Did not reflect the changes in the president's policy, but rather the strengthening of the government.

Sergei Markov

We're reflecting the anger that's been building up among the tenants. The tenant council isn't doing what they should be doing.

Sam Gillian

It's sensible for Toll to sit back, reflect and explore the opportunities running an airline can offer.

Adrian Mulcahy

To be extremely troubling. They seem to reflect the work of a deeply committed ideologue.

Wade Henderson

We were in a very cluttered space and had an opportunity to reflect who we were as a company. We wanted a very clean look with a lot of open space and light.

Gillan Taddune

Once again, our report shows little change in the demographics and characteristics among those who are using this law. And again, these deaths reflect a very small portion of the average 31,000 annual deaths in Oregon.

Dr. Mel Kohn

We try to make sure the programs and people we put on the air reflect the diversity of the population we serve.

Chris Ender

Men are like the stars; some generate their own light while others reflect the brilliance they receive.

Jose Marti

This dark cloud of high expectations has weighed on the stocks and valuations reflect high expectations.

Alex Vallecillo

It shouldn't be too much of a surprise that the Internet has evolved into a force strong enough to reflect the greatest hopes and fears of those who use it. After all, it was designed to withstand nuclear war, not just the puny huffs and puffs of politicians and religious fanatics.

Denise Caruso

Our results in the quarter reflect solid performance in many markets, but we are experiencing challenging conditions in several key countries, including Germany, Mexico and the Philippines.

Neville Isdell

We need to talk about solutions that adequately reflect concerns on both sides.

Jeanette Demelo

We view the change in vehicle prices in the PPI as a random shift and one that does not reflect reality.

Michael Moran

People of color need to start shopping and buying at institutions that value, promote and reflect inclusion and diversity. Student-athletes of color need to start making decisions to play where it is most likely they will have a fair and equitable opportunity to coach.

Floyd Keith

The best rules to form a young man are, to talk little, to hear much, to reflect alone upon what has passed in company, to distrust one's opinions, and value others that deserve it.

William Temple, Sr.

In the last month, with the warm weather we've had this winter, those prices have lowered a bit, and we've been able to reflect that on customers' bills.

David Park

I want to make the railway an antiwar symbol in order to remind the Japanese of the need to reflect on their past conduct.

Takashi Nagase

I see a reshuffling coming. The party system has ceased to reflect the true political aspirations of the people.

Uri Dromi

The third quarter operating results reflect the continued positive momentum generated from our businesses.

Linda Mcmahon

Me reflect on my whole life.

Trisha Meili

This may reflect the widely predicted cooling of the condo market in some parts of the country.

Mark Obrinsky

The election outcome will not reflect the public judgement on the prime minister.

Noppadon Kannika

Their filing did not reflect that damage and could not justify the rate increase.

Jim Hurley

Our community college strength is that we serve diverse populations, and I want our international education program to reflect that.

Amanda Badgett

We believe that shares reflect significant optimism about the future of the combined NYSE/Archipelago model, and . . . challenges will only become apparent as the hybrid system and Regulation NMS are implemented during 2006.

Michael Vinciquerra

We will ask the court when it comes to damages to reflect the value of the music these people ripped off.

Michael Speck

The board should take into consideration a blunder of NB Power's management and whether that should reflect on the determined rate.

Peter Hyslop

For a jury to award half a million dollars for emotional distress means they evaluated the evidence as reflecting severe and serious harassment and discrimination.

Michael Mcauliffe

This memorial garden, designed to spring into life each September, will be a living memorial to the alumni who were lost. It is a quiet place to reflect about the importance of friends, family and life, amidst a turbulent world.

Kevin Mahaney

We're trying to reflect the original concept of the show.

Thomas Crone

I believe they reflect the stabilization we've achieved in our customer base, and our field organization in the last quarter, setting the stage for future growth.

Bob Bishop

It's really not a difficult decision when you reflect on it, ... The situation is just so tenuous with where it's going to hit. You don't want to take any chances.

John Henry Cardinal Newman

Documents reflect American law and government.

Mathew Staver

The city had a meeting with the committee that turned the petition in and outlined the things that were done wrong. Those things have been corrected. The new petition will reflect that and we will get it right this time.

John Manning

These numbers reflect real and substantial progress, ... They are the product of several aggressive management decisions that were intended to get the default problem under control.

Richard Riley

The only potential shadow ... is the slight decline in commercial premiums, which reflect an overall softening in that market.

Matthew Josefowicz

Businesses appear stronger than expected, reflecting the lower euro, but we're likely to see consumer confidence weaken on the back of higher inflation. It will be very difficult for the ECB to raise rates.

James Nixon

Our results reflect the impact of the shift in Baan's business models towards more subscription-based licensing agreements.

Jim Mooney

The estimate is just that, an estimate. The supplementary estimate of expenditure will more accurately reflect the level of wages.

Fitz Jackson

Nature is the glass reflecting God, as by the sea reflected is the sun, too glorious to be gazed on in his sphere.

Brigham Young

My best effort at correlating dollars spent with deaths from drug side effects suggests that people may be dying from side effects from the schizophrenia drugs alone at the rate of at least one death for each one million dollars spent on these drugs. The actual numbers may reflect a much higher death rate.

Allen Jones

The results reflect an excellent performance from all of the business operations of the club. Football business has moved much closer towards a sustainable cost base for the long term.

David Murray

Some people refer to it as the Purdue rule, which is a block by a guy, to an adjacent lineman, below the knees, ... I've seen teams continue to do that this year and so far I've yet to see a call made reflecting that particular block.

Joe Tiller

Our operating efficiency ratio of 58.80% for the quarter is within our long-term efficiency goal of 58% to 60%, reflecting the success of our recent expansion efforts and the continued strength of our existing franchise.

Jimmy Tallent

The students have said, 'We want this campus to reflect who we are,' .

Juan Gonzalez

It tells you who the big players are. It doesn't reflect (releases) that are a public health concern.

Howard Roitman

The Canada we see in this report does not reflect the one we hold in our hearts, ... Canadians expect more and they expect better. We should be outraged that we are among the worst in the industrialized world.

David Suzuki

These are documents that reflect agency decisions to pay workers specialized amounts.

Teri Henning

This is an embarrassing episode. He will have plenty of time to reflect on his error of judgement.

Ben Pearson

At the federal building we prayed for immigrants, that they would be welcome in this community. At each station we tried to reflect upon what was occurring at the Stations of the Cross, but also where we were.

Stanley Campbell

We added 'recreation' to the name to reflect our complete line of outdoor accessories and a line of fishing and pontoon boats.

Wayne Peters

The president's a proud conservative ... His priorities reflect this and his agenda reflects this.

Tracey Schmitt

It's hard to comprehend right now because we're in the middle of our season. Obviously, it's a great award. I'll have a lot more time to reflect on it when the season is over.

Mark Sobolewski

Sportsmen represent a very important constituency to this campaign. They reflect, in many cases, the interests and views of a majority of Americans and rural America.

Danny Diaz

We are able to turn them into cells that represent each of the so-called germinal layers of the embryo, ... And those reflect on the ability of us to potentially be able to turn them into every cell in the body -- once we learn the little tricks to get them to go down a particular pathway that will change them directly into a cell type.

Dan Collins

Most people do not reflect deeply on the death penalty, and if you suffer doubts, you are not alone.

Helen Prejean

Of all the light they receive from the sun, they only reflect a tiny portion of it which is one thing we think might be characteristic of liquid hydrocarbons like ethane.

Seran Gibbard

People are reflecting on the Bush administration's callous response to the hurricane and asking what's all the money and material and people doing in Iraq when it could have been used to prepare here.

Bill Dobbs

We want our prices to better reflect the fluctuations taking place in the global market.

Achmad Faisal

Design must reflect the practical and aesthetic in business but above all... good design must primarily serve people.

Thomas J. Watson

Some of the recent job gains in construction reflect rebuilding and clean-up efforts following hurricanes Katrina, Rita and Wilma.

Kathleen Utgoff

Sometimes society gives the impression that we're not as qualified or we're not in control. But frankly, being in control of your eating habits may not reflect the control you have in other parts of your life.

Mary Cofield

The agency's intent is to have this as guidance and to reflect our thinking about what constitutes whole grains.

Barbara Schneeman

They can be confident those estimates more closely reflect real-world conditions.

Stephen Johnson

Fashion is a part of the world and part of history. It's not a meaningless swirl of meaningless clothes. They (clothes) reflect the times.

Valerie Steele

The only thing I'm concerned about is disclosure, to make sure investors know when people have built up these positions. Then the market will start to reflect the outcome. The share price would go down if the deal was likely to fail and there wouldn't be any surprises.

David Webb

Our 1999 results reflect a year in which we established a solid foundation for the future.

John Whitacre

Our customers have expressed interest in being able to choose renewable resources and I'm pleased that we will now be able to offer them that choice. Green Mountain Power's overall power mix is already low in fossil fuels, but under our new program, customers can choose 100 percent renewable resources. We've called the program 'Greener Mountain Power' to reflect that greener choice.

Chris Dutton

This suggests an episodic nature to their volunteering, perhaps reflecting their graduation requirements or the need to engage in a volunteer activity to prepare for college.

Mark Hugo Lopez

We set it in 1899 to reflect where we are.

Baz Luhrmann

These charges are nothing but an easy money-spinner for the banks. Charges should be fair and reflect the costs involved - not, as they are now, an arbitrary figure picked to make the most money out of unsuspecting customers.

Doug Taylor

I just try to stay ahead of my age. It means a lot. I think these are all things you reflect on at the end of the season and at the end of your career.

Brendan Shanahan

We're complaining he used words which are false and intentionally reflect negatively on the municipality.

Tim Ray

At H-E-B, we think that literacy provides a platform for people to reflect and build community, not only from reading but from writing. As good corporate citizens, we're concerned about the welfare of our customers.

Pablo Rodriguez

We definitely realize that in order to build infrastructure for the local party, we need to start at the local level. We found two good candidates in Longwood who reflect the values we believe in.

Carol Cox

We're at a stage where both sides are reflecting and the Chinese side suggested we meet again ... tomorrow.

Anthony Gooch

The stock is beginning to reflect some of the cost savings. Beyond that, we need to see if the company's targeted end markets are growing if the stock is going get out of the mid-teens.

Craig Berger

Tim has a lot of patience, ... You've got to give him credit for sticking with the game plan. He didn't panic. A lot of GMs in their first year are going to panic if something's going to reflect poorly on them. Tim has no ego.

Crystal Smith

Take time to reflect. If you failed the time before, ask yourself 'What got in the way?' Recognize it and don't do it this time.

Katrina Bee

When you're going through something, you don't really appreciate everything that is happening until you reflect and compare it to something else. When I left, everything I compared in basketball I compared Midland College to it.

Jerry Stone

(Justin) wrestled a little tight, but he did well. He wasn't where he needs to be, but he has this week to reflect and tweak the little things.

John Heckathorne

I was really pleased with most of the matches. What the score does not reflect is the six matches that we lost were in the third-set tiebreaker. These matches could have gone either way.

Jack Hughes

I now need to reflect on my experience -- was I foolhardy or rational? -- and also to enjoy freedom in peace and quiet.

Norman Kember

It's the same thought process. These are things that at the end of the season, or at the end of your career, you can reflect on.

Brendan Shanahan

What is the good of experience if you do not reflect?

Frederick The Great

It was definitely a lot of her playfulness, wit and fire that I tried to put into the piece. She was such a great supporter of the arts, so I wanted to do something to reflect that energy she had.

Chad Langford

Oil companies are responsibly reflecting the public?s outcry at the pump over gas prices. We have not seen this phenomenon before -- prices dropping this rapidly.

Catherine L. Rossi

Going forward, our strong market position and continued focus on growth and productivity should enable us to deliver financial results that reflect the quality of our people and our technologies.

Jim Mcnerney

I can honestly say this industry hasn't made me neurotic about my looks, except maybe my weight. I hope my clothes kind of reflect that. They're meant to make you feel good.

Stella Mccartney

The reasons most often given are that lists are arbitrary, and reflect the tastes of the people putting them together - or that they are elitist with rankings.

Charles Harris

Over the next several days, the design will be updated to reflect several changes, and new presentation materials will be created.

Vartan Gregorian

Euro-dollar dropped about 40 points in the aftermath of the release but recovered some of the loss, reflecting the market's uncertainty about the veracity of the figures.

Boris Schlossberg

Merger deal flow is going to reflect an economic recovery and stock market recovery. They go hand in hand.

John Orrico

Sequential and year-over-year gains were recorded in all major product groups and applications, reflecting primarily increases in unit volumes.

Pasquale Pistorio

The general view of the factions of the People's Consultative Assembly can be said to reflect the aspirations of the people.

Amien Rais

The gap between rapid growth and subdued employment is a familiar story reflecting a possible 'once in a lifetime' surge in productivity.

Robert Diclemente

[The tapes] reflect my client's best responses to a con job that Alsup was pulling. He's going to testify to explain the context in which the statements were made.

Robert Udell

Our nation has paused to reflect on their special brand of courage in the face of almost unimaginable hardship and abuse.

Jerry Siegel

This decision does not reflect a judgment as to the substance of the allegations.

Rep. Dudley Goodlette

My leaving Schwab was on less than elegant terms, ... What is really humbling is to have time to reflect on what you've done and what you could have done better.

David Pottruck

This is not the agreement that they signed. We will give them some time to reflect upon what they agreed to.

Frederick Jones

Margins on other sales and revenues grew as a result of the growth in extended service plan revenues, which have no associated cost of sales, and the growth in our service margin, reflecting improved overhead expense absorption.

Austin Ligon

I don't think we should rule out a change in the CPI if, based on technical analysis, there's a broad-based agreement that the CPI can be changed in such a way as to better and more accurately reflect inflation, ... Meet the Press.

Robert Rubin

Retailers have been pinning their hopes on Christmas bringing some festive cheer after months of depressed trading, and these figures are better than expected. They reflect the efforts made to entice customers back into shops, but the question is at what cost as prices are so heavily discounted.

John Longworth

We believe that the recent changes to the 2002 revenue and [earnings per share] estimates for IBM better reflect the current realities of the marketplace.

John Joyce

They reflect his life - he lives in an upper middle-class neighborhood in Houston.

Jason Stanford

When people blame words they are actually blaming the society that uses them. Dictionaries just reflect the words that society uses.

John Simpson

Reflecting the improvement of economic fundamentals in Japan, inflows into Japanese assets, equities in particular, are likely to grow stronger.

Ryohei Muramatsu

The very sharp increase in net income does not simply reflect the positive effects of a robust economic environment but instead is due first and foremost to the improvement in the core profitability of all our business lines.

Daniel Bouton

These numbers, we think, reflect all the work that they did in cleaning and sanitizing the ship.

Dave Forney

It's a great feeling. I'm still reflecting on it. It's a huge win for our program. It's been a long time coming. A lot of people put a lot of effort into getting us into this position -- not the least of which is the kids. They are the ones that got it done on the ice. It's very gratifying.

Chris Chiusano

Foreign exchange rates reflect fundamentals of economies.

Sadakazu Tanigaki

Part of the 11s Club mission is to build bridges connecting the community and the school. We wanted this year's ceremony to reflect that.

Valerie Broadbent

I see a reshuffling coming, ... The party system has ceased to reflect the true political aspirations of the people.

Uri Dan

That was Jordan's first varsity start. The score didn't reflect it but she did well. Hats off to her for hanging in there.

Doug Fisher

The result seemed to reflect a flight to quality in the light of what is happening in the stock market rather than a value judgement.

Marc Ostwald

Equities have been hammered, reflecting the broader financial community's view that energy is at its peak.

Seth Kleinman

Nobody's going to go up there and be 100 percent honest. If they did have a problem with someone, I doubt they'd let it play out in front of a billion people on Oscar night. It would reflect badly on them. This is their biggest moment.

Pete Hammond

Does that (the name Boone County Hospital) really reflect what we do? Is that what the community wants?.

Diana Baltimore

Therefore, the committee believes that a majority of the commissioners court that will be in office in January opposes the current bond election. Consequently, the No No Committee believes that the current jail proposals do not accurately reflect the will of the citizens of Smith County.

Bob Randall

The older you get, things like this become special. You value every moment and memory you have. When somebody bestows an award like this on you, you reflect. It's pretty special.

Bob Horner

It really does reflect the enormous amount of coverage of the Katrina disaster.

John Shin

We never reflect how pleasant it is to ask for nothing.

Charlotte Whitton

The days dwindle down, and the contributions reflect that.

Norman Adler

It just makes your blood boil when you reflect on what bright futures those two girls had and the senseless murder that took their lives.

Toby Shook

Our financial results continued to reflect our core business ability to generate strong positive free cash flow and revenue.

Jon Feltheimer

So much of this world is based on illusion, temporariness, and disposability that I think it's essential that our closest relationships reflect what is real.

Gillian Anderson

..nor did he pause to reflect that hereditary aristocracies have always been short lived where as adoptive organizations such as the Catholic Church sometimes lasted for hundreds or thousands of years.

George Orwell

He has modified his Elvis songs to reflect conservation awareness.

Margaret Thomas

As we approach the 2007 Farm Bill, we hope this marks the beginning of a willingness by Congress to reevaluate U.S. dairy policy to reflect today's ever-changing marketplace.

Chip Kunde

First the cash market went up, reflecting the reality of a very tight supply-demand situation. Then the futures went up, making the case this was an enduring change in energy prices.

Robert Barbera

I think some of the consensus numbers are a little stale some of the estimates that go into that don't reflect the recent thinking many analysts have about Morgan Stanley.

James Schmidt

Yields are high enough to attract some buyers. Yields are probably near their highs for the next two or three months and already reflect the outlook for a gradual economic recovery.

Akihiko Inoue

We just want to win. That's the bottom line. I think a lot of times people may become content with one championship or a little bit of success, but we don't really reflect on what we've done in the past. We focus on the present.

Derek Jeter

These losses may reflect the fact that consumers facing higher energy prices and falling real [inflation-adjusted] wages are cutting back on discretionary spending.

Jared Bernstein

If you look back from where we came from and the ordeal we came through, this is a blessing. The atmosphere that exists helps you to have some peace and contentment with yourself, especially as you reflect.

John Cannon

Long-term interest rate levels reflect real economic growth, inflationary expectations and risk premium, and it may be possible to minimize the risk premium (component) through government policy.

Kaoru Yosano

Should reflect with courage and ambition a growing demand regarding this issue by the international community.

Jorge Sampaio

The Public Chamber represents a wide range of public associations across the country. Many members of the Public Chamber are people who are well known and respected both in the country and abroad. There are all grounds for the Chamber to make its decisions, recommendations and initiatives fully reflect the opinion of the Russian public.

Boris Gryzlov

It's something a little different. A whole different twist. So many different cultures reflect the melting pot of Leominster. ... One day I hope to have each and every ethnicity represented at the festival.

Richard Marchand

With children, they don't really have that much of a life to reflect back on. Getting a perspective is therefore much more difficult.

Christina Moore

The surprise was that imports remained elevated and that the improvement was due to a large rise in exports, with the latter reflecting a rise in both rural and non-rural.

Adam Donaldson

We still believe that what you tell people should reflect the available data, even if you are a little more inclined to act in the face of uncertainty. We didn't find the sudden-death data very persuasive.

Robert Temple

The power of illustrative anecdotes often lies not in how well they present reality, but in how well they reflect the core beliefs of their audience.

David P. Mikkelson

Our products reflect the concerns of our consumers about Y2K.

Sabrina Balthazar

Litter, and it will hurt. It hurts the community, and the fines will hurt when you get caught. Half of the litter is accidental, from things blown off trucks and such, but the other half doesn't reflect positively on the community.

Walt Thompson

We believe the acquisition will close as expected, but we are not anticipating Oracle's guidance to reflect the exceptionally strong Siebel results going forward.

John Rizzuto

These confidence surveys are reflecting what people are reading -- that the economy is not creating jobs. It doesn't mean that people are not spending.

Avery Shenfeld

I believe we are a side who reflect the success of our youth system.

Colin Mitchell

When it comes to gifts of God, ... we are so blessed that there are really 365 Christmas days when one wants to reflect on it. I think it will help to bring this message home.

Larry Meyer

Police agencies should reflect the diversity of the communities they serve. We're going to give a better level of service with a mixture of people.

Mary Mccauley

So if it seems that some of what I'll have to say in the pages to come doesn't reflect the mellowing of age, that's only because I've never found that life and memories respond to time the way that tobacco does.

Caleb Carr

The rates will reflect this event but they won't go up because of this event alone.

David Maurstad

After taking a break to reflect on the growth of the internet marketing industry, Im excited to launch a new blog that I hope will offer readers an insight into the search engine industry, the growth of blogs and explore other new marketing channels.

Andy Beal

I haven't really had time to reflect on what it means [playing in the major leagues], ... I'm just happy to be here and want to help the Indians in any way I can.

Andrew Brown

These are encouraging results which reflect better revenue and the continued efforts of our people to strengthen the business.

Willie Walsh

We want our stores to reflect the communities they serve.

Anne Hendricks

Liam can reflect on his career with great satisfaction.

Ian Millward

Positive, visible corrective actions that reflect his true character.

Jennifer Stephens

These programs together support our mission of improving the lives of the people we serve and the health of our communities. Both programs reflect our commitment to empowering families with information and resources to live healthier lives.

Stuart Campbell

The truth is this: Now and then, a group of bishops would come together and reflect on the pastoral situation so that they would be properly guided by their reflection.


It (sales in China) is growing extremely rapidly. It is our largest customer now by country, ... That market will continue to be our strongest market, and with iron prices and coking coal prices beginning to reflect the increase that was negotiated earlier, you can expect to see that China would continue to grow as a percentage (of sales).

Chip Goodyear

You can't take things out of context. We are always reflecting back on our curriculum, and we have worked really hard to explain why the things we choose are appropriate.

Russ Kokoruda

I'm going to try to enjoy the All-Star break, hope my players reflect on what happened the first half of the season, come back with a different attitude, try to find our solution on how to win it.

Don Baylor

Our numbers were not current, and we needed to change those to reflect our budget.

John Bilsten

Look around and ask yourself, 'Does this working environment reflect what I offer?' If it doesn't, then it's time to get busy.

Christopher Lowell

Merrill Lynch is way below its highs of last spring, ... This (Internet) announcement doesn't really reflect any change in their other business endeavors.

James Schmidt

I don't think you appreciate everything that is happening in the moment. You need time to reflect.

Ron Cey

The yield curve is reflecting too pessimistic an outlook on the economy. The market will just have to be convinced otherwise.

Ted Wieseman

Lent is a time to reflect on Jesus dying on the cross.

Laura Gale

The global economic recovery best served by having currencies reflect fundamentals.

Frank Vargo

The ratings reflect the company's strong competitive position and strong operating performance. These positive factors are offset by the lack of available market instruments to allow full asset-liability management.

Paul Bradley

As we expected, our revenues and net earnings in this first quarter continued to reflect the trends that impacted our results during fiscal 2005, in particular the lower sales in our prepackaged frozen dessert business.

David Stein

Results were dramatically lower than consensus estimates in both cases and reflect the challenges the company faces in rebuilding its CRM [cardiac rhythm management] business.

Glenn Reicin

Overall sales and earnings growth were below our expectations, reflecting performance issues as well as delays of commercial space launches and military aircraft deliveries from 1998 into 1999.

Vance Coffman

We remain committed to our customers, and the new rates, which continue to be competitive, reflect our relentless pursuit to continuously invest in our business.

Dan Mchugh

Our third-quarter results reflect the continuing soft ad environment, which is impacting both our newspaper and television groups.

Dennis Fitzsimons

All of these pieces are reminders to celebrate life. Many are works that reflect oral traditions.

Stephen Vollmer

Despite comments across the national media that exams are getting easier, I feel these results reflect the determination and hard work of our students and are a real cause for celebration.

Chris Long

His self-esteem wasn't high, and he was trying to reflect too much on the things he didn't do well. He had no idea that he was that good of a player. He just needed to be himself. Everything else would have been fine.

Bob Hurley

We see these items as temporary challenges and believe that our financial results will begin to more clearly reflect our hotel and operating results over time.

Kathleen Taylor

This was a friendly and cordial meeting in which the Iranian vice-president said that bilateral trade does not reflect the full potential of economic relations between the two countries.

Navtej Sarna

Coaching helped me be a more effective leader in Barclays, helped me to reflect on my strengths and weaknesses and adjust leadership style to different members of the team.

Susan Turner

New vehicle sales declined modestly, reflecting the performance of the broader new car marketplace following the end of the employee discount programs. Other sales and revenues benefited from increases in extended service plan revenues and service department sales.

Austin Ligon

Both [the French and the euro-zone data] reflect higher oil prices rather than any rise in underlying inflation.

Gwyn Hacche

[Mortgages] tend to reflect inflation and the overall strength of the economy.

David Littman

Our policy proposals, when they're analyzed, are responsible, reflect experience and show some real thought.

Chris Lehane

It's based on research our curators have done. These are history, and they reflect on us and our heritage.

Lora Helou

We want the damages order to reflect the value of the music that was distributed. We don't yet have a figure, but we expect it to be in the order of several billion dollars.

Michael Speck

While many commentators question the sustainability of hedge fund fees, we would highlight the long-only retail arena as an area where some fees do not reflect value added for the customer, but rather the distribution capabilities of the product manufacturer.

Geoff Miller

I guess when we sit down and reflect on it we'll be happy.

Adolph Brink

The constituency I'm concerned about is a very small one, ... and that's the constituency of my three children, should they decide to look back on my record ? and reflect on where I was when we could make a difference.

Tom Umberg

One of the biggest fires we had in 1985 was actually started by a beer bottle that had been reflecting sunlight and then it bounced off and started a fire.

Victor Hill

What we want the government to do is to make it plain that currency values should reflect economic fundamentals, and governments shouldn't interfere with that.

Frank Vargo

Gov. Bush was not aware of the contribution. The party has a right to participate in the process and support initiatives that reflect their principles.

Alia Faraj

Michael wants to have an adequate amount of time to listen to what all the teams have to offer, and then have some time to reflect. I don't anticipate it dragging on very long.

Henry Thomas

Sandpoint outplayed us, but the score didn't really reflect the game itself, ... I thought we played a lot better than we did against Lake City. They (the Bulldogs) have got everybody always attacking. They were a little more aggressive to the ball than we were.

Nick Haynes

I wasn't really reflecting on what I was doing. I'd always wanted to learn about filmmaking. But I kept saying 'next year, next, year.'

Sandrine Holt

Books are those faithful mirrors that reflect to our mind the minds of sages and heroes.

Edward Gibbon

Not everyone is going to agree on how it should look, but all I see are concrete walls with a reflecting pool. It's dull.

Sherri Williams