You can have the wrong guy with the right instrument.

There are slow geochemical processes that can create spherical shapes and filamentous forms. The 'eye of the beholder' may guide us where to look...but that is not proof.

Deep Impact lived up to its name and more. But there are undoubtedly more surprises to be pulled out of the treasure trove of data.

The most significant finding is the nature of the surface of the comet. We now know that it isn't covered in a hard crust. It's a fine-grained, loosely glued layer of organic powder and ice. You couldn't make a snowball on Tempel 1.

Having a chain that does fish tacos would also just add credibility to the whole concept of a fish taco place, so the more the merrier.

This certainly is true for what we think we may see in these unprecedented close-up views of Mars [provided by the rovers]. Science requires testing and proving, not simply suggesting.

I think there's plenty of room in this town for the both of us.

When I was your age, I saw the first satellite go around the earth. Today, you will have a chance to imagine what it's like on the moon.

Jaco signed a three-year deal with NEC and it's unlikely they'll release him.