to stay.

Jonathan Wells

San Diego customers will pay 10 percent of the cost of this project, and yet 100 percent of the benefits of this project will stay in San Diego.

Jim Avery

We have the same concerns a lot of other folks are having. It's really too early to tell [if gas prices will be affected]. It depends on how long pipelines stay down.

John Warren

It's obvious we're not where we want to be, but at the same time we can't worry about statistics. We have to stay focused and keep our individual jobs within the defense on our minds.

Chris Kelsay

We want to get you some money right now so you can get somewhere where you can have some power and are a little bit safer. If you've got snakes in your house you don't need to be staying there right now.

Guy Davis

We learned from [ Alex Rodriguez ], when Seattle tried to trade him during his last year [that] it was a very difficult thing to do, ... If your team is remotely in the race you're better off keeping the player because clubs aren't going to give up much for a short, two-month stay.

Scott Boras

You can't buy the same pair of jeans at the same price you could five years ago. Why would you expect our cost to stay the same?

James Mckenzie

That was really exciting. We had been popping up all day, and I was just trying to stay back and drive the ball.

Kelsey Ruitenberg

Oh yeah, we're here to stay.

Jim Mcingvale

We have seen what great strengths he has. The coaches haven't really been thinking seriously about him up until now, but I cannot say that it will stay that way.

Joachim Low

Stay strong. He's the only one Daddy has left.

Kam Lao

If we start turning off dry, and we see this southern split in the jet stream start occurring, we don't know how long it's going to stay there, but we can put out the word that we have gone into a dry pattern, and this is what we expect.

Tom Priddy

I feel it's very important that we stay in this fight, ... A lot of people want this place open.

Hilly Kristal

Before they were importers, but now with tuition fees, and given the exchange rates, the cost of studying here is not much more than staying at home.

Chris Madden

We can't help but think about them. There's a tremendous rivalry between the two schools. But you have to try and stay focused on that first match. Ocean is good, very good. And they're dangerous.

Scott Goodale

As you get older, stay around, you just go out and have fun and don't worry if you hit them out. I'm not trying to hit it out, just trying to get good contact.

Ken Griffey Jr.

We stayed with them. I don't know how we stayed with them, but we were staying with them. I'm just happy to prove people wrong, and finish on a high note rather than a low note.

Daniel Dillon

Enjoy the time you have in school. Stay on path and keep focused.

David Reutimann

That was a long 37 seconds. I'm on cloud nine. We put everything together and really concentrated on not taking bad penalties and staying out of the box.

Rex Luxton

We have such a huge area to cover. We can't be at every place around the park at all times, especially on the water. It is impossible for us to have rangers stay at the B-29 site. We don't have that luxury.

Roxanne Dey

Our guys are just playing great baseball right now. Things can always change in the blink of an eye, but I think this bunch will stay focused and take this season one game at a time.

Shawn Gilmer

I think you'll see stocks drift a little lower or stay flat in the summer. I think the guidance is going to be muted for a lot of companies, and that's going to disappoint some people considering where stocks are today.

Andrew Galligan

There is clearly a need for some sort of residential senior living product in the east Cobb area. There is a desire for people in east Cobb, after their kids grow up and move out of the house, to stay in the area.

Bob Ott

If the budget isn't approved, we will not stay on our posts.

Yevgeny Primakov

What everyone is looking at is the staying power. This can't just be a flash in the pan.

Michael Edmondson

Andy was at 145 until two weeks ago. He's still adjusting to that weight. It should benefit him to stay at 140.

Mike Downing

They are paying to stay at the Coachman, so they have some source of income.

Rev. Ted Pierce

God didn't make too many guys like that. I don't know how in the world he can stay on the board too long.

Jim Washburn