It doesn't really change anything. It's not like people will get their jobs back or their retirement savings back. But I do think the trial is important. It will set a precedent of what's acceptable corporate conduct. Is it OK for executives to do anything so long as it's technically legal?

What's most shocking about the controversial - and top-selling - Grand Theft Auto isn't embedded sex scenes, ... It's the financial chicanery of the game's maker. Why don't investors care?

I think the one hopeful message of Enron is actually Enron's own motto which, the director plays off very cleverly in the film and it's this motto 'Ask why'. And I think that audiences say, well, what can I take away from the film that actually offers some hope and offers some lesson that's positive? Ask why.

Small cap companies complain constantly that they are neglected. They have a very tough time getting Wall Street research analysts to follow them, to pay attention to them. There are small companies that will say that I have grown my earning at 20 percent over the last five years and no one will pay attention to me.

Market watchers say that small caps, on a valuation basis are cheaper now then they have ever been in history.

They sought out every loophole they could to profit from California's misery.

There is an advantage to size. It gets you noticed.