It may be a tough sell.

Bruce Belzowski

Usually, funny people aren't in charge of comedy. Comedy has become commerce. They're just trying to duplicate a thing that they can sell. That's the business. I'm not mad at that. You know, cookie companies do the same thing. But all the cookies aren't good cookies. Mrs. Fields is better than a lot of them.

Ali Leroi

Civil liberties are more important than this terrorism thing they're trying to sell us.

Tom Hoffman

If you can sell 100,000-plus Fusions and 100,000 Five Hundreds, you are back in the car business.

George Pipas

It's what you expect given that it's a short selling season.

Michael Baker

You've got a couple of high-profile misses here that help fuel the sell-off for the rest of the market. You've got energy strong and negative earnings news. That doesn't have positive implications for economic activity.

Phil Orlando

They came here in 1980 with nothing and speaking no English, ... They worked odd jobs, and Mom helped out selling cosmetics and perfumes at a local swap meet.

Jacquelyn Tran

Some of these people who are on this list I have voted against requests that they have made. And I think it's important that distinction is made that I do that. I virtually will not sell a vote. I'm not going to do that.

Larry Nelson

Not only can the partner sell the CSC module and make a profit on the initial sale, but also each year the customer will need to renew the license, which gives the partner additional profit, as well as allowing the partner to continue to show their value as the trusted security advisor to the customer.

Alex Thurber

Apple has no desire or plan to sell or support Windows, but many customers have expressed their interest to run Windows on Apple's superior hardware now that we use Intel processors.

Philip Schiller

This could finally lead to a sell-off in U.S. equities. And then European stocks would mirror falls on Wall Street.

Gary Dugan

I'm expecting I'll have at least 75 guys selling. I probably got 40 phone calls (Wednesday) about this.

Butch Behn

This was the day people had been dreading for some time. Aggressive short- selling pulled the markets down sharply. We expect to see more weakness in the system.

Rajesh Jain

The [enterprise] application is really the sell today.

Stephen Drake

It?s a very difficult industry right now with cards. A lot of the dealers are selling a quarter of book price. Everyone?s dumping stuff and card companies are closing. Guys are selling cards at a quarter of book value and that?s sad to see.

Victor Andreoli

He was trying to sell me a six percent loan. Then he told me there was a loan officer right there that would make my house payment six percent.

Mary Jackson

We don't take an activist role, ... If we don't like it, we sell it.

Robert Olstein

We will probably sell out, and we encourage everyone to get their passes before Thursday.

Jake Chanin

If it makes a difference for some to have an African-American head coach, fine. But that's not what we're out there selling: 'Come to Buffalo because we have three African-Americans.' We're proud of that, but we want you to come to Buffalo because we have three great, qualified people.

Warde Manuel

Painting is just like a guy playing an instrument; it's something to look forward to the next day. When I was painting in Dixon, I was out of the place . . . and I made some money selling paintings.

Harry Aleman

Life is pain, highness. Anyone who tells you differently is selling something.

William Goldman

Retailers are still taking a hit off of Best Buy's loss yesterday and now today's data is providing some more selling pressure in the sector.

Tim Heekin

The more sins you confess, the more books you will sell.

Ninon de Lenclos

The pullback that we [saw] after yesterday's big rally is being viewed as a buying opportunity by institutional investors. So instead of selling on the rallies, they're now buying on the dips. Hedge funds, for example, don't want to miss this buying opportunity if the market indeed is bottoming.

Dodge Dorland

I'm sure the Pentagon has on the shelf plans to invade Canada or Mexico, but they don't have any plans to do so, ... It's very safe to say the chairman has no interest in, and no intention of, introducing legislation that would sell national parks.

Brian Kennedy

My only goal is to stall you so long you run out of money andhave to sell the place and move away.

Nadine Lemmon

Rio wants assets on a world class basis, and the sale is a reflection of the quality and scale of assets it wants. It has a track record of selling assets and getting good prices at the top of the market.

Peter Chilton

Demand is through the roof. Although we're making more and selling more Palms than ever before, people are already thinking ahead for Christmas because they've heard about shortages.

Marlene Somsak

It's the truth. I don't lie. I tell it as it is. It's unfortunate it happened. And I didn't bring it up to sell the books.

Ron Kittle

A lot of the tech selling is over. And the considerable strength of the U.S. economy is intact, interest rates are low, inflation is not a specter, so money continues to flow into the market.

Arnie Owen

You put it all together and what it tells me is they're losing more business than they're selling. And that's a worrisome sign.

Bob Djurdjevic

The two-year auction didn't go well. People are using that as a reason to sell. ... We're in a bear market.

Charles Reinhard

At these price levels and this kind of profitability, you don't have to sell a tremendous amount of it. We've traditionally been pretty intense in our scrutiny of these brands, and we often look to get value out of them over a long period of time. It's not our hallmark to over-pay for brands.

Paul Varga

(With) a direct route from a U.S. hub to China, it would just open up a huge pathway to sell our products. It would just be a huge opportunity for Indiana companies.

Mark Cisneros

What I want to say to teenagers is, 'Do everything you can to see this movie, use your false I.D.'s and do what ever it is you have to do. Because not only will you love the rock 'n' roll parts of it and the dance parts of it, but the message, which is you don't have to sell your soul in order to stay alive, is one that will echo in the hearts of teenagers everywhere.

Joe Eszterhas

The market's in trouble, it really is. The market hasn't had a big sell off, we haven't had big down days -- we're just steadily and slowly selling off each and every day. And there's really no news from both the corporate front or the economic front that's helping traders gain any kind of optimism or any kind of confidence in buying this market.

Goran Yordanoff

The irony is that I was a single mother, and I raised five kids by myself and put myself through school. I bought my first house in 1999 -- that was a very big deal for me -- and now I have to sell it, only because they won't hire Americans. It's devastating.

Donna Bradley

You're going to have people who are speculators. Those are people who want to get a license and sell it.

Debi Pender

If you were looking for an excuse to sell, you got a few things pushing you towards that. I'm a little more cautious, a little more nervous.

Kurt Brunner

We'll be starting the program in Kyrgyzstan, Pakistan, and India -- so we're going to have a lot of types of handicrafts for these people to sell the following year.

Tom Mccarthy

Everybody's going to sell out real quick.

Jim Babb

We aren't even selling oil any more. Most of our customers sign up for some kind of early price protection, and our last deadline was Aug. 31.

John Quinney

You have to decide how much work you want to do, how much you want to hand-sell.

Todd Lincicome

If the idea is to promote a sense of security at the same time that the development of large reactors to a long list of countries is promoted, then it's very misguided. They're trying to sell this as a nonproliferation initiative, but we shouldn't be so quick to cede that point.

Henry Sokolski

The demand for tickets will make Twickenham a sell-out.

Paul Vaughan

The above strategies have helped to improve the gross profit of the group and helped to maintain average selling prices of products, further consolidating the group's leading position in the market.

Yang Yuanqing

Selling the drug unit is going to focus the company. The earnings were also better than expected. It is a good day for investors.

Patrick Casselman

Through these centers we are trying to encourage the development community to help propagate a growing array of high-quality apps that can run on Linux. It is applications that sell our boxes, and it is applications that are the core requirement for success and acceptance by customers.

Tom Figgatt

We are a club that is on the up and we have no intention of selling our best players.

Mark Hughes

The comments from the Gore campaign this afternoon accelerated the selling.

Clark Yingst

There's some discipline in that because many investors have some problem knowing when to sell stock.

Brad Zigler

It's more than just a phone selling into the marketplace. In many of these countries, we don't have very sophisticated logistics systems, obviously, and when we were awarded the tender, there were a number of criteria that were met. It wasn't just based on price -- logistics, capability of service of the phone in the marketplace.

David A. Taylor

Here comes a correction, which may drag on through next week as more investors are expected to sell. The index will move within a narrow range but probably gain support at the 1,300 line.

Lu Chengde

With all due respect to the Conch Republic, the bridge belongs to all the people of Florida, and we're not currently in negotiations to sell it.

Russell Schweiss

Many a PC player is salivating over the Windows version of 'Grand Theft Auto: Vice City,' the best-selling and controversial action/adventure game.

Marc Saltzman

Several of the homeowners have pooled their resources to sell a land block.

Beverly Martin

The market looks like it's stabilizing after selling off a little bit just after the sale.

Gemma Wright

Portfolio performance for a calendar year can often be improved by simply selling the worst performers at the end of January.

Chip Dickson

They are primarily selling into their installed base and are not expanding their markets, ... Design innovation only gets you so far. It's hard to continue growing if you keep selling into your installed base.

Kevin Knox

We could sell to video right out of the box with a movie like this, but we'd love for it to go into theaters.

Chad Eikhoff

On the fringes of the market, there is beginning to be some talk of the possibility that the Bank of Japan intervenes to sell U.S. dollars. While possible, the probability seems low at the present.

Marc Chandler

I probably get half my ideas when I'm out selling advertising. I'm already in the mode when I'm trying to get creative. You just pay attention. You have to.

Kevin Haley

Major central banks in the world have talked about hiking rates, so if the Bank of Canada signals they are coming to the end of rate increases, it may push investors to sell the Canadian dollar further.

John Rothfield

They want to sell them for $160,000. Have you seen these apartments? They're just not worth it. You could have a house for that price.

Charlie Richardson

Some farm implement places and feed stores (in cities) do sell sack corn. It's kind of rare, but I think it is catching on.

Jerry Burg

The momentum continues to steady for its sales, and we now expect 'Living History ' to be one of the best-selling non-fiction titles of the year.

Carolyn Brown

When people sell funds from one family to another -- say, Fidelity to Janus -- they know they've triggered a taxable event. But when people sell one Fidelity fund and buy a different Fidelity fund, they don't realize that's taxable as well.

Frank Degen

A resurgence of demand is unlikely, but we believe there will be a flight to quality. We will not sell a ride on a specific launch vehicle - Atlas or Proton. Instead we will sell a ticket to orbit and diversify the launch risk.

Bob Stevens

We'll have to examine the details. But it is not clear that the provisions will actually help American farmers and others who want to sell food to Cuba.

Jake Siewert

RIM must understand that there is no place in the mobile e-mail space for this sort of behavior. RIM should not be able to sell the BlackBerry system.

Brian Bogosian

Ford can't sell trucks currently, and GM is not selling as many cars as it would like to. That is a problem of product and pricing, not a systemic problem of abandonment by consumers.

Paul Taylor

The sad thing is that these beautiful baby seals all around us will be gone in a few weeks. They sell the baby seal skins for fashion and fur. That's what's so horrific about it.

Heather Mccartney

We have parents and we have friends who are immigrants and that's who we are here to represent. We are not criminals. We're not stealing, selling drugs or doing prostitution.

Jennifer Garcia

Gains of stocks give investors another reason to sell bonds.

Masahiro Kami

Should you need to sell the home within a year or two there is not a lot of equity there.

Brett Ellis

Plumtree is an innovator in the portal software market, ... They've been successful in selling to business users; BEA's strength is the IT department.

Brian Mcdonough

We will also consider selling other insurers' products if their target customer or type of products are different from those of Ping An.

Wang Dongsheng

The pending decision against Microsoft and the decline in the share price was absolutely the catalyst for the sell-off. To the extent these companies may do very well in the next year, I think there may be buying opportunities here.

Jonathan Cohen

[This] has really helped a great deal, ... It has captured some of the problem with short selling, which has driven down the markets.

Dan Mcgovern

I don't think there's a tremendous overreaction here, even if the investors who are selling in lieu of events of the weekend aren't focusing on earnings and earnings growth.

Glenn Stewart

They stole our revolution and now we're stealing it back and selling it to Yahoo.

Bruce Sterling

The big draw with Nevada is it doesn't have a state income tax and it is affordable. People can sell their homes in California and put a big chunk of money in their pocket, move to Las Vegas and have a nicer house for a lot less money.

Paul Bessler

In the next few years, that's when I'll have to make a decision if a developer comes in and wants to buy the land. This one may go away eventually. The land just gets to be worth way too much to be selling buckets of balls off it.

Reed Longo

The frenzied part of this real estate cycle is behind us and what we're seeing so far is a normalizing of the market. Mid-market and entry-level homes are selling well, the move-up and prestige markets are leveling off.

Marshall Prentice

Extending the White Sox deal was our foremost objective in the Chicago area, because it paves the way for Miller to enter the beer industry's critical summer-selling season in a much bigger and more dynamic way.

Tom Long

Negotiations always involve some lack of uncertainty regarding the eventual outcome, but we believe (the) announcement provides some measure of relief to investors frustrated by previous stalled efforts to sell the company.

Adam Steinberg

The care and feeding of informants is big business in the U.S. government, ... It's like the CIA's `black budget.' Obviously, no one really wants to keep the exact number of informants and amount paid them, because most intelligent people know that the system is being distorted by all the selling of information.

William Moffitt

When you sell stock to the customers, they breed business.

Nigel Harrison

The administration's attempt to keep us from selling agricultural products to Cuba is an outrage. Cuba is not a threat. That is why we must do more to open Cuba - not less.

Max Baucus

No sooner did we put in sidewalks and lighting and houses started to sell. People moved in.

Bill Theroux

They probably want to sell into strength. If there's enough demand to get it done, they'll want to get it done as fast as possible.

Tom Taulli

Everybody likes to sell at strength. I don't think the owners are any different to fund managers.

Mark Daniels

The North American operations are the driver of the results. Business is great this year, and the mix is very rich -- they're selling lots of trucks.

John Casesa

We're doing well because we make the more expensive boats. The ones who are hurting are the companies that make the small aluminum boats. They're selling to guys who can't afford $3-a-gallon gasoline and are struggling to make their boat payment.

Bryan Harris

There's been a lot of selling and profit taking — across all asset classes, actually. Oil is weaker, gold, silver, platinum and palladium are weaker, and base metals are weaker. It's just fed on itself.

Bernard Hunter

There's a lot of pressure for farmers. You want to retire, so you sell off the land, and the highest bidders are developers.

David Keuhl has the potential of being a leader in this space and there are clear comparisons to, and also to some of the online companies that sell CDs. They're really not that much different.

Ryan Jacob

People are welcome to bring in their own unique coins or collections to sell or have appraised, if they want to see what it's worth. People with large collections will need to make an appointment.

Dewey Scott

With "Batman and Robin," I was opening toy stores in Sydney, Australia. I had awards for selling more "Batman" merchandise than any human being in the world.

Joel Schumacher

I think the celebrities are part of the shift from the supermodel moment, and they are bringing new energy to the industry, ... They are our ambassadors of fashion now, and they use their fame and notoriety and celebrity to bring attention to the industry and to the brands -- whether they are making them, selling them or wearing them.

Fern Mallis

Mel had a very good sense about his obligation to history. When he found all this stuff, he didn't just put it in vaults or give to the investors to sell. He put the best of the best in the museum for the public domain.

John Brandon

I had a little problem with the 75-year lease, but when it was explained to me I think it was probably a good program. But there was a pitiful job of selling it to the public.

Phil Curtis

At the most, we expect to sell about 1,000 vehicles per month worldwide.

Takeo Fukui

We sell seats based on USD$50 oil and then fly people at USD$65 oil. Obviously, it's not going to be good for earnings.

Clive Beddoe

It's not quite as easy to sell the business and head to Florida. There's a lot to it. There's a lot of people who would rather start their own than buy into another business. It's not like buying a home. It's like you're buying a career.

Douglas Boyce

They are the queens of knowing how to sell. They do it all and do a great job.

Cindy Whitlock

I've never felt like I was in the cookie business. I've always been in a feel good feeling business. My job is to sell joy. My job is to sell happiness. My job is to sell an experience.

Debbi Fields

I sell everything there personally. I've learned a great deal from customers that way. I learned how to cook lamb. One customer offered an idea for sausage, so I sell a lamb sausage that's become popular.

Janie Burns

It's all part of Neiman Marcus, ... Last year we had a Boeing business jet for $35 million. We didn't sell any, but we made people smile.

Ginger Reeder

If physical buyers think the run is overextended, they will sell. It looks like some of them have sold gold when it was trading around $575.

David Gornall

The large 3.2 million barrel increase in (US) gasoline accelerated selling.

Keiichi Sano

Our regular items draw bigger business for us. This year we think brooches will sell well.

Ginger Reeder

I suspect if I go to my houses to sell, they'll say the scavenger woman has come.

Lalita Daberia

Behind this revenue range is an expectation that our unit sell-through will be slightly higher than it was last year, on its way back to the double-digit growth.

Judy Bruner

Actually, some kids have been asked to sell their work. Some kids have been encouraged by their friends and their families to maybe pursue a career. If they've been on the edge, maybe it made them realize -- especially if they won an award -- that they might pursue some art-related field.

April Walker

AOL would do everything in their power to get [the merger] through. It would sell as much as possible. But they might not have to sell anything.

Pat Comack

On balance, I've been trying to sell out my suburban properties. Strategically, for me and for Jack it's been the right thing to do.

Frank Kass

In hindsight, yesterday's sell-off was a bit overdone.

Masayoshi Okamoto

I am going to be very sad to leave this paddock and the sport I love. I have always said, however, that I would consider selling the team if a serious potential buyer could meet certain key conditions.

Paul Stoddart

The sell-off in oil damped demand for some metals yesterday in London and New York. Traders in China are worried there might be a chain reaction of funds selling metals to take profits.

Wang Zheng

We've had them up since the second week of January and now they're going. Next to Christmas, this and Mother's Day are our next biggest selling days.

Dan Potts

Many stores have damaged inventory. If they had merchandise on the floors or in boxes and it got waterlogged, they won't be able to sell it.

Ron Yoda

Notebook (computer) sales were less than 300,000 in 2003. In 2006, we expect to sell 1.5 million notebooks in Russia.

Stacy Smith

By their nature, refugees don't have documentation. We don't necessarily expect them to have documentation. A lot of it is just based on interviews and experts knowing the veracity of the information. If you're someone who participated in the atrocity, it's a pretty easy sell to cast yourself as a victim of the atrocity.

Claude Arnold

None of the fears about supply have gone away and demand growth shows no sign of slowing. That makes it a difficult market to sell.

Geoff Pyne

People are selling on the good news of the 10-K coming out.

Paul Newsome

Investors bought into Hilton's strategy of selling assets, buying back stock and moving to a more fee-based business ... This would be a dramatic shift in strategy.

Robert Lafleur

My concerns are whether or not we will be able to find something else, will we be able to replace this home and getting enough money out of these homes in terms of the offers. Besides that, I think it would be impossible to sell this home in good faith knowing what it's up against.

Lynn Hagey

Selling assets to reinvest in expensive companies is not normally a sound strategy.

Adrian Darley

We're not selling. We're educating. Everything is free.

Amanda Harlow

You realize, 'Well if I buy more and sell it, I smoke for free,' ... You buy more and more and realize that there's a way to make money off this.

Michael Wolfe

The Internet has opened a lot of doors. They (the pitches) fall into a gray area between someone who's selling snake oil and a really good business opportunity. You really can make money with a home-based Internet business, but most people won't.

Gene Fairbrother

It's a lot more than selling meat and being profitable. It's about changing the world.

Doc Hatfield

Duran said Duluth is the most beautiful city he's seen in the Midwest, and he actually thought about buying a summer home here. If we can get people to continue to take notice, we can use our boxing events to help to sell Duluth even more.

Chuck Horton

The marketplace will be a governor on that, more than anything we could write into a law. If you get too out of whack, you won't sell your product.

John Stafford

Some types of programming are not going to attract enough audiences to lure advertisers so selling on a subscription basis is not wrong. The fact is, broadcasters overall will have more opportunities for additional revenue.

Mark Fratrik

I think our coaches would certainly say that, ... And I think that's why tickets are selling so well -- because the fans are curious.

Mike Parsons

We found the suspect selling chicken and he has to be charged with illegally bringing in chickens.

Dr Kassim Gharib

(Sell and Hennessy) make moves you don't see in high school girls hockey. They're a notch above everyone else.

Pat Morelli

He is selling out an exemplary Canadian citizen to appease their war on drugs.

Marc Emery

He realizes that he's a pastor. His flock happens to be these young men that are on needles and selling their bodies.

Rev. Mario Dicicco

It's a catch-22 that has resulted in farm foresters right around Australia selling their mature plantation trees to sawmills for a pittance in stumpage returns.

Andrew Lang

I will soon be working on redoing the commentary on the movie. Once that is finished, the movie will be done. I don't think I am going to be selling the movie. I think I am just going to give a copy to everyone who worked on it with me.

Teka Lazare

It was a very disappointing session. You would think after all these down days we would get a bounce, but when the market gets in a funk, it puts a negative interpretation on everything and finds any reason to sell off.

Donald Selkin

I would say it was about a month ago and I had an offer in my pocket and I was ready to sell. If I had not been able to find a good parent team, I would have sold. Then we had a meeting with Carolina.

Walter Robb

The seasonal patterns are very clear and they can be a good guide. 'Sell in May and go away' is generally correct, but not absolutely so.

John Bollinger

Michael Jordan and Tiger Woods are really part of a very big advertising program, and the fact that they make so much money is because the markets have dictated that they get that money, and the fact that they endorse our products allows us to sell more products and create more jobs.

Philip Knight

The Lions Club will sell their famous funnel cakes and they're doing hot dogs this year, too.

Nina Lovill is selling an on-demand model that gives customers the ability to roll out a CRM deployment quickly and easily and then scale that deployment either up or down to meet their business needs, ... So far, small and midsize businesses have taken the best advantage of that, but we are starting to see larger companies that are seriously evaluating an on-demand model.

Rob Bois

It's right out there in the open. They could use it themselves, sell it to other people, distribute it randomly.

Randy Price

They're selling seats they know will be filled as opposed to selling tickets for an unspecified period of time that can be used at any time.

Nathan Lump

Good product always sells -- there's no product like the product we are selling at the Westin that has the combination of residential and hotel.

Michael Voccola

After a while, just getting to the playoffs isn't going to be good enough, ... You're selling yourself short. We want to go, and go deep, and play until February.

Kevin Mawae

That somebody (a promoter) would fly us to California (for a game) and pay all our expenses and give us that money - and the fact that they were able to sell out court-side seats at $50 apiece.

Joe Nickel

We will probably continue seeing land sell within this trading range. There is more interest now in farmland than last fall.

Brian Thompson

Those are taking more than a month to sell.

John Constant

You will sell (your land) in North Carolina, but I guarantee you we will get a lot of that money here in Oregon.

Norm Johnson

This solution has provided us with a new way to sell ads. By allowing our TV station networks to traffic their own ads, we have seen direct operational cost savings.

Jason Gould

Back in the 1960s, one of the members bought some land there and wanted to sell 10 acres to the club for a clubhouse and shelter, and so it came about.

Lee Bottensek

They're (International Paper) selling at a point in time when the market is very good, and they're getting a good price for these things.

Bill Selesky

Dell could figure out a way to sell Itanium, but they sell commodity stuff. It really doesn't fit their business.

Clay Ryder

For Chinese refineries, every time they sell a ton of gasoline or diesel, they lose 1,000 RMB, ... The whole refining industry is hurting.

Ma Shang

There's nothing that appears to be fatal in terms of what (the Conservatives) are proposing to bring in. If the opposition decides they want to take the government down on these issues, they've got a lot of selling to do to Canadians.

Darrell Bricker

We sell more fish than anything. Folk come from out of town. We might be small, but we're good.

Charles Foster

If we sell large quantities of U.S. treasuries, it would cause the price to plunge. We're not going to do that.

Ma Delun

We're getting supplies of all of these, and we're selling out as soon as we get them.

Brian Lucas

You sell premium wine by giving consumers a sense of place. It's best not sold as a commodity like wheat.

Kurt Gollnick

The months of October and November were terrific for Jefferson Parish -- on both banks of the river. They were selling record numbers.

Bob Israel

We understand small businesses. We know how to sell to them and where to find them.

Brent Cobb

That's a big piece that comes with the Checkpoint collaboration, because VARs will be able to sell appliances to the customers along with the ability to manage those boxes from a central location.

Robert Robinson

They're cowboys. When you buy and sell something 20 or 30 times a day you're not an investor any more. These people are not investors, period. They're traders.

David Liu

It would hardly have been adopted everywhere if the French had simply 'made it up.' In that sense the expedition proved to be essential to the 'selling' of the metric system, as well as for all the scientific discoveries it unexpectedly produced.

Ken Alder

I think that was the first time here that anyone has ever said 'quit selling stuff,'.

Alan Ramsey

Talk show hosts are businessmen; they have to sell soap. If immigration reform didn't resonate with their audience, they wouldn't be talking about it.

Rick Oltman

There's a tremendous price war going on. E*Trade's strategy is not to make money on the $10 they charge to buy and sell a stock, but to make money on the margin balances.

Larry Tabb

This is an all-makes and all-models site, ... We want to license it [build to order technology] to the world. We'll fail if CarPoint doesn't sell its information broadly to manufacturers and dealers.

Steven Ballmer

NewsGator has a big footprint in aggregating for the enterprise. [At this point], it's like selling e-mail without spam filtering. Enterprise is holding it at arm's length and will continue to do so until there's some improvement in quality.

Mike Graves

How can they sell something that isn't doing well? ... They'll get nothing for it.

Stanley Nabi

This is another significant step in monetizing our non-core assets and further sharpening our focus on our core content creation and distribution businesses and library in a digital marketplace. We are pleased to sell our studio facilities to a buyer committed to expanding the film industry of British Columbia.

Steve Beeks

We're just the platform to sell the items. We're not selling anything ourselves, like QVC.

Chris Donlay

The majority of both women and men (85%) believe that price is the most important factor when selling their businesses. However, women business owners also take into account a broad range of issues focused on the match between the buyer and the company. Women are more concerned than men owners about the future of their businesses and the well-being of employees.

Marjorie Alfus

We felt now was a good time to sell, and it was sold as a mobile home park and will continue to run as a mobile home park for an indefinite period of time. They may eventually develop it, but the new owners didn't confide in me so I don't know for sure.

Robert Bell

As we move into our strongest selling season of the year, we're planning to continue leveraging our beyond-the-box business model and distribution strategy to meet our goal of delivering consistent earnings results, better- than-industry growth rates and a more diverse and profitable revenue stream.

John Todd

This is an improvisational period. If we have to sell drinks to stay open, we'll sell drinks.

Benjamin Jaffe

Cautiousness ruled today's session. But gauging from the low turnover, it appears that not everyone is selling. Most are holding on to their shares.

Harry Liu

It seems that foreign selling, partly spurred by relatively expensive Japanese shares, has peaked out.

Hideo Mizutani

It basically allows their net debt to drop and they are only selling a 20 percent stake -- that means they don't lose control over their port operations' cash flows.

John Teng

If there's a buyer, somebody's going to be out there selling it. The only thing that can impede [DSL demand] is price and lack of technology.

Frank Dzubek

We're not one size fits all. That's the beauty of our operation. We've got people who sell us 20 and 30 head and we've also got people who bring us 350 head.

Dennis Wiese

NASA may just be regaining its soul -- rather than selling it. And partnering with the private sector will help it do that in several different ways.

Rahul Nayar

Last year, we were selling a new concept. The response we got last year and the huge promotional bump resulted in companies lining up at our door. I literally had to turn away six or seven publishers.

Scott Alexander

It's been a lot of fun. It's been amazing. We just got through a U.S. tour with Social Distortion where we were selling 80 CDs per night, which is a lot. It was crazy.

Laura Baca

The problem is that they sell it on a lie - which is economic development. And it doesn't bring economic development.

Scott Wallsten

From the publisher's point of view, there are lots of issues because students buy books and sell them back. Future students might only buy the used textbooks.

John Harwood

The initial reaction was to sell the dollar, presumably in the notion that the core rates don't warrant aggressive action from the Fed.

Neil Mackinnon

When stores sell these aviaries, the customers typically buy a bunch of other stuff, too. They can really load it up with toys, feeders and things like that.

Perry Little

He sounds to me like the kind of person Nortel needs. A new Nortel CEO should be top-line, sales oriented to sell to people who may be reluctant to use Nortel because of their reputation.

Robert Callander

What Apple Computers are not doing (when) using the Apple mark is selling software, delivery systems, or anything of the like. They are selling music. And that is in violation of the agreement.

Geoffrey Vos

Our thing was always music. Back in the heyday people would come in constantly and say 'You know, you ought to get into comic books. We could put a rack of comic books over here.' Well, I don't know (anything) about comics so we're not going to do it. I used that space to sell some more Joy Division or something like that.

Duane Davis

The Fed is selling us a bill of goods. The Fed has plenty of evidence that the economy is boiling. They don't care. 'Let it boil,' they say.

Russell Sheldon