It's a real serious problem. There are lawyers out there who are advertising and chasing cases. Every once in a while you'll see a lawyer get in trouble for doing that. But it's not enough.

The union has to be made aware of the consequences of their actions. If they didn't strike, Bear Stearns wouldn't have needed to hire a charter bus in order to get their employees to work. Academy Bus wouldn't have had to subcontract it to AME.

He'll never be the same as he used to be. He's never going to be able to do the things that he loves again.

The union put this entire thing into motion. Whenever you engage in an illegal strike ... they have to understand that there are certain people that it's going to affect their safety, namely firefighters. These people have to get to work.

The transit union set the entire day in motion by having an illegal strike.

His life is changed forever because of this strike.

There's no question that it's not your run of the mill case. But remember that a judge had already told (union members) 'it's an illegal strike and to go back to work.' They didn't do that.

There is no precedent for this, but there is no question who put this situation in motion. If they did not have their illegal strike, there is no question that this would not have happened.