The differences between us as actors, Reese and I, seem to play out between us in our parts, ... I come from doing a lot of theater and I like rehearsals, while Reese jumps straight in. We're unlikely romantic leads that work well together.

Mark Ruffalo

Although we're unlikely to see flooding in UK like that caused by the Boxing Day tsunami and Hurricane Katrina, there is still a significant flood threat here from extreme rainfall and coastal surges.

Barbara Young

There is a chance that the transmitter is malfunctioning ... but we consider that unlikely at this point.

Dave Sherman

The market trend is bad and there is unlikely to be any large-scale buying until after investors see the Bank of Japan's economic outlook report at the end of April.

Osamu Tamada

This has never happened before ... and we believe this relationship is unlikely to persist.

William Bird

Rises in prices may not accelerate, but it's unlikely that they will fall back into negative territory once they start rising.

Toshihiko Fukui

Customers transferring over to us would have to take one of our price plans, and those are different, ... It's unlikely that any carrier involved will offer the same price points and service plans WorldCom originally offered. WorldCom, after all, was competing with us. Basic structure might be the same, but some elements will be different.

Jim Gerace

I would think it was unlikely they would counter offer.

Nick Hatch

December's trade data supported the message from yesterday's industrial production figures that the economy is unlikely to rebalance away from the consumer and towards the external sector any time soon.

Paul Dales

It's very unlikely we will end up in court. We need to demonstrate that we can work together and achieve something.

Martyn Thomas

I think it's pretty unlikely.

Stephanie Gerrard

As we face tougher comparisons in the second half of this year, it is unlikely we will sustain this level of performance, ... Yet, the underlying trends are very encouraging.

Alan Feldman

Nice philosophy/ May tolerate unlikely arguments,/ But heaven admits no jest.

John M. Ford

Chairman Greenspan's testimony next Thursday is unlikely to shift his message to signal that a pause is imminent, ... He will probably maintain confidence that the underpinnings of the recovery are sound and that the adjustment in the manufacturing sector will not broaden.

Bruce Kasman

The market needed something quite extraordinary in the form of Hurricane Katrina to produce the unprecedented high prices that we saw in 2005. It's unlikely ... that all those conditions would repeat themselves.

Michael Ervin

Our polling around [the initiative] indicated that it would be highly unlikely to succeed. We're relieved. This initiative would have been distracting to the real issue of students and schools facing inadequate funding levels in our state.

Charles Hasse

I would love it if they came in while we're playing our show at the Harp [a bar near North Station]. But the chances of that happening are very unlikely.

John Perkins

We find no evidence from the epidemiological perspective or any investigations that humans get this disease. There is some very good, very compelling research out there that says it's very highly unlikely that humans can get this disease.

Terry Kreeger

We concluded that it's highly unlikely that middle ear disease had any impact on children's later development, ... Children are pretty resilient, and it's not as though there's no hearing. They might be turning up the TV or parents might have to speak louder, but these children aren't deaf. When their hearing gets better, they make up for the temporary loss.

Jack Paradise

He's in terrific form, he's been working well and from a physical standpoint it's like looking at a different horse. The big question is the ground. He won't run unless the ground is good or easier and I would have to say at this point he is a highly unlikely starter unless there is some rain or suitable watering.

Harry Herbert

For a church to affirm a sinful behavior is for that church to conduct a fruitless and deceptive ministry. Regardless of the good intentions of Pastor Haney, the ministry his church has facilitated and that he personally supports is a ministry quite unlikely to confront homosexual behavior as a sin. That stance is contrary to Scripture.

Gary Ledbetter

The best board members are those who are the most involved and have time to look out for the interests of shareholders. Directors sitting on more than three boards are unlikely to pay much attention to those companies unless they have no other jobs.

Andrew Metrick

Most companies are educating their employees, and watching the situation closely, but are unlikely to take action until a travel advisory is issued by either the World Health Organization, Centers for Disease Control, SOS, or their government agencies.

Robert Freedman

WorldCom will consider any serious offer but it is highly unlikely we would consider selling any of our core assets such as MCI or local assets.

Howard Jonas

Her greatness lay in doing what everybody could do but doesn't. She was unexpected. She was untitled. (She was) an improbable warrior that was leading an unlikely army of waitresses and street sweepers and shopkeepers and auto mechanics.

Jennifer M. Granholm

I don't think that there's any deception. It's unlikely anyone would walk into our office and take a RAL and not know what they're doing.

Jennifer Foster

It is highly unlikely that he will ever see this child again. The wife has taken steps to terminate parental rights.

William Cataldo

It's very unlikely that things would change.

Janelle Hironimus

Very, very unlikely he will have any other part in this test match and he will probably be out for four to six weeks.

Tommy Simsek

Howard is increasingly telegraphing that it's unlikely that he's going to step aside.

Paul Strangio

What it does mean is Lions Gate and the other studios are very unlikely to get any more of Marvel's good characters.

Ben Fritz

A further significant upward shift in rate expectations seems unlikely in the near term given the current Fed language and the uncertainty about the strength of the data ahead of the March meeting.

Jens Nordvig

Given his violent history and the violence in this case in Tennessee, I would consider parole to be unlikely.

Jason White

This is unlikely to be a significant negative for the dollar. They're unlikely to start moving heavily out of dollars as U.S. assets still yield more than in Europe or other countries.

Tony Norfield

Until we can reach and sustain job growth of at least 150,000 every month, there will be growing slack in the job market. And until that happens, we are unlikely to see the kind of healthy wage and income growth that can sustain a strong recovery.

Lee Price

You're unlikely to see Dell moving up 3 bucks in a day.

Thomas Carpenter

However, it now appears that a cooperative resolution of these issues is quite unlikely and we must move forward with the litigation in order to protect our rights and to get these issues resolved.

Louis Lupin

It might be done I suppose before I leave but I think that a little unlikely.

Paddy Ashdown

The narrowing trade surplus reflects some weakness in electronics exports and rising commodity imports but it's unlikely to be enough to relieve pressure from the U.S. in the short term.

Ben Simpfendorfer

My understanding of Nokia's management makes it unlikely that they would want to do this, ... Nokia has been doing well with organic growth and not doing large acquisitions. On the other hand, Lucent has a lot of assets that might be valuable, and some of those assets might match up well with Nokia. Lucent needs strong management, and Nokia definitely has that.

Paul Sagawa

There are a number of people in the flu community who think it's very likely that a pandemic is going to come and others who think it's very unlikely.

Kathryn Edwards

That's not impossible, but it's unlikely.

Andy Haner

Presently it seems unlikely that he will be able to push through the sorts of reforms and spending decisions that are required.

Dominic Bryant

We think the multiple paid is unlikely to produce much cheer for newspaper investors.

Lauren Fine

The basis is that he's been tried once already, and it's unlikely any jury will convict him.

John Barnett

If this bill lands on the governor's desk, it's very unlikely that the governor would turn her back on that bill.

Liz Boyd

We believe his return this year is unlikely, however, because we are certain Zach will show his new club the skill and leadership that made him successful for six seasons in Chicago.

Peter Wilt

Jaco signed a three-year deal with NEC and it's unlikely they'll release him.

Peter Schultz

But a sour-loan solution remains elusive, the supplementary budget is unlikely to do much for the economy, and the future direction for Wall Street remains unclear.

Masatoshi Sato

Judge Sessions must by law impose the death penalty now that the jury has recommended it except in a very narrow circumstance where he finds there was some misconduct on the part of the prosecution... extremely, extremely unlikely in this case.

Cheryl Hanna

With imports now more than one third higher than exports, it will take a sharp reversal in these growth rates for the trade shortfall to narrow on a sustained basis. Although the U.S. economy is slowing and international economic activity is accelerating, it is unlikely that the trade deficit will narrow anytime soon.

Steve Wood

No storyteller has ever been able to dream up anything as fantastically unlikely as what really does happen in this mad Universe.

Lazarus Long

Any major event will drive up traffic if you have information about it. On the other hand, I think it is unlikely a particular site will be able to maintain the traffic if it's only able to tell them about the weather after people have become aware it is occurring.

Tim Sloan

It looks unlikely the Kiwi dollar will be able to attract significant inflows to offset the maturities.

Sue Trinh

We should point out that significant legal hurdles face the plaintiffs before they could prevail in these cases. Many of the agreements between the managed care companies and the physicians require arbitration and this could defuse the class actions ... However, we believe current HMO valuations assume these lawsuits will be dismissed out of hand. This is unlikely.

David Shove

The sharp downtrend is unlikely to be sustainable particularly from year-end onward because of the seasonal factors but the government would still be able to reach around 10 percent figure by year-end.

Anton Gunawan

This one looks very unlikely. BBVA is currently focused on trying to get (Italy's) BNL. Its priorities after that are in the (southern) U.S. for links with its Mexican business.

Sheila Garrard

OPEC is likely to be a critical event next week. A cut in production, however, seems quite unlikely despite slower fourth-quarter U.S. GDP growth out today and a well-supplied market. The specter of oil supply disruption haunts energy markets.

Jason Schenker

The stock's run very hard into the result on expectations of earnings and valuation upgrades. It's now unlikely those will come through.

Nick Vidale

But it is unlikely that they were much bigger than this one, even in the very distant past.

Brian Mcnamara

Bonds are unlikely to rise as people in the market are aiming for the 1.6 percent coupon.

Akihiko Inoue

It's been marching along on its own all weekend long and we aren't going to do anything more to the spacecraft unless, in the very unlikely event that something goes wrong.

Sam Thurman

We don't expect to have Mike here until the start of May and it's unlikely Mick will arrive any earlier than that because they will be in Bangladesh.

Martyn Moxon

From a betting odds perspective, what is the most unlikely thing to have happened in football?

Paul Griffiths

I would put our chances of qualifying at very low at the moment. We are relying on other people, and they are very unlikely to lose. We are not playing well enough at the moment, and that is the bottom line. We have still got a very tough game tomorrow - and we have got to look hard at what we are doing.

Rhona Martin

When you've got such a large honey pot, it's unlikely that some of these funds aren't going to be put away for a rainy day. I wouldn't bet the rent money that there aren't going to be any offshore bank accounts.

George Grayson

Realistically, the demand for oil around the world is unlikely to be substantially affected by this ? certainly in the next 10 to 15 years.

Reid Detchon

We might ask you in a notice or a letter to explain your answer on something but it would be very unlikely for us to ask you your Social Security number because we already know it.

Anthony Burke

If the FDA wants this product back on the market, they're much more likely to request post-marketing surveillance. Further clinical trials are unlikely to be required, though they're still a possibility.

Richard Parkes

I wouldn't be surprised if we discover more tombs in the next 10 years. For a long time, people thought there was nothing left to find and excavations seemed unlikely to produce much. So instead, they concentrated on recording what was already there.

Kent Weeks

My sense is that the games will break even, but we're unlikely to make a lot of money. It's like having people over to dinner. The food may be not so expensive, but you need to select the right furniture, carpets, and so on.

Tu Mingde

We knew that Philip Morris had announced this policy ... and we wanted to assess how effective that policy is likely to be, ... What we found is although it sounds like a good policy, it is unlikely to reduce kids' exposure to tobacco advertising.

Michael Siegel

We found through lab work that the selenium levels in these samples were perfectly safe. Actually, the selenium level in the entire region is so low that high-selenium plants are unlikely to grow in such an environment.

Shao Shuxun

All the preliminary smears and the antibody tests ... are negative. I recently spoke to his infectious-disease attending physician, and we both feel that [anthrax] is an unlikely diagnosis at this point.

Thomas Ryan

We believe that it is unlikely that Blackstone would make such a large investment intending to be a purely passive investor. This is likely to give rise to general market expectations that further steps will be taken to enhance shareholder value.

James Golob

We are meeting the Department of Environmental Quality's three requirements - quantity, quality and reliability. The exchange sets up a 2005 water right; the purchase is the insurance policy. In the unlikely event that there's a call on the river, it protects the homeowners.

Bob Kudelski

The slight change is unlikely to have much impact.

Vikrom Kronsat

That's probably due to the difficulty of finding channels that are unlikely to raise any objections.

Paul Gallant

[While officials at the plant said a meltdown is highly unlikely, Sullivan indicated there are weather elements that would be a much likelier source of an evacuation.] One of the most severe hazards in Montgomery County is flooding, ... That is something that we see a great deal of throughout the county.

Tom Sullivan

Australian banks have a higher PE ratio, (share price divided by earnings per share), so it would seem unlikely that foreign banks would rush in to launch a dilutive takeover.

John Mulcahy

This change is unlikely to hit anyone immediately, but Greece is more clearly in the crosshairs than any other countries.

Rob Carnell

But PC demand remains brisk, leading to a shortage of components. It's unlikely that the delay will have a major impact on the PC industry. We are not worried too much about it.

Tadashi Okamura

We're unlikely to see a rally in medium-term bonds with core consumer prices edging up.

Makoto Yamashita

Car sales have been strong, the economy is still growing strongly and it seems to me very unlikely that in that environment you would get two consecutive years where oil demand doesn't really grow.

Kevin Norrish

[Bush's strong effort in the state] is probably not going to help him win in California, which at this point seems extremely unlikely, ... But it may force Gore to commit some more resources here to really try to solidify his California Latino base.

Michael Alvarez

While the bug in itself could look like a back door, I find it highly unlikely that it actually is a deliberately placed back door.

Thomas Kristensen

The close ties between belief and behavior suggests that physicians are unlikely to reach agreement anytime soon about what is suitable.

Dr. Farr Curlin

It can't be entirely ruled out, but it looks unlikely to me.

Gwyn Hacche

Bush will continue to keep the pressure up but China isn't going to bow to political pressure. People are paying attention to this, but it's not moving the currency markets and China's unlikely to move again anytime soon.

Simon Derrick

The fact that O'Reilly posted in-line results makes it unlikely that we will see above-consensus results anywhere else within the auto parts retailing industry.

Cid Wilson

While an environment in which the rand remains strong is always appropriate for something more creative, the National Treasury is unlikely to deviate from its consistent path of removing exchange controls gradually.

Colen Garrow

First he wants to cut the grass under the feet of other elements in the regime that favor a more open stance with the U.S.. Secondly, he's a pure product of the revolution, who is just not interested in diplomacy. And finally, the situation in Iraq makes him feel in a position of strength, as an attack from the U.S. or Israel looks highly unlikely at the moment.

Olivier Roy

From our perspective, that scenario would be highly unlikely.

Robert Rowell

This is unlikely to make any significant contribution to the protection of humans against avian influenza.

Juan Lubroth

It looks like it's going to be very unlikely that we're going to be able to just remove the...ramp and fly.

William Gerstenmaier

It was highly unlikely for us to make that many free throws down the stretch.

Brian Morse

The blue stars in the disk are so short-lived that it is unlikely in the long 12-billion-year history of Andromeda that such a short-lived disk would appear now. That's why we think that the mechanism that formed this disk of stars probably formed other stellar disks in the past and will trigger them again in the future. We still don't know, however, how such a disk could form in the first place.

Tod Lauer

I think that it's unlikely that her candidacy will be viewed as viable from mainstream Republicans in New Hampshire unless and until she gives some indication she wants to run. So far my indication is she's given the exactly opposite indication.

Warren Henderson

I think it's unlikely he'll be able to breath on his own. He won't be able to feed himself. He won't be able to see.

Rick Fried

It's an incredible honor, and it's so unlikely. I took a stab at doing this, and it's been extremely well received. ... Phil has gotten an enormous amount of attention, all of it well deserved. I think we've gotten our fair share, and whatever shakes out in terms of Oscar stuff is fine.

Dan Futterman

For prices to drop below the $50-per-barrel range, we would need to see a significant slowing in world growth, which we believe is unlikely at this point.

Bob Doll

[Building a dessert on an unlikely flavor can also be risky business.] If it's warm and chocolate it's nirvana for most people, ... But I can't give away prune desserts.

Claudia Fleming

Something in-between is probably where we are. While the economy remains weak, inflation will gradually grind down. When the economy picks up, it's unlikely then that inflation will grind down further.

Stan Shipley

No one who goes to prison is entirely without some risk. But should they walk away, they are unlikely to do any harm or damage. And, frankly, almost all of them are caught within a fairly short period of time.

Howard Skolnik

There was a period of time when there were so many bad feelings among the various members that a reunion seemed very unlikely.

Eric Carmen

It's unlikely. It's too 'inside.' There would be about 100 people who would be thrilled, but we have to think of the bigger picture.

Eric Bloom

Do we expect it to have the highest test scores in the state? That would be unlikely, ... But we certainly hope that they can meet all their targets and show a lot of progress.

Elliot Krieger

He is saying what everybody has been saying but the real crux is whether he will get rid of non-performers. But it's unlikely because Mugabe runs an elaborate patronage system that continues to reward non-performers. He needs people who can stand up to him and with the resolve to push real political and economic reforms.

Eldred Masunungure

I should think it is unlikely but you never know - never say never.

Elaine Paige

I think we're unlikely to sustain a lot of damage from Hurricane Nate. It's just really going to brush past.

Elizabeth Harris

[Rehnquist's death] is unlikely to make a lot of difference in the court, ... But over the long term, by replacing Rehnquist with another conservative, you lock in the court for 20 years.

Edward Lazarus

We generally see exposure of less than 10 percent of earnings if a strike lasted an entire quarter, which we believe is highly unlikely.

Ed Wolfe

Even though it's unlikely that the arsenic is widespread, it is possible that there are unhealthy levels of exposure.

Fred Schwartz

Within both parties, there are a lot of people who are looking for cues as to people who are viewed as on the rise in one capacity or another. It's unlikely that many of these contributors know the governor personally. More likely, they're getting a cue from somebody.

Earl Black