206 quotes about illegal follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

I'm surprised it's illegal.

Bode Miller

Health Canada said I'm not on the list, so I must be illegal.

Tom Shapiro

This is a whole new arena, and I don't know how we can explore it without trying new approaches, even if they are technically illegal.

Michael Vlahos

Hispanic people do business here, ... That doesn't mean we're doing anything illegal.

Carlos Perez

It's just marijuana -- we don't differentiate, it's all illegal. We enforce federal drug law, and federal law trumps state law.

Casey Mcenry

We want to see a credible report telling us there is no current or ongoing illegal activity from the IRA.

Mark Durkan

It is unfair for our hospitals to bear a hugely disproportionate burden for mandated emergency health treatment for illegal aliens.

Jon Kyl

Not surprising considering what they are trying to hide, but the facts of illegal monopoly abuse are clear and undeniable.

Thomas Mccoy

We do many things at the federal level that would be considered dishonest and illegal if done in the private sector.

Donald T. Regan

The arms industry, both legal and illegal, is probably the biggest business in the world.

Paul Beaver

The ergonomics regulations issued in the eleventh hour of the Clinton administration make work illegal in the workplace.

Brook Simmons

I have not heard of Christians being arrested because of their faith. But believers have been arrested because they did something illegal, which should be punished by law.

Cao Shengjie

We tiptoe on the issue. I don't believe in holding job fairs for illegal immigrants.

Jeff Weninger

We have appealed with the Supreme Court on the same grounds: we are asking for the sentence to be overturned as [it is] illegal and unsubstantiated.

Genrikh Padva

It's getting closer and closer to the point where they will be finally declared illegal to own.

Hugh Wirth

The businesses that we are looking for are the ones that don't make that effort, that know that when they hire these people that they are actually illegal.

Roberto G. Medina

We've been accused of being one of the easiest states where anybody can come and get a driver's license, illegal or whatever.

David Hoyle

We have a lot of Mexicans that work ... here for the landscaping businesses, and I have no idea if they're illegal or not.

Carolyn Long

If people call and report an illegal dog, we will investigate that, and impound the animal when we find it.

Cheryl Conway

The surveillance issue has been somewhat of an embarrassment for the administration. As some of the things they have done are illegal.

Bert Rockman

I feel so bad, ... I didn't shoot from a truck; I didn't knowingly do anything that was illegal. This is embarrassing.

Susan Winter

The illegal brokering of arms and weapons to our enemies is a serious and deadly business.

Christopher Wray

The government cannot let groups that are illegal go on the rampage doing whatever they feel like.

Amani Abeid Karume

The number of disappearances and illegal detention by the state has, however, considerably decreased in the review period.

Sudip Pathak

That steps over the line and is, in fact, illegal.

David Mcintosh

It is clearly time for the U.S. to honor its treaty agreement with Canada, and to end these illegal duties that continue to harm American consumers.

Susan Petniunas

What I said may have been in bad taste. But it wasn't illegal, as they are claiming.

John London

There is no law or regulation anywhere that says this information is illegal.

Bruce Martin

We want to support our community even though we are not illegal, but we come from an immigrant community.

Carmen Garcia

We believe these rules are illegal.

Antony Dugdale

Anonymous mailers affecting an election are illegal and I have actually retained an attorney to look into that for me and file the appropriate complaint.

David Strong

I've smoked pot and drank with my dad. I've been drinking since I was 11. Drugs are illegal but we're going to do it no matter what anyone says.

Danielle Jones

Illegal firearms are a much more pervasive problem than they used to be.

James Burke

This is a half-hearted and half-baked solution to the problem of illegal immigration.

Angela Kelley

It would be a bad thing to take out all the illegal immigrants. If you take them all out, (the economy) won't survive.

Diana Sanchez

Fair and equal treatment is going to be the way things are, ... Nothing illegal will be tolerated.

Paul Campbell

With the number of illegal aliens, we can't drop our criminal prosecutions to handle administrative arrests. We have to prioritize.

Carl Rusnok

It is natural that some of the topless dancers that were arrested will make ridiculous claims to deflect attention from their illegal activities.

Bill Lutz

I don't want my money to go to educating illegal immigrants.

Albert Barwick

There's probably a lack of awareness from the Europeans about the problems we have with illegal trade.

Stephanie Theile

This is the product of some 30 years of illegal logging in the area.

Roger Mercado

This is another instance of Intel's illegal monopolization strategy.

Michael Silverman

We do adjust patrols according to intelligence we have. We do the same for illegal alien traffic.

Roy Cervantes

All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral, or fattening.

Alexander Woollcott

Certainly it could disturb the animals, but there's nothing illegal occurring.

Randy Hampton

We feel like we won round one because what they did was illegal.

Michael Woodward

That does make us look closely at that relationship. It may only look bad. It may not be illegal.

Randy Means

Illegal fishing can have a large impact.

Pam Baker

This is an illegal court and I won't attend it.

Ahmed Saadat

This is anti-Bluffton and anti-community, ... nothing illegal about it, and nothing we can do to prevent it.

Don Blair

So little is known about this illegal program that it's akin to legislating in the dark.

Tracy Schmaler

More effort has to be put into the oversight, enforcement and investigation into the illegal sale of guns.

Doug Painter

There's nothing illegal about knowing a criminal ... even doing business with a criminal, unless you commit a crime.

Gerald Shargel

We have seen a definite correlation between illegal activities of all sorts. Between criminal code activity and civil code activities, we see a correlation.

Tom Harp

Mistakes happen, but in any case, it's illegal. The guideline doesn't say anything about doing it accidentally.

Daniel Brandt

We can't reward people for breaking the law. Employers of illegal aliens should be charged and prosecuted to the full extent of the law.

Andy Ramirez

Clearly, when she began selling these on eBay to us, she knew it was illegal.

Dean Boyd

I ask you to enforce the law by seizing these illegal goods and arresting the offenders.

Bob Ulrich

The actions are blatantly illegal in that they are aimed at an unconstitutional removal of the country's head of state.

Joshua Nkomo

Decided by illegal votes.

Susan Molinari

To the best of my knowledge, none of them are illegal.

Robert Conroy

Illegal, non-democratic and sometimes even crazy.

Karsten Voigt

Because the donor of these funds has admitted to activities which are illegal and which we deplore as detrimental to our form of government, the executive director of the Rely On Your Beliefs (committee) will recommend that the board donate these funds to a charity.

Burson Taylor

If someone within your family is doing something that's certainly wrong, if not illegal, you have a duty to say, That's not us. That's what people are saying.

David Keene

Understand that legal and illegal are political, and often arbitrary, categorizations; use and abuse are medical, or clinical, distinctions.

Abbie Hoffman

I don't care if they take it (the computer) because there's nothing illegal on it.

Dr. Larry Roberts

Our children for the last 10 years, it's been said in every government survey, it's easier for them to buy illegal drugs than it is to buy beer and cigarettes.

Jack Cole

As the defenders of the Constitution, we are deeply troubled that illegal surveillance of law-abiding Americans could be happening in our own building.

Jeff Gamso

Combating violent gangs and stopping the flow of illegal drugs is a priority of this Office.

Roslynn Mauskopf

That's illegal. She was told two or three times.

Nancy Mulroy

He was known for conducting rocket attacks, ambushes, guerrilla-style attacks and setting up illegal checkpoints.

Jim Yonts

Illegal immigration is the greatest threat to African-Americans since slavery. We're fired up. We can't take it anymore.

Ted Hayes

As I understand the law, all the jury has to do is find is that somebody at Andersen engaged in illegal conduct. They don't have to be unanimous as to who at Andersen is the agent.

Ira Sorkin

It's illegal to be here undocumented. Whose fault is it? Well, yes, it's certainly their fault, those who are here that are undocumented. but it's also the fault of the federal government.

Rep. Alan Powell

The illegal we do immediately. The unconstitutional takes a little longer.

Henry Kissinger

Giving [contracts] to a buddy rather then the best person is what makes it illegal.

William Schroeder

Can something be ethical but illegal?

John Gross

No doubt in my mind it will be suppressed. It was illegal what they did.

Richard Schonfeld

I did it because of that miserable, illegal war. That son-of-a-b---- never should have started it. I would say it to his face.

Marie Runyon

We didn't pose any threat to Hong Kong ... We didn't bring in anything illegal. There are no grounds for the explanation of security concerns.

Theresa Chu

The manner in which they're using paper ballots is illegal. We called the state Board of Elections and they agree.

Leonard Roberto

It's not illegal, it's art. Under our ordinances, it's not advertising. He's welcome (to stay). ... He's got a new home.

Tim Caddell

Even if it sounds odd, it's true that -- given the current regulations -- Germany is dependent on illegal employment of foreign laborers.

Thomas Straubhaar

For us the International Olympic Committee rules are clear. What Mayer did was illegal.

Heinz Jungwirth

These defendants have been proven legally and convincingly guilty of a narcotics crime in the illegal export of class one drugs.

Istiningsih Rahayu

This is not hunting. This is illegal in every respect.

Joe Jerich

We argue he's a local guy in the community who does more than sit around and engage in illegal activity, but spends time being with his family and his wife.

Stephan Seeger

If they set that company up offshore with the express purpose of avoiding their obligations under US law, that could be illegal.

Christopher Myers

Illegal aliens have always been a problem in the United States. Ask any Indian.

Robert Orben

The group that's blocking the entrance is totally illegal. We've ask the authorities to help end this issue.

Juan Rebolledo

It wasn't something that couldn't be bought over the counter, and that's a big distinction in my mind. No one was trying to do anything illegal or hide anything.

Steve Bartlett

The government's continuing refusal to negotiate is proof that these illegal regulations were designed to eliminate collective bargaining.

Colleen Kelley

Everything I like is either illegal, immoral or fattening.

Alexander Woollcott

These are our taxpayer dollars and they're being spent to push an initiative and it very well could have been illegal in this case.

Ned Wigglesworth

I hope he will be here, and I hope he answers questions about the illegal betting.

Rene Fasel

Don't forget, this is not just for Latinos. This is for the Jewish community. This is for the Asian community. This is for every illegal immigrant there is.

Luis Martinez

The defense contention is they (the defendants) were only reporting information. Even if they said we support the illegal actions of somebody, that's not illegal.

Andrea Lindsay

And, of course, smoking is now illegal in a theater. We have the convention of cigarettes. But they don't get lit. Events comes and go so fast the audience probably won't notice.

Kevin Mckeon

It's in with the new and out with old. It's illegal to dump televisions, computers, monitors and cell phones in the trash.

Sego Jackson

Once and for all, I did not use steroids or any other illegal substance.

Mark Mcgwire

If they can't bury them themselves, get a hold of the Emergency Operations Center, and we'll come out and help. But don't move them. It's illegal, and you can have a health hazard.

Paul Braun

These people were subjected to forced displacement and illegal detention involving thousands of civilians.

Raid Juhi

You find the highest illegal immigration counties are now in the Midwest.

Austin Perez

We were victims of an illegal dumping.

Maria Caccaviello

Its illegal to possess another persons card.

Ken Hammond

We are all here against illegal immigration. What we're for is legal immigration.

Alberto Monserrate

It is very important for us if all weapons, ammunition and explosives, as well as illegal groups are eliminated. And we must get the government's confirmation on it before we go.

Pieter Feith

This is not an issue of just getting a fax out of the blue. That remains illegal under federal law.

David Remes

Of course, illegal immigration is really the hot-button issue for this election.

Pete Brunstetter

It is criminal that the Democratic elected officials allowed this country to invade Iraq, and it is criminal that they continue to support an illegal war.

Aaron Dixon

This is impersonation. These companies are engaged in an illegal activity. They're profiting from it, and they need to be prosecuted.

Joe Farren

Our city officials are condoning illegal activity.

Randy Pullen

Is not your insistence on holding the elections as scheduled anything but putting your seal of approval on the illegal actions of the Guardian Council?

Ayatollah Ali Khamenei

It's plain and simple. Where there has been evidence of music theft, there are consequences for illegal activity.

Jenni Engebretsen

There have been very positive responses from these enterprises after we made public their illegal activities.

Pan Yue

We believe our corporate activities aren't illegal. We'll respond to the search with sincerity.

Ryoji Miyauchi

He's basically an illegal alien.

Greg Palmore

Our message between zero and .08 is a responsibility message. The message of .08 and above is an illegal message.

Chuck Hurley

The punishment was acknowledged as illegal and our complaint is satisfied.

Natalya Terekhova

The First Amendment is not a shield for illegal conduct by journalists, or journalists' sources.

George Riley

You didn't know it's illegal to sell this in the United States?

Robert Arnold

In fact, his constant mantra is he doesn't want anybody doing anything that's immoral, illegal or unethical.

Dale Uhler

What they've said to the court is that the industry's illegal activities are continuing to this day. And that's the most important thing because that's what they have to prove to win this case.

Bill Corr

Its important to us to stop illegal activity for the people in this community who don't want it in their backyards.

Susann Griffin

In my opinion, that suggests a large amount of illegal distribution.

Thomas Perls

Coffee and doughnuts are great. But he needs to stop aiding and abetting illegal immigrants. That would be the kindest thing he could do.

Rosanna Pulido

They came to the country illegally, knowing they were illegal.

Rep. Scott Beason

We will not allow any violent act or any illegal act to influence our journalists.

Ming Pao

It was an illegal connection. We have since put the account -- and its balance of $120.30 -- in Mr. Miller's name.

Matt Pitzarella

It's not unusual. It's common. And until somebody makes it illegal, they're going to keep doing it.

Alan Marcus

Our goal is to eliminate illegal dumping in the county.

Jim Minor

Better representation to illegal aliens than their fellow Idahoans.

Robert Vasquez

Reverse engineering is not clearly illegal.

Mark Rasch

The only illegal activity here that I am aware of is the mayor using city money to print and distribute.

Peter Mclaughlin

It was bigger than an M-80; it was a good 8 inches long and the width of a stick of dynamite. It was an explosive, and it is definitely illegal.

Deputy Joshua Moody

It's not just illegal immigration, it's invasion.

Fred Gottshalk

You almost have to make panhandling in Oregon illegal.

Alan Deboer

We're not anti-immigration. We're anti-illegal immigration. When you come illegally, you're a criminal. You're breaking the law.

Jeff Hewitt

It's also illegal for Americans to buy drugs from Canada.

Peter Ashkenaz

Players have already adjusted to the rules changes from 2004. They've developed alternate techniques that can be effective but less likely to draw an illegal-contact flag.

Jim Schwartz

It's becoming more common, even though it's illegal. They're in the way of development.

Lynda White

Dancehall, in particular, has been affected tremendously - by about a 30 to 35 per cent decline. Apart from the burning of CDs, illegal downloading affects us too.

Paul Shoucair

Through that theory, there is every incentive to go back. The 10,000-foot view is it would be very difficult to be illegal and be here.

Will Adams

After careful review, I have concluded that there was such a failure that this was an intentional an illegal attempt to circumvent the law and that it was designed to benefit big energy companies at the expense of the public health.

Jim Jeffords

Given the large size of the illegal harvest, ... I find it difficult to understand how this could have been a casual oversight.

Peter Defazio

The brothers and sisters all get along and I thought that was illegal.

Marine Colfrank Ryan

Many beggars always have puppies. They buy them on the illegal market for a few euros.

Francesca Cantalini

Illegal ivory markets expand when business is booming and government authorities look the other way.

Tom Milliken

Health Canada said I'm not on the list, so I must be illegal. [The police] were there for one reason. . .and they did as much damage as they could.

Tom Shapiro

We absolutely, vehemently deny the charges. He was not doing anything illegal or wrong when he harvested.

Mario Gallucci

I went over to investigate that there wasnt any illegal activity going on.

Johnny Thompson

To combat the growing devastation caused by the crimes associated with illegal immigration.

Janet Napolitano

We won't cross the line that we shouldn't do. That means we won't provide illegal content on the net.

York Li

It would make huge economic sense. All the illegal Irish I've met here are quite proud to feel American.

John Perry

The transit union set the entire day in motion by having an illegal strike.

Christopher Mcgrath

The program spawned illegal immigration.

Vernon Briggs

It will be illegal to haze, period. It's just wrong, and it's got to be stopped.

Debbie Smith

Officially, of course, no government is involved in the illegal arms industry, but a lot of them close a blind eye.

Paul Beaver

When you're illegal, you have to work and go to your house. You can't make trouble because if the police catch you, you will be deported.

Amilcar Arroyo

Bringing in a lot of land not currently within the urban-growth area will be difficult, but I can't say it would be illegal per se.

Jim Doherty

I do not condone illegal activity, ... But I can't stand here today and say that I condone censorship.

Marc Ecko

The reality of the situation is that there is nothing illegal about doing it.

Sherry Bebitch Jeffe

The problem we had with the RIO was that it could exacerbate the MP3 piracy problem by encouraging more people to post illegal MP3 files and more people to download them.

Cary Sherman

It's not illegal to drive round and round, but it gets pretty boring after two or three times.

Fred Droes

With Sri Lanka, we talked about illegal arms trade which involves both countries.

Bambang Kuncoko

That, too, is Berlin. And as long as nothing illegal happens, I expect tolerance.

Klaus Wowereit

She deliberately closed her eyes to the illegal source of those funds.

Richard Sullivan

Nothing is illegal if a hundred businessmen decide to do it, and that's true anywhere in the world.

Andrew Young

The point is to stop it (illegal immigration), and if we have to do it ourselves, we're going to do everything we can to stop it.

Michael Vickers

Nothing has changed in the ash. The Health Department wants to change the standards. We've never done nothing illegal here and we're not going to.

Larry Wilderman

They know the victims are vulnerable; they are illegal immigrants.

Bill Butler

It remains to be seen if they're an asset or not. I know they're hard workers ..., but it's led to illegal activity.

Bob Kenney

It's a huge contradiction of a country. Porn's illegal. Chewing gum is illegal. They can (beat people with canes) legally. Brothels are completely legal.

Joleen Zanuzoski

At that time, it was illegal to do much of this, so everything had to be done in sort of a careful manner.

Judy Smith

Their coach said and illegal scissor hold by their wrestler should have been called.

Bill Dushane

I observed events that I thought were wrong, so I did make a conclusion. I didn't make a conclusion that it was legal or illegal.

Paula Rieker

If I was a prosecutor, I'd be like a kid in a candy store, ... the harmful effect of illegal pornography by assisting in law enforcement.

Bruce Taylor

The strike was illegal. It was intentional to cause chaos and havoc throughout the city, and if you look at my brother, that's what they did.

James Long

Only the Justice Department believes online gambling is illegal.

Peter Marcus

A lot of people aren't even sure which fireworks they've bought out there are illegal to use.

Dan Guice

People tend to associate anyone who looks and behaves differently with illegal or immoral activity.

Marilyn Manson

That is not illegal. All bets are off because that becomes part of the package.

Terence Mcelroy

There are some things that are normally only used for illegal drugs. We want to make it illegal for users to buy those things.

Phil Mendelson

I am not going to encourage illegal activity here in Massachusetts and I do not want Massachusetts to become a Mecca for illegal immigrants.

Kerry Healey

This is urgent, considering the number of illegal kills right now.

Chris Servheen

The city of Harlingen has an ordinance. You can't have them in your possession; you can't discharge them. That's illegal. The police can confiscate them and issue citations up to $200.

Frank Garcia

Food companies are spiking fruit drinks, breakfast cereals and snack foods with illegal ingredients and then misleading consumers about their health benefits.

Bruce Silverglade

Sadly, today our borders are a sieve, allowing illegal immigrants to pour into the country.

Gil Gutknecht

We are yet to find who was doing the illegal logging.

Hadi Supeno

It's more likely to be brought in by the illegal movement of birds and bird products.

Mark Atkinson

In that case, there would be no reason for them to get performance enhancing drugs that are illegal.

Jeff Mroz

We need to get illegal guns off the streets now.

Michael Bryant

In other words you can't buy one because it is illegal.

Hugh Wirth

As we crack down on gang activity, we have to often deal with the hiding places, houses where illegal activity is occurring.

Mayor Carlos Mayans

I don't know how you can declare an emergency at the border and be perceived as being pro-illegal immigration.

Jeanine L'ecuyer

It's illegal to transport roosters across state lines or for foreign export for animal fighting.

John Goodwin

Almost all of them in this case are from out of town, ... It isn't illegal for people to come out here, but they do need to abide by the law.

Richard Bull

If they see illegal activity, of course, they're going to report it. But we are not law enforcement, and we don't want to be perceived as law enforcement.

Eugene Brezany

It was quite illegal. Public bodies can't give resources to private bodies.

Estelle Perrault

Every once in a while they will throw a flag on us for illegal contact downfield, or something like that.

Erik Coleman