It wouldn't be a shock if Portugal won because is a great team.

Aurelio Rodriguez

If there's a new oil shock, the stock market will have trouble digesting it.

Roland Lescure

The dramatic nature was what was so shocking.

Leslie Leinwand

But we diddled them. We made an imaginary list of hotel guests. I mean two can play at that game. It was shocking, really.

Valentine Vester

If the filmmaker has not done the work to grab the viewer with compelling storytelling, then the shock will probably be little more than a passing gimmick or an obscenity.

Scott Higgins

The past and the present look a whole lot alike in the prevalence of racial discrimination in voting. It was shocking to ... not only see the continuing reality of racial discrimination in voting but to see how pervasive these problems are nationwide.

Barbara Arnwine

Shocking but, unfortunately, not surprising.

Timothy Sparapani

I had been going there since I was little. I'd been there forever it seems like. When it burnt down, it was a shock. I didn't believe it had happened.

Stephanie Smith

I just was hoping to get a medal and try to keep up with Libby and Mel because they go out pretty fast. I didn't expect to win . . . it's a bit of a shock.

Caitlin Mcclatchey

I don't think it is any different from what it was, except that the method is now familiar so you can't set up some internal shock situation.

Derek Bailey

When I saw the actual sculpture, I had quite a shock. I never imagined the play of light on the surfaces. There are subtle optical effects that you can feel but can't quite put your finger on.

Adrian Ocneanu

The punishment is fierce and immediate. We've had the beginning of a technology bubble. People get worried as soon as there's any kind of shock.

Julien Quistrebert

Frankly, I'm in shock. I just can't believe it...even though I had every reason to expect it.

Jackie Mason

We know that we're getting into the tougher part of our schedule and are starting to bear down. We know those last four games are going to be tough and no one's going to give us anything. It's going to be kind of shocking when we get there because we haven't had a lot of competitive games, but we're looking forward to it.

Andrew Frank

What's most shocking about the controversial - and top-selling - Grand Theft Auto isn't embedded sex scenes, ... It's the financial chicanery of the game's maker. Why don't investors care?

Bethany Mclean

It's just one big shock, knowing I'll never see him again.

Gary Anderson

All the kids and I are a little surprised because it happened in a hurry. All of a sudden we had to get ready for the game. At that moment it was a little shocking.

Mark Capasso

For me, after Tim's death, which was a shock, a number of people were willing to give up.

John Hardisty

Our people are in shock. It's a good thing to come together as a church family and make some sense of a senseless tragedy.

Tim Parish

It happened so fast, it was kind of a shock.

Gordon Klaiber

Bruno (Heller) deliberately picked out stuff which is shocking, arresting, surprising.

Jonathan Stamp

To the shock of some, they don't always agree on everything.

Lindsay Taylor Mabry

We knew coming into this game how good he was. He's so fast and so strong … I don't know what happened. I can't explain it right now. I'm still in shock and awe.

Brian Cushing

The run of economic data and company news we've had has been fine. There's been nothing in there to cause any shock to the market. That's beginning to give the market confidence that better times are here and we can look forward.

Derek Mitchell

I don't set out to offend or shock, but I also don't do anything to avoid it.

Sarah Silverman

No shock to those of us who knew him. I've watched him walk and read his own mail for a long time now.

Vernell Crittendon

We had kind of been discounting him in any of our plans for some time now, but this is obviously very shocking.

Brian Dobie

I don't care if we ever throw the ball. I'm Woody Hayes. I didn't realize that (we didn't complete a pass). That's shocking.

Tom Lewis

All of the sudden I see the phone ring. I stared at it for a minute. Should I answer it? I picked it up. And they wanted to bring me back. I was in shock that I got the phone call, to be honest.

Mike Sellers

Obviously, many homeowners expected an increase due to higher property values. But many homeowners have had serious sticker shock.

Pete Sepp

I went into shock, I didn't know what was going on. I came right back up with a big gash on my head.

Reuben Ray

I'm really proud of them. I've never seen a team step up so much in every event. Across the board we got personal records, everybody doing just a little bit more than we expected. We blew the second place team, Longwood, out of the gym by 20 points. That kind of point spread is shocking.

Brian Schoen

It's pretty much shock treatment when they land. Most people won't have trained specifically for this.

Richard Donovan

It was shocking. Everyone was trying to find out what was happening. People come to this mosque on a daily basis ... hundreds pray here every Friday.

Basim Elkarra

One must ... aim to stimulate, educate, coax, coerce, cajole – shock when necessary – but, above, all to entertain. No newspaper, and no newspaperman, should ever be ashamed to entertain.

Larry Lamb

It's a shock to us, and it's devastating and obviously totally unexpected.

Scott Boltz

It was a real culture shock. It was a very fast-paced, demanding fishbowl.

Bob Richards

I was kind of in shock that he kept George in the car and also kind of relieved at the same moment that I was out of car.

Carl Rathburn

This oil shock could cause more damage to the industry than 9/11. That was a one-day tragedy that knocked airline demand and oil prices for six months. This oil price move is more sustained, and could trigger a slowing in consumer demand, the nightmare scenario for most airlines.

Joe Gill

The whole team was in shock.

Chris Matteo

It was a little bit of a shock to lose Anita and Sydney, but I knew the other girls would still do well. But they actually are doing better than I thought. The other girls had to step up, and they progressed quicker than expected.

Mark Glushenko

Right now I'm in shock. I can't believe it.

Kathy Thompson

The team owner, Frank Rogers, is in shock, very surprised and stunned, as are all of us. He was there whenever we needed him. He was a lot of fun to be around, had a great sense of humor and was very friendly and outgoing.

James Malone

Just good people, I don't know. I'm just in shock. I don't know what happened. I loved them very much and they were good people.

Ovena Hoade

It's not a shock. But I thought it would take longer.

Fred Rotermund

These two reports continue to suggest that the US economy was on fairly solid ground going into the shock effect of Hurricane Katrina.

Derek Holt

I wouldn't say people underestimate me, but I think some of the things I do are unexpected. I think it comes as a shock to some people.

Jacob Martin

Looked like the lady that was helping them was a, maybe a nurse or something 'cause she kind of knew what's going on. So she said that she was in shock, and unconscious due to the shock, and it's best that we leave her alone.

Andy Akamine

When I took that first issue out after the hurricane, people were walking around in shock. When I handed out that newspaper that first day, grown men cried. I knew how important the paper was to the community but I didn't know how much until then.

Randy Ponder

I remember it was shocking for a lot of people. It was interesting to see Watergate in a visual form that was so well crafted.

Robert Kalwinsky

If I had to pick one that'd be the one that would be the most shocking. Not that they were a bad team, but we just didn't play very good. It was more of us beating ourselves.

Chris Reis

It was a huge shock. There were no expectations since [Ms. Richardson] didn't appear to be ill.

Heidi Herr

It was unbelievable. It was good, especially because you don't really expect it. It just came as a shock. I was up there and every day I had the biggest smile. The team was doing good. It was fun to be a part of. It was fun to be there.

Alain Nasreddine

He was having seizures and was in shock. He was bleeding from his mouth, and they (an Emergency Management Agency dispatcher) told us on the phone to roll him on his side.

Anthony Farrisi

In past years, guys were racing out the door trying to get out of here. Now it's almost a shock that the season is over. We really believed we could take this thing all the way.

Renaldo Wynn

It should not be introduced at high levels, where it will shock the economy. Instead, the GST should be gradually eased in and the list of taxable goods expanded over time.

Joseph Tan

It's just shocking. We were supposed to have a big family dinner. Instead we're just trying to cope.

Buddy Carlisle

It is shocking, mysterious and devastating and I don't understand it!

Don Crawford

They told me that septic shock was his condition, caused by these bacteria. They never said anything about his liver. The only thing they said anything about was all -- not one -- all of his organs were shut down.

Friederike Boszko

It's a real similar situation. No one expected us to be anywhere near here. But we believed that we could do it. I kept telling the guys we were going to shock some people.

Jim Hicks

The hardest part was to go to the nursing home to tell my grandparents. Everyone else was in shock, but telling my grandparents was hard. We were trying to get (grandpa) better and get him out of there. And he's a worrier.

Sara Friederich

Whenever a trade happens, it's always a little shocking from the player's perspective.

Gregg Clifton

It's a total shock. He and his twin brother are the kindest, sweetest, gentlest people.

Regina Gray

I'm in shock how comfortable I feel. Once I was on the first tee, I knew I was only going to play four holes. It wasn't like I was going to play the whole round, but I felt fine.

Rocco Mediate

The most shocking thing about this is the reforms we were looking for were so modest. They were nothing more than bringing cell phone companies in line with the standards that consumers expect in their other commercial interactions.

Joe Ridout

Freedom of the press also exists for viewpoints that shock the majority of the population.

Robert Menard

It was truthfully very shocking to me that we weren't better prepared.

Mary Fetchet

Moore will get the shock of his life on September 23.

Graham Walker

This was truly horrific and tragic, because they were so close to moving into their dream home. Everyone is in shock. Pamela was the kind of spirit that you just wanted to be around.

Carolyn Layne

The shock of discovering that most of the power in the world is held by ignorant and greedy people can really bum you out at first; but after you've lived with it a few decades, it becomes, like cancer and other plagues, just another problem that we will solve eventually if we keep working at it.

Robert Anton Wilson

It would be a major shock to this community to lose golf entirely.

John Lawton

I think she's less in shock than she was when first came in around Thanksgiving other than that, pretty much unchanged.

Craig Kennedy

I can tell you that most couples fight pretty bad. It's very normal. It's not shocking that couples fight.

Viola Weiss

My uncle called me this morning. When I heard it, it was a total shock. I couldn't believe it.

Donna Lamkin

If you have any sense of the importance of such a historical building, it was shocking to see the extent of vandalism. It's hard to believe why people would destroy something on a whim, for fun.

Susan Kane

This is a huge shock to the entire rheumatology community because we've been telling everyone for 30 to 40 years, 'No oral contraceptives for lupus'.

Dr. Michelle Petri

It's obviously very shocking and troubling. We'll wait and see how things develop, but certainly a shooting this serious and when it's in your own neighborhood, it's even more so.

Sean Matheson

The writer of originality, unless dead, is always shocking, scandalous; novelty disturbs and repels.

Simone de Beauvoir

Everybody in town that we've talked to, it's been a shock to everybody. This doesn't happen up here.

Walter Clark

I think we have a good chance of seeing some of that money. That would ameliorate the rate shock that could come from this.

Dan Packer

Why change something that's working? ... We desperately need our officers. I find it shocking that Chief Compass would consider doing away with COPS when just a little while ago he was talking about how successful it's been in reducing crime in the developments.

Norman Taylor

They're family. Right now it's just a shock of everything's gone, and they need a safe place to stay.

Diana Brown

We all came back with culture shock.

Rose Ferlita

And it is fair to assume the shock during a flu epidemic could be even larger and last longer than Sars.

Milan Brahmbhatt

That makes it even better. Now when we upset them, it'll be a shock to everybody.

Darryl Rushton

This is not a 'ripping off the Band-Aid' kind of situation, where you know how much the pain will be and that you'll be fine afterwards. We don't know how well the economy has healed. The Fed remains very concerned ... that they might overshoot and give the economy such a shock they'll have to cut rates again.

Lara Rhame

He stole. He committed fraud. He committed perjury, ... He engaged in a shocking spree of self-indulgence.

Owen Heimer

To me it's not really shocking because he always had weed on him. I figured he would be high, but I still don't think that is reason enough to crash the way he did.

Justin Hawkins

When you sit in this chair at this place, you know if you've got great coaches that somebody is going to come in and steal them. It wasn't a shock when I got a call asking permission (to talk to McDermott). It wasn't really a shock when he'd been offered the job. And it wasn't a shock when he took it.

Rick Hartzell

After the stretch of weather we've had, this is going to be a culture shock for some people. We always end up crashing back to reality.

Paul Gross

When we're in shock, we tend to see and fear the worst. When we see a few hundred, we think there are 10 times that number that we just don't see. It seems to be a phenomenon that goes with shock.

Richard Olson

The whole thing has taken me by shock. It's hard to get a grip on it. You've just got to hope for a miracle.

Joel Davis

Honestly, it's kind of a fog. We were in shock for a while.

Vernita Stone

So I said let's do the prayer of exorcism over her. So I called one of the priests who was a holy man in Calcutta, ... I told him, 'Please say the prayer of exorcism over Mother Teresa.' And he got a shock and said, 'Shall I pray and should I drive out the devil if it's there?'

Henry D'souza

We accentuate the positive and don't try to shock. I think there's a growing appetite for that. We're surrounded by shock.

Charles Osgood

When it happened, it wasn't a shock. It was something that we'd all been half-expecting. It was, 'When is the world going to realise that we're making excellent pop music?' And they'd finally twigged.

Graham Coxon

The are all just coming together and digesting it. I think the best way to describe it is they're in shock.

Ron Palefsky

It would take a big global shock to change the prospects for at least modest growth in Europe.

Lorenzo Codogno

When you get into a different culture, for me, I was in shock. If I need to be productive in my job, I don't need to have these problems.

Jose Cano

It just all struck us in shock.

Pattie Messamore

Sometimes we have to re-route the way we go out of the venue, ... It's really something that you can't get use to. Seriously, sometimes you have fans that are real cool and collected and say `I love your work.' Sometimes it's `AAAHHHH!!!!' It's a shock every time.


There's no agreement in the industry on this. It's shocking to me that a public official would craft and deliver legislation that directly affects an industry without engaging its leaders.

Jennifer Kopp

It?s a little shocking, but you know what? It happens. He not only discredited me as a person, but he discredited women.

Kelly Calabrese

It's pretty funny when you look back at it, but that's the way things start. It's kind of like how the people who invented the car were in shock that it could go 20mph - that was kind of the feeling that we had.

Jay Berberick

We are experiencing a renewed shock from oil prices. We would expect this would have an impact on consumers and on companies. It will start to bite.

William De Vijlder

There are some men whom a staggering emotional shock, so far from making them mental invalids for life, seems, on the other hand, to awaken, to galvanize, to arouse into an almost incredible activity of soul.

William McFee

She's in shock. She just can't believe what these employees, and these former employees are saying about her that just aren't true. I can tell you there are a lot of things that caused the deficit but they certainly aren't the things contained in the affidavit.

Craig Mehrens

I don't think we were too shocked, because we knew that every player on the floor could score. But I guess it was just a shock that every shot was going in.

Britney Brown

It takes a lot out of you. It consumes your life. I'm kind of still in shock about everything.

Jason Mcgregor

That was a shock. I know Peter very well. He's a knowledgeable man, but to put something like that in writing ... .

Richard Appell

The only thing you can clutch on to is that the situation will get so bad that it will shock the two sides into a new mindset and that will make them more flexible.

Rohan Edrisinha

Still, we are in a shocking condition.

Mina Patel

We are all in deep shock. Brett was one of my closest friends and I have the greatest respect for him as a visionary whose contribution to black empowerment in South Africa was enormous.

John Stratton

On the contrary! It's an affectionate picture, a picture of a man of the theatre. It's not at all shocking. He just looks handsome. He's thinking, he's introspective.

Paula Rego

He wasn't a bad guy like everyone is saying. Everyone is just in shock over what is happening.

Jennifer Taylor

I think it would be absolutely shocking that they not have some idea. There were planes flying back and forth.

George Perkovich

I apologize to the people for creating an unspeakable shock and disappointment. I step down as professor of Seoul National University.

Hwang Woo Suk

We've lost so many players since last season. For me, it's so shocking to come back to a completely altered pitching staff. On offense, we're just going to have to compensate for the development our pitchers need to make over time. It's a major focus of ours to build consistency throughout our lineup. We're going to have to outscore teams.

Ricki Rothbauer

I was really excited. I started swimming year round, but I didn't expect to make states. It was a shock.

Jesse Mudrick

The uncertainty that would accompany a weakened or likely falling Parliament within a year, year and a half, is not there. All things equal, that should be a positive shock to the Canadian dollar forecast beyond a year.

Jeremy Friesen

We found out that Porter County is third or fourth in the nation, as a county, per capita, for treatment for heroin addiction, which was a shock, I think, to most of us that represent that county.

Rep Ralph Ayres

That shocking picture of that young child without arms and legs, that was burned into our minds.

Sen. Dave Aronberg

In the beginning, we did anything to bring in a nickel, ... We had a bowling lane foul line indicator. We had a thing that would make a urinal flush automatically as soon as a guy came in front of it. We had a shock machine to make people lose weight.

William Hewlett

I'm not sure what is shocking about this video. There's really nothing new or insightful from it.

Russ Knocke

I think I'll have that advantage over other athletes, where it may be their first time around or even their second and they might not be sure how to handle it. It might be a shock to them, but for me I'm used to it and I know what to expect.

Chris Witty

It's a big shock. It is obviously impossible to move onto a normal day's business, so we really have to step back and take stock.

Florian Westphal

It's shocking it has taken this long. But it's very difficult to collect evidence as neither parents who have gone for sex tests nor doctors who lust for the money will speak out about it.

Ranjana Kumari

I wasn't scared about the abnormality. But I was scared about not playing hockey again. That was a shock for me.

Jiri Fischer

We're excited about Beijing, with Simon and the rest of the British guys. I think we can really do something there and shock a few people.

Ross Davenport

It's a shock and a blow but it gives some young guys a chance to step up.

Laurie Calloway

There are people who like the simplicity of getting all this in one bill from one company. There are a lot of other people who get bill shock from getting one bill for all these services.

Jan Dawson

I was in shock. I thought the child was dead. It was like a dream.

Murugupillai Jeyarajah

It's such a shock and such a tragedy that he was taken from us.

Jack Jones

I'm disappointed that it was not the barest minimum. It's a death penalty for her because she's 64 years old ... I think she's in a state of shock, understandably so.

Joel Hirschhorn

[Nora ultimately expresses herself with work that is her personal best, though shocking and pretty] out there. ... Dead is easy, dying is hard. Getting through the day is hard. What Nora does ... simply acknowledges that.

Joan Barfoot

I'm usually in the middle of everything, but I wasn't in the middle this time, ... It feels great. I'm looking forward to the trip, as soon as I get over the shock.

Craig Brown

It's a weird feeling. I'm still in shock.

Lindsay Martin

We are still in too much shock to talk about it.

Barbara Martin

We expect the recent jump in retail gasoline prices to push down confidence. Optimistic views around the labor market will likely offset some of the gasoline sticker shock.

Drew Matus

As I came across the finish line in I was in shock. It was a good feeling knowing I was state champ. I had won Division 4 the week before, but D4 has the reputation of not being as competitive as the larger schools. To beat those kids felt good.

Jeff Moriarty

We're in a bit of shock maybe, a bit of disbelief. We hugged each other and there were a few tears of joy.

Donna Laframboise

It will shock many - I've lived a full life and really enjoyed my time as a pop star.

Belinda Carlisle

We picked up 35%. So it sent some shock waves for the Democratic Party in California. This isn't to say she won't get it later, but it sent a message that there's less than full confidence in her leadership.

Marcy Winograd

I thought it would be a good call. I thought they would be released and I thought that they would be coming home to us soon and it was quite a shock to us.

Gracia Burnham

The shock is over with. Now we have to come back and create something that is compatible and acceptable to everybody. If we don't do what is right for the citizens and compromise, shame on us.

Rocky Pullman

We were all in shock but the children are doing fine now.

Mary Hawkins

His persona was what people responded to with shock.

Dan Futterman

Due to the shocking events in the Middle East in reaction to the publication of the caricatures, Wilders knew what this would stir up among Muslims.

Ad Westendorp

I find it extremely shocking, I find it absolutely scandalous.

Carine Camby

I saw some light at the end of the tunnel, but I didn't think it would come like this. Its amazing for it all to come this quickly. I'm in shock and awe. It's nice to have enough money at this point that I can play very aggressively from here on out and try to win another one.

Tripp Isenhour

It was the same as everybody else - in shock, hard to believe.

Charlie Macarthur

It's just a shock. He was an amazing guy, a great guy. He and his wife loved life, and embraced all the good things in life.

Steve Wynn

Grieving is a process. There's a process of the shock, the anger, and then coping with the situation. You have to experience all of those levels to move forward, and sometimes you need help in that.

Angela A. Bridges

It certainly comes as a shock to my client to be charged with a crime.

Paul Gianelli

There is a little bit of shell shock that's going on among donors.

Janet Harris

Since I've been here, I've never really seen him miss any time. He had that foot problem around the time of the Super Bowl (in 2003), but the guy is durable. It is kind of shocking to see him get nicked a little bit, but sometimes that happens in this game.

Mike Rucker

I really think that the scare of the auto shock has run its course. I think business people now are collectively coming to the realization that yeah, it's going to be a harder economy to make a buck, but we have to face it.' We've seen some underlying strength in the last nine months, but now that they've come to that realization, they're ready to get in the game.

Joe Ross

What'll shock you though is when kids do do things bad, they'll do it front of a camera.

Mark Black

Having a character be gay in a movie just isn't shocking anymore.

Shane Black

Regardless, we knew she'd want us to come back to Europe and go for the gold. While it was shocking when it happened, at the same time we knew what we had to do.

Seimone Augustus

It's shocking it has taken this long.

Ranjana Kumari

It spread, like a sort of shock wave across the country.

Michel Gaudin

Here's the part that's so prejudiced: The league bases these fines on the players' income. This stuff happens a lot in this league, and all this fine does is encourage people to lie in the future. It's absolutely shocking, ludicrous and any other word you can print.

Harold Lewis

It is outrageous and shocking, but not surprising, that Pat Robertson once again has suggested that God will punish Israel's leaders for any decision to give up land to the Palestinians.

Abraham H. Foxman

It was a shock. We had scheduled a press conference. Obviously, we did not think there was going to be anything wrong whatsoever.

Rod Thorn

We do believe that the risks to markets from some sort of exogenous shock have risen in recent months.

Andrew Cole

When you find out about something like this, you have to watch out. It's a complete shock.

Michael Francis

It's actually shocking and a little unexpected. It's been the best season in every way. Our record and the team dynamic is the best in all my four years.

Candice Sorbera

You put your trust in companies not to abuse something like that and to use it for the greater good and it's kind of shocking when someone abuses it.

Cindy Cook

This is definitely going to shock some people. Maybe it will put a little fear in them.

Kari Koch

It has come as a big shock to everyone and it is hard to imagine the club without Scott around.

Ian Brownlee

It's going to be a culture shock for these girls to walk in here. The first time they're going to see the floor is when they actually walk out there to play. But we're all in the same situation as far as that goes, so we'll just have to deal with it.

Randall Schoen

I think the commitment that Shock made to come back makes him a special type person. A lot of people would have bolted, but he hung in here with us, and we're grateful for that.

Neil Callaway

It really is shocking if the trustees have been negligent and are forced to appoint a tribunal whose cost will come off the surpluses.

Mike Codron

I think it was kind of a shock to us, how it was missed.

Donna Baker

It is a great source of concern when any of these procedures are not being followed. One is always going to find a violation here or there, but an indication that ignoring the rules is widespread practice is shocking and deplorable.

Brian Jenkins

[Fuqua thinks Microsoft could do something really bold with its cash. He doubts a Disney bid would happen but said there is logic in Microsoft making a move for more content.] Microsoft needs to shock the world right now, ... The market is waiting for it.

Knox Fuqua

Still in shock over the loss of O?Brien, who made a huge impact on the district. But life goes on.

Stan Johnson

It was a shock to win, ... Even you guys - admit it - you thought 'Desperate Housewives' was going to win.

Ray Romano

But there were too many people for me and the cultural shock was too much. Since the school in New Mexico was affiliated with them, I went back down to there to continue my studies.

John Kailukiak

In our community we don't think of crime as being a big issue. We feel safe here. So this really shocks us that this would happen. And when you get that shock there are people who are vulnerable to having high stress or high anxiety in response to that.

Herb Freeman

If we did gain a little bit of market, we can supply only so many crabs. It's just a shock to the whole industry what happened there.

Larry Simns

It was horrible -- hot in the summer, cold in the winter, and mud everywhere. If they are considering tents again, that's shocking.

Craig Haney

The boys came as a shock. It was an absolute shock.

Joe Biddy

As a matter of fact, it would be a shock if we weren't. As long as I've been here, we've been No. 1 every year for 15 years. Very seldom have we been out of the No. 1 slot.

Frank Dixon

The average person is going to find this quite shocking.

James Mcquivey

It's a culture shock for these kids when they move to a country they've never been to. I don't know how they manage. They didn't come here voluntarily. They were brought here. A lot of the students come in not knowing how to speak any English at all.

Connie Weeks

[When the magazine hit the stands,] The first picture I saw was Kim wearing my son's mink coat, holding his chain and wearing his hat. I was in shock, ... I felt violated.

Christopher Wallace

It will be a boon to stocks and to capital investment. Increasing the stock market will give business confidence a very big shock.

Jerry Jasinowski

In terms of any macroeconomic shock, it is all going to come through the oil price.

Michael Metcalfe

I really can't believe it happened. It's a shock. It's surreal.

Ivan Golde

This kind of behavior can't happen in America in the 21st century. But this is the kind of disturbing and shocking conduct that was common in Jefferson County.

Guy Rubin

Laughing out of fear of the future - that shock of realizing they've got to make a go of it.

Dominic West

He is still there and we have got to hope. We knew he was not well, this latest one is the most serious. I did get a shock — the man's not looking good.

Denis Law

It would have been a shock to everyone. She deserved it.

John Ellenberger

The caricatures were shocking and intolerable for the Muslim community and the Danish newspaper did not do the right thing.

Shoaib Iqbal

I don't have the sense she's remorseful, because I don't have a sense she knows what she's supposed to remorseful about. She's in shock, absolute shock.

Jeffrey Denner

It's definitely shocking to see how ineffective we've been the past couple of weeks, ... We had been fairly solid in the preseason. We hadn't really missed a beat. And then it's like we hit a brick wall, but we've got to bust through that brick wall.

Chris Liwienski

There was pretty much the whole game left and it's a one-goal game. It's not that shocking.

Miikka Kiprusoff

Even in '99 we saw some of the decomposing birds filled with plastic, which was really shocking. That was hard enough, but it wasn't until the experience of having a bird we watched grow up die from it that we photographed every piece.

Susan Middleton