"Wayne Anderson" is an United States/American late model race car driver. Born in Wildwood, Florida/Wildwood, Florida, Anderson graduated from high school in 1986. He has two championships in the NASCAR Pro-Series, which were in 1999 and 2001. Anderson also participated in the Camping World Truck Series and Sprint Cup Series, which in the Truck Series he was able to get two top-ten finishes. He also won a championship in the Florida Association of Stock Car Racing/FASCAR. Along with his father and Alan Bruns, he created the Florida All Stars Tour. In 2001, he was able to win the Snowball Derby.

More Wayne Anderson on Wikipedia.

Our detectives worked very hard on this, ... There was no smoking gun. It took a real team effort.

This was a hard case, ... It's bizarre.

Turning the corner on viewing manure as a commodity rather than a waste has the potential to improve both the environment as well as the public image of livestock farming.

He was catching up with the two suspects, ... When he caught up with them, Bryan Good turned around with a 12-gauge shotgun at close range and shot him in the chest. They jumped into a truck and started out of the field.

I had to figure it out for myself, so I started reading Kodak books, ... I really enjoyed it when I finally discovered what I was doing.

Under the old rule, nearly all feedlots were required to have a permit. Now most only need to register, but still must comply with laws and rules to protect water quality. This allows us to focus on priorities while reducing paperwork both for producers and the agency.

Historically, it was the primary source of fertilizer for crops. After World War II commercial fertilizer became available to agriculture at relatively low cost, and to some extent manure became a waste by-product of a growing agricultural economy. Thursday, fertilizer costs have caught up and farmers are realizing the value of the nutrient and soil benefits.

This is a huge success, even if we just broke even. Just to have our players play in a venue like this is (great). It's a lot of work, but just watching the players walk in and seeing their eyes was well worth it.

This is a great honor for someone in my sport to receive.