Ashley and I have a fantastic little girl. She's amazing and we both adore her. That's all we care about - our daughter.

Sharleen Spiteri

Never be the first to arrive at a party or the last to go home and never, never be both.

Joe Brown and David Brown

A game like this can only make both teams better.

Doug Pickarts

Both of our fathers are veterans.

Carl Hoffman

MULATTO, n. A child of two races, ashamed of both.

Ambrose Bierce

He's been a real inspiration to both of us.

Brooke Lyons

The potential is unbelievable with both those girls.

Duncan Chase

I think there are valid points on both sides.

Peter Roby

Working with both of them has been just amazing because they're both so talented, and they're both so professional.

Dale Shields

The two were very close, but we didn't recruit them that way. We talked about if you both come here, we can do this, but Lindsay is her own cat and Liz is her own cat.

Joanne P. Mccallie

Both serve for all to be able to come to offer reverence and prayer.

Kealoha Pisciotta

We can't have it both ways.

Commissioner Jackie Colon

We will begin a search for a replacement both internally and externally.

Art Slusark

Both of them flushed the AIDS antibodies out of their systems long ago.

Jim Jenkins

Remember that speculation cuts both ways.

Purnomo Yusgiantoro

It has been a marked improvement with both aspects.

Allan Johnson

I was really pleased, they both had individual goals and they met them. Both of them held their own.

Nikki Harris

I have both exploited and been exploited in the print field.

Red Grooms

We're both kind of swift, we're kind of the same.

Tony Dixon

I think a fair balance of a little bit of both.

Brian Simione

We kind of have a little bit of both.

Susan Wykoff

I am disappointed and disturbed by both the NFL and the Dodgers — but much more by the Dodgers.

Zev Yaroslavsky

They both think, ... that the law school betrayed them.

Steven Brill

Safeguard the health both of body and soul.


After seeing both of those guys, I would say that they should be at the top.

Yates Hall

They're both driving me crazy.

Joe Schmidt

Work is both my living and my pleasure.

Harlan Howard

It's an honor for both of us.

Werner Hoeger

Both of us made mistakes, but they were able to take advantage.

Thomas Schaaf

If she makes both of those shots, and we get a stop, who knows.

Roger Pyper

Both players are having outstanding years.

John Sloop

Joseph and I have both been missionaries. After that experience, you need to have something to do!

Brian Turner

We're really honored that both houses supported the legislation.

Josh Ewing

He beat both of them and firmly believes he will beat this one.

Ken Hayes

We sent engines in both directions because we didn't know where to go.

Phil Watkins

He will talk about humans as innately violent and innately altruistic, both.

Kevin Hunt

Both were 23 when they died. You need to talk to your child often.

David Pease

We're both the non-politicians. We both have been running on the reform platform.

Alan Uke

They're both working almost exclusively with children.

Grier Weeks

We have a huge week (this) week. Both of our teams have to win both games.

Jason Venable

Libya has had to put up with too much from the Arabs for whom it has poured forth both blood and money.

Muammar Qadhafi

I get along with both of them. I don't see myself fitting neatly into either camp.

Sally Clark

Lisa calls every day to see how things are. They both have been so good to us.

Jenn Davis

This will further enhance SNIA and be a win-win for both of us.

Sam Greenblatt

Justice cannot be for one side alone, but must be for both.

Eleanor Roosevelt

We have our own security set up which has been beefed up, both within as well as outside the campus.

Dp Kothari

That's really another spot that you'll probably see both guys on the field this week.

Mike Shula

We couldn't have asked for anything better. We both had such great races.

Kristina Groves

Both of them are aggressive on the offensive boards. Anytime they see a shot go up, they try to get inside position.

Mark Yoder

They're both a big part of what we're trying to do to get better, but it's not just them.

Jeff Pentland

Both players are very deserving of the honors they received.

Kelly Scott

That car made quite an impression on both of us independently.

Phil Reilly

It is obviously very disappointing for both of them, and also for the rest of us too.

David Tuttle

They both agreed that was an acceptable compromise.

John Burnett

They had two pots left, and they said, 'We'll let you have both of these for $7,'.

Pat Allen

We saw a lot of dead people, both in the water and in buildings.

Gregg Brown

We have strong skiers on both sides.

Simon Marsh

It would be absurd if we did not understand both angels and devils, since we invented them.

John Steinbeck

It was really scary. I hope they're both OK.

Kathleen Mccarthy

When you subsidise poverty and failure, you get more of both.

James Dale Davidson

He has made a huge difference both on and off the field.

David Pickering

It's the best of both worlds. We'll have a historical house, but everything will be new.

Donna Streier

I got corrected in both languages, basically.

Rebekah Hines

And we're both friends also, so we thought that was cool.

Laura Ertz

It's huge for us - both in a state and regional aspect.

Tim Simmons

They were better than us in both 18-yard boxes.

Colin Lee

The situation remains both fluid and disturbing.

John Bond

I have a brain and a uterus, and I use both.

Patricia Schroeder

It's an ecological disaster for both estuaries.

Kevin Henderson

We both knew that eventually we wanted the same thing. But it was all still so new.

Gwyn Gauger

We both have to think about the dishes.

Jill Clayburgh

It was pretty cool that we both had our time in the spotlight.

Adam Shilling

Both tend to do well when inflation is up and bonds are underperforming.

Tom O'connor

It could go either way, that's for sure. They're both really big boys.

Frank Godina

It's neat now. We're both on the same team, he's a great guy and we've had a lot of fun together.

Philip Rivers

There are two reasons why I'm in show business, and I'm standing on both of them.

Betty Grable

They both hurt. The feeling I had yesterday was the same one I have today.

Drew Gooden

Both sides of him are going to be on TV. One of those sides is going to get (him) caught.

John Greuniesen

I thank them each day for what they're doing for both of our families.

Greg Parker

Every leader in both chambers in both parties has a leadership PAC.

Roger Wicker

In the near future, we're going to find out if we can use both of them at the same time.

Tony Nathan

It's probably something that will be good for both sides.

Rich Moore

I know that I have the best of both worlds with the dual nationality.

Peter Mayhew

Both teams did a good job of stopping the run.

David Kirkland

He has the ability to do both.

Tyrone Nix

Both had been model inmates.

Jack Ford

We both said `We knew it,'.

Susan Peters

The action comes as quite a surprise, to both us and the company.

Michael Weinstein

They were huge. Both of those were a big lift.

Jimmy Young

We were aware that this report was due to come out and it would be both topical and controversial.

John Drummond

Hopefully, we can both come out of the region.

Scott Welch

Depression is both a cause and effect of diabetes.

Dr. Wayne Katon

I expect big things of those two. They both show promise for the future.

Renny Waldron

I'm very proud of both these guys. Even the dog did a heck of a job.

Sgt. Blair Edl

We're pleased with the outcome and that this is now behind us and we can both move forward.

Joe Beyers

They are both good with their heads and this is not worrying me.

Frank Rijkaard

Both companies had to do something and this deal is probably the best they can do.

Bertrand Bidaud

There has been too much suffering and too much death for both Israelis and Palestinians.

William Burns

Ten years ago we probably wouldn't have dreamt of this, both of us.

Ryan Giggs

Unfortunately, both of those bands have been on hiatus.

Cary Kanno

He stripped it. All ball. We both went for it. I got it back. I put it in.

Ayinde Ubaka

With Maynard and Gilligan, I had the best of both worlds.

Bob Denver

Both are great guys and we're going to miss them.

Al Gallagher

They both were just very sweet people.

Darryl Fisher

This is the first student textbook we've had that is both constitutional and age appropriate.

Charles Hayes

Both of them I stopped at second base because I thought they were doubles.

Brock Bidlingmaier

They're both fun to be around with and great teachers too.

Dan Rose

We're not going to be able to satisfy both of you.

Ric Williamson

In both of the games against Michigan, the bench was the difference.

Thad Matta

Golf is not a funeral, though both can be very sad affairs.

Bernard Darwin

Both of these are speculation. Hopefully in a few months I can tell you.

Carey M. Lisse

What do you do to both realize the value of that asset and save the building?

Chris Zimmerman

We've been looking forward to getting them back. They'll both be big additions for us.

Isaiah Kacyvenski

We want both players back, hopefully we'll get that done.

Mike O'connell

It's tough, because you know both sides.

Jamal Crawford

They lost, we lost. Both teams have got to win the game.

Marvin Moss

They are both sweet, wonderful people.

Pedro Freyre

I hope both cities do something together.

Terry Stralow

I'm absolutely convinced I can represent them both.

Charles Carnesi

The only disappointing part of the day is that I couldn't have been in both places at once.

Steve Arnett

Both John and I felt they deserved to be shown.

John Earley

It was a last-minute thing agreed to by both parties.

Dock Blanchard

The uniforms are size 32 waist, and we're both a lot bigger than that.

Tanner Osweiler

It was an ugly day. It probably cost both teams a few at bats.

Patrick Mitchell

I'm friends with him, and we'll be friends after the vote. And we'll both support the party.

John Curley

She definitely stepped up on both ends of the court.

Lavonda Wagner

It's incredible pressure (on both).

Tara Lipinski

They're both fine. We're praying a lot, but they're going to make it.

Mary Hayes

Rejected both the appropriateness of an apology and of monetary redress.

John J. Mccloy

If you can have your cake and eat it too, why not try to do both.

Jack Mintz

They were both real shy. Danny was so shy he wouldn't hardly talk to anybody.

Ken Hayes

Both of those points could have gone either way.

Sean Mccarthy

They both played four solid quarters.

Joe James

This transaction is a winning proposition for both parties.

Ross Young

They are both quality producers. It's really a nice compliment to them.

Rod Keeling

We were both mad we didn't get any money.

John Small

We were both from small schools.

Lamar Gordon

She gives people the best of both worlds.

Warren Farrell

I had both his ankles, my feet were in. I thought it was two (points), and the ref thought it was two.

Jason Guffey

Their support both financially and through endorsements is very significant.

John Stemberger

He's a great kid. He plays hard at both ends.

Darin Hazel

But I speak for both of us a lot of times.

Lillian Bullock

I believe both numbers will be topped this year.

Michael Burgess

You can actually be both, ... They can be synergistic.

Commander Majwalter Bradley

The evidence is unclear. There's research on both sides.

Bill Modzeleski

Both of them are great players.

Milan Baros

Be happy with what you have and are, be generous with both, and you won't have to hunt for happiness.

William E. Gladstone

Probably a little bit of both.

Nancy O'dell

Both of these theories have hurdles.

Alan Vinegrad

Both of those girls have been very committed so far this season.

Charlie Bowman

He's been a tremendous asset for the Sonics, both on and off the court, since we acquired him in 2003.

Rick Sund

It's going to be a win-win situation for both parties.

William Murray

The bank said, 'Come on, John, we can't do that,' but they both cleared the next day and the money was in the bank.

John Cousins

Both times he got up and kept playing.

Paul Woolpert

It has been a challenging and rewarding year, both for me and the company.

Jim Keyes

It was as easy as falling off a log, since Sam and I both come from the same style of blues.

Anson Funderburgh

Both Lindsey and Megan played well for us.

Tara Young

They both take a playful look at the world.

Diane Adams

There's no way he can do both versions. Physically, it's just not possible.

Lloyd Braun

I have seen the hippopotamus, both asleep and awake; and I can assure you that, awake or asleep, he is the ugliest of the works of God.

Thomas Babington Macaulay

Nobody would have thought he would have taken it that far. Now they're both gone.

Darlene Mcintosh

We knew without (Taylor), we had to both step up.

Sean Nelson

The capacity for passion is both cruel and divine.

George Sand

Both votes were overwhelming.

Tom Buffenbarger

Both results were ahead or at the top end of forecasts.

Tim Rees

We know the public is wildly enthusiastic about both.

Kari Appler

It is tough for me to cope with the loss of both of them.

Tony Wragge

If two men on a job agree all the time, then one is useless. If they disagree all the time, then both are useless.

Daryl F. Zanuck

Both are possible. I'm not anticipating the outcome of that visit.

Mark Elgart

They both had the chance to prove they deserved this part.

Cathy Meils

This is a reasonable solution. We'll both lose some things through arbitration, but that's what a negotiation is.

Joe Faraldo

That just makes both of our programs better.

Rob Chapman

They both require time management and there are a lot of balls to juggle.

Shane Kimbrough

Both met with us, and they would very much like to sit down with us about having the Presidents Cup in 2011.

Mike Bodney

I am upset with the effect that both of these issues have had on the public.

Michael Gerber

Both candidates posted their tax returns on line.

Vivian Myrtetus

Vacate the premises both voluntarily and expeditiously.

Muzzy Rosenblatt

Both sides of the gym are served now.

Matt Graves

Matt had an outstanding day. He's a freshman and he won both the mile and the two-mile.

Don Knapp

We have indications to believe that it was in both of their vehicles in the mall parking lot.

Shannon Sessions

We both do all the work, but we each have the places where we shine.

Carol Mcneely

That was the approach the architects took and that the Ross's wanted. They wanted to blend both.

Gary Haughney

In the second half both defenses played well.

David Green

This is good for both parties, good for the country.

Aburizal Bakrie

The iron chain and the silken cord are both equally bonds.

Friedrich von Schiller

We were hoping we would both be able to win one. And that's how it turned out.

Tom Nichols

It's in the middle of the country, and it's got the best of both worlds in it.

William H. Macy

Both offenses produced good results.

Matt Kleinschmit

Both of us played really well today.

Bo Bae Song

I keep both eyes on my man. The basket hasn't moved on me yet.

Julius Erving

I've said that from the beginning. Both of them are good people.

Andy Reid

Complacency by the watchdogs hurts both taxpayers and beneficiaries.

Charles E. Grassley

We'll see movement on both of these issues. It's just a question of when.

John Marble

Both of them are outstanding.

Pete Mitchell

Like Lance Armstrong, they're both going out on top.

John Driscoll

That's exactly what I think both parties are trying to do.

Michael Alvarez

Shot itself in both feet.

Thabo Mbeki

On both sides of the aisle, there are Legislators interested in workers.

Mike Williams

WLP basically met expectations, both in respect to earnings and enrollment.

Joseph France

That's interesting, that it's not just Shari that's going to sit on both boards.

Rich Greenfield