I just killed a kid.

It doesn't matter how good or how bad they are, they gonna stay there. The houses are not much to start with, but it's all they got. And they're proud of it, and rightly so. And we just do the best we can.

Debates don't ever solve anything. I doubt seriously that I can change anyone's minds about me through any kind of debate.

On Sunday afternoons, instead of going to church, you're going to be out there knocking on doors. It's a much bigger difference to ask someone to serve than to run.

That process is lengthy and difficult and should be used only when other efforts have failed.

There's far greater demand now in Kent County for housing than there is current supply and that has driven the price up.

I don't know if I buy that.

You would create bad blood between City Council and the School Board.

I'm not particularly interested in engaging in 12 debates, I think that's way too many. No doubt I will take part in a few of them, but 12 plus all the other ones scheduled by all the other organizations, that would keep us busy continuously.