Irene Khan
FameRank: 4

"Irene Zubaida Khan" is a Bangladeshi lawyer who served as the seventh Secretary General of Amnesty International (2001-2009). In 2011, she was elected Director-General of the International Development Law Organization (IDLO) in Rome, Italy, an intergovernmental organization dedicated to the promotion of the rule of law. She is also a consulting editor of The Daily Star (Bangladesh)/The Daily Star.

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These people have committed no crime, but there is no supervision of the way they are being held.

Finland has been a great supporter in the disarmament campaign. You have a remarkably low number of refugees and the number of cases of violence against women in Finland is extremely high for a European country.

The definition of security must be broadened to encompass the security of people, as well as states. That means a commitment to human rights. That means recognizing that insecurity and violence are best tackled by effective, accountable states which uphold, not violate human rights.

A courageous testament to his visionary commitment to fight injustice around the world.

Torture should have been kept where it belonged, in the 16th century, instead of being imported into the 21st.

We resist the manipulation of fear and challenge the narrow focus of the security agenda.

The major human rights concern that we continue to have is the endemic human rights problems at the level of the state, ... That is the level at which the majority of the population come into contact with abuses by authorities.

We feel Australia has a very important role to play in the region, but it cannot do that if it doesn't practise what it preaches in its own territory.

The special prosecutor has done very little in terms of developing a strategy of how to address (impunity).