205 quotes about sons follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

A good friend of my son's is a son to me.

Lois McMaster Bujold

I must study politics and war that my sons may have liberty to study mathematics and philosophy. My sons ought to study mathematics and philosophy, geography, natural history, naval architecture, navigation, commerce, and agriculture, in order to give their children a right to study painting, poetry, music, architecture, statuary, tapestry, and porcelain.

John Adams

Bush the father did well in placing his sons as governors and did not forget to pass on the expertise in fraud from the leaders of the region to Florida to use it in critical moments.

Osama Bin Laden

In many ways we are all sons and daughters of ancient Greece.

Nia Vardalos

Everybody wants to help and there seems to be a job that fits what people like to do. One of my son's friends loves tractors and has plenty of land here to mow. There is a job for everybody.

Dawn Kelsch

If the Prodigal Son's a parable, and if Adam and Eve are metaphors, then maybe God is just figure of speech.

Dan Barker

Each of the five bowl games features great teams, proud schools and exciting student athletes. Mr. Gibson and his sons are the envy of every single college football fan in America.

Kirk Herbstreit

In the final analysis, when it all comes down to the bottom line, we will respect parents' decision around the safety of their sons and daughters. They have the ultimate final call, and we will respect that call and grant that student an excused absence.

Wayne Beatty

I have a friend who redid her son's room while he went away to camp.

Debbie Travis

All that remains is the faces and the names of the wives and the sons and the daughters.

Gordon Lightfoot

(Bush) said we won't stop until victory, but what does victory look like and how many sons and daughters are going to have to die and lose limbs?

Burt Cohen

It was wonderful for my sons to live with him, to see that old age isn't to be feared. They saw him as someone to be proud of long before they knew he was Deep Throat.

Joan Felt

I was there with my two sons and my daughter-in-law. There's a special type of horror when you're involved in a terror attack with your child. My heart goes out to these people.

Naomi Ragen

Rather than have it the principal thing in my son's mind, I would gladly have him think that the sun went round the earth, and that the stars were so many spangles set in the bright blue firmament.

Thomas Arnold

It's a big change for me. I'm living with my four sons, my husband, my father and a male dog that's not fixed. Basically I'm surrounded by testosterone.

Wendie Malick

Regard your soldiers as your children, and they will follow you into the deepest valleys; look on them as your own beloved sons, and they will stand by you even unto death.

Sun Tzu

I'm out here to share my son's story, to thank people for their contributions in helping to keep his dream alive.

Betty Fox

We rented an apartment from a Jordanian family and got really close to them. I learned a lot about family structure, and arranged marriages. They had four sons ranging in ages from 20 to 28, so we got more of the Jordanian college experience through them.

Ryan Lospaluto

I know what it's like not to have a roof over my head. I live on the beach for a little over three years, raising three of my sons.

Alexander Naki

The Army is America. We are America's sons and daughters. America's sons and daughters are getting tattoos. That means that American soldiers are getting tattoos.

Bryan Hilferty

This was not an election, this was a farce, this was a scandal. Mubarak wants me to shut up. He does not want me to talk in the Parliament about his son's wealth or business deals. He knows that I am the only competitor to Gamal and he wants me out of the way.

Ayman Nour

My son's death meant nothing to him.

Michelle Anderson

Overweight mothers are more likely to have overweight daughters and sons.

Marcia Barber

Sons- and daughters-in-laws are going after family businesses now -- and it's only going to increase.

Jacalyn Barnett

When you teach your son, you teach your son's son.

The Talmud

The center was started by a group of parents who were looking for something for their special population sons and daughters that had graduated from high school. I think they quickly realized this was a needed service and it grew to the point it needed to be formalized as an official organization.

Ross Parker

My life is dedicated to that man. I hear from his mom and family that's the only thing that keeps them going, is knowing that their son's heart - the heart is really the most symbolic organ I think - is living on and pumping on and that's the only thing that keeps them going.

Connor Rabinowitz

My wife told me, with the cuts and bruises I've received around my eyes, it wasn't very intelligent not to wear a visor. My sons wear them and will continue, moving forward.

Kevin Dineen

I spend a lot of time at my son's school and I really wanted to do a movie that the kids could see. The good thing about being my age and not having to be the ingenue anymore is that I get to be a mom. I get to have kids in my movies.

Virginia Madsen

Frank is a very patriotic man. He joined the Sons of the American Revolution late in life. Not because of Francis Scott Key, but because of Frank's great-great-great grandfather, John Ross Key.

John Sprague

He made us very proud. My sons turned out beautiful. I couldn't ask for more.

Marcos Herrera

That's the Claiborne way. That's the way it was with Mr. Prospector and Nijinsky, and that probably had a big influence on the longevity of their stallions careers. Northern Dancer wasn't a very fertile stallion, but all three of those, all of them his sons who stood here, had very long careers.

Gus Koch

More opportunity now, because you don't have to get federal approval. I graduated from Lafayette High School. We had three black students. I got a great education. My sons are getting a better education, because they're learning more about the world around them.

Gary Mcgoffin

W.P. Camp and Sons are excited to get to move it back.

Debbie Pace

It might have saved my son's life.

Bernie Block

Great was the name of Abraham, but all his Sons were not accepted; only Isaac was in the Covenant.

John Pearson

The best way to stimulate emancipation is to start to educate your sons to be humans instead of men, and to educate your daughters to be humans instead of women.

Annie M.g. Schmidt

He's one of the favourite sons of Stradey Park.

Gethin Jenkins

My Dad has two sons that play at Michigan and he's very supportive - that simplifies things a little bit.

Pat Massey

I offered to help my son's basketball team, and I wound up as head coach.

Michael Katz

I think all the parents of the kids Tony dealt with at camp were really appreciative and thought Tony did a really good job with their sons.

Dean Behrans

She loved her two sons more than anything in this world, ... They were the highlight of her life.

Kevin Clark

One by one, my sons were taken from me, ... Saddam took away my sons, he took away half of my heart.

Hassan Ali

I can't tell you guys how honored I am and how proud I am to join the great tradition and to be up there with you guys. When I was my son's age, about 10, I had a childhood idol and I can't tell you, in my wildest dreams, that I'd ever think that my jersey would be going next to his.

Pat Lafontaine

Parents need to be informed and take any food allergy seriously. If my son's death can save one life, then I feel we have done some good.

Jacquie Swan

That's the governor's sons' favorite picture.

Beverly Mills

The war affects us here in Newfane. It affects us when our mothers and fathers and sons and daughters are sent off to war, and it affects us in our tax dollars to pay for that war.

Dan Dewalt

We figured they will need to get something for their husband and sons after they get something for themselves.

Jason Snyder

The thing that I'll remember is that our five sons went with us. We don't see them much because they all live in the east. Them being there and doing this for us made it all so great.

Stan Schmidt

America must raise an empire of permanent duration, supported upon the grand pillars of Truth, Freedom, and Religion, encouraged by the smiles of Justice and defended by her own patriotic sons.

Nathanael Greene

I enjoy golf, but I am not a golfer. I scatter everyone within 200 yards. When my sons, grandsons or my son-in-law come down, I go out and play golf.

Ron Robson

The biggest response I get is from other coaches. They'll ask, 'well, are they brothers?' Who would give both their sons the same name?

Tim Weaver

Fathers send their sons to college either because they went to college or because they didn't.

L. L. Henderson

I feel bad for all the families. We are all mothers, and they are all sons.

Lorraine Bynum

You have given us something more than money -- you have given us a lot of your sons, your children that were killed beside our own children in Iraq, ... Iraqi people are insistent on going along the path for their economy and their security, but we do need the help of other countries who will help us, to stand beside us.

Ibrahim Jafari

If you attempt to burn 20 copies and distribute them to the kids who come to your son's birthday party, that's not possible.

Thomas Hesse

I came here in a pair of flip-flops and shorts, and my son's track coach lent me a pair of boots and a boat.

David Jackson

There's just no place for us to play. There's no venue for the Sons of the Pioneers like the Triple C or Hidden Valley.

Dale Warren

My sons picked up trash for 21/2 hours one day. The next day, there was so much trash, it looked like we didn't do anything.

Andrea Cook

Your sons weren't made to like you. That's what grandchildren are for.

Jane Smiley

The Japanese even forced fathers to rape their own daughters or sons their mothers, brothers their sisters in order to further degrade the victims.

Iris Chang

We are talking about a fairly large-scale use of the Sons of the American Legion.

Mike Duggan

He only half dies who leaves an image of himself in his sons.

Carlo Goldoni

Mr Johnson should remember that I am not just anyone and that he is only president of the United States by the grace of my son's action.

Marguerite Oswald

[He quipped that his wife bemoaned one day,] Are you watching another prison movie? ... The Sons of Zion.

Matt Cooper

How many brand new son(s)-in-law say that to the mother-in-law? ... Can you see why I loved him so much? He was so kind.

Thelma Soares

There are headaches, ... But the hardest part is the emotional pressure - the thoughts of not growing old with my wife or watching my sons' baseball games.

James Little

Humor the sons of the poor, for they give science its splendor.

The Talmud

I want to do it on my own. I want to fulfill my dreams and help support my son's (dreams).

Cynthia Mccoy

No one will want to rush naming a new Crown Prince. The succession will be chosen by the family and will likely be one of Mohammed's sons.

Anthony Harris

We wish it was done sooner. If it was done prior to my son's death, he might still be here with us.

Toni Klothe

Certain is it that there is no kind of affection so purely angelic as of a father to a daughter. In love to our wives there is desire; to our sons, ambition; but to our daughters there is something which there are no words to express.

Joseph Addison

I feel very indebted to those who came before me and whose planning and sacrifice built the excellent district that my sons enjoyed. I am committed to honoring that debt by working to make this district even better for the next generation of Allen children.

Victoria Sublette

He's dangerous. Like I said last year I hope Mrs. Browne doesn't have any more sons.

Dave King

For rarely are sons similar to their fathers: most are worse, and a few are better than their fathers.


My brothers have not received any special treatment. They might even have been scrutinized a little bit harder because they are Judge Flores' sons.

Christina Flores

My son's in Senior Kindergarten and it's happened before, when the bus was delayed. I figured they were just going a little bit slower.

Leigh Ross

The army has won — it has defeated its own sons and daughters successfully. Personally, I will remain steadfast in my determination not to rest until Sharon is removed from government so that this trauma is never repeated.

Benny Elon

I've reached a time in my life where I want to give something back to this community. Also I have four sons who I want to have opportunities to grow up and stay in the county if they choose to.

William Shelton

I don't want my son to die in vain. You see, all young black men are not involved in drugs, gangs and violence. I don't want my son's case to end up like his father's.

Vinnie Norvell

What better venue than the Super Bowl, where you can reach 90 million mothers, fathers, daughters and sons. I have no doubt that many will be surprised and they will not be expecting to see a communication about self-esteem. I certainly hope we will be hitting an emotional chord.

Philippe Harousseau

If all the Chinese men who claimed to be US-born actually were, it meant every woman in Chinatown would have to have had 800 sons. That gives you an idea what was going on.

Aimee Klask

Earth's tall sons, the cedar, ash, and pine, their parent's undecaying strength declare.

Richard Blackmore

I compare notes with my two sons, who are in their mid 20s. That keeps me abreast of the latest thing. For instance, my oldest son told me about a guy named John Mayer.

Gary Hailey

Neither my wife nor my two sons would agree with that. In fact, they would take strong issue with it.

David Stern

And what was there over against that? The marriages of two of my sons, and Paul's new life as a young priest. Then the arrival of grandchildren, ... serving me imaginary tea.

Paul Mariani

Indirectly, we are promotion education for young African boys, and especially for girls, who probably would be at home working. But because meals are being served in the schools, their parents allow their daughters to attend with their sons. We are feeding hungry people and promoting education for young girls.

Juanda Maxwell

The Sons of the Pioneers is the foundation of Western music and to see them leave Tucson is a devastating blow for the community.

John Payne

And no invader has ever conquered the heart of Poland, that spirit which is the inheritance of sons and daughters, the private passion of families and the ancient, unbreakable tie to all those who came before.

James A. Michener

I was up the front taking pictures, waving, yelling, 'Dad's right here, smile for this flick, little man. I'm proud of you.' Talking about his son's football game.

Busta Rhymes

We strongly feel that our sons were sent into a conflict not backed by international law or the United Nations.

Reg Keys

How is it that in Ireland, where they never had any knowledge of God but, always, until now, cherished idols and unclean things, they are lately become a people of the Lord, and are called children of God; the sons of. the Irish and the daughters of the chieftains are to be seen as monks and virgins of Christ.

Saint Patrick

I want him to wake up every day and see my face and hear my voice and see my son's picture every day.

Joanne Sanabria

He had a wife and two sons, was the sole support and caregiver for his 90-year-old mother, who lived with them.

Terry Hensley

This is really a great prize -- all the bowl games, flying on a private jet, staying in nice hotels. I'm a big college football fan so I'm looking forward to seeing some great games. I still can't believe I won. My sons put me in front of the computer almost a dozen times to register, and luck took care of the rest.

Bill Gibson

She's a former Longhorn, and I'm one of her sons. Sign for my mom.

Brad Mcclellan

That's 14 people who've saved my life and my son's life. That was a real gift. ... When you give blood, you give the gift of life.

Donna Reed

I would rather be the son than the father. It's more of a challenge coming from the son's of view. When the game is over, we will still be father and son.

Roe Burns

His legitimacy is based on the lingering respect for his father. This is also, perhaps, why he keeps his next-in-line out of site - to keep himself enshrined and base his son's legitimacy on himself.

Rodger Baker

We believe the settlement was fair in that it provides Ms. Mack and her two sons with compensatory damages for the violation of their civil rights in that the police executed an erroneous no-knock search warrant.

Norman Siegel

We know other people were involved. We want to know who else was involved in our son's murder. We can't have peace until we know everything.

Carmen Proviano

The shared experiences between parent and child are shifting. Instead of fathers teaching their sons how to play sports or use tools, now they've got video games.

Chuck Underwood

My parents always wanted a daughter, but they kept getting sons.

Dr. John Martin

I have two delightful sons, who I love dearly.

Charles Keating

The Beatles are one of the most iconic music groups of the 20th century. Their tunes touched so many people's lives. Liverpool's most famous sons touched all corners of the globe. They inspired a generation.

Drummond Bone

I'm heartbroken that I have lost my son over such ignorance and bigotry. I can't understand how someone who is supposed to protect the people of Welch could physically block another human from saving my son's life. It's always difficult for a mother to lose a child, but to have lost my son so needlessly will be with me for the rest of my life.

Helen Green

He's the type of guy any of us would like our sons to be like. In all my years of coaching, he is among the elite people, as well as players, that I've ever encountered.

Ted Fiore

Saudi Arabia has lost one of its dutiful sons, a leader among the most dear of its leaders and men.

Hosni Mubarak

I'm cured of my stock mania. I'm very conservative these days. But this is not about investment. This is about finding a place large enough for two grown-ups, settled in their ways, where sons and daughters can visit.

David Denby

[Her traveling companion, Patricia Roberts of Lithonia, Ga., whose son was killed in Iraq in 2003, echoed the comments of her friend.] I can't bring my son back, but I can stop other sons and daughters from being killed, ... Powerful things happen in numbers. We need (more parents) to stand up, so we can stop this war.

Patricia Roberts

You can't ask for a better coach than that. I believe if the whole community of Tampa could show up at his son's funeral, we would.

Gary Thomas

He has a proven (Child Protection Services) record of abusing this boy. We believe that he could have been a participant in his own son's murder.

Monty Hormel

We can forgive you for killing our sons. But we will never forgive you for making us kill yours.

Golda Meir

Every man is responsible only for his own acts. The sons do not inherit the sins of the fathers. But can we say: that was long ago, they were different?

Aleksander Kaasniewski

I have a wife, I have sons: all of them hostages given to fate.


This brings the end to an era, with our seniors, it's also my son's last game.

Ray Sims

It's nice to know that our husbands and sons won't be forgotten.

Terry Cooper

Horny-handed sons of toil.

Lord Salisbury

They could serve slop. They saved my son's life.

Linda Brown

Perdition. Sons are put on this earth to trouble their fathers.

John Rooney

I suppose we all have experiences with problems with our family, ... I think every boy has an issue with their dad, and lots of dads have issues with their sons.

Stephen Daldry

I started listening to music when I wrote when I had three sons at home.

Philip Levine

The lost sons of Toledo, Ohio.

Pat O'connor

You cannot play with the blood of sons. This is not only an extremely sensitive but also potentially explosive affair.

Azmi Bishara

I was going to hang my son's bike from the ceiling and make a boy's room. That's the kind of stuff insurance won't cover. But it's only stuff - we'll start collecting all over again.

Martin Morgan

I've felt lucky to be able to do what I have done. I've been able to coach my two sons [Marc and Craig], plus they've been able to coach with me. That's been a high point.

Ron Dickerson

Last year we had 55 teams, and we're on pace to break 60 teams this year. We have fathers bringing in their sons and daughters to fish. Some of the teams are coming from as far away as Indiana and Missouri.

Brent Gentry

One of my sons - James - just had his computer crash and it's a mess. He's an aerospace engineer. But the church library and cataloguing is all being updated to computers by the woman who is our new librarian, Jani Wagner, so I won't worry.

Richard Hoyer

God put me and these boys together, and by me doing what I did for them, I ended up saving my own life. When you've got enough in you to put your own feelings aside and focus on the needs of others, it gives you a purpose. These are my sons, and I will not hesitate saying so.

Barry Hunter

This has evolved from an older man's sport to a family sport. Our dads, more or less, were big cowboy fans. And their sons, the 'baby boomers,' watched cowboy stories on Saturday mornings.

Alan Deal

That goes back to Rich (one of Harry's sons). He started doing it in the '80s, and after he passed, we kept on doing it out of respect for him. It was just something he wanted to do.

Dean Atkins

All of the sons and daughters of the Chinese nation are watching to see if we can shoulder this responsibility.

James Soong

She councils me just to see how lucky I am to have two sons who share the same interests I do.

Dave Fouch

And when the truth comes out I'll just go get my son 'cause I know my son's not dead.

Amy White

The charges were reduced, first and foremost, because the victim's mother went through an incredibly difficult ordeal, sitting through this trial the first time. It was long, lengthy and as far as she's concerned, her son's character was assassinated and she just could not bear to sit through it again.

Maria Schneider

This is beyond what I ever imagined would happened. The only thing that I can compare this to, even though it doesn't quite compare, is the birth of my sons.

Guy Fieri

It's really a parental choice. If my son's grades aren't up to par, he doesn't go to tournaments and sometimes he doesn't participate in sports.

Robert Harrington

We will appeal for justice. If we could not make it, our sons will continue to sue.

Cui Guangting

It is not flesh and blood, but heart which makes us fathers and sons.

Friedrich von Schiller

Age has nothing to do with it. Heck, I played until I was 52 so I could play with my sons, Mark and Marty. In fact, at 52, I was the leading scorer on the team until Christmas before they benched me.

Gordie Howe

We have lost one of Africa's most brilliant and illustrious sons.

Frederick Chiluba

It's just horrific. This is disgusting. This is a county jail. These are our brothers, nephews, sons, uncles.

William Grant

We are committed to producing family friendly entertainment and are devastated that some of the 'Sons of Provo' DVDs out there contain illicit material.

Dave Hunter

Look at Saddam, ... Saddam was a coward. Even his sons were more honorable than him. At least they fought and died.

Dr Kamal Hossain

It's been an amazing scene over the years, ... We've had people meet at these things and then get married the next year on that date. Men have brought their sons and now are bringing their grandsons. I truly believe that day in 1960 was one of the most magical in Pittsburgh sports history and we see just how much so each year.

Jim O'brien

It made me aware as a citizen, these aren't numbers you hear about when they say 13 people are killed. You sort of become desensitized, but these are someone's moms, dads, brothers, sisters, sons and daughters. This song is showing them appreciation and not taking things for granted.

Derek Clark

He's the best. He's the man. He's my son's hero.

David Spears

He was one of Bozeman's favorite sons.

Terry Cunningham

April 7 is the day after my son's birthday. This hits home, especially if you're raising kids of your own. I could only imagine what this brave girl's family is going through.

Dan Hampton

I've got a family of sons and grandsons who are after you. If they get you before the law, you're a goner!

Jean Wagner

A Country is not a mere territory; the particular territory is only its foundation. The Country is the idea which rises upon that foundation; it is the sentiment of love, the sense of fellowship which binds together all the sons of that territory.

Giuseppe Mazzini

At one point, we had a father and two sons on a porch, and they were having a barbecue, and they told us a story about how they were trapped in their house for four days with water up to their necks.

Joseph Defillipo

For the future of our sons, we cannot keep silent in the wake of these findings, ... forfeit the lives of Arabs.

Azmi Bishara

He was one of the great sons of New Mexico. He was the first to really start championing the cause of Hispanic people.

Jesus Lopez

The cry of the Little Peoples goes up to God in vain, / For the world is given over to the cruel sons of Cain.

Richard Le Gallienne

The Lord would want you to be successful. He would. You are His sons and His daughters. He has the same kind of love and ambition for you that your earthly parents have. They want you to do well and you can do it.

Gordon B. Hinckley

I can't bring my son back, but I can stop other sons and daughters from being killed. Powerful things happen in numbers. We need (more parents) to stand up, so we can stop this war.

Patricia Roberts

I would like to get a hold of their families and maybe this will give them a little closure, ... to know that their fallen sons' sacrifices weren't totally in vain and that at least somebody recognized what they did for us.

Tony Anderson

It's been real positive for us to have the parents being mandated to come with their sons and daughters.

James Jordan

Now he coaches his son's football team.

Mario Gallucci

This fight has brought the community back together. We still have a lot of battles ahead of us, to protect our community and our culture. But as long as my brother and my sons want to raise their cattle and live here, we'll fight. I think this fight is forever.

Ray Garcia

I would think that, when you are the mother of a 6 1/2-year- old and you watch her every move, as you do your son's, with the exception of when she is in bed asleep, that you would have a fairly good inkling of who had committed this horrible, heinous act.

Pamela Paugh

We grew up with some of these sons of notorious wise guys. We saw how they were frustrated.

David Levien

Fairfax County cut a tainted and corrupt deal with my son's killer, This scum, this murderer, killed Brendan, who was a totally innocent bystander.

Steve Tash

They're as good as they've ever been. They're still competitive. Their retirement plans are based on their sons coming up. They want to spend time helping their careers, and I have a lot of respect for them.

Ricky Rudd

I want my son's soul to rest in peace. I want him to make it to heaven.

Catherine Young

Silliness, pure silliness. There was Roy Rogers' Sons of the Pioneers, there was the Sons of the San Joaquin. It was in that spirit, and tongue-in-cheek, but we've had it for all these years and it's served us well, I think.

Bruce Roper

What do you want me to do? Let those sons of bitches stand up there and think on my time.

Grover Alexander

[When the magazine hit the stands,] The first picture I saw was Kim wearing my son's mink coat, holding his chain and wearing his hat. I was in shock, ... I felt violated.

Christopher Wallace

They were being sold to families in the countryside, who were worried about not finding wives for their sons. So, they would buy them as infants and raise them in the family to become the bride of their son.

Valerie Hudson

Rich men's sons are seldom rich men's fathers.

Herbert Kaufman

Why would I want one more mother -- either Iraqi or American -- to go through what I'm going through? I don't want him to justify my son's honorable sacrifice to continue his murderous killing policies.

Cindy Sheehan

The call actually came in as a mental subject call as officers were responding. The mother had called, concerned for her son's welfare. We're familiar with the house as we've responded as recently as last week under similar conditions.

Pam Olshanski

Some fathers and sons don't get along that well when they're younger because they can't find a way to reach each other, ... A father loves you dearly but you don't see it and so you're always trying to please your father, but your father doesn't let you know how he feels, which is, you don't have to please him because he already loves you.

Braylon Edwards

I always joke with (father) Les and his wife, asking them if they can kick out a couple more sons for us.

Chris West

The generosity exhibited by Mr. Charles' estate is a great reflection on him and his son's memory, and truly embodies the thoughtful, caring spirit of community that has come to define St. Charles.

Tom Hernandez

Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called sons of God.


Let's say there are 500 sons and daughters like you in each state. Then we could control the government.

Sun Myung Moon

LAOCOON, n. A famous piece of antique scripture representing a priest of that name and his two sons in the folds of two enormous serpents. The skill and diligence with which the old man and lads support the serpents and keep them up to their work have been justly regarded as one of the noblest artistic illustrations of the mastery of human intelligence over brute inertia.

Ambrose Bierce

I say that this war is the joint responsibility of the people and the governments. While the war continues, the people renew their allegiance to their rulers and politicians and continue to send their sons to our countries to fight us.

Bin Laden

Clearly, influencers want to know what the Army is going to do for their sons or daughters for life, ... They also want to know what the global war on terrorism will mean for their sons or daughters.

Thomas Nickerson

It?s a great thing for dads and sons to do.

Jarret Urdhal

If my sons knew what drugs would do to them, they would not have gotten involved.

George Chuvalo

They are already aware of where some of their son's organs will end up. It will help so many people who might have died this week, without the donation.

Todd Eberle

We wouldn't be where we are today if it wasn't for our two sons, Scott and Jim, making all the mating decisions.

Jim Mcfarland

Muddy Waters was, like, the king! He had a lot of adopted sons and daughters. I was just happy to be one of them.

Robert Cray

He always wanted his sons to play baseball. It was important to him.

Cheryl Howard

If you're a dad, what kind of mark are you leaving on your children, especially your sons? Do you realize that your little boys are watching you like hawks? They're trying to figure out what maleness is all about, and you're their model.

Bill Hybels

Words are men's daughters, but God's sons are things.

Izaak Walton

Anyone who was impacted by Ken, if it's former players or parents of former players whose sons may live out of town, or his former students, I invite them to come out and show their appreciation.

Ben Cooper

People always say, 'Man, y'all could throw. Why didn't you throw the ball?' ... Dad wasn't going to do it. He believed in his offense and he wasn't going to showcase his sons.

Scott Favre

On a gay situation, I think we set a trend too. I remember how Blake Carrington in Dynasty hated his son being gay. And the son finally moved out and Blake was mean to his son's lover, but in the last show, I'll never forget that, Blake visited the apartment his son and his lover were living in. They were expecting trouble and hell, but nothing happened and he kissed his son.

Aaron Spelling

That's what (Hill) died for, the right for people to protest. But I don't think a funeral is the right place or context in the way they are protesting. It's not something the family needs to hear, that we're glad your son's dead and that your minister is a whore.

Richard Wilbur

Of course a mother is going to be supportive of her sons running for public office.

Tom Morris

Our opinion is that it's a good broadcast and that it honors the troops, ... We have a lot of people in South Carolina and North Carolina that have sons and daughters that are fighting over there. It's a good program and they deserve to see it.

Micah Johnson

I am proud of all we have accomplished this year and these guys have no reason to hang their heads. I would like to thank the parents for the opportunity to work with their sons.

Jerome Antone

Mothers, don't let your sons grow up to be interim coaches.

Frank Hamblen

It's important to remember that feminism is no longer a group of organizations or leaders. It's the expectations that parents have for their daughters, and their sons, too. It's the way we talk about and treat one another. It's who makes the money and who makes the compromises and who makes the dinner. It's a state of mind. It's the way we live now.

Anna Quindlen

I am so guilty because I recommended that my three youngest sons join the Army.

Phil Waste

Because so many functions are for fathers and sons, this is for fathers to bring them closer to their daughters. It's a night to dine and dance and spend some quality time with their daughters.

Eunice Tucker