He saved this franchise really. I think this franchise would be in L.A now if it weren't for him.

I don't think it is right for someone with whom I do business to extract value from my information without my consent.

It used to be, if you bought in Oakland, you were a pioneer, ... Now, there seems to be a pretty insatiable appetite.

In the past, I have taken positions in support of free speech. And I thought, if I'm going to try to be consistent about free speech, how could I tell Scott to take the sign down?

I have a passion for public service and I can see the enormous potential Minnesota has.

A wide group of Minnesotans have been working on improving results for kids since the early 1990s, ... What we're seeing is the outcome of a long development process of school accountability and improvement that would have happened absent No Child Left Behind and absent Cheri Yecke.

The sacrifices our troops and their families are making are an important part of Minnesotans' lives right now. If this draws attention to that, it's all to the good as far as I'm concerned.

The first thing they recommended is replacing four-inch (mains) with a minimum of six inch.

Give me a break.