It's almost like scooping thick mud, but it'll be dry instead of wet.

Matt Everingham

We are in or are entering TWO cycles instead of one — broadband Internet and mobile.

Mary Meeker

If this year we'll receive $18 million instead of $23 million, we'll have to allocate funds differently.

Scott Brockman

It was kind of a joke. Instead of the cheerleader and the lineman, it was the mascot and the lineman.

Jessica Davis

You brain shall be your servant instead of your master, You will rule it instead of allowing it to rule you.

Charles E. Popplestone

Instead of stopping him, we left our feet.

Chris Redfield

The birds should be caged in a certain area instead of being allowed to run free and, in transportation of poultry, there has to be strict monitoring.

David Li

This allows the team to focus on important issues, instead of fighting fires.

Philip Greenfield

We didn't get in transition. We got caught up in their game instead of (playing) our game.

Ken Crump

The decision to eliminate longevity pay is certainly one that would set a new tone and a new direction in commissioners court for servant leadership in Collin County instead of the Imperial Court.

Keith Self

Instead of collecting trading cards and other memorabilia some have grown up and now air miles is the adults' collectable.

Randy Petersen

You have to take your destiny instead of hoping for stuff to happen. We didn't take it.

Arnaud Dahi

Instead of the smaller billboards and ads we'd been doing, we decided to go big and bold. People can ignore the smaller ads.

Rob Grady

Instead of a big-bang release, what we're trying to do is give customers access to the code early.

Karl Freund

I have decided against calling any more players, so we have only 17 instead of 19 players on the squad now.

Georgy Yartsev

Those last four minutes we played not to lose instead of to win, that's something we can't do.

Mark Trakh

I'd gotten in the habit of doing different things at home instead of practicing golf.

Jeff Maggert

[The win] was big. It has been since 2000 that we've gone in there and beat them. We never relaxed. Instead, we kept the pressure on them and blew them out when we had the chance to blow them out.

Joel Walton

We did 973 instead of 937. As you can see, it's an easy mistake.

Thomas White

Instead, what we see is yet another blue-ribbon panel tinkering around the edges of a system that is absolutely broken.

Scott Hodge

That's huge. I mean this guy hits a double there, then we are down 4-0 instead of 1-0.

Josh Beckett

I give out teeth instead of money.

Johnny Hardesty

We buy generic diapers instead of the good kind.

Jennifer Young

To have them chase us instead of the other way around was great.

Tony Quesada

The Eagles will get him out of there. We've always told Donovan and our kids that you can't have great chemistry with me-guys instead of we-guys. Owens thought it was all about him.

Frank Lenti

We're treating electricity with electricity instead of treating electricity with chemicals.

Dr. Yousef Mohammad

Instead of riding them, you can have them pull a cart.

Lorrie James

Instead of sitting around and moping about it, we decided to do something about it.

Mark Kwapis

He's mellowed out a bit, ... Now he has something else to be stressed about instead of just the band.

Jonny Buckland

They become your friends. You're one of 300 people, instead of 40,000.

Jim Fitzsimmons

We have to look for the pass more, too, instead of settling for the 3. When the 3 is not going, we can go to penetration.

Paul Lancaster

We wanted to attack the zone, but instead we pulled the ball out.

Dean Bellanti

Thinking instead of acting is the number-one golf disease.

Sam Snead

You have all these people around the area that's out of work, and they're hiring these people for cheaper labor instead of giving an honest wage to these people that's from here that's out of work.

Richard Palmer

I would prefer if they spread it out a little more instead of $400,000 for one race.

Bill Delia

Be a mason instead, if you have a talent for that.

Nicolas Boileau

I tried to maybe cut it back to six days instead of seven, and when I feel guilty I do seven days.

Lois Boone

Instead of playing games on one big field, we'll have games playing across the field on one half of it. That way we can have two games going on at the same time, which means we can have more games.

Scott Goslin

Torture should have been kept where it belonged, in the 16th century, instead of being imported into the 21st.

Irene Khan

It's an imaging system that's unique. It images physiology instead of anatomy.

David Askew

I've got to get ahead of batters, instead of getting behind and trying to be so picky, especially with those guys at the bottom of the order.

Kyle Davies

It's a family instead of a band. Writing songs with the four of us is just something that we love.

Ryan Jordan

We're going to try to nip this in the bud right away instead of getting sold on something that's not realistic within our budget.

Matthew Mccaffery

We offered Charles the Cherry Brandy but he said he'd better not have that and tried the Apricot Brandy instead.

Carol Jones

But he (the victim) decided not to sacrifice himself but instead sacrifice David (Webb).

Michael Mills

Instead of thinking about how to win the silver medal, he should have thought how to win the gold.

Carl Verheijen

It's like when we played Clackamas. We competed better. In this game instead of just letting the chips fall, the guys wouldn't go away.

Donell Morgan

Instead, it was driven by the core business and a lower tax rate.

David Risinger

Their minds are focused one way, instead of focusing on both the sport and with class. During practice and games, their focus should be on the sport. Other than that, it should be in the classroom.

Amber Mcfeely

DoD ought not to be thinking about how to sell Congress, but instead how to fix the program.

Theresa Hitchens

We use what's out there instead of buying new.

Teresa Cowan

It's going to force the party to go out and do it the old-fashioned way - finding contributors, instead of just reaching out their hand to Pete.

John Cochrane

I think Vietnam was what we had instead of happy childhoods.

Michael Herr

We decide to multitask instead of experience.

Michael Rosen

We've had some injuries, but we finally have everyone healthy. It was like going into a gunfight with a six-shooter instead of a water pistol.

Mike Garland

He could make the same experiences with Werder instead of Bayern.

Klaus Allofs

One of our goals was to have a quarter where we only gave up nine points or less. Instead, we only gave up nine in the half.

Jason Asbell

Going out and doing focus groups to find out that your customer wants blue buttons on the screen instead of red buttons is useful. But it's much more useful to have your customers creating those buttons beside you.

Matt Asay

Chicago seems a big city instead of merely a large place.

A. J. Liebling

Stuff the economy, Go hug a tree instead.

Thomas Murray

Try to use the pronoun 'we' instead of 'you,' and speak about the intended result instead of the failed attempt.

Terri Lonier

Give them credit. They took it right at us. We got a little complacent. We were trying to hang on instead of attacking.

Jay Frydenlund

Well, don't just pray to marry the one you love; Instead, pray to love the one you marry.

Spencer W. Kimball

You used to have to block 10 or 11 guys. Instead of playing 5-on-5 in basketball, it's 2-on-2 or 3-on-3. You spread it out.

Joe Novak

We were trying to go hard to get guys in here for competition. Instead of one guy, we may go by committee to try to replace Antoine.

John Luckhardt

The international business, instead of detracting from our business, is now additive to our business.

Michael Casey

You get tragedy where the tree, instead of bending, breaks.

Ludwig Wittgenstein

It's nice to have money coming in, instead of going out.

Dan Hourihan

There's no doubt that if people choose to use marijuana instead of alcohol we would not have the same number of problems.

Mason Tvert

Since Katrina, instead of going up $5,000 or $10,000 every week or two, we have been limited to no price increases or very limited price increases.

Robert Toll

He then decided to go in the house instead. The hurricane hit the houses and stayed there, as Tom said it, for about 12 hours. Gloria passed in like three hours. It was like getting bombarded for half a day.

Jim Donovan

It's been a horrible putting year. And when you don't have a lot of confidence with your putter -- especially when you have a chance to win -- instead of feeling you are going to make them ... I didn't feel like I was going to make them.

John Daly

Instead of Tickle Me Elmo, the coat tickles you.

Meg Linton

Steel stocks are cheaply valued, they're cyclical, they're very well known for their capital destruction during downturns. Now instead of increasing capacity, they're buying capacity or buying competitors.

Jan Leroy

Some families who are sensitive to price would drive instead of fly, forcing some people onto the highways.

Alison Duquette

Managers, instead of following their convictions, are following the crowd. There is a herd instinct.

David Herro

Behold,A ram caught in a thicket by its horns;Offer the Ram of Pride instead of him.But the old man would not so, but slew his son...

Wilfred Owen

It's basically what I do, instead of playing golf or fishing or hunting, which I used to do all the time.

John Urses

Definitely, it's a good idea. I'd prefer to see it two weeks before districts instead of eight days before districts.

Bill Reed

Some people who have same-sex attraction have changed…and instead have successfully actualized their heterosexual potential and are now ex-gay.

George Archibald

School. Everything. Hanging out with friends. No, go to a poker game instead.

Ryan Graham

They had everything going their way, but our kids stayed focused. Instead of fussing at referees, we finished the game.

Karen Garmon

The socialist-oriented market economic does not hamper the emulation movement. Instead, it acts as a catalyst to the movement.

Nong Duc Manh

I think ABC decided to take one risk instead of two.

Bob Zelnick

He really made me understand the game instead of just hitting a drive out there. He's also a good guy. He's been good to my kids and good to me.

Mike Trombley

We're moving forward instead of backwards. We've shot great. I don't see us not qualifying. We have a great team.

Amy Sowash

Normally there is a diversion of 2 to 3 percent. Instead we saw an increase. We bucked the trend and swung to get 5 percent.

Dan Stessel

It would mean a doctor would have to wait until a teen faced a medical emergency. In that case the doctor, instead of going to a hospital, would have to go to court.

Louise Melling

Ultimately it seems to do well for me, I seem to do better so instead of me being my own worst enemy, I'm my own best enemy I guess.

Richard Marx

The girls bowled well. In the first game, the girls came out firing, then they found out what place they were in and kept worrying about that instead of bowling.

Joe Bolte

He beat me twice earlier, but this is the one that counts. Being the defending regional champion, I put a lot more work into defending it instead of if I was working to get it.

Will Harcum

Now their strength is quickness, instead of getting the ball inside.

Monica Naltner

It's going to make Grand Rapids a nice place to live, instead of a place where you can go and find more smut.

Judy Rose

We were joking that they had given up hitting for Lent, instead of pop and meat.

Scott Harding

If you close your eyes and imagine an earthquake happened instead of Katrina, the image would be the same: collapsed buildings, no running water or electricity, displaced citizens, and vast devastation.

Larry Klein

This is a step back. Instead of seeing more diversity (on the court) at a time of increasing diversity in the country ... we're seeing less.

Marcia Greenberger

I was trying to split them more instead of hurrying to the outside.

Darren Sproles

And that's spreading to more of the urbanized areas, so instead of just the area in the beltway being congested, it's a lot more than that now.

Tim Lomax

We would much rather have him out on the field with us instead of as another coach.

Quentin Moses

We really get two weeks instead of three (after the dead period). It will be fast and furious.

Jody Allen

We're encouraging people who are going to acquire a pet during the holidays to adopt instead of going to a breeder or a pet store.

Mindi Lasley

I wish my son could have known her instead of telling him stories about her.

John Bennett

Sales at best have been absolutely flat. My analysis is that we've become a nation of casual gardeners instead of gardening enthusiasts. People who are serious gardeners buy books.

Bruce Butterfield

Three entities would dominate three industries instead of one, ... The company seems to have developed that way over the years -- so someone must have seen this coming.

Frank Cappiello

Instead of focusing on pulling something down, we will build something up for people to look at.

Tuan Vu

Instead of being rewarded for his service, he has a target placed on his back.

Steve Zieff

Instead of having daily trains going through the Channel Tunnel from (England) and into France and Belgium and Germany, it's maybe only 40 percent going through.

Tony Davis

Kim . . . doesn't want foreign interference in succession, or for foreigners to try to cut deals with his chosen successor instead of himself.

Rodger Baker

Now, instead of strongest newspaper ad, you have to have the strongest Internet presentation.

Bryan Hopkins

It's really more a question of educating the parents, instead of trying to train the children.

Diane Weston

Instead of having a completely Western ballet, we have a ballet with elements of Indian dance.

Francis Wacziarg

I was pleased that the players chose to learn from the loss instead of complaining and blaming things they could not control.

Joel Elliott

They crowded us, and then our first thought was to dribble instead of passing or looking for the back door.

Phil Pergola

It was a big win for us. You don't want to say you're out of it with a loss when you still have four games to go. But now we control our own destiny instead of needing help.

Travis Dotterer

We're resting up. We'll just have another practice instead.

John Barrymore

It was a battle of wills, and they instilled their will on us. We're not as good a team when we're reacting out there instead of dictating.

Shane Murphy

Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Every hour, get up and move around. It could add up to being that 30 minutes of brisk activity a day.

Kelly Thompson

Perhaps you will be the victim instead of the perpetrator....amen.

Glenn Heyes

If we should have to fight, we should be prepared to so so from the neck up instead of from the neck down.

Jimmy Doolittle

This is a tough hill, and the conditions didn't help. I had a little mental blip at the top of the second run. I was riding the course instead of attacking it, which is what the top guys did.

Karl Johnson

Instead of giving a politician the keys to the city, it might be better to change the locks.

Doug Larson

We consider this as a blessing in disguise. Here we have a chance of appointing a leader who will ensure national security instead of someone who works closely with the LTT.

Siripathi Sooriyaarachchi

Firms have been showing strong profit growth by getting by with fewer people, adding computers instead.

Patrick Peterson

We're spooning money into the market now instead of dumping it in.

Ross Levin

There are sadistic scientists who hurry to hunt down errors instead of establishing the truth.

Marie Curie

On Sunday afternoons, instead of going to church, you're going to be out there knocking on doors. It's a much bigger difference to ask someone to serve than to run.

Charles Martin

Instead he chose evasion.

Cal Dooley

Your body can use only so much protein, and then some of it is just converted into fat instead of going to your muscles.

Mike Bracko

That was a learning experience for us. We'll be aggressive instead of digging ourselves a big hole.

Kerri Gardin

Instead of just having a static exhibit, why not just put it all over downtown and get people down here?

Stephanie Johnson

I want to let her know there are options out there for her instead of trouble.

Marlon Lyons

They're the ones finding the latest hack for the Web, instead of finding the latest hack on the Web, ... There's a big difference.

Ira Winkler

We had two sophomores and a freshman up. There was a little inexperience there. They didn't go for the kill - they passed instead of shooting the ball.

Andres Olmedo

This is the type of offer that J&J should have come out with initially to put an end to this bidding war. Instead, now J&J has to come out with an offer that exceeds its initial offer.

Steve Brozak

But instead of doing things for themselves, some industry members prefer to whinge at the government.

Stephen Joseph

It's just shocking. We were supposed to have a big family dinner. Instead we're just trying to cope.

Buddy Carlisle

What's new is this electronic system so that we can gather information out of those databases very quickly. Instead of going through 50 files cabinets, which we have now, we'll be able to go through the databases.

Dr. George Teagarden

They can face it together instead of individually. Being able to come to basketball meant they take their minds off of things for a couple hours.

Brian Baum

Instead, everybody got worried over the holidays and decided to throw money into oil futures.

Henry Groppe

Beck did it instead of talking about it. We often thought Beck would one day become leader of the Social Democrats.

Roger Lewentz

At that point, I had 50,000 to 80,000 words written about the house. Instead, it became a sequel to The Kid in a way.

Dan Savage

I think this will be more of a company-led expansion instead of one led by consumers.

Lincoln Anderson

People try to be new. Sometimes they push it a little too far, I agree. I like innovation instead of repeating something that has been done.

Igor Shpilband

Things are starting to go our way. Finally it seems like (the opponents) are making the errors instead of us. And we're starting to hit the ball a lot better too.

Kyle Miller

She was very frustrated. But very early on she articulated both to me and to the team that she was frustrated, but, 'So what. That's what I have and there's nothing I can do about it so I'm going to do what I can instead of play.' She had a very mature approach.

Kevin Morooney

I use digital for a proof machine instead of Polaroid, so it has a place in the industry.

Bill Groethe

The airport closed at midnight. So we were forced out and found some accommodation in a hotel ballroom. It wasn't the worst thing that could happen, and the kids were happy to be celebrating there instead of inside some airport.

Bill Trumbo

We will have a fire hose of data coming back instead of bringing it back through a little garden hose.

James Graf

They thought they had made a great move and brought someone in to beat me and instead I showed them what I'm about. It felt great!

Jimmy Conroy

The horse is fine and in good shape but he might go for the Scottish National - instead.

Brian Duncan

Instead of making us fit their program, it seems like they've been doing things to make the program fit us. That's a big difference.

Marcedes Lewis

If they take their children to doctors, they believe they are putting their faith in man instead of in God.

Bob Bartlett

Fighting America's oil addiction with these standards is like fighting lung cancer by smoking 49 cigarettes a day instead of 50.

Don Mackenzie

We didn't focus on how they felt after they bought things. Instead we focused on what led up to the buying decision.

Dr. Jennifer Lerner

We need to cut taxes instead of increasing taxes and put the state government on a diet.

William Scranton

Instead of depending on one person, every person on the team has had a top-10 finish this year.

Jason Rodenhaver

Maybe it would have been a murder conviction instead of a capital murder conviction if this had been disclosed.

Robert Rosenberg

I decided that instead of flailing in classic skis, I would just learn how to shoot.

Sarah Konrad

The best thing about that is I didn't see anyone take a deep breath. Instead the kids just stayed focused.

Michael Groves

But instead it went into Gates' pocket.

Michael Herring

Instead we decided this is a way for us to work together and just help.

Mark Weinstein

I am relieved to be up here talking about $40 to $50 million worth of damage instead of $40 to $50 billion worth of damage.

Paul Bettencourt

We decided that we wanted to keep working. We wanted to be for something. We wanted to use our energy instead of being depressed.

Barbara Spar

It's about time the camera can see me from the front instead of just the back.

Robert Lesley

When you run, you are delivering the blow instead of receiving it. We like that.

Jeremy Newberry

The biggest differences are that it takes place in London instead of New York and that Felix is gay.

David Young

I think that we got a little confused in our marking with our system; we were holding back instead of stepping up.

Char Morett

It was everyone?s preference to do it locally instead of through the courts.

Stan Seitzinger

The biggest hang-up is we look at it as an obligation... something we have to do instead of what we want to do. If we change our mindset, it becomes a much easier thing to do.

Peter Post

[Instead,] we turned everything over to the police department.

Tom Page

We match up with them well, but we got to put four quarters together instead of just two.

Bud Hendrix

I have never experienced being madly in love the way most people seem to have been, although it is not something I would miss. Instead I have had an enormous ability to love my children and my grandchildren and my great grandchildren.

Astrid Lindgren

It's a matter of thinking about possibilities instead of probabilities.

Duane Brown

They seemed to blame us instead of the politicians.

Ralph Roberts

Instead of opening a lot of new stores, we're refurbishing existing stores. Some of these stores are 20 years old.

Nino Rotondi

The Palestinian leadership could have built schools, hospitals and factories instead of a casino. This is a big disgrace and we will put an end to it.

Nayef Rajoub

It was a tough decision. But the co-chairman and the single biggest donor decided to come to Great Falls instead.

Mike Ingram

I didn't expect to be that high (in the rankings). It's a big accomplishment, but it doesn't really mean anything. That's why, instead of cutting back, I'm going to work even harder in practice.

Lawrence Cavello

I don't think [the rivalry] really translates to the game. Instead of focusing on the rivalry, I'm focusing on doing my best.

Christopher Chilton

The one thing I wish would have happened was we would have scored one more run for Milton. I wish he could have gotten a win out of that instead of a no-decision.

Rich Aurilia

When we start hitting, it gets contagious. It was nice to see us be on the giving side of one of those innings instead of the other side.

Darrell Butler

That set the tone for the rest of the round. I finally felt like I was going forward instead of backward.

Craig Lile

They're talking about the Saints being America's Team instead of the (Dallas) Cowboys this year.

Archie Manning

He said, 'You might as well get a cup and go sit on the sidewalk.' Instead, my name is on the sidewalk.

Christine Johnson

One view of this eruption is that we're at the end of the eruption that began in 1980. If it hadn't been so cataclysmic . . . it might instead have gone through 30 or 40 years of dome-building and small explosions.

Dave Sherrod

It just got too hard. It works a lot better if we do this on December 2 instead of January 27.

Peter Young

Use a gas barbecue grill instead of charcoal.

Chuck Gates

It feels great. Instead of us going somewhere, they're coming here. We're going to have all of our fans. I guarantee it's going to be a packed house.

Terrelle Pryor

We've found that the video quality is even better when a DSL line is incorporated instead of broadband.

Chip Greenberg

All it has to do is put the pledge as it was before and say that we are one nation, indivisible, instead of dividing us on religious basis.

Michael Newdow

We have to get to the offensive glass. We didn't crash the boards when we should have. We settled for jumpers instead of getting to the line.

Becky Hammon

Instead of 30 or 40 feet, I'm in there at 20 feet. When I hit a good shot, I'm inside 10 feet. I've hit a lot of greens this week but I've also hit it close a lot. Just a lot of good birdie chances.

Duffy Waldorf

We were definitely in drought conditions. It's nice to get little shots of precipitation instead of one big gulp, which we really don't need. This will really help the farmers out.

Steve Teachout

Instead of innovation, he's offering the old ideological critique of Democrats.

Will Marshall

One clue is when food begins to control you instead of you controlling food.

Leslie Bonci

These guys commit their crimes with a pencil instead of a gun.

Mario Merola

The day he was supposed to report to college, he reported to duty instead.

Peggy Smith

We should have been building gasoline supplies in February and March but instead we were drawing them out of tanks so we can clean them for ethanol.

John Parry

So often we try to alter circumstances to suit ourselves, instead of letting them alter us, which is what they are meant to do.

Mother Maribel

Now, instead of being bonuses, those players have to perform consistently in order for us to win.

Sean Georges