You should break a little bit of a sweat.

Joe Ramos

To young to hold on and to old to just break free and run.

Jeff Buckley

We had already scored one run, and he scored three to break it open.

Jack Sturgeon

Got out in two and a half hours, didn't even break a rib, and everything was fine.

Howard Stark

Beauty, more than bitterness, makes the heart break.

Sara Teasdale

What we don't have is water, a factor that will make or break a crisis situation.

Peter Kessler

We all know that people drink on spring break, and we all know that they have sex on spring break.

Hilda Pettit

It's a good way to end the record-breaking season. Why not have one more and be done with it?

Chris Landsea

Never break your putter and your driver in the same round or you're dead.

Tommy Bolt

It was one of those that are going to come back to haunt us. That's going to make or break our playoff chances.

Rudy Gonzales

It doesn't get more important than a defendant testifying in his own behalf. It'll be make or break for him.

Kirby Behre

I think of my wife, and I think of Lot,And I think of the lucky break he got.

William Cole

A basketball or a baseball or a football will all break a window in different ways.

Takashi Oya

I was breaking mine as fast as I was making them.

Mike Hill

It was a perfect way for me to come back from taking a break at home.

Tanja Poutiainen

We have an opportunity here to do something that is ground-breaking -- that doesn't come along very often.

Gil Bellows

They really ran well today. Anytime you can break a record, you have to be pleased.

Ryan Long

Things that were endearing when a couple was together are not after a break up.

Detective Paul Bertolami

Listen. If we can't break the ice, how 'bout we drown it?

Paul Bettany

It may be the incentive that is needed to break this.

Frank Brunner

It was unfortunate that I couldn't pick it. But I got a nice little break up and 'Bad Hands Will' caught it.

Juran Bolden

I don't think we've come to the point of schism, ... We are not breaking away from anybody.

Peter Akinola

It is not bad to have a break with a change of date.

Christina Smith

We finished a lot better. And it was big for James to break the ice.

Jim Huntington

We're breaking some new ground with this case.

Gerald Nance

I'm all about breaking stereotypes.

Daddy Yankee

I wanted to break the world record, but the conditions did not allow that.

Dwight Phillips

We figured there might be one or two people who would break 100.

Todd Schumacher

We cannot destroy kindred: Our chains stretch a little sometimes, but they never break.

Marie de Rabutin Chantal

We were breaking the press and getting some easy baskets.

Sean Ogirri

We are just barely breaking even or losing a little money.

Glen Pawlowski

I was using a surging motion to break free from his arms.

Brett Burton

Sticks and stones will break our bones, but words will break our hearts...

Robert Fulghum

They really picked me up. It was one of those games -- bend but don't break. I sure don't like bending that much though. But it was a big win for us.

Tim Hudson

Did we break the law or not ... it's real concerning to me and real concerning to the public.

D. James Baker

Ted throws hard and has a great breaking ball. When he is on he is one of the best in the state.

Cory Miller

The weakest link in the chain is also the strongest. It can break the chain.

Stanislaw Jerzy Lec

We think parts [of the blogosphere] will break because of load and growth.

Mike Graves

It's better that we have this break, ... so I'm glad we were able to beat out the storm.

Randy Brown

With spring break in April, we may be pressed for parking spaces.

Lawrence Meckler

You can drop it or hit it with a hammer and it's not going to break.

John Mills

I'm looking to break into the top 80 first, and then aspire to finish the year among the first 50.

Kristof Vliegen

When they break it up ... it's just a way of skirting the law.

Sen Donna Boley

No man has ever yet been hanged for breaking the spirit of a law.

Grover Cleveland

We just couldn't get a break.

John Callahan

We see the need to break the cycle in 1998.

Alistair Graham

They're like loan sharks, but they don't break legs.

Joel Greenberg

I prefer not to have those things, but I am not going to break the law.

Tom Monaghan

We're not anti-immigration. We're anti-illegal immigration. When you come illegally, you're a criminal. You're breaking the law.

Jeff Hewitt

We've come a very, very long way, a long way to breaking down the barriers of racism.

Dana Coffey

If you break your leg, we'll push you in a wheelchair.

Sharon Henderson

I was just waiting for a game I could break out.

John Madsen

I'm hungry about boxing because the break has been so long.

Vitali Klitschko

We're gonna have to do something, I don't know what it is. We can't find that break right now, and it's very frustrating.

Jamelle Cornley

They're not that bold in breaking new ground. The economic bottom line is the thing.

Glenn Sparks

He's on his way, I promise. In the meantime, we'll take a break.

Paul Howell

I kept telling guys, 'I'm going to break 'em.

Pat Williams

There is one thing I would break up over, and that is if she caught me with another woman. I won't stand for that.

Steve Martin

Never give a sucker an even break.

W. C. Fields

There's no good-guy in a break-up.

Marie Bonner sokol

It's pretty close to break-even.

Nile Easton

We may be breaking that.

Ashton Oravetz Iii

That's the break-it-or-make-it deal. They (bars) have to be in.

Rex Wilmouth

We try to break it up. Sometimes they can't handle it all in one sitting.

Dr. Jan Wrobleski

I was actually really impressed with that. To get out there and break 54 seconds, I was really shocked at that.

Jodie Henry

We usually get a lot things going with our fast break. We weren't able to do that tonight.

Monique Currie

We're attacking and fast-breaking a lot more, and that suits us pretty well. More of our guys are doing what they do best better.

Rob Walton

Maturity is only a short break in adolescence.

Jules Feiffer

We're breaking new ground here.

David Ciganko

You really can't say that something will make you or break you. If you get into that, you're setting your program up for failure.

Mark Mangino

And I expect him to break the state record at the state meet.

Guy Amuso

When we get out on the break and execute, no one is quicker than us.

Jermaine Carter

I don't think we need a break. We need to get better.

Josh Pinnick

The funds are trying to break out from a very crowded marketplace.

Burt Greenwald

I get that same excitement as a fast break with Magic.

James Worthy

As soon as they try, the alarm goes off. It's not a silent alarm. It screams. We haven't had a break-in since.

Kathleen Boutin

He's gone from not breaking 40, to breaking 40 almost every time.

Hank Bontrager

The backboard didn't break, ... but the rim hit my head and it hurt.

Josh Taylor

Eli used to play defense. But we put him up there to give Ben a break.

Rod Schwarz

Electronically, we can go anywhere we want. It helps to break up the monotony of the classroom.

Ozzie Smith

We wouldn't break ground until after we receive a license.

Michael Ramos

Dr. Munger is paid $121,000, so it sounds pretty much a break-even to me.

Karen Walker

For the typical American, it's the best and most generous tax break in the entire tax code.

Douglas Duncan

It's a shame they do feel the need to break it up.

Brian Langenberg

I like the moment when I break a man's ego.

Bobby Fischer

This is a break of a lifetime for them.

Kathy Kelly

He basically said it's OK for him and his friends to break the law and no one else can.

Jerry Lundergan

I was hoping if we got some guys on base, we'd catch a break, and that's what happened.

Tim Mcdonald

He's a big-play back. He can break any play for a touchdown.

David Mckinley

A lot of teams come in thinking they're going to break it, and they don't. That's the fun part about it.

Tyresa Smith

You couldn't ask a better spring break gift.

Don Noorda

It was nice to see Rusty break out of his shell.

Bart Rothenberger

We've had some good teams. To be able to tie, break the record is a good feat.

Gary Rankin

The only thing I might be behind on would be my breaking ball.

Randy Flores

When you saw him break down, that was heartfelt.

Billy Hunter

It's a miracle if you break even. A deficit is almost inevitable.

Sergio Chiamparino

It is pretty clear that we can break $70 without too much problem.

Deborah White

He's been struggling. We knew this was going to be his game to break out.

Tyler Colvin

It was good weather, good wrestling ... what else can you ask for on Christmas break?

Greg Haga

That single piece of evidence may break the case.

Tom Monahan

The earlier you intervene, the better chance you have of breaking that cycle.

Don Strassberg

I had to go about it the law abiding way, why do they get to break the law.

Billy Kuykendall

This is make or break for us.

Ronnie Mcfall

This team is like a big chain that you can't break.

Tasmin Mitchell

You must be in tune with the times and prepared to break with tradition.

James Agee

We Can Never Break Up.

Alkaline Trio

If you break 100, watch your golf. If you break 80, watch your business.

Joey Adams

It's very tough to break him because he has a very big lefty serve.

Radek Stepanek

They're so much faster. Some of the changes in the break are not what we're used to seeing.

Sergio Garcia

Anyone can break the law. That doesn't mean we shouldn't have laws.

John Collett

I'd rather have my heart broken, than break one.

Josh Hartnett

They played very tight defensively and unfortunately we couldn't break them.

Slava Kozlov

I don't think you can make a child have ADHD. A child is born with a predisposition, and the environment will make or break that predisposition.

Donna Palumbo

I don't know how clean of a break it's going to be.

Rosie Jones

It is impossible for us to break the law. We can only break ourselves against the law.

Cecil B. De Mille

Hopefully I can break some records, get some medals.

Katie Hoff

They are breaking their necks and killing them for fun.

Kathy Crawford

We'd prefer to have a seven-day break, but there's not much you can do about it.

Brian Cook

They started tackling better. They became a fist, and we couldn't break that fist.

Justin Feagin

Before, it was horrible. I was breaking my back over the tub.

Liz Craft

We have a TV in the break room. I'm sure we'll have the game on.

Wade Smith

But they were the ones breaking the law!

Marcy Winograd

We are not going to stop this fire until we get a break in the weather.

Mark Savage

Nobody that's in this room is trying to get away with breaking the law.

Bill Woods

She's getting close to her goal. Her goal is to break 7. She's getting closer to breaking her goal.

Krystal Mckenzie

Cut us a break. We're not trying to de-mobilize it. We're trying to do it right.

Steve Rosen

It's much tougher to break into a company [from the outside].

Jeff Moss

I think if the conditions are here, I'd say all five big boats will break the record.

Mark Richards

Scores are absurdly important, One hundred points could easily make or break a kid.

Ned Johnson

Every break that we got at duals, we sort of didn't get this week.

Larry Morgan

I don't really like them. I feel like I'm going to break them.

Jon Hart

I never had a customer break out in song before.

John Regan

I kind of feel for them. I hope they break the streak.

John Buzhardt

You have to break through and you have to do that with very effective advertising. You have to do it with reach, impact, and repetition.

Craig Shirley

Being married means I can [break wind] and eat ice cream in bed.

Brad Pitt

Voice-over-IP was breaking up. The pipe was only so big.

Gregg Davis

Let there be no illusions, ... The communion is broken and fragmented. The communion will break.

Peter Akinola

We've had it all -- hail, a tornado, floods, a dam break. I don't know what else we can get.

Tom Birchard

But you guys should not get the wrong idea. We're not breaking up...

Keith Murray

What we don't do is give amnesty and reward people for breaking the law.

Brian Bilbray

We did a good job of breaking that press. We got into a situation where we had to scramble.

Pamela Gainey

I took an extra step and I slipped a little bit on my break.

Dwayne Jarrett

If you break it down, it comes out to be about $2.70 a serving.

Lori Zimmerman

This was big for us to break that streak of one win at a time.

Ralph Escalona

Break any problem into, or make any changes in, small increments.

Anne Grant

We're aiming to beat the national record, but we might have to break the world record to win.

Chris Newton

That decision was absolutely a break.

Dave Nicholl

He just housed them all. He didn't even take a break.

David Nour

She didn't break well and it cost her.

Kirk Zaidie

We will now use the Olympic break as a part of my rehab program.

Kari Lehtonen

We will probably break even on this.

Florence Paterno

Personally, I think it will break down, but hey, that's just what I think.

Richard Russell

His off-speed and breaking ball were sharp.

Dave Larson

It's about raising awareness of these issues and breaking down perceptions.

Paul George

We joked about breaking the record at halftime. We wanted it.

Trevor Booker

Give me a break.

Steve Kelley

The break in the talks is a good thing for energy.

Steve Sawyer

I worked for Bob, so this is quite an honor to break his record.

Rick Laferriere

It was in the back of my mind. I was trying to get near that time or break it.

Andrew Clark

It was hell. It's a very hard habit to break.

Robert Peters

If all goes well, we plan to break ground on March 6th.

Rob Dickson

This will be a good day. How many bats can I break?

Cole Hamels

If I can stop one heart from breaking, I shall not live in vain.

Emily Dickinson

The goal is to break even.

David Cline

By me being bigger and stronger, I'll be able to break more tackles. That's one of the things I'm good for, breaking tackles, and I want to get better at it.

Jonathan Stewart

If you can wrap it around your finger and it doesn't break, you've got basket material.

Gary Weisenberger

I'd never gone as a kid to an ice rink. There was always that fear that I'd break my leg and it would affect my career.

Bonnie Langford

Aggressive surfers might break two or three boards a year.

Peter Mehiel

If she ran in the Distaff, she would have to run second just to break even.

Eric Kruljac

[Lawmakers] from the Valley could make or break some of these bills.

Erin Rogers

He's breaking an established system.

Eric Greenberg

Deploy smart, don't just do it. If you just do it, you may just break it.

Erik Johnson

It's a funny-shaped ball, and sometimes that ball doesn't break for you. But this is just the start.

Eric Winston

We don't normally attract a big spring break crowd because of the rates.

Enid Liberti

We cannot stop all individuals or organizations from breaking the law, nor can any law enforcement agency.

Emilio Zebadua

I'm at that age where I want to break away from them.

Elisha Parry

To have 100 percent efficacy is something that you have very rarely. We're breaking out the champagne.

Eliav Barr

We're breaking out the champagne.

Eliav Barr

Celebrities are put in a different category and are allowed to break the rules.

Elayne Rapping

We had a wonderful time. The weather gave us a break.

Ed Mcintosh

I'm more worried about breaking a finger. I'm not worried about my heart.

Eddy Curry

I looked like I was break dancing.

Eddie Guevarez

We're still on track to break ground in September.

Ed Wiederstein

None of us have gone through life without breaking things.

Ed Roth

It will be critical, a make-or-break round.

Zhao Yumin

They're a lot braver than they used to be - they know they can find a job on their lunch break.

Eric Nelson