We want to remove this source so this chemical stops leaking into the ground water and underneath these houses.

Steve Renninger

Japan's labor market is showing a remarkable improvement recently and companies are eager to make new investment. The Bank of Japan probably wants to nip the source of inflation in the bud as soon as possible.

Akio Makabe

Faithful to its core mission of being the most authoritative and credible source of information in the world, emphasizing hard journalistic reporting more than opinion shows.

Walter Isaacson

The other benefit is I think it underscores our blended approach to the business model. Because it is based on Eclipse, it strengthens our open source presence.

Bill Roth

Yes, we did use PCBs, and therefore, the laboratory is probably a contributing source.

James Rickman

You can take all of these medications, but they're not getting to the major source of the problem, which is an overweight society. It's quite a battle and your heart goes out to these people because diabetes is something they think about all the time - it can consume them.

Beth Dziengelewski

It's a good thing. There are a lot of people who will enjoy signing the agreement and getting the source code, ... But for almost everything I write, it won't affect me much at all.

Mark Watson

As the quality of China's frozen strawberries improves and its cost structure remains low, both U.S. and foreign companies will import greater amounts of Chinese product. U.S. frozen processors will have two choices to remain competitive: focus on supplying high-end users who need high-quality product, or begin to source frozen strawberries from China for sale to existing customers.

Chris Noble

If you are in the business world, [the center's] ability to see trends and events and interpret them as they relate to the business community around the world is what makes its conferences and publications so valuable. They are an in-depth, unbiased source of information regarding markets around the world.

Bill Meyer

Sprint has an aggressive plan for mobile broadband leadership ... given the importance of high-speed data services as a revenue source, this is a bold and rewarding move.

Gene Signorini

We like to think that's because West Midlands is the leader in open source in the UK. One of the things that's nice is that there are a number of companies here doing pioneering work with open source.

Paul Cooper

To forget one's ancestor's is to be a brook without a source, a tree without root.

Chinese Proverbs

Historically, it was the primary source of fertilizer for crops. After World War II commercial fertilizer became available to agriculture at relatively low cost, and to some extent manure became a waste by-product of a growing agricultural economy. Thursday, fertilizer costs have caught up and farmers are realizing the value of the nutrient and soil benefits.

Wayne Anderson

The source of the original story came from within the Liberal Party itself. And the new source about the fresh allegations also came from the Liberal Party, including at the very high levels of the Liberal Party.

Greg Baxter

When real businesses choose to use open source, they can't be dependent on sending an e-mail to some distribution list and hoping some smart kid in Finland answers it. They need to know they can phone one organization that's going to be accountable and take them through the whole process.

Ross Chevalier

As more open-source companies emerge, ... I think we'll see this strategy more and more. It makes me wonder how serious some of the companies are about open source.

Michael Goulde

Dell was looking for a services partner to provide assessments and project integration to small-business clients in multiple markets, and we are the primary source for their transactional segment.

Kevin Laughlin

He quizzed Ashton relentlessly on whether he was ready to leave the single life for good. At one point, the source says, Wilmer blurted out, 'Don't do it!' But by then Ashton's mind was made up.

Wilmer Valderrama

The bet that Red Hat is making is that the technologies are finally ready to start to put together an open-source stack.

Tom Berquist

Conventional electricity generation is the largest industrial source of air pollution in the United States, and wind power is a clean and renewable alternative. Whole Foods Market's commitment to wind power is providing an outstanding example of environmental leadership.

Kurt Johnson

[Open source] applications are not integrated into companies' Linux environments. They are built on one off environments so there's no consistency... there are real support issues.

Bob Muglia

She deliberately closed her eyes to the illegal source of those funds.

Richard Sullivan

We treat the manure as a fertilizer source. And when you can smell it, you're losing some of the nitrogen.

Ben Roling

But, there is one advantage, namely timing, ... In the UK, you will suffer deductions of tax at source but if you go offshore the interest is paid gross and you only have to pay tax when you file your tax return. In discussions I have with offshore banks, most of them will not take plain vanilla business from UK residents and domiciled retail business.

Paul Noble

Open source is a business model, and people forget that. It's not a charity. It's about doing good business.

James Thomas

Thought is the original source of all wealth, all success, all material gain, all great discoveries and inventions, and of all achievement.

Claude M. Bristol

It's easier to play a dim character, for me, because I have a natural bent for comedy. It's not intrinsic for me to be crafty, so I would have to go outside for a source of origin. I think of myself as pretty dim.

Stephen Root

If you had the commander-in-chief in your backyard, wouldn't you try to get right to the source to find out when the war was going to end, when the soldiers were coming home? Times change, but people don't.

Kathleen Mitchell

I can understand building an open-source operating system.

Denis Pombriant

Customers prefer to get their solutions from one source.

Stacey Quandt

American journalists go for safe stories. They don't like controversy. They don't like to say, 'I was a witness. I saw this. This is true. This is what happened." You have this constant business where journalists can never be the source; there has to be this anonymous diplomat.

Robert Fisk

This approach puts us on the leading edge of open-source development.

Rob Hughes

Beans are an excellent source of fiber and previous studies have shown that high-fiber diets may help reduce body weight, so this makes sense. They are naturally low in fat and cholesterol-free.

Victor Fulgoni

Religion should be a source for reconciliation, for tolerance and for empathy.

Charles Kimball

It raises the bar for commercial products, because vendors have to offer value on top of what open-source solutions can give you.

Jason Bloomberg

From my limited experience looking at other such packages, ours is much less expensive and better software than the currently existing proprietary tools on the market. Also, it's based on open source technologies, which means there's no vendor lock-in.

Adrian Holovaty

The desire to be singular and to astonish by ways out of the common seems to me to be the source of many virtues.

Marie de Sevigne

There is no knowledge, no light, no wisdom that you are in possession of, but what you have received it from some source.

Brigham Young

It can self replicate, so it can spread itself to other systems. Through e-mail attachments sent on your behalf in your address book. People open the attachments because they come from a trusted source.

Mike Turpin

It is designed to give [service providers] and users a better handle on the volumes of data going through their networks so that they can try and stop the bad traffic closer to the source.

Charles Kolodgy

It appears whoever wrote Zotob had access to the Mytob source code, ripped out the email-spreading section and plugged in the Microsoft exploit.

Graham Cluley

The political hedge used to be a major source of demand for gold. But it is no longer there at the moment.

Fred Demler

As open-source companies continue to create pricing pressure on proprietary software solutions, it will be interesting to see how Microsoft responds subsequent to the release of Longhorn. By 2010 Microsoft will support its applications on Linux and develop an open-source strategy.

Stacey Quandt

It means a lot to them who are wearing it because it's a source of pride.

Penny Davis

The only true source of politeness is consideration.

William Gilmore Simms

The only sure weapon against bad ideas is better ideas. The source of better ideas is wisdom. The surest path to wisdom is a liberal education.

Alfred Whitney Griswold

To me the synthesizer was always a source of new sounds that musicians could use to expand the range of possibilities for making music.

Robert Moog

Just as it is true that a stream cannot rise above its source, so it is true that a national literature cannot rise above the moral level of the social conditions of the people from whom it derives its inspiration.

James Connolly

A new trauma center in Montgomery County would not only reduce the trauma death rate it would be a new source of jobs for county residents.

Jim Becka

However far the stream flows, it never forgets its source.

Nigerian Proverb

Basically, if a child is aware that someone has drugs, alcohol, tobacco, or weapons that would make them feel unsafe in the school, they can go to an anonymous source and if they provide us with important information, then we'll provide a reward for the child.

Susan Woodford

Unique among the nations, America recognized the source of our character as being godly and eternal, not being civic and temporal. And because we have understood that our source is eternal, America has been different. We have no king but Jesus.

John Ashcroft

We are very encouraged that as awareness and use among parents continue to rise to historic levels, trust in the ratings as a reliable source for determining which games are appropriate for their families continues to increase, as well.

Patricia Vance

Everything that we do needs funding from sources, not just a source. And when we get into September we will be going into our after school programs.

Roger Miller

We will take that to the next level and pull together dozens of major open-source projects, and do full analysis of those code bases.

David Park

Online technology is transforming the delivery of financial services. This alliance will open up new dimensions of convenience and control for the consumer. We envision the consumer being able to access, control and document his or her banking and investment activities through a single online source.

Christos Cotsakos

They thought that they were possibly going to have to do excavation because they are trying to figure out what the actual source is.

Wendy Rosenbach

Mobile operators have every interest in rolling out mobile email solutions to their networks. They see mobile email as an indispensable element in their competitive strategy. It will allow them to use excess bandwidth on their networks, especially after their 2.5G/3G network upgrades, reduce subscriber churn, and eventually become a major source of revenue further down the line.

Alaa Owaineh

Kiwi is another good source of fiber so it can help lower cholesterol levels, which can reduce the risk of heart disease and heart attack.

Abby Kallio

The ex-gay ministries are very excited about this, ... An anonymous source tells me that James Dobson called Silo and signed him up for a zoological 'Love Won Out' tour.

Wayne Besen

It appears that whoever wrote Zotob had access to the Mytob source code, ripped out the email-spreading section, and plugged in the Microsoft exploit. It's possible that several people have access to the Mytob source code - so it may not be the last we see of this Internet scourge.

Graham Cluley

It would be a lot easier and more sensible if you were dealing with a single program and single funding source and all that. You're not. And so it may be a loophole.

Gordon Macinnes

What I think is interesting is the way you see the big players reacting, ... Companies like IBM and Sun are mingling in the open-source arena?and have benefited greatly from it?while Microsoft appears to be on the defensive, sitting back trying to protect the kingdom. IBM and Microsoft got their original lead on Apple [Computer Inc.] by being inclusive, not exclusive.

Leon Hess

We're really fortunate now that we have a dedicated source of capital funds from the federal government.

Bob Bourne

What's happening right now is that as the industry matures, we're testing business models. For those companies that have business models where you are driven by a diverse source of revenue stream and where revenues are higher than expenses, you are going to do fine.

Chris Dixon

Sharing your experiences is what really makes open source such a valuable model. As long as people participate, [the products] grow and evolve. It's critical, especially when pursuing [service-oriented architecture] software development, to be responsible individuals. You can't take and not give something back. There's no free ride with open source.

John Mcmanus

When the source is a story. That's a softball question.

Michael Wolff

As much as we love them, our pets leave a lot of manure behind them in yards and on the street and that can be a major source of contamination of ground water.

Will Brinton

Agents remain an essential source of information for consumers, but the relationship is changing as agents play more of a consulting role.

Sherry Chris

The first thing that goes wrong in TV is always sound. Figuring out how to make the right blend of sound to go back into the computer, sorting out which video source is displayed with sound -- those were challenges. Over time, we figured out how to blend environments without feedback or delay.

David Bohrman

Ultimately the people will have to decide which programs they would like to sponsor with additional revenue, ... Any additional revenue source will be at the option of the citizen. IF they feel any additional area is needed, then its their decision whether to fund it.

Michael Brewer

That's like going into a fight with one arm already tied behind your back, and we're getting away from that. No single intelligence discipline or source has all the answers. It has to be brought together with as many sources and capabilities as possible.

Christopher Jackson

We take the open source code, put quality around that and package it as binary that customers can use.

Bill Rich

All of the cases confirmed by the laboratory are people who had close contact with infected, sick or dead poultry. The major point now is to control the outbreak in poultry as it is the source of infection in humans.

Dr. Guenael Rodier

The municipal solid waste generates power from burning the trash we throw away. The developer still needs to secure a source of fuel for that one.

Jeff Deren

We found this was really what they were thinking about. They don't see those [proprietary application server] products as being commodities yet. They're augmenting their investments with open source technology to fill gaps.

Byron Sebastian

[The] single most common source of changing requirements [is] requirements that were not significantly investigated in the first place.

Steve Mcconnell

We believe that there's a great deal of fantastic innovation that will occur above the embedded layer and below the system management layer. There's a lot of really interesting enterprise-class operating system work we believe will be appealing to OEM customers even though they may be the shipping open-source bits as a foundation layer.

Peter Levine

We attach very, very, very, very much importance to open source software. In this nation we consider artistic and scientific creation key, so we want to protect small companies that create and service open-source software.

Renaud Donnedieu De Vabres

FIS provides a host of services designed to help our clients manage their businesses. One way we can do that is to help them navigate the ever-increasing challenges of regulatory compliance. The introduction of our new source code escrow service will help simplify their ability to meet vendor management oversight responsibilities.

Lenny Smith

The region is poor. You know beforehand about the risks in the mines, but let's be realistic, it's the only source of work, especially for those with little education. If you don't work in this, you die of hunger.

Sergio Morales

Politically, it will be helpful to Israel to say to the world, here we are, we have taken a concrete step here, and now it is time for the Palestinians to step forward as well. They are looking at this as a source of goodwill.

Jonathan Katz

Open source is one of those odd phenomena that crops up from time to time that is good for everybody. The software is invariably good quality, and it's free, so it's ideal for any area that does not convey a competitive advantage.

Steve Howe

It makes perfect sense that the most stringent voting system requirements would be coming out of California because that's been the source of the greatest criticism of electronic voting.

Dan Seligson

Knowing how things work is the basis for appreciation, and is thus a source of civilized delight.

William Safire

That's just a huge spread. We think if you allow people to participate directly, it's a more efficient marketplace. People can make a better return on their deposits, which then become the source of credit to others.

Chris Larsen

Be upright in thy whole life; be content in all its changes;so shalt thou make thy profit out of all occurrences; so shall everything that happeneth unto thee be the source of praise.


One of the reasons we came to the States is to diversify, and not be reliant on Iraq as a source of funding, because — let's face it — eventually that has to go away.

Mike Smith

The software that resulted is fully appropriate. It is in fact the Linux open-source software for playing movies on your computer screen.

John Gilmore

But carbohydrates are the body's preferred source of energy. And as a source of carbohydrates, potatoes are a good and nutritious food.

Denise Beatty

There is no comprehensive source on everything you ever wanted to know about a 457.

Marty Walton

The coalition no longer needs to negotiate with the opposition, which can be a source of danger. Differences are sure to emerge within this coalition.

Joseph Ramos

There do appear to be at least two issues where the validity of a signature is at issue. One of those is adverse to us and one of those is adverse to the county. The apparent forged signatures aren't on the primary agreements involved, but we certainly would like to find out the source of forgeries, if there are any.

Tom Rowe

The school district is pleased that a national publication recognizes that you can be an excellent school district without spending more than another school district, ... We have one of the lower per pupil costs in Delaware County. Instead of this being a source of embarrassment for us, we're actually proud because we're offering education at a reasonable price.

Joseph Anderson

This is a valuable contribution to the Linux community that will help open-source developers benefit from Novell's research to create a better, more user-friendly desktop, ... Usability is a key requirement in order to drive the Linux desktop into the mainstream. This ... will help break down some of the barriers to mainstream Linux adoption on the desktop.

Gary Barnett

Music springs from and is replenished by a hidden source which lies outside the world or reality. Music ever spoke to me of a mysterious world beyond, which moved my heart deeply and eloquently intimated its transcendental nature.

Bruno Walter

I am prepared to answer questions identifying the source who released me from my pledge of confidentiality.

Walter Pincus

This acquisition effectively creates a Yahoo! for Linux and open source developers.

Larry Augustin

Wind is a clean, renewable source of affordable electricity, which has the added benefit of strengthening rural communities and helping Missouri farmers. I am very proud to be working with Missouri's electric cooperatives and John Deere Wind Energy to bring this first project to our state.

Tom Carnahan

We've seen an alarming trend of young children being abducted and killed. The most likely source of snatching kids is schools because they're all congregated there, so we need to step it up a little.

Jeff Kottkamp

He wishes he were here. This chair is the source of a lot of pride for him.

Virginia Pearce

The people of this country, not special interest big money, should be the source of all political power.

Paul Wellstone

Standards that have patents in them are going to be very difficult and one of the big areas in the future that are going to cause problems for open source.

Greg Stein

They are concrete proof from an official source and they all are intact. They detail everything, not like US declassified documents that come with the names of those responsible for many atrocities blacked out.

Iduvina Hernandez

Indianapolis is a major source of crime guns. There are a bunch of people who are making a living buying guns in Indianapolis and selling them to criminals.

Jim Kessler

She knows how to investigate where sources are and how to use a source. And they seem to have the kind of patience they'll need. … I think this is a bigger project than they expected.

Derrick Bell

Usenet is like a herd of performing elephants with diarrhea- massive, difficult to redirect, awe-inspiring, entertaining, and a source of mind boggling amounts of excrement when you least expect it.

Gene Spafford

Energy security is top of the agenda for oil-importing nations, efforts are made to diversify the source of oil supplies and build strategic petroleum reserves.

Bharat Sheth

SOA essentially lets other people do your e-government for you. It's freer -- that is, it frees government data, exposing it as a Web service so anyone can build an application. It's extending the open source concept to data.

Phillip Windley

I wanted to use the Internet because while fact and fiction are so easily manipulated and blurred, it has also become an ubiquitous and supposedly reliable source for information.

Joey Skaggs

Because of the Internet, anyone can be a parts dealer. You've got all kinds of people on eBay selling parts. If it wasn't for the Internet we would be a dying breed. It's because of the Internet that it's coming back, and people have a source for parts.

David Simms

My source has now voluntarily and personally released me from my promise of confidentiality regarding our conversations relating to the Wilson-Plame matter.

Judy Miller

Unacceptable source of energy for Chapel Hill.

Joyce Brown

It's always good for purchasing agents to have more than one source.

Bob Brown

This 'commitment' is poisoned - they do it in a way that worsens the situation for free software: because that source code is under Microsoft copyright, developers who have seen the source code cannot re-implement it in Free Software for fear of copyright violation.

Carlo Piana

Across HP, there are thousands of people who contribute to open source. We have a number of processes and tools we've developed to allow different folks in HP to interact with the open-source community that protects our intellectual property and is done in a community-friendly way. We needed to get some pretty crack procedures together. The team doing that has developed some interesting tools.

Christine Martino

Our women are definitely leading the way this time. They're a great source of pride.

Tony Jones

We want to increase revenue and source more business with fewer suppliers.

Perry Mulligan

We're here to help West Midlands businesses better themselves by using open source.

Paul Cooper

For China, Europe is above all a source of capital and technology.

Gilles Guiheux

It appears our least expensive source of wholesale energy is based on the most expensive KCPL generating unit operating, ... As bad as that is, it is better than paying market rates.

Paul Jensen

I recently talked with a CIO who expressed the view that [open source] was free, but his experience was that it cost him a lot of money.

Simon Phipps

Travels with Samantha isn't about self-exposure; it comes from the same motivation that leads people to open-source software: the desire to help people build on what one has learned or done.

Philip Greenspun

Even higher critics have often admitted that the tenth chapter of Genesis is a remarkably accurate historical document. There is no comparable catalog of ancient nations available from any other source. It is unparalleled in its antiquity and comprehensiveness.

Henry Morris

SCSL is not the same as open source, but it could mean big benefits for Sun. [SCSL] opens up the doors and lets vendors innovate who wouldn't consider it before because they didn't want to sell their souls to Sun. We expect to see a significant expansion of Java as a result.

Daryl Plummer

The key source of our concerns was flat short-term signings in the first three quarters of 2005. And in the fourth quarter, short-term signing actually declined 4%.

Bill Shope

You know darn well that the president doesn't have a clue what new source review is. It's clear that there's a coordinated effort between the White House and Congress to put key environmental protections on the chopping block.

Frank O'donnell

Frankly, the allegations amount to hearsay upon hearsay, assumptions and idle rumor, and in one instance they referred to one of those sources as basing his source on street talk. There is a reason none of that has been proven: It is not true.

Kevin Feeley

There's a lot of concern about software patents. There's a huge amount of source code out there, but it's not in a usable form that examiners can access.

John Doll

A prime task of the WHO experts and their Chinese counterparts will be to conclusively decide if the laboratory was indeed the source of these people's infections.

Bob Dietz

We are not anti-open source.

Martin Taylor

This new partnership further stresses the need for A/V installers to offer a pristine power source with IP-addressable remote diagnostics that can support audio/video components as part of a Control4 IP-based system.

Dennis Mariasis

It's not as if this research says there is no need for embryonic stem cells. It continues to show the enormous potential of stem-cell research and highlights the value of embryonic stem cells as a source of research material.

Sean Tipton

The older relatives in your family hold the keys to the information you're looking for, so it's important to be sure you learn as much as you can from them before they're gone. But remember, medical conditions were often a source of shame to older relatives in certain ethnic and racial groups, so it may take some cajoling to get them to open up and share what they see as family secrets.

Rovenia M. Brock

Every source of information comes from a different vested interest. Usually there's a bias built into that information.

Alex Cheung

If we identify another nation as the source of the bombing, we should retaliate.

Warren Christopher

At the end of the day, the Middle East is going to be China's premium source of supply for crude.

Kurt Barrow

It is vitally important that the Internet remains open and accessible to consumers and to service providers and remains the source of innovation it has been over the past two decades.

Gigi Sohn

In a sense, this is like open-source software, but for hardware.

Neil Gershenfeld

And no other source.

Alfred Delucchi

There is no longer any doubt that enterprises are trying to take advantage of the quality, flexibility, and license cost savings that open source software offers. However, they have to take into consideration integration, maintenance, and support costs while deploying and managing their open source infrastructure.

Sophie Mayo

He took the Holocaust out of its Jewish limitations and made it a source of energy in the universal struggle against racism and for human rights. That's probably more important than his role in locating Nazi criminals.

Tom Segev

The whole idea of shared development has been ubiquitous in Unix for years. The Internet has magnified that and open source is bringing collaborative development to a new level.

Doug Michaels

Nobody believes the official spokesman... but everybody trusts an unidentified source.

Ron Nesen

The long term debt has caused us to make these decisions and we still lack a dedicated funding source, ... We need increased revenues to provide better service or to expand existing service.

David Hill

We're in a reformation period with our nuclear program. Potentially, nuclear power is a very valuable power source.

Carl Walz

Red Hat is one of the best-positioned stocks in software and should be able to further capitalize on the growing demand for open source.

Jason Maynard

This is a constant source or frustration for us. There are all these 'off the record' rules.

Karl Wachter

Anyone who expects a source of power from the transformation of the atom is talking moonshine.

Ernest Rutherford

The deviation of man from the state in which he was originally placed by nature seems to have proved to him a prolific source of diseases.

Edward Jenner

Your source material is the people you know, not those you don't know, but every character is an extension of the author's own personality.

Edward Albee

The frequent flyer programs could very well be a major source of financial liquidity for the key carriers that have significant programs.

Julius Maldutis

Turkey is a tremendous food for winter. It's lean, a great source of protein, and from a calorie standpoint, it's remarkably low.

Susan Moores

I was proud to call Dr Rupert a friend. He was always a wonderful source of support and kindness.

Mangosuthu Buthelezi

[However,] most people probably expected them to tighten, ... The policy statement was the source of differing opinions.

Joshua Shapiro

I don't want to take credit, but I think we were a source of encouragement for (Hunter).

Colin Hanna

I would really love to be able to go back to Sudan in a few years time with open source solutions that could really help make a difference.

Neal Mccarthy

If it becomes a revenue-generating source for the city, with traps that are set up to catch people, we will be back to talk to the commission about that.

Laura Green

It's no different from any other journalistic source — it's a tip-off. You then check it out and if it stands up, you publish it.

Vicky Taylor

Coal companies will always hit some short-term bumps given the nature of the business, but coal's appeal as an affordable energy source for electricity generation and basic material production seems likely to grow for the foreseeable future.

Bill D'alonzo

Biomass is the promise and the hope that you don't have to use a food source, or anything near a food source, to create a greater good. You can use agricultural material that would be thrown away. It would be a great way to lower the cost, and that's really the bottom line.

Ann Tucker

This is going to become a big issue. It's already found in so many places in the environment that any new source is of concern.

Tracy Carluccio

Asian consumers, particularly those in China, are viewed as the most important source of industry growth. The demand in Asian countries will go up significantly in coming years, with a burgeoning economy and increasing consumer wealth. Automotive companies recognize the opportunity that awaits.

Betsy Meter

We knew we wanted to head down the Java path, based on our internal capabilities and our team's expertise. But we didn't know that we wanted to go open source.

Steve Bergman

My source genuinely wanted me to testify.

Judith Miller

The trick is to find a dependable source of revenue for transportation. If not, you get education competing with transportation and that just doesn't work.

Sen. Charles Hawkins

They are keeping the source code, (which) means that their product becomes wrapped in it and encapsulated, and in a sense (this is) going against the ideals and benefits of what made Linux useful to them in the first place.

Mark White

If you can get an hour of quietness a day, it will be beneficial to your wellbeing. Noise can be a source of stress.

Angela King

When we were there, our influence on where things were going was dramatically higher because of the lack of an open-source community, standards bodies, and the inability of developers at-large to communicate. Those days are so over, it's frightening.

Rick Segal

Americans don't know what to do about Iraq, other than being angry with the Bush administration for not knowing what to do about it. Iraq is constantly in the background as a source of disappointment and discontent.

Geoff Garin

Parking itself is a very speculative revenue source. We have been hesitant to count on that as too much of a funding source.

Eric Stuckey

Once they get comfortable with Linux it's a comfortable next step to run applications on an open source database.

Zack Urlocker

Martin was really steadfast in who he was, both personally and professionally. That was a source of strength for him. He didn't always fit in, and he was perfectly at peace with that.

Zachary Smith

Jerusalem has been at the heart of the Jewish people throughout all the generations, ... It is the city of judges of Israel, the kings of Israel, and the prophets of Israel; the source of pride of the state of Israel.

Ezer Weizman

It's the only inflation-adjusted income source most older Americans have.

Evelyn Morton

It's important to understand the source (of outbreaks). But at the same time, you can't wait. You have to work concurrently.

Frederic Schwartz

We believe that people are looking for a trusted and objective source of financial advice and investment management expertise to help them achieve financial security.

Eric Parsons

Generally, what we've seen is the vast majority of open source software still focuses on the Linux space, but the amount of open source that will run on Windows is increasing.

Eric Kuzmack

Even if we had a source of funding dedicated today, it's still five to 10 years off.

Eric Anderson

From the corporate perspective, open source is a means, not an end, and if you confuse those you're going to have problems.

Eric Allman

That [expensive gasoline] becomes another source of frustration when people already faced with hardships feel like they're being exploited.

Ephrem Fernandez

...my love for Heathcliff resembles the eternal rocks beneath - a source of little visible delight, but necessary. Nelly, I am Heathcliff - he's always, always in my mind - not as a pleasure, any more then I am always a pleasure to myself - but, as my own being...

Emily Bronte

We've got a start on this, but we need to come up with a dedicated funding source to ensure that we'll be able to do this for the long term.

Emmett Hanger

Aware that his disappointment has its source in a defective education, he looks with anxiety on his other daughters, whose minds, like lovely buds, are beginning to open. Where shall he find a genial soil in which he may place them to expand?

Emma Willard

Other healthful options include fish, a great source of Omega 3 fatty acids, and beans, nuts, and seeds.

Elisa Zied

Eggs are a really affordable source of protein. You could hard boil those and take them to work as a snack.

Elisa Shackelton

Until you know where the source is, how do you know you're treating the right one?

Elaine Post

There often seems to be a playfulness to wise people, as if either their equanimity has as its source this playfulness or the playfulness flows from the equanimity; and they can persuade other people who are in a state of agitation to calm down and manage a smile.

Edward Hoagland

Obviously, if he had a relationship with some law enforcement agency and failed to disclose it: 1. that relationship could be a source of information used to kill these individuals, and 2: failure to disclose it could show that he felt guilty or desired concealment of the relationship.

Edward Hayes

It's just another source of concern as to the strength of the Connecticut economy. The state has been slow to recover the jobs that were lost during the downturn.

Edward Deak

One very important aspect of motivation is the willingness to stop and to look at things that no one else has bothered to look at. This simple process of focusing on things that are normally taken for granted is a powerful source of creativity...

Edward de Bono

This validates the relevance and power that open-source [products] now have in the technology world. We couldn't get a better endorsement.

Ed Boyajian

It's a renewable source of energy that's renewable every year.

Ed Whitehouse

(Open-source firms) are engaging in substantial, active, prosperous business ? making money for their shareholders and helping investors.

Eben Moglen

The sapphire reserves in Madagascar are the largest known in the world. (It) is the major source of sapphires today.

Earl Young

We will continue to reduce costs by improving efficiency in all our operational and business processes, ... We will bring service performance to even higher levels. We will use the best technology to make the mail a rich source of information both for our customers and our operations managers. We will achieve all this with an energized, customer-focused work force.

E. Potter

This is a source of much embarrassment and puzzlement to me about myself. (It) probably requires psychoanalysis of why there is this aberration in my life. The rest of my conduct, I think you will agree, is not reflective of my driving record, and I apologized for it.

Zulima Farber