We are going to fight this tooth and nail, ... This is far from being done. We have been waiting for the right time to make our tender offer and we will do so in the next 30 days.

We still plan to make a higher tender offer, all cash, and arrange all the financing and due diligence, ... if they didn't think a guy like me was serious.

We have had a very good relationship with Reynolds and we know we can make Reynolds profitable.

I think it's one of the great performance arts centers in the world. The performing arts in Australia have blossomed, I think, largely because of the role that this building plays.

All the shells are cut out of the same sphere, ... and now all have a common denominator.

All you need is a little hoarding to cause regional shortages, ... This is what we went through in the 1970s when motorists rushed to filling stations and filled tanks because they feared supplies would run out.

I am so pleased to have such a key British cultural player to work with our team.

They went through extraordinary difficulty in trying to make the building work. The sails themselves are all made out of pre-stressed concrete at a point where that was pretty much cutting-edge technology.

We thought for sure Reynolds' board would fight this to remain independent, ... Frankly I didn't think this merger would take place. I'm just stunned.