Man has a very poor track record when it comes to nature.

They were definitely the hottest band in town.

Detroit was just like a New York or San Francisco as far as having artists and the music culture, except it was more of a reflection of the Midwest and the car culture: a little hard-edged.

The lost sons of Toledo, Ohio.

This is a public safety issue. My concern is that this judge is putting drunk drivers back on the road, based on a decision that none of his peers have seen fit to agree with.

I want to reassure local taxpayers that their investment is making good money and we have that at a good percentage, and we're also expending money and putting it to good use, ... We are expending more than the interest that we're making back on the money - we're starting to spend a little bit more into the principal - but not very much.

There is a shortage of pharmacists nationwide, and it's no different in this area, ... With the medical field expansions we've had in past few years, plus the corollary with shortages, it makes sense to use trained, experienced personnel.

The local government investment pool, in retrospect, was a good investment. We haven't spent a whole lot of the money yet, but that's because we're spending time doing the planning, trying to get all the land purchases and all that other stuff before we start spending, ... We're following the philosophy of measure twice, cut once.