It's a sad day for Formula One when the privateers really do go, but I think we are entering into a new era where the privateers are the Red Bulls, they are really well funded.

I leave Minardi in a lot healthier state than when I bought it in 2000.

I am going to be very sad to leave this paddock and the sport I love.

I always said I would sell Minardi if someone could invest in the team and keep them at Faezna in Italy and such an offer has come along.

I am going to be very sad to leave this paddock and the sport I love. I have always said, however, that I would consider selling the team if a serious potential buyer could meet certain key conditions.

Whereas EJ (Jordan), me and Peter when he first came in, and in fairness the many teams that didn't make it, probably came more up through the ranks.

With me it was F3000 and Formula One. I don't really see that transition being made very easily now.