There's no need to panic. You could literally plan something within 48 hours. There's so much you can do to piece it together and make it look like a catered affair without a lot of effort.

Bonnie Roberts

There have been tremendous improvements in the plan even over the last week to 10 days.

Michael Osterholm

Our plan, it appears, is that we whine a lot about the inability of the Legislature to fully fund, ... hoping that something magic is going to happen.

John Moores

It wasn't the plan to go 2-3. But there were a lot of quality teams there. When you get a look at a lot of different lineups and pitchers, you don't know what's going to happen.

Don English

We had a game plan to just attack, the kids believed in it, and that's what we did.

Craig Witmer

The plan is to overwhelm Washington on February 26.

Robert Greenwald

The government depends on us to give them information on how many families are here even if they don't plan to relocate them.

Judy White

With a plan, we could address issues in a comprehensive way, instead of case by case.

John Cullen

That was their game plan, and it just so happened that our shots didn't fall. We tried to make adjustments and get different players in the game.

Glenn Takara

They never used it for the intended purpose, ... The whole intent was to give them resources so they could plan an evacuation of New Orleans that anticipated that a very large number of people would never leave.

Billy Tauzin

I think it's important, because we have so many children, who are, more or less like latch-key children, or children who are on their own. They need a plan. This gives them a plan, rather than keeping all this to themselves, which festers and causes more problems internally. Now they know who to go to for help.

Walter Cunningham

The thing is, you have to plan ahead. You pay on Monday in cash or money order and pick them up on Thursday. I know I'll be shopping for groceries every week, so I can plan for that. Christmastime is another easy way to do it.

Christina Moore

More Americans are focused on saving for retirement, but are they putting away enough? It's not grounded in a plan and they're saving blindly. They really don't know if they're saving enough.

Don Blandin

We have been working diligently on key elements of our operational plan.

Robert Weaver

My plan was just to run past him. My hand just got caught into his and I fouled him. ... It was just a dumb foul. Just a mental mistake.

Justin Dentmon

I'm aware of the street damage that occurred. That's in our plan to be repaired here in the next week and a half.

Larry Miller

We reject any plan that is not about withdrawing the troops and bringing them home immediately.

Larry Hales

We knew that we wanted to keep them from hitting easy lay ups on us. We decided that we would make them hit shots away from the basket to beat us and the girls did a great job of doing their jobs and sticking with the game plan.

Keri Nichols

We're actually looking at laying out a two-year plan to get all five of our automotive training programs certified.

Paul Vallas

If I wanted to put a long range plan on it, it would be for 18 holes and some fine homes. Let people come out and enjoy it.

Gary Alley

This is really about a war plan that went wrong based on a series of bad decisions that reflected really abysmal intelligence.

Loren Thompson

We knew what Kinney would need to do to win today, and he followed the plan perfectly. He scrambled well and had great movement.

Mark Durante

I am very proud of her performance. She followed the game plan. Today she was more confident about her diving in every aspect. She gave the crowd that came to see her something to watch.

Tom Davidson

We have to extend our plan to move people in tents out by June.

Kuntoro Mangkusubroto

Frankly, it doesn't surprise me at all. It's just how she's built. She's precise in everything she does. The day before a game, no matter who we're playing, she sets out a plan and then executes it.

Michele Moore

Write down all the things you want to attain and why. Then work out what are the costs and the benefits. Then do an action plan.

Gladeana Mcmahon

We still plan to make a higher tender offer, all cash, and arrange all the financing and due diligence, ... if they didn't think a guy like me was serious.

Michael Lynch

Civil Rights: What black folks are given in the U.S. on the installment plan, as in civil-rights bills. Not to be confused with human rights, which are the dignity, stature, humanity, respect, and freedom belonging to all people by right of their birth.

Dick Gregory

This act may provide an incentive for companies to actually plan for disasters, because if they don't, in some ways it's like negligence - it hurts customers and shareholders.

Matt Waller

They help us with emergency preparedness and help us plan how to respond and know what we have to do to respond.

Tom Sherman

We just needed something to relax us and Heather's three did that. We did a good job of blocking out and keeping them off the boards. The girls executed the game plan we had very well.

Becky Carlson

From a planning perspective, the community was cheated in having a longer amount of time to plan a response.

Mark Wallace

What we plan to do is to take each of those affordable and effective interventions and every two years monitor how many kids are getting them. If the numbers don't go up. We will ask why.

Dr Jennifer Bryce

We're fully aware that many Arab consumers remain skeptical about our products, so we plan to adjust certain parts of our marketing.

Finn Hansen

We weren't just going against her. They have a very good team. Our game plan was just to play her as best as we can play her.

Casaundra Wilson

Even after that ... she did not come out and say she's against this plan and its impact on New York, ... This Week.

Susan Molinari

I think we've got a good plan here.

Michael Schroeder

We have speed, speed and more speed, and we plan on using that to our benefit. We will be very exciting and we should be able to score lots of runs.

Mike Pace

This is the theater of the absurd. We've said all along the governor had to have a plan. When you have an actual plan, you have a funding source, a mechanism by which to repay the bonds. . . . This governor has none of the above.

Patty Schuh

We played pretty good defense in the first half, then in the second half, we got out of our game plan.

James Bailey

The last three games, we haven't been firing on all cylinders. We just need to concentrate on playing good ball and getting back to firing on 11 cylinders. This week, we have a solid game plan, which should allow that to happen. My kids just have to be the best that they can be. I can't ask anything more of them than that.

Andy Klatt

We have worked through initial drafts and all of the countries will now be given an opportunity to comment on a revised six-year plan.

Malcolm Speed

Taking into account of population growth, the goal of doubling per capita GDP is achievable if only annual growth reaches 7.5 percent in the 11th five-year plan period.

Ma Kai

The plan is essentially as expected, meaning not terribly aggressive.

Rob Hinchliffe

I was surprised when I saw your battle plan that the numbers were not much bigger. This is a big network, the size of a medium-sized business.

Henry Haugland

When we got back together, we weren't on a label, and we didn't have a business plan, and we didn't know what we were going to do.

Will Turpin

Danville just outplayed us from the tip. They had a great game plan and played extremely well in all phases.

Tim Branham

Significant impacts on the county's infrastructure and ability to plan growth into the future.

Richard Rosenthal

There are a lot of assumptions but it's something to go on, something to plan for. I don't think we've been fully tested with a major storm with a high level of surge.

Dan Trescott

He has approved, as revised, the distribution plan submitted by Iraq.

Fred Eckhard

The Plan of Reorganization reflects the financial foundation of the much stronger, much more competitive United that we have built.

Glenn Tilton

If a guy as good and decent with as much grace as Chuck Heston can stand up for an issue that I think is very important, ... then I certainly could stand up and I plan on remaining a life member for life.

Tom Selleck

You might ask the doctors whether they're happy with the HMO, and whether or not they have to go through a lot of hoops to get you care, ... Because if the HMO is controlling services very tightly, then maybe that's not the plan for you.

Trudy Lieberman

What this means is they either plan to stay working or engaged in activities that give back in a meaningful way, such as volunteerism.

Brent Green

The issue of plan funding remains our primary cause for concern.

Claude Lamoureux

The ability to have consistent delivery across the roadmap … customers love that ability to plan and predict what technology is coming from Microsoft.

Jeff Price

The facilitators captured the ideas, the brainstorming, the feedback and the state has provided a template for a response plan.

Barney Welch

We need to get a group of citizens together to forge ahead. We need to present something such as a vision to PAT. Before we do anything, we must have a comprehensive plan and it must be up to date.

Dorothy Kelly

That's what we all agreed too. Every plan that we have seen since we started has clearly laid out the size, configuration and location of that suite.

Ron Minegar

When you carry a baby, you never plan to bury them. And when one of my nurses brought me this angel gown, it was just beautiful with this beautiful stitch work on it. It meant a lot.

Hope Lienau

We asked, what are the goals for Winneshiek County? What are our projects and dreams? This brought a silence. No one had a strong idea or plan.

Brenda Ranum

We did some amendments to the plan that don't just apply to the corridor . . . I think it might be the perception that some of the code changes were for the corridor, but that's simply not the case. They apply citywide.

Courtney Harris

We don't have a mass evacuation plan in place yet.

Tracy Howard

Students will see on a program-by-program basis how they are affected and how we plan to finish the winter semester.

Robert Gillett

We didn't get people to see how balanced our plan was. We allowed people to take the agenda that it wasn't business-friendly.

Ron Chapman

No other generation in history has ever had to plan for this long a retirement. Up to 30 years of income is what they're going to need to create from their savings.

Craig Brimhall

As an authority we have a commitment to inclusion. And so a headmaster of a school can now look at the floor plan of a new wing and add his comments. The original version would be retained, but the comments are added in one central place.

Kevin Fletcher

When we wrote the strategic plan for 2004-05 it most definitely represented a very enthusiastic undertaking, to say the least. However, we were able to once again, accomplish everything we set out to do, and more importantly, exceed what we originally intended to accomplish.

Steve Bloomberg

It used to be where you could call a concrete company and get it that day. Now, you've got to plan it at least a week and maybe weeks ahead.

Jim Carlson

They can use this project to circumvent the things in the comprehensive plan they don't really want to meet.

Sue Farnsworth

What do people really care about his plan or something that was said in a debate? Let's get real here. He takes the bear problem very seriously and that's why he has a plan that's based on science and has multiple approaches.

Ivette Mendez

We expect to get up to $12 million from the highway administration and have a capital campaign underway, which we'll be able to discuss once we have a full plan in June.

Alexis Faust

We plan on donating it to our local school [which his children attend] to buy a computer.

Jordan Kimmel

We still plan on sending out a notice.

Bill Hogan

We passed this plan because there are people who need affordable housing. We need to create homes so people have them for the future. Developers are intelligent. They'll be able to work it out.

Maria Perez

I can't disclose the name of the company yet, but if all goes to plan it hopes to be up and running by the end of March. We have identified a site fairly close to the fish docks.

Steve Norton

There was not a grand plan in the beginning. When this all started, we hadn't been there very long.

Lara Ramsburg

We are doing a phenomenal job with their brands, and our plan is to be a long-term Goose Island distributor.

Bob Collins

You need to develop an investment plan and understand what risks you're taking.

Russell Kinnel

It is a simple plan. It is designed to be cost efficient. It will be concerned with energy efficiency.

Russ Landen

The best plan is to profit by the folly of others.

Pliny the Elder

I've been depressed. I've had suicidal thoughts. I realize I'm not really full-on there because I never could plan it. But the fact of the matter is, there is a way out, there is help.

Mariel Hemingway

We plan on starting 22 different players.

Paul Columbia

Not during any pre-college career did I ever have anybody who was a faculty member talk about Plan B. We didn't have anything sex education whatsoever, except in biology when we talked about sexually transmitted diseases.

Dennis Jacobs

We're going to go back and develop a plan. We may do different variations and bring them back to the board in April.

Greg Wilder

I think they plan to release them in batches.

Abel Oshevire

"God's plan" is often a front for men's plans and a cover for inadequacy, ignorance, and evil.

Mary Daly

There just has not been enough time to plan this with all the other events.

Liz Eilf

We will probably be doing a workshop with council soon, in the next few weeks. I'm hoping that we have a plan for city hall by this year.

Betsy Williams

It's not my victory, it's a team victory. We had a game plan. Hard work made the difference.

Jason Briscoe

I'm not happy about it because I think it represents a failure of government to plan.

Brian Mason

There is an emergency operations plan [for the town]. We update it when we need to.

Steve Owen

Plan on it being Decatur.

Stephanie Young

Employees no longer come to companies for life. They join for experience with a career plan already in mind; they are taking control themselves.

Vanessa Lawrence

It became increasingly evident that we needed to do something in terms of a financial turnaround plan, or the place wasn't going to be a viable organization anymore.

Nancy Peterson

Not without a parting shot, though. We do plan on taking a couple of images of our lovely delivery system, ... give the engineers their due, and get to see their hardware for the last time.

Kevin Burke

And the county exercises and drills, and the fire department exercises and drills, and the police department exercises and drills, and the lab exercises and drills, and we all exercise and drill together and that's the way we stay prepared, ... The best thing people can do is get informed, make a plan, be prepared.

Phil Taylor

What if it should be God's plan to people the world with better and finer material?

Josiah Strong

I just want to make sure that I follow through with the game plan and just bring energy off the bench. I just want to be aggressive and make sure I do what is asked of me.

Josh Powell

To some extent, people should think of this as maybe a two- or three-year decision. Some plan options may go away, cheap plans may become expensive -- people should maybe expect to change plans in the future.

Jack Hoadley

No plan, in its current configuration, is perfect.

Roland Betts

Friendships have grown tighter and tighter (through this project). The long-range plan is that it generates additional interest in the game.

Steve Kocmond

One concern with this plan was that these children would be labeled as Lillian Emery children. Has that been a problem?

Dennis Brooks

This isn't about the Vikings. It's about developing a good facility and a plan that will work for the community for other events, too.

Kelby Krabbenhoft

The amendment I'm proposing does not change the decision to move forward with this cost-savings plan.

Cheryl Chow

They approved the final development plan. We can put the construction bids out and start planning when the groundbreaking will begin. We are hoping in June.

John Jascoll

Everyone can do something to help celebrate our anniversary. This is an opportunity to get creative and plan events that bring people back to Pittsburgh.

James Rohr

The whole arrangement is seen as a trial period until a shareholders meeting in April or May. Then the top management line-up and industrial plan will be evaluated.

Patrizio Pazzaglia

Our plan is that sometime early next year, we will then start to put this on the Cisco overall price list.

Charles Giancarlo

Our fundraising efforts are being developed with a plan to start a capital campaign in the future.

Brent Stolzenthaler

She caught almost every pitch last year. We plan on giving her a break every now and then to let (Sarah Beth) Gillis catch a little.

Billy Lyon

We didn't follow the game plan we put on the blackboard. And that happens sometimes.

Mike Bright

We plan to have an awards ceremony during our walk for life. The competition is fierce, and this is a great opportunity for the community to come together, get healthy and lose a little weight along the way.

Ginny Schaadt

As long as people work when there's work available, we have no long-term plan to change our benefit program.

Joann Weber

This plan only goes half of the distance.

Rodger Schlickeisen

It can range from feelings of depression, all the way up to 'I've got a plan.' And then we try get them outside professional help.

Ryan Hovde

Desperation is the perfume of the young actor. It's so satisfying to have gotten rid of it. If you keep smelling it, it can drive you crazy. In this business a lot of people go nuts, go eccentric, even end up dead from it. Not my plan.

Uma Thurman

Their plan overall has been to shift folks to the XMR platform. But the XMR served more of a high-end business. How do you get people looking for a low-cost platform to transition over to it?

Stan Hubbard

The LRA will not fund an irrational and unsafe rebuilding plan.

Sean Reilly

The professional literature says they have not successfully wooed the well. It's supposed to be an insurance plan with both people who need the coverage now and people who don't now but will in the future.

Bob Matthews

She's got her plan in site. We've got to get out of that plan.

Tish Dietrich

It's satisfying that a permanent memorial is here, that signifies the loneliness of the place. It's right on the spot where the plan crashed and in keeping with the bleak moorlands.

John Reilly

In those situations, being a member of a service or plan that sends you reports could be a convenience.

Beth Givens

I plan on having a double major and so it's going to allow me to come in with more credits than some who are coming in as sophomores next year. The other aspect is I'm fairly competitive. We have a running contest to see who can take the most and do well on the most.

David Potts

Comrade life,/ let us/ march faster,/ March/ faster through what's left/ of the five-year plan.

Vladimir Mayakovsky

This plan only covers the pond, which is only a portion of the problem.

James Glasgow

Accreditation means a lot to the university. The law school is an important component of the university's overall plan.

Bruce Green

Obviously the film should have good collections. The plan is ready, now Tom, Dick and Harry should be a hit for us to do the sequel.

Deepak Tijori

We came in here with a game plan five years ago to get the team to the top of the state. We're at the top. Now we just need a few more players to finish it.

Gene Katz

We plan to consistently execute this strategy through 2002 and exit the year as a robust, growing company with more than $1 billion in cash and an intensely satisfied customer base.

Ted Waitt

The plan makes a lot of sense. A model that is not going to sell more than 100,000 units a year should be developed jointly.

Patrick Juchemich

I hate this fast growing tendency to chain men to machines in big factories and deprive them of all joy in their efforts - the plan will lead to cheap men and cheap products.

Richard Wagner

Ryan just does what he needs to do to win. He's got good hands and a long reach, and he knows that to be successful, he has to be aggressive. He did a good job of executing the game plan today.

Lou Belken

The governor is very optimistic that the negotiations will get off on a positive foot. This is a plan B prompted by the interest by business leaders and other community leaders to have a voice if the budget process derails.

Kevin Hall

We'll just have enough time to look at this game film and put in a game plan for Rock Valley.

Tony Giese

All of us have seen the pictures of devastation along the Gulf Coast, and our hearts and prayers go out to those families-- especially to the people of New Orleans, which so recently hosted our National Biennial Conference. Like all Americans, we want to help, and we plan to do so by getting additional officers down to the affected areas.

Chuck Canterbury

Always have a backup plan.

Mila Kunis

The Plaza was where the rest of our offices were going to be located. Now the plan is that we will have another building in the back. Now there is no plan for the Plaza. It will be green space and possibly some additional parking.

Lucy Hollingsworth

The idea is that anyone moving from DPAP to [the Medicare prescription drug plan] should not be any less off.

Harry Hill

We remain committed to accelerating our business plan. We'll have more to say about our plan on Jan. 23 and can't comment further at this time.

Becky Sanch

It leads everyone to think these guys have a plan.

Lori Bailey

We ask that there be no job losses and, in order to make that easier, we asked the minister for a five-year recovery plan instead of the three-year plan.

Debbie Cavaliere

The comprehensive plan is supposed to be a guideline. The plan is supposed to be the dog and the developer the tail. We have a situation where the tail is wagging the dog.

Jim Holland

Until now, we've been primarily focused on PCs. But our customers want a more ubiquitous experience. And, with a service for mobile phones, we plan to deliver this.

Niklas Zennstrom

We decided the best thing would be to determine what the staff's specific needs were, and then develop a plan to meet those needs. We decided that we could get the best bang for our buck by focusing on getting physical therapists to the caregivers.

Karmelle Chaise

It's a very attractive plan.

Jim Rumbaugh

The hard work happens at our adoption status hearings. And that's when we sit down and work out a plan for how we're going to make this adoption happen sooner than later.

Judge Gooding

I understand the need for a countywide plan. But is there a larger cost up the road rather than just a one-time cost. I'm concerned $30,000 is only the beginning.

Kathy Jaycox

The game plan was to keep Dunn from driving; she beat us off the dribble. I'm a little disappointed we didn't put Hunter away early. I wasn't looking past them at all.

Ashley Mcfarland

We need to bring a plan to our presidents that is comprehensive and informed.

Rick Chryst

We have got information that ISI of Pakistan has launched a plan to kill me.

Sibghatullah Mujaddedi

People here are really wedded culturally and emotionally to very rich plan designs relative to what you see in different parts of the country. They are just more expensive.

Charles Baker

I definitely will not forget this ever. We plan to go back down there this summer to help. So many people still need it.

Kayla Moody

I didn't plan to be a quilter. I just took a class, and then I was off and running.

Pam Tuttle

We must plan for freedom, and not only for security, if for no other reason than that only freedom can make security secure.

Karl Popper

This plan will give us a modern fleet offering maximum flexibility, lower seat-mile costs and greater fuel efficiency.

Margaret Jackson

One game plan was to see if we could make it 4-2 at halftime. We talked to the girls and they decided they wanted to play.

Reggie Lee

At the moment the plan is for Woodgate to play a game on Wednesday to help him build his confidence. I have not decided whether he will play tomorrow or not.

Vanderlei Luxemburgo

I have to continue with the rehab and continue with the plan and move on.

Duce Staley

Plan ahead and use an alternate route. Monday's a workday and the school day's a little more complex. Plan an alternate route for any of those days if you happen to be going that way.

Bill Brandt

It's not an apples-to-apples comparison. Yes, there are less expensive plans, but they don't offer comparable coverage to the union's plan.

Deborah Chernoff

We lost to a team who was really composed, really executed their plan well, and we weren't sharp like I expected we would be.

Mirek Porosa

The cost will be borne by the bankruptcy estate. It is not completely clear how broad the scope will be. All of these administrative expenses must be paid at the time the repayment plan is implemented. That is a big deal.

Alan Martin

My kids played extremely hard and they have nothing to be ashamed of. They executed the game plan perfectly, but King's picked up their defense and made it hard for us to get good shots at the end.

Scott Parrish

The bottom line is that the 'ghost' biological opinion involves a plan that is much more in line with the science than the draft biological plan that is out on the streets.

Rob Masonis

China will purchase more than 100 aircraft each year in the 11th Five-Year Plan period (2006-10).

Gao Hongfeng

We believe this is a very viable plan.

Delores Etter

We have our ducks in a row. It just depends if a deal takes place Wednesday ... or Sunday ... or Wednesday again. But we have a contingency plan based on all this.

Joe Linta

No Arab country has done to its citizens what you (Sharon) are doing ... Before expelling people from their homes such a plan should pass an election or a referendum.

Benzi Lieberman

We all have a zero tolerance plan. Unfortunately it's almost impossible to always have a 100 percent perfect system.

Carol Hallett

They know we're an aggressive defense. They had a good game plan.

Odell Thurman

Any time you miss a field goal, as a kicker, I look at it as a momentum changer and a turnover. I have got to take this on the chin. I have had a game like this before. I bounced back and that's what I plan on doing.

Matt Stover

Hydrogen fuel cells will play a key role in a clean energy future, but the president's plan won't get us there.

Daniel Becker

We stuck to the game plan for four quarters. We did not deviate from it at all. Instead of a one-goal victory, we have a five-goal victory.

Richard Corso

The owners plan to have that kind of activity continue.

Robert Boyle

It's not the man, it's the plan. It's not the rap, it's the map.

Ossie Davis

We always suggest that people plan for the worst and hope for the best when traveling up to the Sierra.

Shelly Chernicki

With more than $1 billion of proposed investment, Forest City and Harrah's have the strongest and most comprehensive development plan and the potential for the most tax revenues.

Brian Ratner

We'll be able to have more in-house projects rather than taking meetings elsewhere. We also plan to hire additional staff.

Debbie Hogg

You have to go into this with the idea of creating a comprehensive plan that will fulfill what people in the county want.

David Jordan

The thing I'd hope all state employees keep in mind is that health care costs are going up dramatically. It's these kinds of modifications and changes to the plan that allow us to hold down the costs to the membership.

Tim Burgess

Like we do for any other event, we plan for the worst and hope for the best.

Gabe Trevino

It just happened, ... You can't plan for it but just build the runway and hope to God the muse rises.

Felicity Huffman

We need a real citizen preparedness plan ? one that takes care of children, the elderly and the disabled, ... Mothers and grandmothers should not drown in nursing homes because help never arrived.

Bennie Thompson

Marion County inquired in October about becoming a member. Until then, they are not eligible to participate in the plan.

Andrew Goldschmidt

I wouldn't want to live in there. I'm used to more space. But that plan is a good opportunity for a lot of people.

Bill Bean

For the vast majority of Oregonians, especially those who are uninsured or underinsured, it's important to look at choosing a plan, ... Our concern is that there is so much fog in the air and on the ground that people will decide not to think about it.

Jerry Cohen

I'm always dealing with my own mortality. The only gift cancer gives you is time. You can plan and say goodbye.

Rob Cronin

Times are tough. But this region has not been seen as a charity case because it has had a plan.

Tim Franklin

In the near future we plan to improve it to be three-dimensional, providing a complete circulation model.

Pascal Rannou

We have turned over a complete security plan to the Americans, ... President Clinton himself approved it and was happy with it.

Abdel Rahman

It's not easy to accomplish, but he certainly has the means to do so. I have a plan I'd like to discuss.

Jared Paul Stern

We wanted to go up and down, but we needed to control the ball better and we had to run our offense instead of going wild like we did. In a big game against a good team, you just can't miss that many shots and opportunities. We just missed them ... we got out of our game plan, and that's my fault.

Mike Day

I definitely plan on trying for the next Olympics and hopefully we can make it.

Megan O'connell

We have heard rumors, but as far as we know, everything is on plan. Nothing has been changed. Everything's on schedule, and we are continuing on with the plans.

Cathy Crosson

They need to know that there is a significant amount of money there before they can plan in earnest.

John Winn

Once we pick up a trend the appropriate police station will meet to come up with a plan.

Billy Jones

After looking at all the candidates, he has the best plan for education, ... I am proud to offer my endorsement to Al Gore.

Jim Hodges

When they started, their long-term plan wasn't for it to continue to be free, but now the board is adamant that it remain free. Now, it's something we really tout.

Dana Cañedo

We weren't expecting to come in here and run away from them. They played well. They had a good game plan. They used their height and we didn't shoot well.

Mike Evans